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storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ... storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...
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142 ARBiH FIFTH CORPS IN STORM With their operation Summer-95 the Croatian forces relieved the position of the ARBiH 5 th Corps. Th e Serbian off ensive in July did not continue over the fi rst three days in August. Attacks were still mounted, but of a much lower intensity, and 5 th Corps forces began to mount counterattacks. Th e 5 th Corps also provided its own contribution on the fi rst day of Storm. Part of its forces was also engaged towards Croatian territory at Bugar - Rakovica and Glodina - Ivanjska - Dvor na Uni. Two battalions were committed along the Plitvice - Korenica axis with the objective to link up as quickly as possible with Croatian forces. 460 At the request of the HV General Staff , on 5 August the HVO General Staff informed the Joint Staff of the Army of the Federation of Bosnia&Herzegovina that ARBiH and HV forces would link up at the intersection of the Slunj - Ličko Petrovo Selo and Slunj - Plitvice roads. 461 One day later, on 6 August in the morning, ARBiH and HV forces linked up for the fi rst time at Rakovica. On the same day, in the confusion created by Storm the ARBiH dealt for good with the autonomist ambitions of Fikret Abdić and his armed forces, and thus remained the only Bosniak political and military option in the theatre. 462 It is advance towards Dvor na Uni the ARBiH 5 th Corps attacked along the Čokovača - Visoka Glava - Kotorani axis and point 551 - Hleb. Dvor na Uni was defended by the SVK 3 rd Infantry Brigade. Until 6 August it put up an organized defence, which was disrupted aft er reports that Petrinja and Kostajnica had been liberated. Until late aft ernoon the brigade held the Žirovac - Dvor line. On 7 August part of the brigade was engaged in the 460 B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 518-520. 461 HR HB, GS HVO, cl. str. conf. 80-01/95-02/03, reg. no. 02-10-03-95-01 of 5 August 1995. According to the HVO report on Storm, troops of the ARBiH 5th Corps passed Nebljuse and entered the village of Kruge, 10 km from Donji Lapac, already on 4 August (Th e Military Operation ‘Storm’ and Its Aft ermath, Croatian Helsinki Committee, Zagreb 2001, 16). Aft er the linkup between the HV 1st Guards Brigade and the ARBiH 502nd Mountain Brigade at Rakovica on 5 August, states the CIA analysis, on 6 August the two formations were directed to press north towards Slunj, liberated by Croatian forces in the aft ernoon hours. Petrinja, Kostajnica and Glina were liberated on the same day. Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav Confl ict, 1990-1995, 373. Of course, the ARBiH 502nd Brigade did not participate in the liberation of Slunj. 462 B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 523-525.

defence of the bridgehead on the river Una and withdrawal to Bosnia&Herzegovina. 463 Th ere was fi erce fi ghting between the ARBiH and the SVK remnants on 8 August at Žirovac -Dvor na Uni during the withdrawal of the Serbian population and some units from Kordun and Banovina to Bosnia&Herzegovina. 464 5. Th korpus e ARBiH Armije 5 BiH th Corps HV General Marijan Mareković and ARBiH General HV-a Marijan Marekovi} i general ABiH General Atif Atif Dudakovi}, Dudaković 6. kolovoza at Tržačka 1995. Raštela kod Tr`a~kih on 6 August Ra{tela 1995. 463 M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 236. According to CIA analysts, the ARBiH 5th Corps also deserves credit for the Croatian breakout at Petrinja because the ARBiH attack deprived the SVK Banija Corps of reserves which could have been fed to the Petrinja battle. Of course, they admit that in time the HV would have broken through the SVK positions even without the help of the ARBiH, but at a greater cost in manpower and time. Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav Confl ict 1990- 1995, 370. CIA analysts neglected the situation in the remaining parts of the theatre and the fast withdrawal of other SVK corps, which certainly had a bearing on the action of the SVK Banija Corps. Th ey also underestimated the performance of the SVK 33rd Infantry Brigade, which held back ARBiH forces for three days. Accordingly, their assessments about a major contribution of the ARBiH in Banovina are unfounded. Cf. M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 218-219, and B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 520-521. 464 B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 523-525. 143

142<br />


With their operation Summer-95 the Croatian forces relieved the position of<br />

the ARBiH 5 th Corps. Th e Serbian off ensive in July did not continue over<br />

the fi rst three days in August. Attacks were still mounted, but of a much<br />

lower intensity, and 5 th Corps forces began to mount counterattacks. Th e 5 th Corps also<br />

provided its own contribution on the fi rst day of Storm. Part of its forces was also engaged<br />

towards Croatian territory at Bugar - Rakovica and Glodina - Ivanjska - Dvor na Uni.<br />

Two battalions were committed along the Plitvice - Korenica axis with the objective to<br />

link up as quickly as possible with Croatian forces. 460<br />

At the request of the HV General Staff , on 5 August the HVO General Staff informed<br />

the Joint Staff of the Army of the Federation of Bosnia&Herzegovina that ARBiH and<br />

HV forces would link up at the intersection of the Slunj - Ličko Petrovo Selo and Slunj<br />

- Plitvice roads. 461 One day later, on 6 August in the morning, ARBiH and HV forces<br />

linked up for the fi rst time at Rakovica. On the same day, in the confusion created by<br />

Storm the ARBiH dealt for good with the autonomist ambitions of Fikret Abdić and his<br />

armed forces, and thus remained the only Bosniak political and military option in the<br />

theatre. 462<br />

It is advance towards Dvor na Uni the ARBiH 5 th Corps attacked along the Čokovača -<br />

Visoka Glava - Kotorani axis and point 551 - Hleb. Dvor na Uni was defended by the SVK<br />

3 rd Infantry Brigade. Until 6 August it put up an organized defence, which was disrupted<br />

aft er reports that Petrinja and Kostajnica had been liberated. Until late aft ernoon the<br />

brigade held the Žirovac - Dvor line. On 7 August part of the brigade was engaged in the<br />

460 B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 518-520.<br />

461 HR HB, GS HVO, cl. str. conf. 80-01/95-02/03, reg. no. 02-10-03-95-01 of 5 August 1995. According<br />

to the HVO report on Storm, troops of the ARBiH 5th Corps passed Nebljuse and entered the village of<br />

Kruge, 10 km from Donji Lapac, already on 4 August (Th e Military Operation ‘Storm’ and Its Aft ermath,<br />

Croatian Helsinki Committee, Zagreb 2001, 16). Aft er the linkup between the HV 1st Guards Brigade and<br />

the ARBiH 502nd Mountain Brigade at Rakovica on 5 August, states the CIA analysis, on 6 August the two<br />

formations were directed to press north towards Slunj, liberated by Croatian forces in the aft ernoon hours.<br />

Petrinja, Kostajnica and Glina were liberated on the same day. Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History<br />

of the Yugoslav Confl ict, 1990-1995, 373. Of course, the ARBiH 502nd Brigade did not participate in the<br />

liberation of Slunj.<br />

462 B. Felić, «Peti korpus 1992-1995» (Th e Fift h Corps 1992-1995), 523-525.

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