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Pontoon Battalion and the 1 st Sisak Composite River Task Force - were committed to other missions within the scope of the operation, from air defence of the vital military facilities and infrastructure in Zagreb and Sisak to engineer support of the operation. Th ree artillery-rocket groups were formed for artillery support, including the 6 th Artillery Battalion, the 8 th Howitzer-Artillery Battalion, one battalion of the 16 th Artillery- Rocket Brigade, some artillery units of the 2 nd Guards Brigade and the 202 nd Air Defence Artillery-Rocket Brigade. Th ey were to provide artillery support along the axes Sunja - Kostajnica, Madžari - Blinja, the village of Brkiševina - the village of Viduševac - Glina and Sisak - Petrinja - Maja - Obljaj. Two anti-armour detachments were formed from the 5 th Anti-Armour Artillery- Rocket Brigade and two platoons of the 33 rd Engineer Brigade. Th eir mission was antiarmour combat at Glinska - Polaja - Nebojan, Župić - Nebojan and Petrinja - Moščenica, and defence against attacks from Vedro Polje and the village of Novoselci. In the second phase they were responsible for anti-armour action at Kostajnica - village of Panjani and the village of Volinja - Kostajnica, and direct engagement of targets on the right bank of the river Una in order to prevent traffi c between Bosanska Kostajnica and Bosanski Novi. Two Mi-24 helicopter gunships would provide air support. Th e command post was in Zagreb, and advance command posts in Sisak and Sunja. Th e commander of the Zagreb Corps District was Major-General Ivan Basarac. 335 Th e temporarily occupied area of Banovina was defended by the SVK Banija Corps, headquartered in Glina. It included the 24 th , 26 th and 33 rd Infantry Brigades, the 31 st Motorized Brigade, the Caprag and Obljaj detachments and the 87 th rear base. Th e Corps commander was Major-General Slobodan Tarbuk. 336 Th e mission of the Banija Corps was to stop the HV breakthrough to Glinska Poljana - Glina, to the village of Farkašić - Petrinja - Dvor and from Sunja to Kostajnica, break the attack and create conditions for off ensive actions. Following that, aft er regrouping the Corps would counterattack, crush the HV forces and set up defensive positions along the rivers Kupa and Sava. Th e artillery group of the SVK General Staff , the 105 th Air Brigade and the Air Force of Republika Srpska were earmarked for support. 337 118 Execution of the Operation Th e HV 20 th Home Guard Regiment set off towards Glina as planned on 4 August. Aft er the successful forced crossing of the river Kupa at the village of Brkiševina, it pushed on to Stražišće and Gornje Jame. Th e assault ground to a halt because of stiff Serbian resistance and heavy casualties; many members of the regiment were killed or wounded. Th e regiment retreated to the village of Slana and held on to the bridgehead at the village of 335 MORH, GSHV: ZZP Zagreb, cl. 8/95-0174, reg. no. 1075-12/95-171 of 1 August 1995; Attack order. 336 HDA, RSK: APO 9136 Glina, conf. no. 31-247 of 15 November 1994; Manning as per wartime complement. M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade). 337 VSA, MORH: Directive for the commitment of the Serbian Army of the Krajina, Op. no. 1, “GVOZD”. February 1995. M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 239.

Stankovac. 338 Th e HV 153 rd Brigade attacking towards Pokupsko - Šišinec - Brkiševina fared no better. Two of its battalions crossed the Kupa and returned to their jump-off positions. One battalion remained on the left bank of the Kupa at the village of Gornja Bučica and the hamlets of Božurići - Kaurići. 339 Although Glina was not seriously threatened, late in the evening the SVKJ General Staff ordered the commander of the Special Unit Corps to shift the 2 nd Armoured Brigade from the Slunj training site to the greater area of Glina in order to prevent a quick breakthrough of Croatian forces towards Topusko and Dvor na Uni. 340 Th e liberation of Petrinja was the main objective of the Zagreb Corps District in the fi rst stage of the operation. Strong forces were assembled for the mission - the envelopment and the liberation of the town. Along the western axis the main body of the 12 th Home Guard Brigade attacking via Konjska Glava was stopped in front of mine fi elds, and forced to retreat by mortar and artillery fi re. At its right fl ank the regiment succeeded in seizing the greater part of Župić Brdo by nightfall. 341 Th e main body of the 2 nd Guards Brigade liberated the villages of Sibić, Gora, Graberje and part of the village of Strašnik. Because of fi ve men killed in action, including one company commander, the brigade had a passing crisis, refl ected in the incomplete capture of the village of Strašnik. 342 Th ere was also panic on the other side in the ranks of the SVK 31 st Motorized Brigade, which managed to stabilize its position by bringing in reinforcements as well as owing to reduced Croatian pressure. 343 Th e main role along the eastern axis of the attack of Petrinja was entrusted to Tactical Group 2 (TG-2), which comprised a reinforced battalion of the HV 2 nd Guards Brigade, some smaller units of the HV 12 th Home Guard Regiment, the 5 th Anti-Armour Artillery-Rocket Battalion and the 31 st Engineer Battalion. Aft er artillery preparation, TG-2 pushed on via Moščenica towards Petrinja, liberated the hamlet of Kolonija Češkog Sela and eliminated the Serbian forces in the Finel plant. Aft er this it was stopped with heavy casualties in the centre of Češko Selo. Six Guardsmen were killed in action, including the commander of the 2 nd Battalion of the 2 nd Guards Brigade, Colonel Predrag Matanović, ten were severely and twenty lightly wounded. Two T-55 tanks and one M-80 infantry fi ghting vehicle were destroyed, one T-55 tank with mine clearance gear got stuck, and one armoured fi ghting vehicle was captured. 344 Aft er receiving reinforcements the command of the SVK 31 st Motorized Brigade stabilized its position. 345 338 MORH, GSHV: APO 8259, cl. 81/95-01/08, reg. no. 8259-01/95-40 of 5 September 1995; Action analysis. 339 MORH, GSHV: APO 3010, cl. 81/95-01/08, reg. no. 3010-01/95-40 of 4 August 1995; Report for 4 August. 340 M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 182. 341 MORH, GSHV: APO 8252, cl. 81/05-95/02, reg. no. 8258-06/95-60 of 5 September 1995; Action analysis. 342 MORH, GSHV: deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Brigade of 12 August 1995; data concerning action along the main attack line. MORH, GSHV: APO1112/10, cl. str. conf. 8/95-01/30, reg. no. 1112-30/01-95-86 of 31 August 1995; Report. MORH, GSHV: APO 1112/30, cl. 8/95-01/32, reg. no. 1112-32/01-95-175 of 4 September 1995; Action analysis. 343 M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade). 344 MORH, GSHV: TS-2 commander, 12 August 1995; Report on TS-2 action. MORH, GSHV: APO 1112/20 (2/2nd Guards Brig.), c l. str. conf. 030-03/95-01/6, reg. no. 1112-31/01-95-1 of 3 September 1995; Action analysis. 345 M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 234. 119

Pontoon Battalion and the 1 st Sisak Composite River Task Force - were committed to<br />

other missions within the scope of the operation, from air defence of the vital military<br />

facilities and infrastructure in Zagreb and Sisak to engineer support of the operation.<br />

Th ree artillery-rocket groups were formed for artillery support, including the 6 th<br />

Artillery Battalion, the 8 th Howitzer-Artillery Battalion, one battalion of the 16 th Artillery-<br />

Rocket Brigade, some artillery units of the 2 nd Guards Brigade and the 202 nd Air Defence<br />

Artillery-Rocket Brigade. Th ey were to provide artillery support along the axes Sunja -<br />

Kostajnica, Madžari - Blinja, the village of Brkiševina - the village of Viduševac - Glina<br />

and Sisak - Petrinja - Maja - Obljaj.<br />

Two anti-armour detachments were formed from the 5 th Anti-Armour Artillery-<br />

Rocket Brigade and two platoons of the 33 rd Engineer Brigade. Th eir mission was antiarmour<br />

combat at Glinska - Polaja - Nebojan, Župić - Nebojan and Petrinja - Moščenica,<br />

and defence against attacks from Vedro Polje and the village of Novoselci. In the second<br />

phase they were responsible for anti-armour action at Kostajnica - village of Panjani and<br />

the village of Volinja - Kostajnica, and direct engagement of targets on the right bank<br />

of the river Una in order to prevent traffi c between Bosanska Kostajnica and Bosanski<br />

Novi. Two Mi-24 helicopter gunships would provide air support. Th e command post<br />

was in Zagreb, and advance command posts in Sisak and Sunja. Th e commander of the<br />

Zagreb Corps District was Major-General Ivan Basarac. 335<br />

Th e temporarily occupied area of Banovina was defended by the SVK Banija Corps,<br />

headquartered in Glina. It included the 24 th , 26 th and 33 rd Infantry Brigades, the 31 st<br />

Motorized Brigade, the Caprag and Obljaj detachments and the 87 th rear base. Th e Corps<br />

commander was Major-General Slobodan Tarbuk. 336<br />

Th e mission of the Banija Corps was to stop the HV breakthrough to Glinska Poljana<br />

- Glina, to the village of Farkašić - Petrinja - Dvor and from Sunja to Kostajnica, break<br />

the attack and create conditions for off ensive actions. Following that, aft er regrouping<br />

the Corps would counterattack, crush the HV forces and set up defensive positions along<br />

the rivers Kupa and Sava. Th e artillery group of the SVK General Staff , the 105 th Air<br />

Brigade and the Air Force of Republika Srpska were earmarked for support. 337<br />

118<br />

Execution of the Operation<br />

Th e HV 20 th Home Guard Regiment set off towards Glina as planned on 4 August. Aft er<br />

the successful forced crossing of the river Kupa at the village of Brkiševina, it pushed<br />

on to Stražišće and Gornje Jame. Th e assault ground to a halt because of stiff Serbian<br />

resistance and heavy casualties; many members of the regiment were killed or wounded.<br />

Th e regiment retreated to the village of Slana and held on to the bridgehead at the village of<br />

335 MORH, GSHV: ZZP Zagreb, cl. 8/95-0174, reg. no. 1075-12/95-171 of 1 August 1995; Attack order.<br />

336 HDA, RSK: APO 9136 Glina, conf. no. 31-247 of 15 November 1994; Manning as per wartime complement.<br />

M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade).<br />

337 VSA, MORH: Directive for the commitment of the Serbian Army of the Krajina, Op. no. 1, “GVOZD”.<br />

February 1995. M. Sekulić, “Knin je pao u Beogradu” (Knin Fell in Belgrade), 239.

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