storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

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order of the President of the Republic Dr. Franjo Tuđman. General Stipetić regrouped the 153 rd Brigade and the Glina Regiment and ordered the commitment of the 102 nd Brigade on the Glina axis. Darkness and the lack of a reserve for TG-2 frustrated the intention. At the left fl ank of TG-2 two infantry platoons of the HV 2 nd Guards Brigade and 12 th Home Guard Regiment attacked the Hunting Lodge. Th e commander of a company of the 12 th Home Guard Regiment was killed in the attack, which was discontinued and the units withdrew, partly in a disorganized fashion, from the area. 361 East of Petrinja units of the HV 57 th and 101 st Brigades held their positions set up the day before, 362 while the 57 th Brigade was reinforced in the morning by the commitment of the second battalion of the HV 149 th Brigade in order to protect the fl anks of the achieved line in the envelopment of the Komarevo - Blinja road. 363 In the Sunja theatre, aft er failure on the fi rst day of the operation and regrouping, the 17 th Home Guard Regiment again tried at noon to break through the Serbian defence line. Aft er artillery preparation and with the support of two tanks of the 2 nd Guards Brigade it attacked and captured the village of Strmen and then seized the Strmen - village of Slovinci road. In the evening part of the regiment attacked Vedro Polje but gained no ground. 364 Th e 151 st Brigade also achieved some progress. By pushing on from Bobovac towards the bridge on the river Sunja in reached by early evening the village of Slovinci, while some of its units set up the position for sustaining the assault west of the same village in front of the railway. 365 During the day the HV 145 th Brigade was transferred by order of the commander of the Zagreb Corps District from Popovača to the villages of Bobovac, Stremen and Kratečko. In the evening the brigade was ordered to mount the attack towards Selište Kostajničko through the battle formation of the HV 151 st Brigade. 366 By 2200 it seized the Sunja railway station at the entrance to the village of Drljače. Th e attack was not continued because of the dark. 367 361 MORH, GSHV: TG commander, 12 August 1995, report on TG action. According to other sources, TG-2 units did not «engage in combat actions» on 5 August, and the commander of the Moščenica company, Lieutenant Božan Martan, was killed on 4 August. Domagoj Bernić, Hrvoje Bešlić, Vladimir Krpan, «Katalog izložbe ‘Pobjeda’: Povodom 10. obljetnice vojno-redarstvene operacije ‘Oluja’. 1995-2005» (Catalogue of the Exhibition ‘Victory’: On the Tenth Anniversary of the Military-Police Operation ‘Storm’, 1995-2005), Petrinja 2005. Comments of General Petar Stipetić on the text about the Zagreb Corps District in the military-police operation Storm. 362 MORH, GSHV: APO 3099, cl. 119-01/95-01, reg. no. 3099-01/95-092/1 of 13 August 1995; Analysis. MORH, GSHV: APO 2123, cl. 8/95-01, reg. no. 2123-02/02/2-95-733/2 of 6 September 1995; Action analysis. 363 MORH, GSHV: APO 3006, cl. 803-02/95-06, reg. no. 3006-07-95-0927 of 5 August 1995; Daily opera- tional report. 364 MORH, GSHV: APO 8314, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 8314-01/01-2-95-184 of 5 September 1995; Action analysis. 365 MORH, GSHV: APO 3008, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3008-01/95-559 of 4 August 1995; Action com- ments. 366 MORH, GSHV: AP0 3002, cl. 030-01/95-01, reg. no. 3002-01/95-1451 of 6 September 1995; Analysis. 367 MORH, GSHV: APO 2125, cl. 8/95-01/951, reg. no. 2125-02/95-66 of 1 September 1995; Action analysis. On 5 August, comments the CIA analysis, the Zagreb Corps District was still making heavy weather against General Tarbuk’s SVK Banija Corps, but the weight of the HV was beginning to wear down the Serbs. Th e 122

Petrinja was fi nally liberated on 6 August, and the main body of the SVK Banija Corps withdrew towards Dvor na Uni. Aft er vigorous artillery preparation TG-2 mounted its attack, captured Martinovo Vrelo and, via Češko Selo, reached at 0700 the entrance to Petrinja. 368 Th e 12 th Home Guard Regiment entered Petrinja from the west and was deployed in and around the town. 369 Th e 57 th Brigade seized the greater area of Petrinja with no major resistance, took the villages of Stražbenica and Blinja and gained by noon total control of the Petrinja - Kostajnica road. 370 Th e second battalion of the 149 th Brigade was left in charge of the Komarevo - Letovanci communication. 371 Aft er the liberation of Petrinja and the withdrawal of the Serbian forces towards Dvor na Uni, the liberation of Glina became a matter of hours in spite of stiff Serbian opposition encountered by the 20 th Home Guard Regiment in some places, e.g., at Marinbrod, Prekopa and Hađer. 372 Nevertheless, parts of the regiment entered Glina in the evening, 373 along with police units and part of the HV 153 rd Brigade, which had been transferred to the village of Gora aft er two days of aborted actions via Pokupsko and Hotnja. 374 Th ere it received the order to assist with part of its units the advance of the 20 th Home Guard Regiment towards Glina. 375 Th e Brigade seized Graberje - Novo Selo Glinsko - Brkići in order to push on towards the village of Maja with the 2 nd Guards Brigade. 376 Glina was liberated in the night of 6 August, and units of the 20 th Home Guard Regiment took over control of the surrounding villages. 377 Aft er the liberation of Petrinja and during the capture of Glina the main body of the Zagreb Corps District was engaged in the liberation of the Banovina region and the mopping-up of the region, especially of the Zrinska Gora massif. Th e main role was played by the 2 nd Guards Brigade by enveloping the Glina - Dvor na Uni communication. By 6 August at noon the main body of the brigade seized Gornja Bačuga and Donja fi rst break against the SVK came was the loss of Hrvatska Dubica, liberated by the 125th Home Guard Regiment. A renewed drive from the Sunja area forced the SVK to begin falling back towards Kostajnica. Th e breakout of the ARBiH 5th Corps from the Bihać enclave early on 5 August forced the SVK to use its only reserve unit - the 33rd Infantry Brigade - to block this drive into the corps’ rear area. Th is was particularly important because without this reserve the SVK was unable to stop the tenacious HV 2nd Guards Brigade from grinding down the SVK 31st Brigade troops around Petrinja. Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav Confl ict, 1990-1995, 371. 368 MORH, GSHV: TG commander, 12 August 1995. TG action report. 369 MORH, GSHV: APO 8252, cl. 81/05-95/02, reg. no. 8258-06/95-60 of 5 September 1995; Action analysis. 370 MORH, GSHV: APO 3099, cl. 119-01/95-01, reg. no. 3099-01/95-092/1 of 13 August 1995. 371 MORH, GSHV: APO 3006, cl. 8/95-01/4, reg. no. 3006-07-95-1059-01 of 4 September 1995; Action analysis. 372 MORH, GSHV: TG commander, 12 August 1995; TG action report. 373 MORH, GSHV: APO 8259, cl. 81/95-01/08, reg. no. 8259-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Action analysis. 374 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Operational daily report. 375 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-07 of 7 August 1995; Operational daily report. 376 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Operational daily report. 377 MORH, GSHV: Command of the 20th Home Guard Reg., 7 August 1995; Battle report no. 07. 123

Petrinja was fi nally liberated on 6 August, and the main body of the SVK Banija Corps<br />

withdrew towards Dvor na Uni. Aft er vigorous artillery preparation TG-2 mounted its<br />

attack, captured Martinovo Vrelo and, via Češko Selo, reached at 0700 the entrance<br />

to Petrinja. 368 Th e 12 th Home Guard Regiment entered Petrinja from the west and was<br />

deployed in and around the town. 369 Th e 57 th Brigade seized the greater area of Petrinja<br />

with no major resistance, took the villages of Stražbenica and Blinja and gained by noon<br />

total control of the Petrinja - Kostajnica road. 370 Th e second battalion of the 149 th Brigade<br />

was left in charge of the Komarevo - Letovanci communication. 371<br />

Aft er the liberation of Petrinja and the withdrawal of the Serbian forces towards<br />

Dvor na Uni, the liberation of Glina became a matter of hours in spite of stiff Serbian<br />

opposition encountered by the 20 th Home Guard Regiment in some places, e.g., at<br />

Marinbrod, Prekopa and Hađer. 372 Nevertheless, parts of the regiment entered Glina in<br />

the evening, 373 along with police units and part of the HV 153 rd Brigade, which had been<br />

transferred to the village of Gora aft er two days of aborted actions via Pokupsko and<br />

Hotnja. 374 Th ere it received the order to assist with part of its units the advance of the<br />

20 th Home Guard Regiment towards Glina. 375 Th e Brigade seized Graberje - Novo Selo<br />

Glinsko - Brkići in order to push on towards the village of Maja with the 2 nd Guards<br />

Brigade. 376 Glina was liberated in the night of 6 August, and units of the 20 th Home<br />

Guard Regiment took over control of the surrounding villages. 377<br />

Aft er the liberation of Petrinja and during the capture of Glina the main body of the<br />

Zagreb Corps District was engaged in the liberation of the Banovina region and the<br />

mopping-up of the region, especially of the Zrinska Gora massif. Th e main role was<br />

played by the 2 nd Guards Brigade by enveloping the Glina - Dvor na Uni communication.<br />

By 6 August at noon the main body of the brigade seized Gornja Bačuga and Donja<br />

fi rst break against the SVK came was the loss of Hrvatska Dubica, liberated by the 125th Home Guard Regiment.<br />

A renewed drive from the Sunja area forced the SVK to begin falling back towards Kostajnica. Th e<br />

breakout of the ARBiH 5th Corps from the Bihać enclave early on 5 August forced the SVK to use its only<br />

reserve unit - the 33rd Infantry Brigade - to block this drive into the corps’ rear area. Th is was particularly<br />

important because without this reserve the SVK was unable to stop the tenacious HV 2nd Guards Brigade<br />

from grinding down the SVK 31st Brigade troops around Petrinja. Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History<br />

of the Yugoslav Confl ict, 1990-1995, 371.<br />

368 MORH, GSHV: TG commander, 12 August 1995. TG action report.<br />

369 MORH, GSHV: APO 8252, cl. 81/05-95/02, reg. no. 8258-06/95-60 of 5 September 1995; Action analysis.<br />

370 MORH, GSHV: APO 3099, cl. 119-01/95-01, reg. no. 3099-01/95-092/1 of 13 August 1995.<br />

371 MORH, GSHV: APO 3006, cl. 8/95-01/4, reg. no. 3006-07-95-1059-01 of 4 September 1995; Action analysis.<br />

372 MORH, GSHV: TG commander, 12 August 1995; TG action report.<br />

373 MORH, GSHV: APO 8259, cl. 81/95-01/08, reg. no. 8259-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Action analysis.<br />

374 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Operational daily<br />

report.<br />

375 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-07 of 7 August 1995; Operational daily<br />

report.<br />

376 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/01, reg. no. 3010-01/95-06 of 6 August 1995; Operational daily<br />

report.<br />

377 MORH, GSHV: Command of the 20th Home Guard Reg., 7 August 1995; Battle report no. 07.<br />


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