
december-2009 december-2009


festive food 家鄉年節菜 three traditions, one city 中日葡名廚示範節日佳餚 culture uncovered 愚自樂園 guilin’s alfresco art park 桂林山水與雕塑的完美結合 a-mei the transformer 百變天后張惠妹 the singer unveils a new identity 展示新形象新身分 issue 12 DEC 2009 / JAN 2010 stepping back in time heavenly hotels with a history 走進歷史 殖民風情酒店 懷緬澳門往日情

festive food<br />

家鄉年節菜<br />

three traditions, one city<br />

中日葡名廚示範節日佳餚<br />

culture uncovered<br />

愚自樂園<br />

guilin’s alfresco art park<br />

桂林山水與雕塑的完美結合<br />

a-mei the transformer<br />

百變天后張惠妹<br />

the singer unveils a new identity<br />

展示新形象新身分<br />

issue 12<br />

DEC <strong>2009</strong> / JAN 2010<br />

stepping<br />

back in time<br />

heavenly hotels with a history<br />

走進歷史 殖民風情酒店 懷緬澳門往日情

contents<br />

in Macau<br />

12 Macau incoMing<br />

The latest happenings around the city | 新事物、新時尚盡在澳門<br />

24 city guide<br />

Macau at a glance | 澳門吃喝玩樂城市指南<br />

28 holiday fare<br />

The festive foods that get Macau stomachs growling | 年節菜令澳門人飢腸轆轆<br />

36 it’s the fort that counts<br />

Two hotels steeped in the city’s classic colonial style | 兩間酒店洋溢典雅殖民風情<br />

page 36<br />

Macau’s distinctive style is the focal point<br />

of luxury hotels like Pousada de Sao Tiago<br />

澳門獨有的葡式風情,正是澳門聖地牙哥<br />

古堡酒店等奢華酒店的特色<br />

cover iMage<br />

© gary Mak<br />

f est i ve f o o d<br />

家鄉年節菜<br />

three traditions, one city<br />

中 日 葡 名 廚 示 範 節 日 佳 餚<br />

c u l t u re u ncovered<br />

愚自樂園<br />

guilin’s alfresco art park<br />

桂 林 山 水 與 雕 塑 的 完 美 結 合<br />

a - me i t he t ran sf o r mer<br />

百變天后張惠妹<br />

the singer unveils a new identity<br />

展 示 新 形 象 新 身 分<br />

issue 12<br />

DEC <strong>2009</strong> / JAN 2010<br />

s t e p p i n g<br />

b a c k i n t i m e<br />

heavenly hotels with a history<br />

走 進 歷 史 殖民風情酒店 懷緬澳門往日情<br />

iSSue 12<br />

dec <strong>2009</strong> / Jan 2010<br />

© gary Mak

pagE 66<br />

Bangkok has a number of cookery schools<br />

that teach the art of preparing Thai food<br />

曼谷有不少烹飪學校,教授學員泰式料<br />

理的藝術<br />

cOnTEnTs<br />

iN ASiA<br />

iN BuSiNESS<br />

AirLiNE<br />

44 asia incOming What’s on and what’s new in Asia | 亞洲城市最新報道<br />

50 sTREET LiFE Shanghai Lu in Nanjing | 街頭巷角——南京上海路<br />

52 a-mEi The talented singer isn’t resting on her laurels | 樂壇天后張惠妹不斷求變<br />

58 aRT in ThE paRk The project that put Guilin on the cultural map | 桂林文化藝術公園<br />

66 a TasTE OF Thai Getting a culinary education in Bangkok | 曼谷廚樂無窮<br />

74 ThE wrap Essential accessories for business | 最新商務產品和商旅資訊<br />

76 micE spacE China’s post-Olympic bid for business travellers | 中國酒店積極發展會展旅遊<br />

82 ROuTE map<br />

84 aiRpORT navigaTiOn<br />

86 majOR dEsTinaTiOns<br />

88 saFETy Tips<br />

89 cOnTacT LisT<br />

© Ben Owen-Browne

8contents<br />

| 目錄<br />

welcome aboard<br />

澳門航空歡迎您<br />

Zhao Xiao hang<br />

chairman, board of directors and<br />

chief executive officer<br />

董事長兼總經理趙曉航<br />

dear passengers,<br />

In this festive season where we’ve just celebrated the 60th<br />

anniversary of the People’s republic of china, I congratulate all of<br />

macau’s citizens on the 10th anniversary of macau sar on behalf<br />

of air macau.<br />

In this issue, we show you genuine kitchen fun at four cooking<br />

schools in bangkok, before jetting you off to fool’s Paradise in<br />

guilin to appreciate a collection of over 200 avant-garde art pieces.<br />

back in macau, we visit three chefs of different nationalities and get<br />

a taste of what people eat on special occasions in their homeland,<br />

and we see the traces time has left on the two long-standing hotels<br />

of Pousada de sao Tiago and Pousada de coloane. also, do not miss<br />

our interview with pop diva a-mei.<br />

with a number of holiday seasons just around the corner, air macau<br />

is planning to launch the macau-Hokkaido route within the coming<br />

two months, so that you’ll be able to reach the exquisite Japanese island<br />

in a little over four hours – just in time to enjoy a white winter.<br />

In the meantime, come and see the beautiful christmas<br />

illuminations as the bell at the church rings. more importantly, join<br />

the crowds for new Year countdown at macau Tower.<br />

I hope you have a memorable winter holiday in macau.<br />

尊敬的貴賓:<br />

我們剛剛為祖國母親慶祝了六十華誕,就又迎來了澳門特別行政<br />

區成立十周年。我謹代表澳門航空的全體員工向特區政府和本澳<br />

居民表示熱烈的祝賀!<br />

本期《澳門航空雜誌》帶您到曼谷四間烹飪學校,學習泰菜<br />

烹調之道;然後再飛到桂林的愚自樂園,在山水之間欣賞各國藝<br />

術家的雕塑作品。回到澳門,我們走訪三位不同國籍的廚師,讓<br />

他們示範自己家鄉的喜慶菜;又會到懷舊的聖地牙哥古堡酒店和<br />

竹灣酒店看歷史的洗禮。另外樂壇天后張惠妹亦向我們分享她的<br />

工作點滴。<br />

進入冬季,聖誕節、新年、春節,中西節慶、假期紛至遝<br />

來,澳門航空將在兩個月內執行多班澳門—北海道的航班,讓<br />

我們的乘客僅僅經過四個多小時的飛行,就會從澳門綠色的冬天<br />

進入北海道銀白色的冰雪世界,在紛飛的大雪中盡情享受冬天的<br />

假期。<br />

同時,我們也誠摯的邀請各地貴賓到澳門欣賞聖誕夜教堂的<br />

鐘聲,在旅遊塔前加入本澳居民的新年倒數計時,在澳門過一個<br />

溫暖的冬假。<br />

edITorIal<br />

edITor<br />

laura Ho<br />

englIsH sub-edITor<br />

Jon lowe<br />

cHInese sub-edITor<br />

Peggy lai<br />

execuTIve edITor<br />

Tc li<br />

edITorIal dIrecTor<br />

dominique afacan<br />

graPHIc desIgner<br />

Jenny Ho<br />

PIcTure edITor<br />

Jaime lee<br />

ProducTIon suPervIsor<br />

Kennis Yuen<br />

InK PublIsHIng<br />

cHIef execuTIve<br />

Jeffrey o’rourke<br />

cHIef oPeraTIng offIcer<br />

Hugh godsal<br />

PublIsHIng dIrecTor<br />

simon leslie<br />

grouP edITorIal dIrecTor<br />

michael Keating<br />

desIgn dIrecTor<br />

Jonny clark<br />

adverTIsIng<br />

managIng dIrecTor<br />

gerry ricketts<br />

grouP PublIsHer<br />

Josephine Ho<br />

adverTIsIng sales manager<br />

Jenny wong<br />

busIness develoPmenT manager<br />

winky wong<br />

aIr macau 由文墨出版香港有限公司出版。<br />

文墨出版香港有限公司地址:<br />

香港中環荷李活道1-13號華懋荷李活中心20樓<br />

電話:+852 3541 9890 傳真:+852 3017 7971<br />

Hong Kong:<br />

20/f chinachem Hollywood centre,<br />

1–13 Hollywood road, central, Hong Kong<br />

Tel: +852 3541 9890 fax: +852 3017 7971<br />

© Ink Publishing. all material in Air Macau<br />

Magazine is strictly copyright and all rights are<br />

reserved. editorial material and opinions expressed<br />

in Air Macau Magazine do not necessarily reflect<br />

the views of air macau or the publisher. air macau<br />

and the publisher do not accept responsibility for<br />

the advertising content. Products and services<br />

mentioned are subject to change without prior<br />

notice. material in this publication may not be<br />

reproduced in any form without permission. air<br />

macau and the publisher accept no responsibility<br />

for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or<br />

other material.

© Gary Mak<br />

In MACAu<br />

精采澳門<br />

28<br />

page<br />

auspicious dishes<br />

年節菜<br />

InCoMInG ............. 12<br />

CIty GuIde ............. 24<br />

lIvInG hIstory ............. 36<br />

A Chinese, a Portuguese and a Japanese chef tell<br />

all about the festive foods that warm their hearts<br />

三位名廚闡釋示範中、日、葡三國的家鄉年<br />


We won't succeed until you do. We won't be satisfied until you are<br /> 25 Countries 67 Branches 25 67 Global Standard Local Service<br />

PPM4U<br />

Power Point Mgmt Ltd<br />

Macau 28424242<br />

HK 1 23840332 1<br />

HK 2 23883185 2<br />

HK 3 36462132 3<br />

Taipei 25671700<br />

Hsinchu 5630500<br />

Taichung 35038270<br />

Tainan 2140600<br />

Kaohsiung 5379919<br />

Beijing 64405601<br />

Tianjin 84180552<br />

Shanghai 54090088<br />

Guangzhou 37207250<br />

Shenzhen 82141441<br />

Dongguan 22472225<br />

Zhongshan 88238451<br />

Shantou 88171266<br />

Xiamen 5031997<br />

Fuzhou 87851882<br />

Suzhou 62533201<br />

Kunshan 57367925<br />

Nanjing 83346380<br />

Hangzhou 87240827<br />

Ningbo 87720470<br />

Wenzhou 85697505<br />

Chongqing 63722375<br />

Chengdu 86617995<br />

Changsha 82228026<br />

Wuhan 87835882<br />

Xi'an 85567278<br />

Dalian 82827820<br />

Shenyang 62589812<br />

Kunming 3180296<br />

Nanning 4885700<br />

Qingdao 80793350<br />

Guilin 3842308<br />

Seoul 9536179<br />

Singapore 63364610<br />

Bangkok 5308016<br />

Kuala Lumpur 78042179<br />

Penang 3236179<br />

Johor Bahru 3556179<br />

Labuan 418678<br />

Ho Chi Minh 62590172<br />

Binh Duong 3782995<br />

Hanoi 37833955<br />

Hai Phong 3722358<br />

Phnom Penh 23218829<br />

Jakarta 56945935<br />

Manila 7297318<br />

Mumbai 40263561<br />

Brunei 222177<br />

LA 1-626-4073802<br />

SF 1-415-6551873<br />

Nevada 1-702-4254738<br />

Delaware 1-302-2612652<br />

Canada 1-604-6761547<br />

UK 44-20-71736280<br />

France 33-1-49971735<br />

Germany 49-69-67733425<br />

Russia 7-495-9679784<br />

Mexico 52-55-84219188<br />

Brazil 55-11-68474989<br />

BVI 1-284-4940010<br />

Cayman 1-345-9492445<br />

Belize 501-2231700<br />

Seychelles 248-373202<br />


16<br />

1.<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

1<br />

showcase<br />

red aLert<br />

紅起來<br />

2<br />

3<br />

For that ultra-festive feeling – party in red!<br />

配合節日熱鬧氣氛,就以一身紅裝赴會吧!<br />

4<br />

Loewe Tie<br />

MOP1,250<br />

Shop G5, G/F, Section A-R/C,<br />

One Central Mall, Macau<br />

2. YSL Lipstick<br />

MOP195<br />

YSL Counter at Macau New Yaohan<br />

3. Louis Vuitton Sobe Clutch<br />

MOP7,500<br />

Suite6, Esplanade Wynn Macau<br />

4. ARTĒ Necklace<br />

MOP22,000<br />

Shop2623C The Grand Canal Shoppes,<br />

The Venetian Macao<br />

5. Louis Vuitton Logomania Scarf<br />

MOP2,750<br />

Shop1115, DFS Galleria,<br />

The Shoppes at Four Seasons<br />

5<br />

© Gary Mak / Styling by Crystie Li

24<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

macau city guide<br />

澳門城市指南<br />













Dine<br />

1 Honolulu<br />

2 majestic Robatayaki<br />








3 yo! Noodles<br />



8<br />



10<br />

01<br />


GARDEN<br />

Drink<br />

4 city Bar<br />

5 K Bar<br />

6 The View<br />




1<br />




MACAU<br />



Q<br />

G<br />

K<br />

06<br />


WHARF<br />

5<br />

N<br />

Shop<br />

7 Boutique di gondola<br />

8 Shui Kee<br />

9 Vintage Fine Wines<br />

J<br />

P<br />

6<br />

F<br />

H I<br />


D<br />

C<br />

O<br />

R<br />


2<br />


U<br />


08<br />



PENHA<br />

CHURCH<br />



MARINE<br />

MUSEUM<br />

attractionS<br />

10 alegria cinema<br />

11 coloane trail<br />

12 gondola Rides<br />

L<br />

BAR<br />

HILL<br />



28<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

Takenori noguchi<br />



FARE<br />

年節菜<br />

Festive foods have special meanings for the<br />

Chinese, Portuguese and Japanese in Macau<br />

By Rebecca Lo<br />

Photography by Gary Mak<br />

The Macanese are known for their strong family ties. At no<br />

other time is the closeness between relatives more evident<br />

than during Christmas, New Year and Chinese New<br />

Year. As the city has a long history of fusing Portuguese<br />

traditions with Asian ones, all of these holidays have<br />

equal prominence – plus any excuse for a celebration<br />

with yummy traditional foods and drinks is welcome in<br />

a city that loves to dine. Though there are varied reasons<br />

why different foods are served during important festive<br />

occasions, holiday dishes are all memorably delicious.<br />

For Takenori Noguchi, the chef de cuisine at Tenmasa<br />

(11/F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa,<br />

+853 2886 8868), festive food brings back memories<br />

of waking up as a child at home in Japan on New Year’s<br />

Day, and enjoying a bowl of steaming Kanto-style ozouni,<br />

or rice cake soup. “I’d go downstairs to the kitchen still<br />

rubbing the sleep from my eyes,” recalls Noguchi fondly.<br />

“My mum would ask me how many rice cakes I could<br />

eat that morning. Usually I’d say three. Then I’d go back<br />

upstairs, wash up, and come down to eat them to mark the<br />

start of the holiday.”<br />

在澳門,不管是中國人、葡萄牙人或日本<br />

人,過年過節上桌的佳餚都有特殊的意義<br />

澳門人向來以重視家庭觀念出名,尤其在聖誕節、<br />

新年與農曆新年期間,親友間的緊密關係更加明<br />

顯,澳門長時間處在亞洲文化與葡萄牙傳統交互融<br />

合的狀態,這些節日在澳門都具有重要的份量,再<br />

說,任何以慶祝之名行飲酒作樂之實的事,在一個<br />

熱愛美食的城市裡,當然大受歡迎。雖然依節日<br />

不同,端上桌的佳餚也自有區別,但年菜、聖誕大<br />

餐,都一樣是記憶中最難忘的美食。<br />

澳門新濠鋒酒店日本料理餐廳天政(澳門 仔<br />

廣東大馬路11樓,電話:+853 2886 8868)資深總<br />

廚野口武則提起年菜,總讓他想起在日本過年時一<br />

早起床的記憶——那一碗熱騰騰的關東御雜煮(年<br />

糕湯)。「一早起床,揉著惺忪睡眼下樓,就直往廚<br />

房走。」野口回憶道:「我媽會問我湯裡要放幾個麻<br />

糬,通常我都說三個,然後我會上樓去梳洗一番,<br />

再下樓來吃這一碗年糕湯,吃過後就代表新年假期<br />

開始了。」<br />

元月1-3日的新年是日本最重要的節日,野口<br />

說,新年時家人都團聚在一起共度佳節。新年也<br />

是家中女主人的休息日,在多數商家、餐廳都歇業<br />

下,其他家人就得協力共同準備餐食了。<br />

「御節料理是一大盤的什錦佳餚,是由大<br />


30<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

Fernando Marques<br />

弗南度.馬其斯<br />

ANy exCuSe FOr<br />

A CelebraTION IS<br />

welCOMe IN A CITy<br />

THAT lOveS TO DINe<br />

任何以慶祝之名行飲酒作樂<br />

之實的事,在一個熱愛美食<br />

的城市裡,當然大受歡迎<br />

Noguchi explains that for the Japanese, 1-3 January<br />

is the most important holiday and a time that everyone<br />

sets aside to spend with family. During it, the lady of<br />

the house gets a welcome break, and everyone else pitches<br />

in to help prepare meals at home, since many shops and<br />

restaurants are closed. “Osechi is a platter of assorted cold<br />

delicacies such as soy beans, fish and seafood,” Noguchi<br />

explains. “It is home-cooked, festive family food because<br />

it is easy to keep, all the cooking is done beforehand, and<br />

you can snack on it throughout the holiday.”<br />

Pastry chef Fernando Marques, the Portuguese owner<br />

of Café Ou Mon (12 Travessa de S Domingos, +853 2837<br />

2207), not only supplies his own restaurant with baked<br />

goods, but also many of the major hotels and gourmet shops<br />

in the city. His busiest time of the year is during Christmas,<br />

when demand for his bolo rei, or king’s cake, skyrockets.<br />

An egg-enriched fruitcake enjoyed in Portugal from<br />

Christmas well into the new year, it has special significance<br />

on 6 January, the date when the three kings were believed to<br />

have welcomed the birth of Jesus with gifts. Traditionally,<br />

a trinket such as a coin and a broad bean are baked<br />

into the cake, and whoever gets the slice with the<br />

trinket is said to have good luck throughout the year.<br />

Preparing bolo rei, an egg-enriched<br />

fruitcake; a good-luck coin is<br />

added to it for Christmas Day<br />

國王蛋糕——一種富濃郁蛋香的<br />

水果蛋糕,在聖誕節期間,蛋糕<br />

裡會放進一枚錢幣作為吉祥物<br />

「御節料理是非常家常的年菜,因為便於保存,所有<br />

的東西都事先煮好,整個新年期間就可以沒事拿來<br />

當點心吃。」<br />

澳門咖啡(澳門板樟堂巷12號,電話:+853<br />

2837 2207)店主兼甜點主廚弗南度.馬其斯是個葡<br />

萄牙人,店裡做的甜點不只自家零售使用,也批售<br />

給不少澳門主要飯店和美食店。馬其斯每年最忙碌<br />

的時段在聖誕節,他的國王蛋糕訂購量絕對直線飆<br />

高。從聖誕節開始到新年期間,這種濃郁蛋香的水<br />

果蛋糕,是葡萄牙人桌上不能缺席的甜食。這道甜<br />

食在元月6日有特別的意涵,象徵三王攜往祝賀耶<br />

穌降臨的禮物。傳統上,蛋糕裡會放進一枚錢幣作<br />

為吉祥物,還有一顆蠶豆一起烘焙。吃到吉祥物的<br />

人,那整年幸運之神將隨行在側;吃到蠶豆的人,<br />

就得負責明年國王蛋糕的費用了。<br />

「每個小孩都想吃到錢幣。」馬其斯回憶道:<br />

「沒有人不吃國王蛋糕,所以它得擺在餐桌的正<br />

中間,整個假期,方便大家隨時取來吃。」馬其<br />

斯在聖誕節期間賣的國王蛋糕裡只放一枚錢幣,<br />

他的烘焙工房位於慕拉士大馬路,使用的工業型<br />

烤箱可同時烘烤110個蛋糕,蛋糕上裹著透明果<br />

膠凍的水果,有無花果、草莓、水蜜桃,用料<br />


純金鑲玉,瑪瑙粉盒<br />

Gold Inlaid Jade and Agate Box<br />

西漢 Western Han (B.C.209-A.D.9)<br />

直徑 Diameter 9.2cm<br />

展覽時間:每日上午10:30至下午18:30 全年開放 展覽地點:澳門路 金光大道 四季酒店四季.名店M層1213<br />

電話:+853 2878 2333 傳真:+853 2878 1827 郵箱

32<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

(Clockwise from bottom) A Japanese osechi<br />

platter; Wing Lei combines new and old dining<br />

concepts; bolo rei (king’s cake)<br />

(左下順時針起)中、日、葡三地節日菜式<br />

均色香味俱全,各自各精采:日本年菜;<br />

永利的節日菜式在傳統口味中加入新創意;<br />

國王蛋糕<br />

The person who gets the bean has to shoulder the expense<br />

of purchasing bolo rei the following year.<br />

“Every kid wanted to get the coin,” remembers<br />

Marques. “And everyone ate bolo rei. It was left in the<br />

middle of the family dining table and people helped<br />

themselves throughout the holidays.” He only inserts a<br />

trinket for cakes sold on Christmas Day, and the industrial<br />

ovens in his bakery on Avenida de Venceslau de Morais<br />

can bake 110 cakes simultaneously. Marques finishes the<br />

top of the cake with glazed fruit such as figs, cherries and<br />

pears. “Bolo rei is a rich winter cake and used to be eaten<br />

only on special occasions like Christmas,” he notes. “Now,<br />

people enjoy it throughout the year.”<br />

For Peter Chan, executive chef since 2007 at Wing<br />

Lei (Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, +853<br />

2888 9966) – whose résumé includes both hotel and<br />

independent restaurants in Hong Kong and Taipa –<br />

the best holiday memories are lighting firecrackers<br />

and tucking into basin feasts in his Yuen Long walled<br />

village, situated in the north-west part of Hong Kong’s<br />

New Territories. “My family is very traditional,” explains<br />

Chan. “On the first day of Chinese New Year, we have fish<br />

to start the year off properly. But the fish must have its<br />

head and tail intact. And of course when I was a kid, I was<br />

happiest when I received a lot of lai-see packets!”<br />

Chan believes that Chinese New Year gives everyone a<br />

fresh start. Enjoying a feast with expensive ingredients<br />

只在特別的節日買來吃,例如聖誕節之類的節<br />

日。」他解釋道:「現在,一年到頭,人們不分日<br />

子想吃就吃。」<br />

澳門永利酒店的中餐廳永利軒(新口岸澳門<br />

外港填海區仙德麗街,電話:+853 2888 9966),<br />

行政總廚陳偉強記憶中最美好的節慶活動<br />

就是在香港新界元朗的圍村老家放鞭炮、<br />

疊盆菜。「我們家很傳統。」陳偉強說道:<br />

「過農曆新年的第一天,一定得吃魚,而且那條<br />

魚必須有頭有尾、完整無缺,寓意一年開始萬事齊<br />

全。還有,小時候過年最開心的事,當然就是收到<br />

一堆紅包!」<br />

陳偉強相信農曆新年是每個人每年的全新開<br />

始。享受昂貴食材精心烹煮的大餐,像魚翅,就是<br />

慰勞自己辛苦拚命工作一年的最好代價。<br />

在2007年加入永利軒前,陳偉強就已在香港及<br />

澳門 仔多家飯店和餐廳工作過。「澳門人過中國年<br />

吃得相當傳統。」他觀察道:「我不是說澳門人比較<br />

難接受新口味,但相對於香港,香港人就比較願意<br />

嘗試新菜式。所以我研發的新菜式會在傳統口味中<br />

加入新創意,有炒、有燉、有蒸,讓客人有較多的<br />

選擇。」<br />

陳偉強注意到中國人很重視年菜的意涵,每道<br />

菜要有好運、豐收的象徵,這類菜永遠大受歡迎,<br />

不會過時淘汰。「中國人很迷信。」他提醒,「所以<br />

我們不大用方方正正的東西,都用圓的,連桌子也<br />


36<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

living<br />

細味活歷史<br />

HISTory<br />

By Chung Wah Chow Translation by Amanda Mao<br />

Photography by Gary Mak<br />

Two luxury Macau hotels – both designed within historical forts – highlight<br />

the timelessness of colonial Portuguese style<br />

If you believe everything you see in the movies, all castles and fortresses should be eerie,<br />

dark places accessed by iron gates. In the real world, spooky is the exception rather than<br />

the rule, and some castles have even been converted into romantic getaways.<br />

In Macau, Fortaleza da Barra is one of them.<br />

Located at the southern tip of Macau peninsula, the fortress, now known as Pousada de Sao Tiago, is<br />

a 17th-century fort that was once home to a Portuguese defence force protecting the Inner Harbour<br />

Channel from Dutch invasion. It wasn’t until the early 1980s that the fort was turned into a hotel. The<br />

fortified stone walls, the centuries-old trees, the natural water cascading along the time-worn stone<br />

passageways, have all remained unchanged for 400 years.<br />

澳門有兩間奢華酒店,分別由古堡和私人別墅改建,處處瀰漫著古典氣<br />

息,散發著歐陸浪漫情調,充滿葡萄牙傳統建築的色彩<br />

在電影中,古堡總是重門深鎖,充滿神秘感的,有時甚至令人毛骨悚然。但在現實生活裡,<br />

不少歷史悠久的堡壘已變成充滿浪漫情調的酒店,位於澳門媽閣廟旁的聖地牙哥古堡酒店,<br />

正是這樣的一個建築。儘管澳門近十年來起了翻天覆地的變化,<br />

但她仍然被古樹和古城牆環抱著,猶如把時間凝住。<br />

酒店原本是一座堡壘,於17世紀修建,用以防禦澳門的水路入口。如今酒店那道厚達19呎的<br />

城牆、111級石階和古井,差不多400年來也沒有改變過,媽閣山上的山水依然涓涓地順著石牆流<br />

下來,滋潤著古堡的一磚一石。的確,自從古堡於1981年改建成酒店後,聖地牙哥成了澳門獨一<br />


38<br />

in Macau | 精采澳門<br />

The management and maintenance of these historical<br />

relics require extra care. Michael Au, the resident manager<br />

of Sao Tiago, says, “Managing a hotel with historical value<br />

is different from average hotel management. Every day we<br />

need to inspect whether the stone walls are still in good<br />

shape or the tree roots are overgrown. It’s a bit like hiking.<br />

The work is hard, but given the beautiful and natural<br />

setting here, I have no complaints.”<br />

Beyond the entrance, a 19-foot-wide covered<br />

staircase leads to a restaurant. On the right wall of the<br />

stairway is a stone water basin, the remains of an earlier<br />

fountain, with the year “1629” carved onto it. Inside the<br />

alfresco dining area of the restaurant there is a fountain<br />

spring supplied by the antiquated cistern in the shade<br />

of the banyan trees.<br />

“The fort still resonates with history,” Au explains.<br />

“Beneath the fountain there was once a cistern<br />

excavated out of solid rock and able to store 3,000<br />

tonnes of water. The stone washboard is still there.”<br />

Beside the fountain is a watchtower, connecting with a<br />

tunnel that used to carry cannons to Barra Hill behind the<br />

fort. No longer garrisoned with heavy artillery, it is now a<br />

wine cellar storing over 400 vintages.<br />

Behind the restaurant is a chapel built in 1740,<br />

dedicated to St James the Apostle – Sao Tiago in<br />

Portuguese – the patron saint of the Portuguese army.<br />

Every 25 July, the feast day of Sao Tiago, Christians<br />

come here to pay their annual homage to the saint. But<br />

for others, this is perhaps the most romantic spot in<br />

the hotel. Au recalls, “There was once a couple staying<br />

here and the man proposed. After her acceptance,<br />

we immediately arranged a blessing ceremony in the<br />

chapel. All of our staff members, including our chef<br />

from Spain, were their witnesses and we all shared the<br />

joy with them!”<br />

Another romantic sanctuary is Pousada de Coloane<br />

on the island of Coloane. Perched on the cliff of Cheoc<br />

Van since 1977, this fort is a unique piece of Europe in<br />

Asia. It is more rustic than Sao Tiago, but it’s blessed<br />

by the breeze from the sea, and the furnishings are<br />

reminiscent of a bygone era in Europe.<br />

Mary Ng, the manager, has been working here since<br />

the opening of the inn. “Before it was turned into a<br />

hotel, it was a villa owned by Sir Rogerio Lobo, a<br />

Portuguese philanthropist and politician in Hong<br />

Kong,” Ng recalls. “In 1977, three months after the<br />

hotel was completed, they employed me as a waitress<br />

and I have been serving here since then.”<br />

要活化古蹟,又要保持高水準的酒店服務,可說<br />

是一項挑戰。駐店經理區耀勳說:「管理古堡和一<br />

般的酒店管理不同,我們每天也要巡視古堡四周的<br />

石牆和百年老樹,看看有沒有老化的痕跡,還有樹<br />

根的生長情況。這樣的工作就像健行一樣;不過這<br />

裡鳥語花香,自然環境和古老建築渾然天成,每天<br />

的視察工作也是一樂。」<br />

從入口沿著有400年歷史的石階拾級而上,你會<br />

發現右邊的石牆上有一個小水池,上面刻著的年份<br />

是1629年,古堡於1981年改建成酒店後仍把它保留<br />

下來,是澳門現存最古老的水池之一。再往上走,<br />

你就會到達酒店的餐廳,旁有一個露天噴泉,在榕<br />

樹蔭下,緩緩流出的泉水來自一個古舊的蓄水箱。<br />

「現在我們看到的噴泉,其實是個古井,儲水量<br />

可達3,000噸,噴泉旁還保留了以前的石板,那是當<br />

年的士兵們用來洗衣服的。這些古蹟我們都盡可能<br />

原狀保留下來。」區耀勳繼續說。<br />

保留下來的,還有水池旁邊的炮塔,不過用途當<br />

然是改變了。炮塔與一條地下通道相連,一直通往<br />

媽閣山,百多年前是用來運送炮彈的。自古堡變成<br />

酒店後,防衛的功能不再,炮塔和地下通道便成為<br />

酒窖,珍藏了400多款佳釀。<br />

聖地牙哥酒店還保留了一座1740年留下來的聖<br />

雅各伯小堂。聖雅各伯是澳門的軍事保衛者,在西<br />

班牙和葡萄牙文中他叫聖地牙哥,這就是古堡酒店<br />

的名字由來。到了今天,每逢7月25日的聖地牙哥<br />

節,仍有不少教徒前來做彌撒。對其他人來說,這<br />

裡或許是酒店內最浪漫的地點。<br />

提到小教堂,區耀勳想起了一個動人的故事:<br />

「曾有一對情侶客人,男方在古堡內向女方求婚,還<br />

即興要行禮。我們雖然沒有神父,但古堡內有小教<br />

堂,於是我們就安排他們在教堂內舉行祝福儀式,<br />

我們的西班牙廚師也臨時客串當見證人呢!能分享<br />

他們的喜悅,我們都很榮幸和高興!」<br />

澳門另一所充滿懷舊情調和浪漫氣氛的酒店,就<br />

是位於路環的竹灣酒店。酒店建在海邊的山崖上,<br />

四周被綠樹環抱,迎面而來是陣陣海風,好不寫<br />

意。和聖地牙哥的歷史相比起來,1977年才成立的<br />

竹灣酒店歷史不算悠久,但若把時間調校回到70年<br />

代,她可是澳門僅有的五間高級酒店之一。<br />

經理吳瑪莉自竹灣酒店開業以來,就和這間家庭<br />

式經營的旅館一同成長。<br />

「竹灣酒店原本是私人度假屋,當年屬於羅保爵<br />

士擁有,羅保爵士是曾活躍於香港的慈善家及政治<br />

家,也擔任過市政局、行政局及立法局議員。1977<br />

年,那時我20歲,度假屋改建成酒店才三個月,他<br />

們需要一位侍應生,我便由香港過來應徵了。」<br />

吳瑪莉說。<br />

The 400-year-old stone staircase in Sao Tiago (previous page); a guest room and<br />

the wine cellar of Sao Tiago (this page); old fountain and chapel of Sao Tiago,<br />

room and corridor of Pousada de Coloane (opposite page, clockwise from left)<br />

(上頁)聖地牙哥古堡酒店具400年歷史的石階;(本頁)聖地牙哥的<br />

房間和酒窖;(右頁左上圖順時針起)聖地牙哥酒店的露天噴泉和聖雅<br />

各伯小堂;竹灣酒店的房間和走廊<br />

POuSAdA dE<br />


uNIquE PIECE Of<br />


竹灣酒店在七十年代是澳門<br />


© Jillian mitchell<br />

page<br />

58<br />

in AsiA<br />

亞洲聚焦<br />

art in nature<br />

愚自樂園<br />

rhy chang tsao’s pet project Yuzi – or ‘fool’s Paradise’<br />

– sets modern art amid the jagged peaks of guilin<br />

矗立在桂林山水間的一座藝術雕塑公園「愚自樂<br />

園」,讓人驚歎這旅遊名城的澎湃創意<br />

AsiA incoming ............. 44<br />

street Life ............. 50<br />

A-mei’s interview ............. 52<br />

bAngkok cooking schooLs ............. 66

44<br />

in AsiA | 亞洲聚焦<br />

asian PalaTe<br />

Price: US$98<br />

Asset Publishing and Research Limited<br />

AsiA<br />

Wine lovers should not miss asia’s first Wine<br />

master Jeannie cho lee’s Asian Palate, a 220page<br />

hardback coffee table book introducing the<br />

prominent role of wine in the dining scene across<br />

10 major asian cities. The book summarises<br />

typical dishes with recommended wines to pair<br />

with them, as well as giving suggestions on the<br />

best wines to accompany different types of meals<br />

and banquets, both formal and informal.<br />

無講是入門級或精進級的葡萄酒愛好者,也不<br />

要錯過這本由全球首位亞裔葡萄酒大師李志<br />

延的首本著作:220頁的精裝硬皮書《Asian<br />

Palate》,此書談及葡萄酒在亞洲十大城市的<br />

角色,並為讀者推介配搭各地傳統菜式的心水<br />

葡萄酒;以及為不同場合,如輕鬆家庭晚宴或<br />

盛大宴會等提議最佳的美酒選擇,以亞洲人的<br />

角度教授大家享受葡萄酒的秘訣。<br />

asia<br />

incoming<br />

亞洲聚焦<br />

The Peninsula shanghai<br />

No 32 The Bund, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road<br />

上海市中山東一路32號 ,+86 21 2327 2888<br />

shAnghAi<br />

The approaching World expo will boost a number of new hotels in shanghai – with the Peninsula being a recent one that<br />

marks the return of classic luxury from the olden days. Built in the style of 1920s and ’30s art deco and enjoying stunning<br />

views of The Bund, The Peninsula shanghai has 235 rooms including 44 suites. There is an elevator large enough to<br />

deliver a limousine to the ballroom and a custom-made 1930s schindler cage, making the hotel something really special.<br />

not to be missed are traditional afternoon tea in the lobby lounge and tea dances once a month.<br />

臨近世博,上海新酒店愈開<br />

愈多,近期最矚目的可算是<br />

上海半島酒店。這座位於上<br />

海外灘深具20、30年代藝街<br />

裝飾風格的酒店大樓,可飽<br />

覽黃浦江的迷人景觀。酒店<br />

擁有235間客房,包括44間套<br />

間;更特設大型升降機,可<br />

以將一輛豪華轎車運送至宴<br />

會廳;而另一台升降機則按<br />

照30年代Schindler公司的古<br />

董升降機原裝複製。餐飲方<br />

面,逸龍閣中菜廳更邀得中<br />

國首位米芝蓮星級名廚鄧志<br />

強主理,而在樓底特高的酒<br />

店大堂茶座,品嘗著名的半<br />

島酒店下午茶或一嘗懷舊茶<br />

舞,更是人生一大享受。<br />

mandarin orienTal<br />

48 Oriental Avenue +66 2 659 9000<br /><br />

bAngkok<br />

ayurvedic is a system of traditional medicine native<br />

to india, with the use of herbs, massage and yoga as<br />

exercise or alternative medicine. mandarin oriental<br />

Bangkok is now offering a life Balance ayurvedic twoday<br />

package (room rates from us$1,259 per night)<br />

until 31 march 2010, which includes an array of spa<br />

treatments that will bring harmony to both body and<br />

mind in the hotel’s authentic ayurvedic Penthouse.<br />

來自古印度的自然療法Ayurvedic是運用香<br />

草、按摩和瑜伽的另類療法。曼谷文華東方酒<br />

店由即日至2010年3月31日,提供兩天的Life<br />

Balance Ayurvedic套餐(每房由1,259美元<br />


46<br />

in AsiA | 亞洲聚焦<br />

By Mariano Garchitorena<br />

manila<br />


馬尼拉的周末<br />

Director of Public Relations, The Peninsula Manila<br />

At the end of a busy Friday, I loosen my tie and go for a cold<br />

San Miguel Light at The Bar of The Peninsula Manila (1226<br />

Makati City, +632 887 2888 ext 6740) before heading for<br />

dinner with friends. We usually end up at La Regalade (820<br />

Arnaiz Avenue, +632 750 2104) for its uncomplicated<br />

French brasserie food. On Saturday mornings, I check out<br />

Salcedo Village Weekend Community Market (along Paseo<br />

de Roxas) for its organic and regional food that you can’t get<br />

anywhere else. Next I head to Emerald Garden (1170 Roxas<br />

Boulevard, +632 523 8510) for a late dim sum lunch. In the<br />

evening, after a relaxing dinner at home, we may check out<br />

Saguijo Café + Bar (7612 Guijo Street, San Antonio Village,<br />

+632 897 8629), where unsigned bands and indie groups<br />

perform. On Sunday morning after church, I drive out to<br />

Antipolo to check out what potter Lanelle Abueva has<br />

cooked at her restaurant Crescent Moon (Sapang Buho,<br />

Ascension Road, +632 630 5854) and pick up a few handturned<br />

bowls at her studio before making a detour to Pinto<br />

Gallery (1 Sierra Madre Street) to say hello to top Philippine<br />

neurologist and gallery owner Dr Joven Cuanang and for a<br />

look at his latest painting and sculpture.<br />

經過忙碌的周五,我會到我工作的半島酒店酒吧<br />

(1226 Makati City,+632 887 2888內線6740)喝杯<br />

冰凍的生力啤酒,和朋友輕鬆一下,然後再到法國小<br />

酒館餐廳 La Regalade(820 Arnaiz Avenue,+632<br />

750 2104)來一頓輕鬆隨意的晚餐。周六早上我會到<br />

沙西度市集搜尋道地的有機食品,再到頤和園中<br />

餐館(1170 Roxas Boulevard,+632 523 8510)<br />

吃點心。在家晚飯後,我會和朋友到 Saguijo Cafe &<br />

Bar(7612 Guijo Street,San Antonio Village,<br />

+632 897 8629)欣賞獨立樂隊的表演。周日到過教<br />

堂後,我會駕車到 Antipolo 市的 Crescent Moon 餐廳<br />

(Sapang Buho,Ascension Road,+632 630 5854)<br />

看陶藝家 Lanelle Abueva 正在炮製什麼美食,順便挑<br />

選一些她製作的陶碗。打道回府前繞道到Pinto<br />

Gallery(1 Sierra Madre Street)和著名神經病學<br />

家兼藝廊主人 Dr Joven Cuanang 打個招呼,順便看<br />

看藝廊的新作品。<br />

The Peninsula Manila (top); artwork<br />

displays at Pinto Gallery<br />

(上起)馬尼拉半島酒店;Pinto<br />

Gallery的藝術作品<br />

chengdu<br />


尋醉成都<br />

By Ren Wei<br />

Advertising Sales, E & C Communications<br />

Situated inside a private courtyard, the familyrun<br />

Old Courtyard Restaurant (31 South<br />

Sect 1, 1st Ring Rd, +86 28 8545 8844) is the place to<br />

go for home-made Sichuan food. Cold beer and<br />

friendly service make this place exceptional value-formoney.<br />

If you never had high hopes of finding true<br />

Italian food in Chengdu, head to Peterpan Italian<br />

Restaurant (8 West Xiaotian St, +86 028 8557 7058)<br />

and surprise yourselves with their ‘Al Dente’ pasta<br />

prepared by Italian chef Claudio Bonfatti.<br />

識途老馬會來老院子中餐館(一環路南一段31<br />

號;+86 028 8545 8844)吃一頓又便宜又滿有特<br />

色的家常四川菜,坐在院子裡喝冰啤酒,難得服<br />

務也不錯。如果你從未想過在成都能吃到正宗的<br />

意大利菜,由意籍廚師主理的彼得潘意大利餐廳<br />

的意大利麵保證「Al Dente」,定必不讓你失望。<br />

Wine lovers should be pleased with the wide<br />

selection of red and white in Paramount Wine<br />

Shop and Bar (20-5 East Tongzilin Rd). However, any<br />

bottle under RMB50 is not recommended. The hip<br />

Panda Bar (143 North Kehua Rd, +86 028 8638 4685) is<br />

where people go when they feel like dressing up; there is a<br />

dance floor with good house music and beers and<br />

cocktails run from RMB20.<br />

嗜酒人士不妨到派拉蒙葡萄酒專賣店(桐梓林東<br />

路20號附5號),那裡提供不俗的紅、白餐酒選<br />

擇,還可在那裡即席暢飲,但人民幣50元以下一<br />

瓶的就可免則免了。前衛的熊貓吧(科華北路143<br />

號,+86 028 8638 4685)提供不錯的 house 音<br />

樂,啤酒和雞尾酒由人民幣20元起。<br />

The famous SOS Club (5/F, Bailian Tianfu,<br />

9 Middle Kehua Rd, +86 028 8528 7766)<br />

playing decent electronic and sometimes hip-hop, is<br />

the best place to experience the Chinese nightclub<br />

scene without too much culture shock. If you prefer<br />

live music, check out the live rock music evenings at<br />

the funky Cotton Club (22 Fengde International<br />

Plaza, 6 Hangkong Rd, +86 028 8521 2115).<br />

著名的風暴SOS俱樂部(科華中路9號百聯天府5<br />

樓,+86 028 8528 7766)是內地夜生活的典範,<br />

那裡有不錯的電子、Hip Hop 音樂。喜歡現場音樂<br />

的,可到棉花俱樂部(航空路6號豐德國際廣場附<br />

22號,+86 028 8521 2115)的現場樂隊之夜。<br />

© Dindin Lagdameo

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spaCe<br />

完美空間<br />

taian lianyun, taipei<br />

Taian Lianyun – ‘Cloud Carrying Tower’ – is a masterpiece by renowned architect TD Lee. The luxury<br />

apartment block incorporates greenery as a natural element, making it a refreshing oasis amid the bustle of Taipei.<br />

位於台北市,屢獲建築大獎的豪華住宿公寓「泰安連雲——接雲樓」,由著名的李天鐸建築師事務所<br />

精心設計,以石材、木材為基調,以及融合一大片的綠意,於石屎森林中打造了一個綠洲。<br />

© Jhan Yao

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A-Mei<br />

the trAnsformer<br />

A-mei’s success is matched by a versatility<br />

that won’t let her become complacent<br />

By HeyJude<br />

Translation by TC Li<br />

張惠妹 另一個我<br />

Since launching her debut album Sisters in 1996, A-mei<br />

has churned out 15 records that have sold 45 million<br />

copies in Asia alone. With hit songs such as Sisters, Bad<br />

Boy and Holding Hands topping music charts in native<br />

Taiwan and all over Asia, A-mei is not your run-of-themill<br />

singer. This year, she released AMIT, a name that –<br />

at first sight – intrigues many.<br />

“Amit is my aboriginal name from the Puyuma tribe,”<br />

explains A-mei. “AMIT was inspired by a certain level of<br />

self-reflection and rediscovery.” In fact, the idea of this<br />

extraordinary album title has been brewing since A-mei’s<br />

homecoming to Taitung three years ago. “It wasn’t until<br />

then that I learnt my aboriginal name, Gulilai Amit,<br />

熱力奔放的張惠妹一向造型百變,在音<br />

樂上更為樂迷頻頻帶來驚喜<br />

貴為華語樂壇舉足輕重的天后,張惠妹一直不斷求<br />

變,<strong>2009</strong>年她化身「阿密特」,以搖滾音樂震撼樂<br />

迷的耳朵。<br />

一首首大家熟悉的經典流行曲《姊妹》、《Bad<br />

Boy》、《牽手》、《聽海》、《原來你甚麼都不<br />

要》等,被張惠妹唱出靈魂,感動了全亞洲的樂迷,<br />

也為阿妹帶來非凡的成就。自96年的第一張音樂專輯<br />

《姊妹》,至今共推出過15張唱片,全亞洲累積銷<br />

量高達4,500萬張。09年,阿妹推出全新概念大碟<br />

《阿密特》,究竟「阿密特」是甚麼意思?<br />

「今次推出的其實是一張意識專輯,阿<br />

密特是我出生於台東縣卑南族的原名,今次以<br />

這個身分出碟,是因為想以最原本的我,去呈<br />

現不一樣的音樂種類,和張惠妹的另一個可能<br />


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from my mother. Then, it dawned on me that I wanted to<br />

make music with this other self that has existed but went<br />

unnoticed all along.”<br />

To A-mei, producing AMIT was<br />

a two-year, soul-searching journey,<br />

during which she unveiled the part<br />

of her that seemed so familiar yet<br />

alien at the same time, so that she was<br />

able to instil novelty into her music.<br />

“AMIT has a distinct tone,<br />

style and mindset. She’s a<br />

discrete entity on her own.”<br />

Yet it almost defies common<br />

sense why a pop diva who<br />

has the world at her feet would<br />

crave a drastic start-over. “AMIT<br />

is a daring challenge,” admits A-mei.<br />

“I’ve always been determined in what<br />

I want to do, but I was overly selfconscious<br />

about how and what other<br />

people thought of me in the past. Now,<br />

though, I realise that music should be<br />

straightforward. It should be the message<br />

I want to convey. And for that I give my<br />

best so that I won’t regret.”<br />

For her pluck and genuineness,<br />

A-mei credits her family upbringing, her father<br />

in particular. “When I was small, I would consult<br />

ProducINg AMIT WAS<br />

A TWo-YeAr, Soul-<br />

SeArchINg jourNeY<br />

阿密特是尋找自己的一個過程,讓<br />

阿妹重新發現既陌生又熟悉的自己<br />

早在三年前阿妹回台東老家時便起了這個念頭。<br />

「那次回台東跟家人聚首,我才認真地從媽媽口中<br />

得知我的原住民名字叫作古歷來.阿密特。然後我閃過<br />

一個念頭,阿妹是我,阿密特也是我,從那時有了以<br />

張惠妹分身去創造另一個音樂品牌的想法。」<br />

對阿妹而言,阿密特是尋找自己的一個過程,<br />

讓她重新發現既陌生又熟悉的自己,對她和樂迷們都<br />

是新的刺激。「阿密特的唱腔、造<br />

型、思想都跟阿妹有點不同,大家<br />

可以當阿密特是一位新人。」在華語<br />

樂壇已走到頂峰,大可以<br />

理所當然地因應大家需求<br />

唱其妹式情歌,為何她卻<br />

寧願當一個新人?「我得承<br />

認,這張唱片的確是個大挑<br />

戰,但現階段我只希望做到想做<br />

的音樂,我從來都是想做就去做<br />

的人。剛出道時,難免受周遭的<br />

人影響,很介意大家怎麼看我,<br />

日子久了,我明白到音樂應該是<br />

很直接的,你想要表達甚麼,就<br />

專注去做,全力以赴,才對得起自<br />

己。」阿妹坦言這種敢言敢行的性格<br />

是源自家庭的教育,尤其是父親對她的<br />

影響至深。<br />

「還記得小時候想做一件事,問<br />

父親他總是不給答案,只會問:你想<br />

做嗎?我回答,我想。他就會說:去<br />

做。你做得成功,爸爸給你拍拍手,<br />

不成功,那就不是你的,你去做另外<br />

一件事。爸媽的教導練就了我的性格,從小就被<br />

教育不要害怕失敗,要勇於面對挑戰。」阿妹說:<br />

「我很喜歡這種把所有熱情與熱量全部燃燒,淋漓盡致<br />

的感覺。」<br />

耗時兩年精心打造的新專輯推出不久,阿妹又開始籌備其另<br />

一個世界巡迴演唱會,首站是佛山,其他落實的地點包括上海、北<br />

京、澳門、新加玻、馬來西亞、澳洲及台灣,阿妹笑言自己是被虐<br />

狂,工作越忙碌,她越享受。「跟我工作的人都會知道,我對工作<br />

的堅持,只要我對這件事有熱情,連周圍的人都會感受到我的能量<br />

與熱力,那就是我的底線,我認為如果對一件事沒有感覺,我寧願<br />

不要做。」今年8月阿妹在台北小巨蛋辦完 STAR TOUR 世界巡迴<br />

演唱會安可場後,幾乎虛脫,要工作人員背著她下台,那份對舞台<br />


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my father when I wanted to do something. Instead of giving me an answer, he would ask<br />

if I wanted to do it. To my affirmative reply, he would say, ‘Then do it. If you succeed,<br />

I’ll clap for you. If you fail, then you’ll understand it’s probably not your thing and<br />

you’ll go and find something else to do.’ My parents have taught me to embrace<br />

challenges and to be undaunted by failures.”<br />

And embrace challenges she does. Having just released AMIT, A-mei is<br />

currently preparing yet another world concert tour that will tee off in Foshan,<br />

China, before moving on to Shanghai, Beijing, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia,<br />

Australia and Taiwan. “Anyone who has worked with me will know that I’m<br />

passionate in what I do. But, if it’s something I’m not keen on, I’d rather not<br />

do it at all.”<br />

Forever giving her utmost, A-mei was so shattered after the final show of the<br />

Star World Tour wrapped in August that she had to be carried off stage. “When<br />

I’m on stage, I spare nothing even if it means burning every ounce of energy<br />

and zest in me,” she says. “I enjoy singing to a huge audience; it doesn’t matter<br />

that their chorus overshadows my own voice.”<br />

The Macau leg of the forthcoming world tour will be especially arranged<br />

with rock beats and some of A-mei’s favourite hits given new interpretations.<br />

“I hope I’ll get the chance to see the rapidly developing Macau and its<br />

exquisite architecture,” she adds. And the iconic Taiwanese singer’s way to<br />

unwind? “I normally hole up at home to spend some time with my family<br />

and friends.”<br />

情與熱量全部燃燒,淋漓盡致的感覺,還有是跟過萬觀眾一起開演<br />

唱會,大家一同唱著我的歌的感覺,就算大家唱得比我大聲也不要<br />

緊。」即將首次在澳門舉行個唱,阿妹透露這雖然是世界巡迴演唱<br />

會的其中一場,但當中的環節卻是重新設計,除了新碟內的搖滾曲<br />

目,也少不了阿妹最為大家熟悉的經典作品,不過就會有全新的<br />

演繹方式。「我跟樂隊現在正為演唱會做好準備,希望可以為澳<br />

門的觀眾帶來精采的演出。音樂會之後,希望能抽時間四處走<br />

走,因為這幾年的澳門發展迅速,也有很多漂亮的建築,很<br />

想親身去看看呢。」工作狂也需要停下來充充電的時<br />

侯,這位天后的減壓方法不是要瘋狂購物,也<br />

不是大吃特吃,而是「閉關」當宅女?「沒<br />

錯,閉關是我最常用的減壓方式,把自己<br />

關在家裡,陪陪家人,又或是跟朋友聚<br />


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Fool’s<br />

pAradise<br />


An innovative art park and hotel have put<br />

Guilin firmly on the global cultural map<br />

Text & Photography by Jillian Mitchell<br />

Translation by Amanda Mao<br />

Branded a fool over his decision some 13 years ago to<br />

create a large-scale art park in the ethereal landscape<br />

of Guilin, China, Rhy Chang Tsao’s pet project Yuzi,<br />

affectionately named ‘Fool’s Paradise’, now boasts more<br />

than 200 magnificently sculptured art works that dot<br />

manicured grounds like rare species of flowers.<br />

While it may be somewhat difficult to imagine that<br />

modern art could complement a backdrop of craggy<br />

limestone peaks jutting out of a patchwork of rice and<br />

vegetable fields, Yuzi is a superb blend of conceptual<br />

creativity strongly influenced by nature.<br />

The eclectic array of stark, eye-catching pieces is an<br />

impressive treasure chest of discovery for all those<br />

一座富創意的藝術公園以及園內的酒<br />

店,使桂林在世界文化地圖穩佔一席位<br />

13年前決定在人間仙境的桂林山水間,建造一座廣闊<br />

的藝術公園,並把「愚人」一詞冠在品牌名稱上的曹<br />

日章,把這個捧在心頭的「愚人」計劃,寶貝地命名<br />

為「愚自樂園」,現在園內修剪整齊的草坪上,已陳<br />

列超過200件鉅大雕塑作品,每件都是稀世僅有的奇<br />

花異卉。<br />

很難想像在桂林大片稻禾、蔬菜田間,拔地而起<br />

崎嶇高聳如筍的石灰岩地貌景觀中,錯落著各種大型<br />

現代藝術雕塑,愚自樂園卻呈現了非常巧妙的融合,<br />

它要求從自然中發想而生的雕塑創作,一件件自然地<br />

融入了桂林山水中。<br />

從踏入愚自樂園的大門起,園內一件件不拘一<br />

格、線條鮮明、搶眼的作品,讓參觀者猶如置身大觀<br />

園,放眼所見均是藏寶盒裡耀眼奪目的珍寶。不論是<br />


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Yuzi boasts<br />

more than 200<br />

sculptured<br />

art works<br />

愚自樂園陳列超過200件<br />

鉅大雕塑作品<br />

(Clockwise from left) A piece in Ju Ming’s<br />

Living World series; Eberhard Eckerle’s<br />

Strange Loops; Hotel of Modern Art<br />

(左上圖順時針起)朱銘「人間舞台」<br />

系列作品之一;德國雕塑家伊伯哈<br />

艾克的「魔圈」;蓮之酒店<br />

who venture through the front gates. They comprise a<br />

who’s who of the local and international sculpting scene,<br />

each piece as individual in form as the surrounding famed<br />

conical rock formations that have been inspiring artists and<br />

poets for centuries.<br />

said to have been based upon the people he has met<br />

and encountered throughout his many years, renowned<br />

taiwanese artist Ju ming’s Living World series is nestled<br />

amongst the pine forest. The enthralling mastery of Ju’s<br />

work is demonstrated in the meticulous placement of<br />

detail providing a result that explicitly captures human<br />

form and expression.<br />

Germany’s eberhard eckerle created Strange Loops<br />

at Yuzi in 2001. his strong, enigmatic piece is a bold,<br />

twisted mass of smooth ribbons of steel that can almost be<br />

imagined as being representative of a limestone karst.<br />

The deceptiveness of barbara Falender’s piece,<br />

Between Fire and Water, is that it appear merely to be a<br />

simple 10m ‘wave’ of granite rising from the shallows<br />

of one of the park’s several lakes. however, the smooth<br />

curves have mesmerising appeal and manage to capture<br />

the eye’s attention even from a distance.<br />

but the art doesn’t stop with the incredible sculptures.<br />

as part of the prestigious French brand relais & châteaux,<br />

homa (hotel of modern art) is located within the<br />

park grounds and seeks to provide its guests with an allencompassing<br />

art experience.<br />

對桂林山水的感知與情緒,件件都有獨特的生命,就<br />

像幾世紀以來詩人與畫家筆下的桂林一樣,獨特的石<br />

灰岩景觀,成就了精彩傳世佳作。<br />

知名台灣雕塑家朱銘的「人間舞台」系列作品,<br />

是他多年來接觸、觀察人而得來的靈感創作,現在也<br />

矗立在愚自樂園的松森林裡。在精心規劃擺置下,每<br />

尊人物雕像在松森林裡,似乎特別能傳達朱銘作品的<br />

精髓,呈現大師令人歎服的練達。<br />

德國雕塑家伊伯哈艾克2001年在園內創作的「魔<br />

圈」,這看來如謎團般難解的強悍作品,以光滑鋼管<br />

環繞扭曲而成,象徵的是喀斯特地貌的特色。<br />

芭芭拉法蘭德的作品「水火之間」則頗為狡詐,<br />

十公尺長的波浪形狀花崗岩,圓滑流暢的彎度,彷彿<br />

是從湖裡真正升起的波浪,著實讓人無法轉睛,即使<br />

從遠處觀看,仍會立時被它吸引住。<br />

愚自樂園的藝術鉅作還不只這些名家雕塑,身<br />

為蜚聲國際的酒店聯盟 Relais & Chateaux 的會員,<br />

蓮之酒店(HOMA)正坐落在愚自樂園裡,週遭層<br />

層環繞著藝術鉅作,無所不在的藝術氛圍,就是它為<br />

住客羅織的體驗。<br />

駐園藝術家黃一哲,從酒店的設計、建造、監<br />

工,將紙上的創意發想落實在這人間仙境中,他無役<br />

不與。「這個角色讓我能完全發揮自己天馬行空的創<br />

意,深具挑戰,也令人興奮。」他最新的計劃,便是<br />

過去一年全心打造的藝術級奢華水療中心,黃一哲歸<br />

功於自然風景所帶來的靈感,水療中心外的階梯空間<br />


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Resident designer Huang Yi Zhe has been charged<br />

with designing, developing and overseeing the creative<br />

transition of selected areas of the hotel from start to finish.<br />

“This rôle allows me almost boundless creativity, which I<br />

see as both exciting and challenging.” His latest project,<br />

a state-of-the-art luxury spa, has been in development<br />

for the past 12 months. Huang credits nature as the main<br />

inspiration for his work at HOMA; just one example of<br />

this is his recreation of Guangxi’s terraced rice fields which<br />

dominates the spa’s downstairs space.<br />

The attention to detail in the design and presentation<br />

of the hotel is just as painstakingly geared towards<br />

individualistic perfection as any of the art works on<br />

display, and a desire to blend it with the environment has<br />

been paramount. This is evident in the hotel’s innovative<br />

design and construction, which Huang says make it<br />

barely visible . The distinctive pyramid shapes used for<br />

the buildings owe much of their camouflage abilities to<br />

sloping grassed roofs.<br />

Nature hasn’t been the only source of creative<br />

inspiration at Yuzi though. When it came to completing<br />

the logo for the Lotus Restaurant, Huang says, “I created it<br />

from stylised English letters, arranged in the overall shape<br />

and form of the traditional Chinese character for lotus.”<br />

A similar insight appears to have been formed by<br />

British artist Allen Jones. Recognised as one of the<br />

men who changed the face of modern art in Britain in<br />

the ’70s, Jones has previously been quoted as saying<br />

about his Banquet sculpture, “I explore the possibility<br />

that the three dancers in silhouette against the sky are<br />

reminiscent of Chinese writing.”<br />

Jones’ Banquet, and all the art works on display are the<br />

result of a series of sculpting symposiums as well as an<br />

蓮之酒店本體在設計上或呈現上的細節處理,不<br />

僅須顧慮到自身特質的發揮,也要如其他藝術作品一<br />

般,費一番苦心與環境自然融為一體。與桂林景觀和<br />

諧交融,一直都是酒店或樂園存在的最重要原則。這<br />

一點從酒店打破傳統的獨特外形與構建,讓它從高<br />

空中能隱而不見,即可證明費心不破壞原始景觀的用<br />

心。酒店獨特的金字塔外形,能隱而不見,真要歸功<br />

的,應是傾斜屋頂上的綠色植栽了。<br />

在愚自樂園,自然山水不是創作的唯一靈感來<br />

源,例如「蓮餐廳」的名稱設計,黃一哲說:「我採<br />

用特殊英文字體編排設計,讓它的形狀看來就像中國<br />

字『蓮』。」<br />

英國藝術家亞倫瓊斯也有類似的靈感來源,被視<br />

為70年代改變英國當代藝術面貌的藝術家之一,<br />

(Clockwise from far left) Xiao Li’s Night<br />

of Evolution; Allen Jones’ Banquet; Barbara<br />

Falender’s Between Fire and Water<br />

(左上圖順時針起)北京藝術家蕭立的「進<br />

化之夜」;亞倫瓊斯的「盛宴」;芭芭拉法<br />


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Artist-in-residence A-Kan (below);<br />

painter Yu Youhan<br />

(下)駐園藝術家阿甘(甘信一);<br />

(右)中國畫家余友涵<br />

practicalities<br />

Transportation: Located in Dabu town<br />

approximately 30 kilometres south of Guilin,<br />

transfers from the airport, Guilin town or<br />

Yangshuo can be arranged through HOMA.<br />

Alternatively a direct minibus service departs<br />

from Guilin Railway Station every 10-15<br />

minutes until 6pm and costs RMB5.<br />

Accommodation: HOMA offers 49<br />

individually styled rooms and is fully selfcontained<br />

with restaurants, cafés and spa<br />

on-site. Rooms are priced from RMB2,500 to<br />

RMB8,800 (RMB8,000 to 31/12/<strong>2009</strong>).<br />

Opening hours: The art park is open from<br />

8.30am till 5pm for those not staying at the<br />

hotel. Entrance fee: RMB200 per person,<br />

complimentary for HOMA guests. Guides,<br />

electric cars and bicycles are also available<br />

for hire.<br />

交通:位於桂林市南方30公里的大埠鄉,透過<br />

蓮之酒店安排交通,可從機場、桂林市或陽朔搭<br />

乘酒店交通車前往。另也可在桂林汽車總站搭乘<br />

愚自樂園專線車,約每隔10至15分鐘發車,末<br />

班車在下午6時發車,車資5元人民幣。<br />

住宿:蓮之酒店共有49間風格獨特的房間,<br />

餐廳、咖啡館、spa一應俱全。房價在2,500至<br />

8,800人民幣之間(本房價<strong>2009</strong>年12月31日<br />

之前有效)。<br />

開放時間:藝術公園開放時間自上午8:30到<br />

下午5:00(非蓮之酒店住客者)。<br />

參觀費用:每人人民幣200元,蓮之酒店住客則<br />

享有免費參觀的優惠。園內備有導覽人員、電動<br />

車、腳踏車租用的服務。<br />

active artist-in-residence programme that have been held<br />

since the park’s inception.<br />

Despite a heavy focus on sculpture, Yuzi recently hosted<br />

its third painting symposium, which involved 12 artists onsite<br />

for three to four weeks. Influential Chinese painter Yu<br />

Youhan worked on four key pieces during his stay. When<br />

asked if the natural environment had any impact on the<br />

works completed, Yu says, “I’d had the ideas for some time;<br />

however I found my final piece almost exploded into a new<br />

style. This is something I will further explore on my return<br />

to Shanghai.”<br />

Artist in residence A-Kan also feels he has in some way<br />

been influenced by the wonderful natural environment,<br />

however as he has only been at Yuzi for eight months he is<br />

not quite sure how or even if this will impact on his work.<br />

Specialising in sculpture, Taiwanese A-Kan says, “My<br />

core philosophy is all about turning things upside down<br />

and seeing them differently.” When comparing the style of<br />

his work to that in the park he describes his art as growing<br />

outward rather than inward. “I feel my work is more<br />

uplifting due to the freedom and mobility that comes from<br />

being able to take my pieces into any admirer’s home”.<br />

With such a vast collection of work on display there<br />

looks to be something here for everyone. The inherent<br />

theme of artistic creation and an aesthetic sense are<br />

visible in almost every aspect of this ‘Fool’s Paradise’<br />

– which could be described more reasonably as an everevolving<br />

cultural masterpiece.<br />

瓊斯曾說過:「我以剪影可能呈現的視覺效果來創作<br />

三舞者,其實概念也是來自中國字的聯想。」<br />

瓊斯的作品「盛宴」,以及其他愚自樂園裡的作<br />

品,其實都是一系列雕塑營、駐園藝術家計劃的成<br />

果,這是創園以來一直執行中的工作。<br />

即使偏重在雕塑藝術方面,愚自樂園最近才舉辦<br />

了以繪畫為主的第三屆國際藝術創作營,為期三至四<br />

星期的研討營,共有12位畫家參與。頗有影響力的中<br />

國畫家余友涵在研討營期間創作四幅主作品,當被詢<br />

及桂林山水是否對他的創作靈感有所衝擊,他便說:<br />

「那樣的想法的確是有的,但我發現創作到最後一幅<br />

作品時,竟爆出了新風格,我回上海後會進一步延伸<br />

發展。」<br />

駐園藝術家阿甘(甘信一)同樣感受到桂林美好<br />

山水的啟發,雖然在愚自樂園才八個月,他還沒能看<br />

出大自然會如何影響創作,以及影響的成分有多少。<br />

這位以雕塑創作為主、來自台灣的藝術家說:<br />

「我的中心哲思只想把事物上下顛倒,用完全不同的<br />

視角來看他們。」比較自己作品的風格與園內其他作<br />

品有何不同時,他形容自己的創作是「外張的,而非<br />

內伸的」,「我覺得自己的作品比較朝氣蓬勃,因為<br />

欣賞者能將它帶回家的自由性與流動性,而產生了這<br />

樣的意象。」<br />

為數可觀的藝術創作,讓愚自樂園成為一場豐富<br />

的心靈饗宴,不論是藝術創作的內在思維,或者外在<br />

的美學呈現,人人都能在園裡的每個角落,各取所<br />

需、飽足而歸。「愚自樂園」也可說是一個不斷變化<br />


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Whatever your budget, Bangkok offers a range of<br />

cookery classes to help spice up those kitchen skills<br />

Text by Jane Chon of Cool Hunt Inc. Photography by Ben Owen-Browne<br />

Translation by Amanda Mao<br />

The heat, the crowds, the traffic – for many travellers to Bangkok there<br />

seems to be little respite from them, in a city where entrance to an airconditioned<br />

building is its own saving grace. But in the capital city of<br />

Thailand, with its beautiful temples, efficient waterways (Bangkok is<br />

sometimes called ‘the Venice of the East’) and towering skyscrapers,<br />

the biggest reward is often found in its culinary experience.<br />

Thai cuisine is known for its assertive combination of flavours<br />

– spicy, sour, sweet and bitter – resulting in a bright complexity,<br />

sweet perfume and bracing heat. Fresh herbs, chillis, coconut milk,<br />

tamarind and palm sugar come to mind, as does the nearly ubiquitous<br />

nam pla, or fish sauce.<br />

There are many luxurious places to sit and enjoy something to eat<br />

in Bangkok whilst being transported by its beauty. But while photos<br />

of the ornate shrines at Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha)<br />

may relay their beauty, a picture of tom yam in a bowl doesn’t quite<br />

do justice to the balancing act of the soup’s hot and sour elements.<br />

泰式料理體驗<br />

無論預算多少,曼谷有不少烹飪學校,對那些廚<br />

藝想精進的人來說,這可是一大福音<br />

悶熱的空氣、擁擠的人潮、忙亂的交通⋯⋯對多數遊客來說,曼<br />

谷簡直讓人難有透氣喘歇的一刻;在這座城市,任何一處通向冷<br />

氣房的入口,就是一個救贖。身為泰國首都,曼谷有輝煌的廟<br />

宇、四通八達的水路交通,以及毗鄰高聳的大樓,但這城市給予<br />

遊客的最大回饋,莫過於被大大滿足的口腹之慾。<br />

泰國美食以混合多種獨特的口味而馳名遠近,辣、酸、甘甜,<br />

還常帶著些許的苦味,組成極複雜又強烈的口味,酸香而熱辣,<br />

其中有新鮮的食用藥草、辣椒、椰奶、羅望子、椰子糖,以及魚<br />

露⋯⋯融會起來,讓人精神為之一振。<br />

曼谷有很多奢華高檔的地方可以享受人生、大啖美食,這城市<br />

極盡展現的美,總是讓人心醉神怡。臥佛寺莊嚴華麗的照片,也<br />

許能明白傳遞廟宇建築的美,但一張酸辣湯的照片,卻很難讓人<br />

理解那湯的熱度與酸度。還好,曼谷市有選擇多元的烹飪課程,<br />

不少都是頗具知名度的烹飪學校,它們提供令人垂涎的泰國美<br />

食,讓各國遊客將美味外帶回國。烹飪學校主要以英文授課,遊<br />

客們還可以學到一些符合自己口味的新式泰國菜。<br />

住洛杉機的奈維瑞瓦庫瑪,已經跑遍世界大小城市,一到泰<br />


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(Clockwise from right) A class at the lively Baipai Cooking School; curried noodles with prawn ready to be devoured by hungry students of Silom Thai Cooking School; an instructor with The Blue<br />

Elephant Bangkok guides students through the Bang Rak morning market; a cookery class in full swing at the Mandarin Oriental<br />

(右上順時針起)巴佩烹飪學校有開放式的學間,相當通風;席隆泰國烹飪學校的咖哩蝦炒麵已準備好讓飢腸轆轆的學生品嘗;藍象料理學校的課程包括帶學員到著名的班瑞傳統早市認識泰<br />


Luckily, Bangkok provides a variety of cooking classes<br />

at renowned schools ready to cater to travellers who<br />

wish to take the essence of Thai cuisine back to their<br />

native countries. With instruction primarily in English,<br />

visitors can learn to cook new favourites in the setting<br />

most suited to their tastes.<br />

Nived Ravikumar is one example. A Los Angeles<br />

resident who has travelled extensively all over the<br />

world, he made sure to take a cooking class when he<br />

found himself in Thailand.<br />

“One of the draws of going to Thailand was the food<br />

itself – just from having grown up being very exposed<br />

to it.” His parents, who hail from Chennai in India, were<br />

not satisfied with the Indian food in Los Angeles, and<br />

Ravikumar’s family would often find themselves eating<br />

at Thai restaurants on special occasions.<br />

“I like how it’s among the spiciest food I’ve had,<br />

but it’s not pure spice,” says Ravikumar. “Thai food<br />

balances everything really<br />

well – it’s spicy, it’s sweet,<br />

it’s tangy.” And while he<br />

once found this balance<br />

of flavour to be a kind of<br />

mystery, after taking a<br />

lesson he found it to be<br />

“surprisingly simple”.<br />

In Bangkok, temples<br />

from the restoration<br />

of Rama III co-exist<br />

with brazen commercial<br />

developments. On Sathorne<br />

Road, one might stumble upon the historic Thai Chine<br />

Building, home of The Blue Elephant Bangkok. With its<br />

butter-yellow exterior, white trim, and the manicured<br />

lawn tucked behind it, the Thai Chine building is a visual<br />

breath of fresh air, as it seeming to evoke a time with<br />

decidedly less hustle and bustle.<br />

With locations all over the world, The Blue Elephant<br />

has brought royal Thai cuisine to many people, and<br />

its Bangkok cooking school counts celebrities as well<br />

as Michelin-starred chefs as students. The morning<br />

classes include a trip by Sky Train – one of the fastest<br />

ways to get around Bangkok – to the Bang Rak<br />

morning market, where the instructor introduces the<br />

local flora and fauna of Thai cuisine. Lemon grass,<br />

本身實在吸引,我從小就在泰國美食中長大。」奈<br />

維的父母來自南印度第一大城的清奈地區,他們對<br />

洛杉機的印度料理敬謝不敏,倒是發覺家族在重要<br />

節日聚餐時,總是在泰國餐廳裡。<br />

「我喜歡泰國菜的辣法,那不是純粹的辣。」奈<br />

維說道:「泰國菜把每一種調味料綜合得很好,它<br />

有辣有甜,而且味道夠酸夠勁。」奈維曾經把泰國<br />

菜能綜合平衡多種調味料的能力,視為一種神秘能<br />

力,但上了烹飪課後,他驚訝地發現神秘的泰式調<br />

味,竟是出奇的簡單!<br />

泰國在西元1824年拉瑪三世登基後的27年,曼<br />

谷各大廟宇陸續整建重修,並大幅度地興建商業建<br />

築。在沙通路上,你所看到令人驚豔的古蹟建築泰<br />

清樓,就是那個時期的建築,這裡現在是泰國著名<br />

的烹飪學校藍象料理學校(The Blue Elephant)的<br />

所在地,這棟西式洋樓漆以奶油黃的外牆,窗框、<br />

柱條則為白色,屋後有一方修剪整齊的草坪,它看<br />

來清新脫俗,在嘈雜燠熱的曼谷,讓人心頭的煩躁<br />

頓時沉澱不少。<br />

藍象料理學校在海外有<br />

不少分校,把皇家泰國料理<br />

發揚光大,而曼谷總部的學<br />

生不乏社會名流,甚至還有<br />

星級米其林主廚。課程可選<br />

上、下午時段,上午時段包<br />

括帶學生搭高架捷運(Sky<br />

Train)到著名的班瑞傳統<br />

早市,指導員會帶你認識泰<br />

國料理的使用食材,包括:<br />

檸檬草、泰國檸檬、甜羅<br />

勒、新鮮活跳的魚,甚至臭<br />

名四溢的榴槤也不放過。<br />

曼 谷 最 負 盛 名 的 飯 店 之 一 : 文 華 東 方 ( T h e<br />

Mandarin Oriental),向來以多元設施、周全服務<br />

稱冠群倫,它提供的烹飪課程,也超過20年之久<br />

了。課程開放給住客與非住客,上課地點在水療中<br />

心旁的木屋,由主廚那南主持。烹飪課一道道上桌<br />

的菜,充分明證主廚的才華創意:金黃色的咖哩炒<br />

麵完美得無可挑剔;以鳳梨刨雕出的湯匙,舀起豬<br />

肉,大口吃下,酸甜鹹混合出的滋味,實在美妙。<br />

相對於文華東方的貴氣,席隆泰國烹飪學校<br />

(Silom Cooking School)是屬於平價的選擇,這裡<br />

可能也是最隨興、不拘形式的烹飪學校,它隱藏在<br />

一幢公寓樓上,樓下不時傳來同條街上清真寺的拜<br />

禱聲,以及孩童的嬉鬧聲。<br />


HAS BROugHT<br />


TO MANy pEOpLE<br />

藍象在海外設有分校,把<br />

皇家泰國料理發揚光大<br />

Practicalities<br />

The Blue Elephant<br />

2,800 baht (approx. US$84)<br />

per person per class<br />

233 South Sathorn Road,<br />

Kwaeng Yannawa, Khet<br />

Sathorn, Bangkok,<br />

Thailand 10120<br />

+66 2 673 9353-4<br /><br />

school<br />

The Mandarin Oriental<br />

4,000 baht (approx. US$120)<br />

per person per class<br />

48 Oriental Avenue Bangkok,<br />

Thailand 10500<br />

+66 2 659 9000<br /><br />

bangkok<br />

Silom Cooking School<br />

1,000 baht (approx. US$30)<br />

per person per class<br />

68 Silom Soi,<br />

13 Silom Road Bangrak,<br />

(Opposite Narai Hotel),<br />

Bangkok, Thailand 10500<br />

+66 8 4 726 5669<br /><br />

Baipai Thai Cooking School<br />

1,800 baht (approx. US$54)<br />

per person per class<br />

105/12 Soi Naksuwan,<br />

Nonsee Road, Chongnonsee,<br />

Yannawa, Bangkok,<br />

Thailand 10120<br />

+66 2 294 9029<br />

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kaffir lime, sweet basil, glistening fresh fish and even<br />

the infamous durian make their appearances.<br />

Then there are the classes at the Mandarin Oriental,<br />

one of the most celebrated hotels in Bangkok. Along<br />

with its countless services and amenities, the Oriental<br />

has also offered cooking courses for over 20 years,<br />

which are open to guests and non-guests alike. Held in a<br />

cottage near the hotel spa, they are presided over by Chef<br />

Narrain. The courses are a testament to his individual<br />

talent – the noodles in a curry are perfectly pan-fried;<br />

while a pineapple is transformed into a number of edible<br />

spoons to hold an amuse of minced pork.<br />

At the other end of the scale is Silom Thai Cooking<br />

School. Best for travellers on a budget, it is perhaps<br />

the least formal. Located in an actual apartment, the<br />

classroom is privy to the sounds of the mosque down<br />

the street and children playing below the window.<br />

The lesson itself begins on the brightly coloured mats<br />

that cover the ground. With everyone seated on the<br />

floor, curry paste is pounded in a mortar and pestle and<br />

the mise en place is prepared by working over a small<br />

round cutting board. But despite its discount price, no<br />

student leaves hungry, filling themselves with dishes<br />

like kao soi goong (curried noodles with prawn).<br />

Baipai Cooking School is one of the most lively.<br />

Established in 2002, the renovated two-storey home is<br />

open and airy. Furnished in traditional woods, in every<br />

corner there seems to be a gurgling fountain or pink<br />

and white orchids growing effortlessly from ceramic<br />

pots. The classes, available Tuesday through Sunday,<br />

are very hands-on and students get to know each other<br />

at the communal work stations. Instructor Nirachara<br />

Wongturun and her sous-chef Kedsara Boonprathum<br />

keep things boisterous and engage in cooking showtype<br />

interaction and demonstrations as they prepare<br />

ang keaw wann gai (green curry with chicken). When<br />

the students go back to their woks to create the dish<br />

for themselves, laughing at and helping each other,<br />

they find themselves forgetting the heat of Bangkok’s<br />

afternoons in the presence of some of the best cuisine<br />

that South-East Asia has to offer.<br />

The Mandarin Oriental offers courses in five-star cooking<br />

文華東方提供五星級的烹飪課程<br />

課程就在舖地的鮮豔地毯上展開,大夥席地而<br />

坐,手拿石杵就著石缽努力搗起咖哩醬,做菜的前置<br />

作業也在一塊小小的圓形砧板進行,設備極簡,但每<br />

個人都是飽足離去,上桌的菜包括有咖哩蝦炒麵等。<br />

說到教學氣氛生動活潑的,巴佩烹飪學校<br />

(Baipai Cooking School)可說是其中之一。成立<br />

於2002年,重修後的兩層樓房,有開放式的空間,<br />

配以傳統木器傢俱,每個角落都能看到潺潺水聲的<br />

水池,或陶盆裡在水上綻放生命力的粉、白蘭花。<br />

這裡只開放星期二至日上課,非常熱門搶手,<br />

學生們還可在公共工作室裡認識彼此。總指導妮娜<br />

查芮和她的二廚凱沙芮很能帶動現場氣氛,以戲劇<br />

化的手法,一來一往示範做菜的竅門,然後學生們<br />

再各自帶開進行。在笑鬧中他們合力烹煮著青咖哩<br />

雞,曼谷午後的燠熱早已煙消雲散,全副精神只擺<br />

在這方桌上的東南亞美食佳餚。<br />



ArE vEry LIvELy<br />

ANd HANdS-ON<br />

巴佩烹飪學校的氣氛生動<br />


© CNCC<br />

76<br />

page<br />

iN busiNess<br />

商業視野<br />

of mice and businessmen<br />

會展熱潮在中國<br />

After the Olympics tourism boom, China<br />

turns its attention to business travellers<br />

中國的酒店業為迎接龐大的會展旅遊<br />


74<br />

in business | 商業視野<br />

Sony EricSSon XPEriA X2<br />

Price: To be confirmed<br />

For local store list visit<br />

ThE WraP<br />

商業前線<br />

not a fan of Blackberry or iPhone? The new XPEriA X2<br />

from Sony Ericsson is a perfect way for business travellers<br />

to stay connected. With 14 preloaded desktop panels<br />

and 16 more to download, you can preset your favourites<br />

such as Skype, Google or cnn news to appear at a<br />

certain time of the day. Qwerty messaging lets you work<br />

on your mobile and show you presentations on the big<br />

screen with a TV out cable. Work has never been easier.<br />

除了黑莓手機和 iPhone 外,智能手機也是不少商務人<br />

士的好拍檔。Sony Ericsson 的「XPERIA X2」採用全<br />

新視窗軟件,除了可以接收電子郵件和編輯微軟文件<br />

外,還可利用14個預載和16個可供下載的互動桌面,<br />

無論是 Skype、Google,還是 CNN 新聞等,你也可<br />

以自訂這些桌面出現的時間。你更可透過 Qwerty 鍵<br />

盤輸入文字,再利用電視輸出線於大熒幕上展示演說<br />

文件,令工作變得輕鬆容易。<br />

BEijinG FinAnciAl STrEET<br />

9B Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing<br />

北京西城區金融大街乙9號 +86 10 6629 7511<br />

Managed by The Westin Beijing Financial Street, the newly<br />

opened Beijing Financial Street conference centre has<br />

over 2,168 sqm of specialised conferencing, exhibition and<br />

event facilities. A divisible and expansive ballroom boasting<br />

1,488 sqm is ideal for large conventions, exhibitions, trade<br />

shows and gala dinners, while five cosy meeting rooms are<br />

suitable for smaller meetings and seminars, all equipped<br />

with the latest state of the art audiovisual equipment.<br />

由北京金融街威斯汀大酒店管理的北京金融街會議中心剛剛開幕,成為北京會議展覽業的新力軍。北京金融街會議<br />

中心擁有超過2,168平方米的會議、展覽、活動場地和設施。其中一個可自由擴充的宴會廳面積為1,488平方米,適<br />

合大規模的會展活動、工貿展覽和大型晚宴。而5個設備齊全的會議室則適合各類型的會議和講座。所有場地均備<br />

有先進的視聽設備。<br />

key features<br />

Networks 網絡‥<br />

HSDPA, 4G<br />

system 作業系統‥<br />

Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional<br />

screeN size 尺寸‥<br />

3.2 inches<br />

resolutioN 解像度‥<br />

800× 480 pixels,<br />

35,536 colour TFT<br />

memory 儲存媒體‥<br />

Phone memory 110MB/support<br />

SanDisk micro<br />

SD and microSDHC<br />

(up to 16GB)<br />

riMoWA<br />

Shop 2708, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macao<br />

澳門威尼斯人大運河購物中心2708號<br />

From the kids’ trolley to the Topas cabin<br />

Trolley to the Tango Multiwheel, these rimowa<br />

cases are all made with high-tech polycarbonate<br />

and aluminium materials and will last a<br />

lifetime; most importantly, you and your family<br />

will always be perfectly organised and looking<br />

classy for your holidays.<br />

Rimowa 行李箱由鋁鎂合<br />

金或聚碳酸酯製成,保<br />

養得宜絕對可用上一輩<br />

子。Topas 子。Topas 系列的小孩行李<br />

箱、登機行李箱和 Tango<br />

四輪行李箱, 確<br />

保一家大小<br />

保一家大小<br />

出遊時也齊<br />

出遊時也齊<br />

齊整整、有<br />


76<br />

in business | 商業視野<br />

MICE<br />

to meet you, China<br />

中國歡迎你,MICE!<br />

Post-Olympics, the China hospitality<br />

industry is wooing business travellers<br />

By Helen Dalley Translation by Jess Lit<br />

No sooner had the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2008<br />

Olympic Games taken place= at the National Stadium<br />

last August than many of China’s hotels and convention<br />

centres were preparing to greet a whole new brand of<br />

customer: MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and<br />

Exhibitions) visitors, those in town primarily for a workrelated<br />

conference rather than a holiday. Frequently on a<br />

tight schedule and with sightseeing their lowest priority,<br />

these discerning visitors are looking for comfort, quality<br />

and, above all, convenience, with places that are close to<br />

both the CBD and the airport.<br />

The grandest addition to the China MICE scene is the<br />

China National Convention Center (CNCC), the site of<br />

the Olympic fencing and pistoling events as well as the<br />

main press centre and international broadcasting hub for<br />

the sporting event. Recently renovated and re-opened in<br />

November <strong>2009</strong>, the CNCC’s 170-plus events in its first<br />

five years of operation are expected to attract over 320,000<br />

attendees, clear evidence of the upsurge in MICE tourism<br />

in the middle kingdom.<br />

The CNCC’s greatest asset is arguably its size:<br />

the 6,400-sqm Plenary Hall is able to hold up to<br />

隨著奧運旅遊熱潮的冷卻,中國的酒店<br />

業正朝著會展旅遊積極邁進<br />

當2008年北京奧運會於去年8月在國家體育場圓滿落<br />

下帷幕之後,中國的酒店及會議中心紛紛立即著手準<br />

備迎接另一批截然不同的旅客─出席工作會議的會<br />

展(MICE)訪客。對日程早已排得滿滿的商務旅客<br />

而言,觀光一點也不重要,他們需要的是一個舒適、<br />

優質、便利,鄰近商業中心地區及機場的地方。<br />

位於北京的國家會議中心是中國最大、最新的會<br />

展場地。在奧運會期間,這裡不僅是擊劍和氣手槍比<br />

賽場館,也是主新聞中心及國際廣播中心的所在地。<br />

奧運結束後,會議中心立即進行內部改造,於<strong>2009</strong>年<br />

11月正式開幕。預計在首五年將有逾170個會議及展<br />

覽在此舉行,吸引超過320,000位人士前來參加,這<br />

些數字正好說明了會展旅遊在中國正不斷大幅增長的<br />

情況。寬廣的面積是國家會議中心最強大的優勢,其<br />

中最大的會堂佔地6,400平方米,可容納6,000名出席<br />

者,而大宴會廳則可舉辦接待3,000名賓客的宴會。<br />

除此之外,這裡還設有六個展廳,總面積達36,000平<br />

方米。擁有偌大空間的國家會議中心並不僅為大型會<br />

議及展覽提供服務,其企劃總監許鋒表示:「這個<br />

場館絕對能滿足各類型活動的需要。我們有近100個<br />

各種面積的會議室,並為不同規模的會議提供適切<br />

的配套優惠。」會議中心在未來的一年將會十分繁<br />


INterCoNtINeNtal beIjINg beICheN<br />

北京北辰洲際酒店<br />

CNCC<br />

國家會議中心<br />

SofItel ShaNghaI SheShaN orIeNtal<br />

上海東方佘山索菲特大酒店<br />

graNd hyatt SheNzheN<br />


78<br />

in business | 商業視野<br />

6,000 delegates, while its Grand Ballroom can<br />

accommodate 3,000 guests. On top of that, there are six<br />

exhibition halls totalling 36,000 sqm. With all this space,<br />

you might presume that the CNCC was going after large<br />

functions only, but Tony Xu, Director of Marketing, says,<br />

“The venue is ideal for all kinds of events – we have nearly<br />

100 meeting rooms of varying sizes, and have worked<br />

out packages especially for small meetings as well as<br />

larger gatherings,” he says. The coming year promises to<br />

be a busy one for the centre and Xu says, “To be honest,<br />

it’s proving difficult to keep up with demand – in June<br />

2010 for example, 16,000 delegates will attend the World<br />

Cardiology Congress at CNCC, the biggest event of its<br />

kind so far in China.” They will be well fed and watered, for<br />

as Xu adds, “We have a huge kitchen located in Basement 1<br />

that is able to cater to 3,500-person banquets. We will also<br />

operate food outlets inside the centre, which is another<br />

first for China.” Tailored to an individual event’s need,<br />

CNCC’s on-site catering service has already proved a hit<br />

with the recent FISM World Championships of Magic,<br />

being highly appraised by the organiser and magicians<br />

according to Xu.<br />

Connected to the CNCC via walkway, the<br />

Intercontinental Beijing Beichen, meanwhile, prides itself<br />

on being the only international brand five-star hotel in<br />

the Olympic Green, and it’s this prime location that is the<br />

hotel’s key selling point, according to Kathy Xia, Marketing<br />

and Communications Manager. After undergoing some<br />

post-Olympic renovation, the hotel is now hosting MICE<br />

events in its 1,700 sqm of function space (13 function<br />

rooms, the largest of which can hold 880, the smallest<br />

32). Xia says, “Since May <strong>2009</strong>, the hotel has hosted many<br />

events held by the pharmaceutical, communications and<br />

real estate industries, as well as municipal government,<br />

some of which were attended by more than 500 delegates.”<br />

In Beijing’s bustling Chaowai business district meanwhile,<br />

the German-owned Maritim brand – which focuses on<br />

providing conference and accommodation facilities under<br />

one roof – is set to open early next year and will surely give<br />

the Intercontinental something to think about.<br />

Over in Shanghai, MICE tourism is also big news, and<br />

one of the most attractive venues to meet in for business<br />

is perhaps the Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental, the<br />

closest hotel to the Formula 1 racetrack and the kind of<br />

place one could imagine new F1 champion Jenson Button<br />

hanging out with friends over cocktails. Open since<br />

March <strong>2009</strong>, this opulent, Mediterranean-style property<br />

houses 12 function rooms. Rebecca hao, Marketing<br />

and Communications Manager, says, “The hotel’s resort<br />

facilities, such as the lush gardens, 3,400-sqm outdoor<br />

swimming pool, man-made<br />

beach, outdoor mini golf<br />

and SOSPA centre are<br />

our unique selling point.”<br />

She adds, “We have<br />

8,214 sqm of conference<br />

facilities, which include a<br />

large ballroom which can<br />

accommodate banquet<br />

dinners for 900 people.”<br />

With the Shanghai World<br />

Expo looming, hao is optimistic about the future. “All<br />

hotels in the city will obviously benefit from this significant<br />

event from May to October.” Looking further forward, hao<br />

is similarly positive. “In two years’ time you won’t recognise<br />

Sheshan – the Shanghai government and Songjiang<br />

District Government are working together to promote<br />

Songjiang District as a MICE destination providing luxury<br />

hotel accommodation, and a convention centre will be<br />

built as a platform to attract upscale MICE business to the<br />

district,” she says.<br />

The MICE revolution continues down south in<br />

Shenzhen, where the Grand hyatt Shenzhen is giving<br />

its rivals over the border in hong Kong a run for their<br />

money after opening its doors in December <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

ThE CNCC IS ThE<br />



國家會議中心是中國最大、<br />

最新的會展場地<br />

A Sofitel Sheshan function room<br />

上海東方佘山索菲特大酒店的<br />

多功能會議室<br />

求確實不容易。舉例來說,在2010年6月在會議中心<br />

舉辦的世界心臟病學大會,估計將會有16,000人到來<br />

參加,這是至今在中國舉辦過的同類項目中最大型<br />

的。」會議中心還會為這次大會的出席者供應餐飲美<br />

食。「我們在地庫1層設有一個超大型的廚房,可應付<br />

3,500人的大型宴會。我們還會在中心內經營食店,這<br />

也是在中國的會展活動中首次出現的。」國家會議中<br />

心也為個別活動提供與之配合的餐飲服務,在剛過去<br />

的世界魔術大會中便辦得相當成功,得到主辦單位及<br />

與會嘉賓的大表讚揚。<br />

北京北辰洲際酒店離國家會議中心只有幾步之<br />

遙,並且是奧林匹克公園內唯一一間五星級國際連<br />

鎖酒店,據酒店的市場傳訊經理 KathyXia 所說,<br />

這個優越的地理位置正是酒店的優勝之處。經過一<br />

輪後奧運整修工程後,酒店現時擁有1,700平方米的<br />

功能空間,共13個功能廳(最大的可容納880人,<br />

最少的則可容納32人),供舉辦各類會議或展覽項<br />

目之用。Kathy 說:「自<strong>2009</strong>年5月至今,酒店已<br />

多次為製藥業、傳訊業、房地產業,甚至市政府,<br />

提供舉辦活動的場地服務,部分活動的參與人數更<br />

超過500人。」另一方面,<br />

在北京繁忙的朝外商業區,<br />

主張「會議與休閒為一體」<br />

的德國瑪麗蒂姆集團正為其<br />

新酒店密鑼緊鼓,為明年初<br />

開業作最後準備,相信到時<br />

洲際酒店必會嚴陣以待。<br />

在上海,會展旅遊也是<br />

一項重要的新發展。在一眾<br />

會展場地之中,上海東方佘<br />

山索菲特大酒店或許是最為<br />

理想的選擇。這是距離上海一級方程式賽車場最近的<br />

酒店,在這裡你仿佛可以想像到世界冠軍賽車手巴頓<br />

(Jenson Button)拿著雞尾酒跟朋友輕鬆閒聊的情景。<br />

這間以地中海風格設計的豪華酒店於<strong>2009</strong>年3月開<br />

業,設有12間多功能會議室。酒店的市場傳訊經理<br />

Rebecca Hao 說:「酒店的休閒設施,例如翠綠的<br />

園林、3,400平方米的露天泳池、人工沙灘、高爾夫<br />

球場和SOSPA水療中心,都是我們獨有的賣點。」她<br />

還補充:「我們有8,214平方米的會議場地,當中包括<br />

了一個可容納900名賓客的大型宴會廳。」隨著上海<br />

世博臨近,Rebecca 對前景感到非常樂觀。「在5月至<br />

10月期間,上海的每一間酒店都會因這項國際盛事而<br />

受惠。」對於會展旅遊的長遠發展,Rebecca同樣充<br />


82<br />

route Map<br />

航線圖<br />


曼谷<br />


成都<br />


北京<br />

GUILIN<br />

桂林<br />


南寧<br />


南京<br />


上海<br />


杭州<br />

XIAMEN<br />

廈門<br />

TAIPEI<br />

台北<br />

SEOUL<br />

首爾<br />


高雄<br />

LAOAG<br />

佬沃<br />

MANILA<br />

馬尼拉<br />

OSA<br />

大阪<br />

MACAU<br />

澳門<br />

TAIPA<br />

仔<br />


路環<br />

TOKYO<br />

東京<br />

AIR MACAU NETWORk 澳門航空網絡<br />

destinations 航點<br />

passenger routes 客運航線<br />

tokyo (starting in March 2010)<br />


Airport terminAl<br />

客運大樓平面圖<br />

84<br />

Aircraft Maintenance<br />

Hangar<br />

飛機維修庫<br />

Catering Building<br />

澳門航空食品大樓<br />

Engineering<br />

Building<br />

工程大樓<br />

ArrivAls level<br />

入境層<br />

City Guide<br />

城市指南<br />

Information<br />

Desk<br />

詢問處<br />

public AreA<br />

公眾區<br />

Private Car Parking<br />

停車場<br />

China Travel<br />

Service<br />

台胞證服務中心<br />

restricted AreA<br />

禁區<br />

macau international airport<br />

澳門國際機場平面圖<br />

Hotel China<br />

澳門中國大酒店<br />

Passenger Terminal<br />

客運大樓<br />

Private Car Parking<br />

停車場<br />

Macau Business<br />

Aviation Centre<br />

商務航空中心<br />

Luggage Claim<br />

行李運輸帶<br />

Rescue & Fire Fighting<br />

救援及滅火設施<br />

mezzAnine level<br />

閣樓<br />

Air Traffic Control<br />

Facilities<br />

空中交通管制設施<br />

Food Court<br />

機場速食店<br />

Smoking<br />

Lounge<br />

吸煙室<br />

General Aviation<br />

Hangar<br />

商務設施<br />

Fast Food<br />

美食廣場<br />

General Aviation<br />

Parking<br />

商務航空中心<br />

停車場<br />

Airport Cargo<br />

Centre<br />

機場貨運中心<br />

depArtures level<br />

離境層<br />

Information<br />

Desk<br />

詢問處<br />

Air Macau Lounge<br />

澳門航空貴賓室<br />

Airport mAp<br />

機場平面圖<br />

Check-In<br />

Counters<br />

登機手續<br />

Internet<br />

互聯網服務<br />

Airport Lounge<br />

機場貴賓室<br />

Shower<br />

淋浴設施<br />

Macau Restaurant<br />

澳門餐廳<br />

Runway<br />

機場跑道<br />

Rescue & Fire<br />

Fighting<br />

救援及滅火設施<br />

Duty Free Shop<br />

免稅店<br />

City Guide<br />

城市指南<br />

Post Office<br />

郵政局<br />

Radio-Navigation Aids<br />


Macau<br />

澳門<br />

86<br />

major destinations<br />

主要航點資料<br />

From the airport: taxis to the macau<br />

peninsula, taipa and Coloane cost around<br />

moP70, moP40 and moP50 respectively.<br />

Buses mt1 and mt2, 21, and aP1 take<br />

you to taipa and macau, while bus 26 goes<br />

to Coloane. There are also express buses to<br />

major cities in Guangdong.<br />

Around the city: The easiest way to get<br />

around the city is by buses and taxis. on<br />

macau peninsula, 3 and 3a are the most<br />

useful buses, running between the ferry<br />

terminal and the city centre. to taipa and<br />

Coloane, take 21, 21a, 25 or 26a.<br />

Country and city codes: +853<br />

Electricity: 220V, aC 50Hz<br />

Emergency: 999<br />

機場交通:由機場搭乘計程車前往<br />

澳門半島、 仔或路環,車費分別<br />

約為70、40及50澳門元。你也可<br />

以搭乘MT1、MT2、21及AP1號<br />

巴士前往 仔和澳門,26號則去路<br />

環。機場也有過境直通巴前往廣東<br />

省多個主要城市。<br />

市內交通:巴士和計程車是市內最<br />

常見的交通工具。在澳門半島,3<br />

號及3A號巴士最為便利,主要<br />

行走於港澳碼頭及市中心之間。<br />

如欲前往 仔和路環,可搭乘21<br />

、21A、25或 26A。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+853<br />

電壓:220V, AC 50Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:999<br /><br />

beijing<br />

北京<br />

From the airport: a taxi ride into town<br />

costs around rmB85 plus rmB15 for<br />

the highway toll. airport buses run every<br />

30 minutes from outside the arrivals hall<br />

to six destinations in the city. The fare is<br />

rmB16. The airport line of the Beijing<br />

subway runs from terminals 2 and 3 to<br />

dongzhimen with a stop at sanyuanqiao.<br />

Around the city: The reliable Beijing<br />

subway has extensive coverage in the city.<br />

taxis are rmB10 to 12 for the first 3km<br />

and rmB2 per kilometre thereafter.<br />

Country and city codes: +86 10<br />

Electricity: 220V, aC 50Hz<br />

Emergency: 110 (police), 119 (fire) and<br />

120 (ambulance)<br />

機場交通:搭乘計程車至市區車資<br />

約為人民幣85元,另須付人民幣15<br />

元過路費。在入境大堂外,往市區<br />

的機場大巴每30分鐘一班,途經方<br />

莊、西單、北京火車站、公主墳、<br />

中關村和南苑機場,票價為人民幣<br />

16元。北京地鐵機場線由2號或3號<br />

航站樓出發經三元橋往東直門。<br />

市內交通:北京地鐵的覆蓋範圍廣<br />

泛,是最可靠快捷的交通工具。計<br />

程車首3公里收費為人民幣10至12<br />

元,以後每公里收人民幣2元。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+86 10<br />

電壓:220V, AC 50Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:110(報警),<br />

119(消防)及120(救護車)<br /><br />

shanghai<br />

上海<br />

From the airport: the maglev train runs<br />

every 20 minutes between 7am and 9pm to<br />

its terminal in downtown in just eight minutes<br />

(rmB50 one way/rmB80 round trip). the<br />

airport bus service has eight different lines<br />

linking to all major transport hubs. For taxis,<br />

expect to pay rmB150 into the city centre.<br />

Around the city: the metro’s eight lines cover<br />

the city. taxis cost rmB11 for the first 3km<br />

and rmB2.10 for each additional kilometre.<br />

sightseeing buses depart from shanghai<br />

stadium to various tourist attractions.<br />

Country and city codes: +86 21<br />

Electricity: 220V, aC 50Hz<br />

Emergency: 110 (police), 119 (fire) and<br />

120 (ambulance)<br />

機場交通:由早上7時至晚上9時,<br />

每20分鐘就有一班磁懸浮列車由浦<br />

東國際機場前往市中心,單程及往<br />

返票價分別是人民幣50元及80元。<br />

機場大巴共有八條路線,貫通所有<br />

交通要點及主要景區。搭乘計程車<br />

前往市區約人民幣 150元。<br />

市內交通:地鐵共有八條線。計程<br />

車首3公里人民幣11元,之後每公里<br />

人民幣2.10元。於上海體育館旁的<br />

上海旅遊集散中心有多條公交路線<br />

前往不同的旅遊景點。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+86 21<br />

電壓:220V, AC 50 Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:110(報警),<br />

119(消防)及120(救護車)<br /><br />

taipei<br />

台北<br />

From the airport: airport buses depart<br />

from both terminals to various spots in<br />

the city. The journey takes about an hour.<br />

Fares range from nt$125 to nt$145.<br />

only taxis approved by the aviation Police<br />

Bureau are allowed to pick passengers up<br />

at the airport. expect to pay nt$1,100 for<br />

a journey to downtown.<br />

Around the city: The most efficient way<br />

to travel is by mrt, a metro system with<br />

seven lines. Buses are cheaper and slower,<br />

and good for short trips. taxis are nt$70<br />

for the first 1.25km and nt$5 for each<br />

additional 250m.<br />

Country and city codes: +886 2<br />

Electricity: 110 V, aC 60Hz<br />

Emergency: 110 (police) and 119 (fire)<br />

機場交通:桃園機場的兩個客運站<br />

均有機場巴士前往市區各處,車<br />

程約一小時,車費由新台幣125至<br />

145元不等。經航空警察局批准的<br />

計程車才能在機場接載乘客,前往<br />

市區的車資約為新台幣1,100元。<br />

市內交通:台北捷運共有七條線,<br />

相當方便快捷。市內短途可選搭巴<br />

士,車資較捷運便宜,但也較慢。<br />

計程車首1.25公里為新台幣70元,<br />

之後每250米為新台幣5元。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+886 2<br />

電壓:110V, AC 60Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:110(報警),<br />

119(消防)<br />

kaohsiung<br />

高雄<br />

From the airport: The airport is on the<br />

red line of the MRT system. Bus 103<br />

runs into the city every 15 minutes and<br />

costs NT$12. A taxi will cost you around<br />

NT$150, which includes an airport<br />

surcharge of NT$50.<br />

Around the city: Kaohsiung’s MRT has<br />

two lines with a starting fare of NT$20.<br />

The city’s bus hub is in front of the train<br />

station. The fare for a one-zone trip is<br />

NT$12. The very useful Bilingual Bus<br />

Route Guide is available at visitor centres<br />

across the city.<br />

Country and city codes: +886 7<br />

Electricity: 110V, AC 60Hz<br />

Emergency: 110 (police) and 119 (fire)<br />

機場交通:機場是高雄捷運紅線上<br />

的一站,前往市區十分方便。另外<br />

103號巴士每15分鐘就發車前往市<br />

區,車費為新台幣12元。計程車的<br />

車資大約是新台幣150元,當中包<br />

括機場服務費新台幣50元。<br />

市內交通:高雄捷運共有兩條線,<br />

票價由新台幣20元起。市區的巴士<br />

總站就在火車站前,第一區內的車<br />

資是新台幣12元。你可在任何旅遊<br />

中心免費索取高雄巴士遊覽指南。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+886 7<br />

電壓:110V, AC 60 Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:110(報警),<br />

119(消防)<br /><br />

osaka<br />

大阪<br />

From the airport: The airport is easily<br />

accessible by Kansai Airport express. The<br />

journey takes 62 minutes and the fare is<br />

¥1,160. Buses to Umeda station depart<br />

from bus stop No5 on the first floor of the<br />

arrivals hall. The fare is ¥1,300. A taxi ride<br />

to downtown is around ¥16,000.<br />

Around the city: osaka’s subway has<br />

seven lines. Mido-suji line is the most<br />

useful and runs north to south stopping<br />

at Umeda. Most rides cost between ¥200<br />

and ¥300.<br />

Country and city codes: +81 66<br />

Electricity: 100V, AC 60Hz<br />

Emergency: 110 (police) and 119 (fire)<br />

0570 000 911 ( japan Helpline)<br />

機場交通:你可在關西國際機場<br />

乘關西機場特快列車前往大阪,<br />

車程為62分鐘,票價1,160日圓。<br />

另外,在入境大樓一樓的5號巴士<br />

站,有巴士前往市區的梅田車站,<br />

車費1,300日圓。搭乘計程車前往<br />

市區的車資約為16,000日圓。<br />

市內交通:大阪的地下鐵共有七條<br />

線,其中最為便利的是南北走向的御<br />

堂筋線,路線途經梅田。票價由200<br />

至300日圓不等。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+81 66<br />

電壓:100V, AC 60 Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:110(報警),<br />

119 (火災),<br />

0570 000 911(求助熱線)<br /><br />

seoul<br />

首爾<br />

From the airport: Airport buses run every<br />

10 to 30 minutes to downtown seoul. The<br />

journey takes around 90 minutes. City<br />

limousine buses cost KRW9,000 and KAL<br />

deluxe limousine buses cost KRW14,000.<br />

Taxis charge around KRW100,000<br />

to downtown, including a road toll<br />

(KRW7,100) .<br />

Around the city: The city has<br />

comprehensive bus and subway systems.<br />

Regular taxis cost KRW1,900 for the first<br />

2km and then KRW100 for every 168m.<br />

deluxe taxis cost KRW4,500 for the first<br />

3km and then KRW200 for every 204m.<br />

Country and city codes: +82 2<br />

Electricity: 220V, AC 60Hz<br />

Emergency: 112 (police) and 119 (fire)<br />

機場交通:機場巴士每10至30分鐘<br />

發車前往市區,車程約90分鐘。普<br />

通巴士票價約9,000韓圜,豪華巴<br />

士的收費約14,000韓圜。如乘計程<br />

車前往市區,車資約為100,000韓<br />

圜,已包括7,100韓圜的過路費。<br />

市內交通:首爾的巴士和地鐵覆蓋<br />

相當全面。一般計程車起錶為首2<br />

公里1,900韓圜,之後每168米100<br />

韓圜;豪華計程車則首3公里4,500<br />

韓圜,之後每204米200韓圜。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+82 2<br />

電壓:220V, AC 60Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:112(報警),<br />

119(火災)<br /><br />

bangkok<br />

曼谷<br />

From the airport: Catch a free shuttle<br />

bus to the Passenger Transportation<br />

Centre to take a taxi to downtown. A taxi<br />

ride to the centre of Bangkok costs around<br />

THB400 plus THB50 airport surcharge.<br />

Alternatively, airport buses run between<br />

the airport and major hotels in downtown.<br />

The fare is THB150.<br />

Around the city: The meter charge for<br />

taxis is THB35 for the first kilometre,<br />

then THB5 for each additional kilometre.<br />

Bangkok’s public buses are run by the<br />

Bangkok Mass Transit Authority. Air-con<br />

bus fares typically start at THB10.<br />

Country and city codes: +66 2<br />

Electricity: 220V, AC 60Hz<br />

Emergency: 191 (police),<br />

1669 (ambulance) and 199 (fire)<br />

機場交通:在入境大樓可搭乘免費<br />

穿梭巴士前往客運中心,再轉乘計<br />

程車前往市區,車資約400泰銖,<br />

另要再加50泰銖機場附加費。另<br />

外,你可選擇乘搭機場巴士前往市<br />

中心各大酒店,車費150泰銖。<br />

市內交通:計程車首公里為35泰<br />

銖,之後每公里為5泰銖。曼谷的<br />

冷氣公共巴士收費由10泰銖起,巴<br />

士路線圖可在多處地方索取。<br />

國家及地區號碼:+66 2<br />

電壓:220V, AC 60Hz<br />

緊急電話號碼:191(報警),<br />

1669(救護車),199(火災)<br /><br />


Putting your safety first<br />

Health and safety are of utmost importance while in the<br />

air and Air Macau abides by the rules of the Civil Aviation<br />

Authority of Macau (CAAM), which ensures strict<br />

compliance with the provisions of the International Health<br />

Regulations published by the World Health Organization.<br />

For reasons of safety, health, security and trade control, all<br />

passengers are forbidden to take the following articles on<br />

to an aircraft:<br />

• Drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical products (except<br />

those prescribed by a doctor);<br />

• Gunpowder and explosives, pyrotechnic articles and<br />

88<br />

flammable materials;<br />

• Pointed or bladed items made or adapted to cause<br />

injury;<br />

• Firearms and ammunition;<br />

• Endangered species of animals and plants;<br />

• Gas containers and aerosols with a capacity of more<br />

than 500 millilitres and/or total net quantity exceeding<br />

two litres, carbon dioxide cartridges, fire extinguishers,<br />

oxygen tanks (except those approved for medical<br />

purposes);<br />

• Corrosive, toxic and infectious substances, caustic<br />

materials, insecticides, paint, tear gas;<br />

• Magnetised materials.<br />

inFLiGhT hEALTh AnD sAFETY<br />

飛行健康與安全須知<br />

onboard safety measures<br />


Please study the safety card in front of you. Your life jacket<br />

is under your seat. Check where your nearest two exits are,<br />

in front and behind you. Before take-off, count the seat<br />

rows to your nearest two exits.<br />


Place loose items such as hand luggage or handbags under<br />

your seat or in the overhead locker during take-off and<br />

landing. In addition, passengers in bulkhead seats should<br />

keep the floor areas in front of them clear during take-off<br />

and landing.<br />


The use of Bluetooth or remote-controlled devices is<br />

prohibited as such devices may interfere with the aircraft’s<br />

navigation and communication systems. Laptops, PDAs<br />

and audio/video equipment can be used 15 minutes after<br />

take-off but must be switched off once the fasten seatbelt<br />

sign has been illuminated.<br />

NO SMOKING: All Air Macau flights are non smoking<br />

and it is an offence to smoke in any part of the aircraft at<br />

any time.<br />

inflight health tiPs<br />

To ensure your comfort in the air and help you feel relaxed<br />

and refreshed on arrival at your destination, Air Macau<br />

offers the following advice to passengers:<br />


Try to eat a light meal before and during your flight and<br />

avoid heavy foods which prove difficult to digest when<br />

inactive. Avoid excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine to<br />

prevent headaches and bloating; alcohol and caffeine act<br />

as diuretics, which increase the body’s dehydration.<br />


The aircraft is pressurised to maintain a healthy<br />

environment, but if you have a cold or sinus infection, the<br />

cabin pressure may cause discomfort. You can combat this<br />

by swallowing, sucking on a sweet or yawning. If you’re<br />

suffering from nasal congestion or allergies, use nasal<br />

sprays, decongestants and antihistamines 30 minutes prior<br />

to descent to help open up ear and sinus passages.<br />


To beat the low humidity in the cabin, which may leave<br />

you feeling dehydrated, drink plenty of water or fruit juice<br />

both before you board the plane and during your flight.<br />

Apply moisturiser and lip balm to prevent your skin from<br />

drying out and wear glasses instead of contact lenses to<br />

avoid eye irritation.<br />

inflight eXerCises:<br />

Sitting upright in a chair for a sustained period of time can<br />

affect blood circulation, which can cause muscle tension<br />

as well as fluid retention. To boost circulation during the<br />

flight, don’t forget to do some simple stretching exercises,<br />

such as flexing your toes up and down and raising your<br />

knees gently towards your chest. Another good exercise<br />

involves lifting your thighs toward your chest then rotating<br />

your ankles individually in a circular motion; neck rolls and<br />

shoulder shrugs are also good. It is recommended that you<br />

do this for three to four minutes for every hour that you<br />

are in the air. Walking around the plane every hour is also<br />

a good idea. Breathing exercises are also recommended in<br />

order to increase bloodflow and aid relaxation.<br />


Get plenty of sleep before your trip.<br />

Don’t drink alcohol.<br />

Eat small, well-balanced meals. Don’t overeat!<br />

Exercise as much as you can on your trip.<br />

Use sleeping tablets for only a few days.<br />

If possible, give yourself a day or two to adjust to the new<br />

time zone after arrival.<br />

Eat and sleep at the same times the locals do.<br />

安全第一<br />

健康和安全是飛行時最重要的事,澳門航空遵守澳門民用航空局規<br />

定,始終奉行對「國際衛生條例」和「世界健康組織」的嚴格承諾。<br />

基於安全、健康、飛安與商業理由,所有乘客均不得攜帶以下物品<br />

進入機艙:<br />

-藥品、化學和配藥所需物品(個人使用不在此限)<br />

-槍火、爆裂物、煙火和易燃物品<br />

-可導致傷害的尖銳或刀刃物品<br />

-武器和彈藥<br />

-危險的動植物種類<br />

-幅射物質和放射儀器<br />

-指節銅套、棍棒、拐杖、各式刀械、工具棍棒類、槌、手銬、<br />

繩索及武術用品<br />

-瓦斯瓶、超過500毫升或淨重超過2公升的噴霧劑、二氧化碳<br />

子彈、滅火器、氧氣桶(可證明做為醫療使用者不在此限)<br />

-具腐蝕性、毒性和傳染性的物質、腐蝕劑物品、殺蟲劑、<br />

植物和催淚瓦斯<br />

-殺蟲劑和磁化物<br />

登機安全措施<br />

起飛前:請詳閱在您前方的安全卡,救生衣位於您的座位底下。請<br />

確認最接近您座位的前後兩個緊急出口的位置。<br />

登機行李:起飛及降落時,請將易鬆動的物品如手提行李或手提包<br />

放置於您座位下方,或是您頭頂上方之行李艙。<br />

電子設備:禁止使用藍牙或遙控設備,以免干擾飛機的飛航與通訊<br />

設備。起飛後15分鐘即可使用筆記型電腦、PDA和視聽儀器,但一<br />

旦「繫起安全帶」的燈亮起,就必須予以關閉。<br />

禁止吸煙:澳門航空的所有班機皆禁止吸煙,在機艙內任何地方吸<br />

煙皆屬違法行為。<br />

飛行健康小百科<br />

為了保證您飛行途中的舒適,並為了幫助您在抵達目的地時能感到<br />

輕鬆愉快、精神奕奕,澳門航空提供以下建議給乘客:<br />

進食與飲料:不論是飛行前或是飛行途中,最好能選用清淡、富營<br />

養的食物,儘量避免讓腸胃負擔過重。另外,亦應避免攝取含酒精<br />

及咖啡因的飲品,以免引發頭痛和暈機;這類飲料也具有利尿的作<br />

用,會增加身體的脫水速度,因此宜儘量避免。<br />

艙壓:機艙內的特殊壓力能為乘客提供健康的環境,但若您正感冒<br />

或感染鼻竇炎,可能會因艙壓感到不適,您可多使用吞嚥、吃糖果<br />

或是打哈欠的動作以減輕不適。若您正受鼻塞或過敏症狀所苦,可<br />

在飛機降落前30分鐘使用通鼻噴劑、抗鼻塞藥品和抗組織胺劑,以<br />

舒緩上耳道及靜脈竇通道的不適。<br />

低濕度:機艙內的低濕度也許會讓您覺得體內水份流失較快,而略<br />

感不適,建議您在登機前及飛行途中多喝水或果汁,並改戴眼鏡而<br />

非隱形眼鏡,以免引起乾眼之困擾。<br />

空中舒緩運動:在椅子上坐直一段時間會影響血液循環,進而引起<br />

肌肉緊張和水份滯留(水腫)。為了在飛行途中增加血液循環,別<br />

忘了做一些簡單的伸展操,例如經常上下動動腳趾、將膝蓋輕輕向<br />

胸前的方向舉起等。另一個很好的動作是將大腿向胸前抬高,再以<br />

固定的方向旋轉腳踝;轉動脖子和聳聳肩膀也是很好的舒緩操。建<br />


BraNCh offICE<br />

澳門航空辦事處<br />

澳門航空總辦事處<br />

行政辦事處:澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場398號中航大廈13-18樓<br />

電話:+ 853 8396 6888 傳真:+ 853 8396 6866<br />

訂位及票務處:澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場398號中航大廈13樓<br />

電話:+853 8396 5555 傳真:+853 8396 5666<br />

機場辦事處(澳門國際機場)旅客服務部機場售票處:<br />

電話:+853 8898 3300 傳真:+853 8898 3255<br />

機場售票處:<br />

電話:+853 8898 3388 傳真:+853 8898 3366<br />

電郵<br />

曼谷<br />

市區辦事處電話:+66 2 614 3000<br />

傳真:+66 2 676 6130<br />

機場辦事處:曼谷蘇旺納蓬國際機場<br />

電話:+66 2 134 2650 傳真:+66 2 134 2650<br />

電郵<br />

北京<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 10 6515 8988/9398<br />

傳真:+86 10 6515 9979<br />

機場辦事處:北京首都國際機場<br />

電話: +86 10 6453 0166 /67/68<br />

傳真:+86 10 6453 0165<br />

電郵:<br />

成都<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 28 8550 6066<br />

傳真:+86 28 8550 6166<br />

電郵<br />

廣州<br />

機場辦事處:廣州白雲國際機場<br />

電話:+86 20 3607 0399 傳真:+86 20 3607 0265<br />

Air MAcAu MAin Office<br />

General Administration Office:<br />

398 Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpcao, Edif CNAC, 13-18 andar, Macau<br />

tel: +853 8396 6888 fax: +853 8396 6866<br />

Reservations & Ticketing Office:<br />

398 Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpcao, Edif CNAC, 13 andar , Macau<br />

tel: +853 8396 5555 fax: +853 8396 5666<br />

Airport Office (Macau International Airport):<br />

Customer Services Handling: tel : +853 8898 3300 fax: +853 8898 3255<br />

Airport Ticketing Counter: tel: +853 8898 3388 fax: +853 8898 3366<br />

email:<br />

BAngkOk<br />

City Office: tel: +66 2 614 3000 fax: +66 2 676 6130<br />

Airport Office: Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International<br />

Airport<br />

tel: +66 2 134 2650 fax: +66 2 134 2650<br />

email:<br />

Beijing<br />

City Office: tel: +86 10 6515 8988/9398<br />

fax: +86 10 6515 9979<br />

Airport Office: Beijing Capital International Airport<br />

tel: +86 10 6453 0166/67/68 fax: +86 10 6453 0165<br />

email:<br />

chengdu<br />

City Office: tel: +86 28 8550 6066 fax: +86 28 8550 6166<br />

email:<br />

guAngzhOu<br />

Airport Office: Baiyun International Airport<br />

tel: +86 20 3607 0399 fax: +86 20 3607 0265<br />

桂林<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 773 286 5400 / 5401<br />

機場辦事處:桂林兩江國際機場<br />

電話:+86 773 2845 009 傳真:+86 773 2865 406<br />

電郵<br />

杭州<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 571 8586 0401<br />

傳真:+86 571 8586 0407<br />

高雄<br />

市區辦事處訂位組電話:+886 7 251 0860<br />

票務組電話:+886 7 332 2699 11<br />

機場辦事處:高雄國際航空站<br />

電話:+886 7 802 5280 傳真:+886 7 806 6624<br />

電郵<br />

馬尼拉<br />

市區辦事處電話:+63 2 2433 111<br />

機場辦事處:尼諾伊艾奎諾國際機場<br />

電郵<br />

南京<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 25 8679 9127/9129<br />

傳真:+86 25 8679 9130<br />

電郵<br />

大阪<br />

市區辦事處電話:+81 6 6263 5383<br />

傳真:+81 6 6263 5338<br />

機場辦事處:關西空港航空會社北大樓<br />

電話:+81 724 56 8022 傳真:+81 724 56 8023<br />

電郵<br />

guilin<br />

City Office: tel: +86 773 286 5400/5401<br />

Airport Office: Guilin Liangjiang International Airport<br />

tel: +86 773 2845 009 fax: +86 773 286 5406<br />

email:<br />

hAngzhOu<br />

City Office: tel: +86 571 8586 0401<br />

fax: +86 571 8586 0407<br />

KaOhsiung<br />

City Office: Reservations: tel: +886 7 251 0860<br />

Ticketing: tel: +886 7 332 2699<br />

Airport Office: Kaohsiung International Airport<br />

tel: +886 7 802 5280 fax: +886 7 806 6624<br />

email:<br />

MAnilA<br />

City Office: tel: +632 2433 111<br />

Airport Office: Ninoy Aquino International Airport<br />

tel: +632 879 5756 fax: +632 879 5169<br />

email:<br />

nAnjing<br />

City Office: tel: +86 25 8679 9127/9129<br />

fax: +86 25 8679 9130<br />

email:<br />

OsAKa<br />

City Office: tel: +81 6 6263 5383 fax: +81 6 66263 5338<br />

Airport Office: Kansai Airport Airline North Bldg<br />

tel: +81 724 56 8022 fax: + 81 724 56 8023<br />

email:<br />

首爾(仁川)<br />

機場辦事處:仁川國際機場<br />

電話:+82 32 743 8999 傳真:+82 32 743 8998<br />

電郵<br />

上海<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 21 6248 1110<br />

傳真:+86 21 6248 7870<br />

機場辦事處:浦東國際機場<br />

電話:+86 21 6833 9682 傳真:+86 21 6833 9685<br />

電郵<br />

台中<br />

市區辦事處傳真:+886 4 2328 4345<br />

訂位組電話:+886 4 2328 4333<br />

票務組電話:+886 4 2328 4318 - 11<br />

電郵<br />

台北<br />

市區辦事處傳真:+886 2 2545 4716<br />

訂位組電話:+886 2 2717 0377<br />

票務組電話:+886 2 2717 0366<br />

機場辦事處:台灣桃園國際機場<br />

電話:886 3 398 3121 傳真:+886 3 383 4145<br />

電郵<br />

廈門<br />

市區辦事處電話:+86 592 211 1801<br />

傳真:+86 592 211 1810<br />

機場辦事處:廈門高崎國際機場<br />

電話:+86 592 573 0113 傳真:+86 592 573 0103<br />

電郵<br />

seOul (incheOn)<br />

Airport Office: Passenger-Terminal #2035,<br />

Incheon International Airport<br />

tel: +82 32 743 8999 fax: +82 32 743 8998<br />

email:<br />

shAnghAi<br />

City Office: tel : +86 21 6248 1110<br />

fax: +86 21 6248 7870<br />

Airport Office: Pudong International Airport<br />

tel: +86 21 6833 96821 fax: +86 21 6833 9685<br />

email:<br />

TAichung<br />

City Office: fax: +886 4 2328 4345<br />

Reservations: tel: +886 4 2328 4333<br />

Ticketing: tel: +886 4 2328 4318 - 11<br />

email:<br />

TAipei<br />

City Office: fax: +886 2 2545 4716<br />

Reservations: tel: +886 2 2717 0377<br />

Ticketing: tel: +886 2 2717 0366<br />

Airport Office: Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport<br />

tel: +886 3 398 3121 fax: +886 3 383 4145<br />

email:<br />

XiAMen<br />

City Office: tel: +86 592 211 1801 fax: +86 592 211 1810<br />

Airport Office: Gaoqi International Airport<br />

tel: +86 592 573 0113 fax: +86 592 573 0103<br />


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