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9 1994, 20 November: Regular combat report of the 2 nd Krajina Corps to the VRS General Staff concerning fi ghting at the routes of access to Bihać 10 1994, 21 November, Knin: Notice of the MUP Public Security Directorate to the RSK MUP Brigade on the dispatching of additional reinforcements of 100 troops, and on the fi nal attack on Bihać being prepared by the forces of Republika Srpska 11 1994, 27 November, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Daily report of the Command of the VRS 2 nd Corps to units involved in the assault on the Bihać safe area concerning the fi ghting and the refusal of the ARBiH 5 th Corps to surrender, and the lack of materiel for sustaining the assault .................................. 254 12 1994, 28 November, Petrova Gora: Report of the 21 st Corps Command to GŠ SVK IKOM Korenica on the commitment of troops and materiel in the assault on the Bihać Safe Haven 13 1994, 2 December: Report of the VRS 2 nd Corps Command to the SVK General Staff on the advance of Croatian forces in Livanjsko Polje and Glamočko Polje, and of Serbian forces towards Krupa - Bihać 14 1994, 5 December: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VSK General Staff on the breakthrough of Croatian forces in the Kupres battlefi eld .......................................................................................... 254 15 1994, 6 December: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the SVK General Staff on assault actions in the Bihać - Krupa battlefi eld and on the pressure of Croatian forces in the Livno - Glamoč battlefi eld 16 1994, 15 December: Report of the 15 th Corps to the SVK General Staff on the troops and materiel committed to the assault on the Bihać safe area 17 1994, 16 December [Knin]: Analysis of SVK material consumption in Operation Spider, and plan of material procurement for continued assault on the Bihać safe area ............................................. 255 18 1994, 18 December: Progress report of the Spider Command to the SVK General Staff on the assault on the Bihać safe area and new off ensive lines 19 1995, 6 January: Communication of the Command of the SVK 15 th Infantry Brigade to subordinate units on the current situation in the battlefi eld and the reasons underlying the gridlock in the assault on the Bihać safe area ................................................................................................................................ 257 20 1995, 17 February: Oštrelj-Petrovac: Summons requesting corps commanders and representatives of the VRS and SVK General Staff to attend the meeting of the Spider Command in order to analyze the gridlock in the assault on the Bihać safe area ................................................................................... 258 21 1995, 1 March, Petrinja: Letter of SO Petrinja to the RSK Ministry of Defence requesting an analysis of developments in the battlefi eld in Western Bosnia, where the Petrinja Brigade suff ered great losses, and answers to questions concerning loss of territory between 1992 and 1994 .............. 258 22 1995, 10 April: Report of the SVK General Staff to Slobodan Milošević, Milan Martić and Momčilo Perišić on Croatian force activities, the situation in Western Bosnia, unit morale, personnel problems and relations with UNPROFOR in the fi rst quarter of 1995 ................................................................. 259 23 1995, 5 May, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VRS General Staff on the meeting in Knin which considered the situation at Bihać and decided to commit RS MUP units in the assault on Bihać instead of the SVK Lika Corps because the latter lacked the required forces 24 1995, 27 May, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VRS General Staff concerning the meeting with Mile Mrkšić, commander of the Spider Operational Group, which considered operations against the ARBiH 5 th Corps and Croatian forces on Mount Dinara and in Livanjsko Polje ........................................................................................................................................................ 263 25 1995, 9 June, Knin: Information of the SVK General Staff Intelligence Department on the breakthrough of Croatian forces towards Mount Šator, the situation in the Bihać theatre and overfl ights of aircraft supplying the Bihać safe area and the ARBiH 5 th Corps from Croatia 26 1995, 11 June, Knin: Extraordinary operational report of the SVK General Staff to S. Milošević, M. Martić and M. Perišić on the situation in the Bihać theatre, in Livanjsko Polje and on Mount Dinara, SVK restructuring and anticipated offi cer reinforcements from the VJ ................................................ 264 27 1995, July, Knin: Plan of counterintelligence security for Operation Sword-1 staged by the Serbian Army of the Krajina and the Yugoslav Army: the use of biological warfare (poisoning) against the troops of the ARBiH 5 th Corps ....................................................................................................................... 267 28 1995, 23 July, Bihać: Report of the ARBiH 5 th Corps and the GS HVO Bihać to the RBiH Embassy in Zagreb on the powerful breakthrough of SVK forces threatening to rout the defences of Bihać ..... 268 180

29 1995, 23 July: Report of the GŠ SVK Intelligence Dept. on the mobilization and movements of Croatian forces along the confrontation line and the humanitarian disaster in the Bihać safe area 30 1995, 24 July, Petrinja: Communication of the SVK 39 th Corps Command to subordinate unit commands on the possible aggression by Croatian forces intended to relieve the threatened ARBiH 5 th Corps ..... 269 31 1995, 25 July, Petrinja: Communication of the SVK 39 th Corps Intelligence Dept. to subordinate units on the possible Croatian airborne assault at Bihać ................................................................................ 270 32 1995, 25 July, Knin: Report of the SVK General Staff to the RSK president on Croatian Army pressures at Grahovo and along the confrontation lines in Croatia 33 1995, 26 July, Bihać: Report of the Command of the ARBiH 5 th Corps to the R BiH Embassy in Zagreb on the diffi cult situation in the fi eld and linkup with Croatian forces as the only solution ....... 271 34 1995, 26 July, Knin: Report of the SVK General Staff to the RSK president on the breakthrough of Croatian forces on Mount Dinara, fi ghting at Bihać and the situation in the zones of other corps 35 1995, 26 July, Knin: Report of the Intelligence Dept. of the SVK General Staff to the Security Directorate of the VJ General Staff on the implementation of the covert operation Sword-1 - the use of biological agents to be added to foodstuff s delivered under cover to the ARBiH 5 th Corps and intended to cause mass poisoning of the troops and knocking them out of action ................... 272 36 1995, 26 July, Knin: Communication of the RSK MUP to the special unit commander on the advance of Croatian forces which broke the defence line at Grahovo and its imminent fall ....................... 276 37 1995, 26 July: Report of Operational Group 1 Command to the Advance Command Post of the VRS General Staff on the advance of Croatian forces in the action at Grahovo ................................. 276 38 1995, 28 July, Bihać: Report of the ARBiH 5 th Corps to the BiH Embassy in Zagreb on chetnik breakthrough at Bugari and heavy attacks from mounts Plješivica and Grmeč ................................................. 277 39 1995, 29 July, Korenica: Report of SUP Korenica to RSK MUP on the deployment of a unit at Resanovo in Republika Srpska aft er the Croatian forces took Grahovo ....................................................... 278 40 1995, 30 July, Knin: Communication of the RSK State Information Agency Iskra on the visit of Ratko Mladić, VRS commander, to Knin and on his statement concerning the assault on Bihać ..... 279 41 1995, 31 July, Vrhovine: Th e command of the 50 th infantry brigade forwarded to all subordinate units the information received from the SVK 15 th Corps on the situation aft er the breakthrough of Croatian forces and the taking of Grahovo and Glamoč, the deployment of HV forces along possible attack positions and proclamation of the state of war .............................................................................. 280 42 1995, 1 August: Order of the command of the 11 th infantry brigade to subordinate units to block UNPROFOR units, in case of a Croatian attack, disarm them and keep them as hostages .... 281 43 1995, 3 August: Report of the Security Department of the 15 th Corps Command to the GŠ SVK Security Department on the increased pressure by Croatian forces which hampers the deployment of fresh forces for the Grahovo operation, and daily exodus of non-combatant population to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ...................................................................................................................... 282 APPENDIX 3 - EVACUATION OF THE POPULATION FROM THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY OF CROATIA BEFORE AND DURING “STORM” 1 1993, 27 January, Benkovac: Report of Autotransport Benkovac to the Benkovac Municipal Crisis Centre on the participation of the company in the plan for the evacuation of the civil population 2 1993, 18 February, Petrinja: Evacuation plan of the Petrinja Civil Defence Centre forwarded by the command of the SVK 31 st Brigade to subordinate unit commands 3 1993, 4 March, Jasenovac: Evacuation plan for the civil population of Jasenovac 4 [1993, 23 March]: Report on civil defence inspection in the municipalities of Vrginmost and Vojnić ...... 287 5 [1993, July; Okučani]: Letter of the Western Slavonia Directorate of the RSK Ministry of Defence to the command of the SVK 18th Corps requesting, in line with the plan for the evacuation of the population to Republika Srpska, the specifi cations of the routes and crossings on the river Sava .................. 290 6 1993, 5 August, Pakrac: Report of the Pakrac municipal civil defence centre to the district civil defence headquarters in Okučani concerning the population evacuation plan in the event of a Croatian off ensive 181

9 1994, 20 November: Regular combat report of the 2 nd Krajina Corps to the VRS General Staff concerning<br />

fi ghting at the routes of access to Bihać<br />

10 1994, 21 November, Knin: Notice of the MUP Public Security Directorate to the RSK MUP Brigade on<br />

the dispatching of additional reinforcements of 100 troops, and on the fi nal attack on Bihać being<br />

prepared by the forces of Republika Srpska<br />

11 1994, 27 November, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Daily report of the Command of the VRS 2 nd Corps to units<br />

involved in the assault on the Bihać safe area concerning the fi ghting and the refusal of the ARBiH<br />

5 th Corps to surrender, and the lack of materiel for sustaining the assault .................................. 254<br />

12 1994, 28 November, Petrova Gora: Report of the 21 st Corps Command to GŠ SVK IKOM Korenica on the<br />

commitment of troops and materiel in the assault on the Bihać Safe Haven<br />

13 1994, 2 December: Report of the VRS 2 nd Corps Command to the SVK General Staff on the advance of<br />

Croatian forces in Livanjsko Polje and Glamočko Polje, and of Serbian forces towards Krupa -<br />

Bihać<br />

14 1994, 5 December: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VSK General Staff on the breakthrough of<br />

Croatian forces in the Kupres battlefi eld .......................................................................................... 254<br />

15 1994, 6 December: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the SVK General Staff on assault actions in the<br />

Bihać - Krupa battlefi eld and on the pressure of Croatian forces in the Livno - Glamoč battlefi eld<br />

16 1994, 15 December: Report of the 15 th Corps to the SVK General Staff on the troops and materiel<br />

committed to the assault on the Bihać safe area<br />

17 1994, 16 December [Knin]: Analysis of SVK material consumption in Operation Spider, and plan of<br />

material procurement for continued assault on the Bihać safe area ............................................. 255<br />

18 1994, 18 December: Progress report of the Spider Command to the SVK General Staff on the assault on<br />

the Bihać safe area and new off ensive lines<br />

19 1995, 6 January: Communication of the Command of the SVK 15 th Infantry Brigade to subordinate units<br />

on the current situation in the battlefi eld and the reasons underlying the gridlock in the assault on<br />

the Bihać safe area ................................................................................................................................ 257<br />

20 1995, 17 February: Oštrelj-Petrovac: Summons requesting corps commanders and representatives of the<br />

VRS and SVK General Staff to attend the meeting of the Spider Command in order to analyze the<br />

gridlock in the assault on the Bihać safe area ................................................................................... 258<br />

21 1995, 1 March, Petrinja: Letter of SO Petrinja to the RSK Ministry of Defence requesting an analysis<br />

of developments in the battlefi eld in Western Bosnia, where the Petrinja Brigade suff ered great<br />

losses, and answers to questions concerning loss of territory between 1992 and 1994 .............. 258<br />

22 1995, 10 April: Report of the SVK General Staff to Slobodan Milošević, Milan Martić and Momčilo Perišić<br />

on Croatian force activities, the situation in Western Bosnia, unit morale, personnel problems and<br />

relations with UNPROFOR in the fi rst quarter of 1995 ................................................................. 259<br />

23 1995, 5 May, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VRS General Staff on the<br />

meeting in Knin which considered the situation at Bihać and decided to commit RS MUP units in<br />

the assault on Bihać instead of the SVK Lika Corps because the latter lacked the required forces<br />

24 1995, 27 May, Oštrelj-Petrovac: Report of the 2 nd Corps Command to the VRS General Staff concerning<br />

the meeting with Mile Mrkšić, commander of the Spider Operational Group, which considered<br />

operations against the ARBiH 5 th Corps and Croatian forces on Mount Dinara and in Livanjsko<br />

Polje ........................................................................................................................................................ 263<br />

25 1995, 9 June, Knin: Information of the SVK General Staff Intelligence Department on the breakthrough<br />

of Croatian forces towards Mount Šator, the situation in the Bihać theatre and overfl ights of aircraft<br />

supplying the Bihać safe area and the ARBiH 5 th Corps from Croatia<br />

26 1995, 11 June, Knin: Extraordinary operational report of the SVK General Staff to S. Milošević, M. Martić<br />

and M. Perišić on the situation in the Bihać theatre, in Livanjsko Polje and on Mount Dinara, SVK<br />

restructuring and anticipated offi cer reinforcements from the VJ ................................................ 264<br />

27 1995, July, Knin: Plan of counterintelligence security for Operation Sword-1 staged by the Serbian Army<br />

of the Krajina and the Yugoslav Army: the use of biological warfare (poisoning) against the troops<br />

of the ARBiH 5 th Corps ....................................................................................................................... 267<br />

28 1995, 23 July, Bihać: Report of the ARBiH 5 th Corps and the GS HVO Bihać to the RBiH Embassy in<br />

Zagreb on the powerful breakthrough of SVK forces threatening to rout the defences of Bihać ..... 268<br />


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