Ulric Neisser

Ulric Neisser

Ulric Neisser


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From G. Lindzey & W.M. Runyan (Eds.) (2007). A history of psychology in autobiography, Vol 9, pp. 269-301.<br />

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.<br />

<strong>Ulric</strong> <strong>Neisser</strong><br />

Autobiography is always a risky enterprise, but it may be especially so in my case. Whatever other people's<br />

memories may be like, my own tend to be sketchy rather than detailed; some of them are certainly wrong. As an<br />

example, I once described what seemed to be a clearly false personal memory in my book Memory Observed (1982,<br />

p. 45). In the long run, however, the force of that example was not quite what I had expected. Thus it may serve as a<br />

useful introduction to the present enterprise, which is my third - and by far my most thorough - autobiographical<br />

venture (cf. <strong>Neisser</strong>, 1987, 2002).<br />

Remembering Pearl Harbor<br />

The memory I have in mind concerns the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday,<br />

December 7, 1941. Later, as an adult, I clearly remembered how I had heard the news of that<br />

attack. It was the day before my thirteenth birthday; I was curled up in an armchair in the living<br />

room, listening to a baseball game on the radio. The announcer interrupted the broadcast to give<br />

news of the attack, and I ran upstairs to tell my mother. Pedestrian enough, one would think, and<br />

many years went by before it occurred to me that no one plays baseball in December! Here, then,<br />

was a certifiably false "flashbulb memory."<br />

But how false was it? Soon after the publication of Memory Observed, several readers<br />

wrote to tell me that a professional football game had been played and broadcast on December 7,<br />

1941. What's more, the two teams playing that game had very baseball-sounding names: the<br />

"New York Giants" and the "Brooklyn Dodgers." Far from being false, then, my memory may<br />

have been correct except in one small detail, i.e., mistaking football for baseball. Thompson &<br />

Cowan (1985) eventually published that interpretation under the title "A Nicer Interpretation of a<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong> recollection." It is certainly plausible, and suggests that my memories may be more<br />

reliable than I had believed. But where Thompson & Cowan think that it makes the whole thing<br />

uninteresting, I believe that it leads to a new and useful interpretation (<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1986). Why in<br />

the world did my memory represent me - falsely - as listening to a baseball game on that<br />

December afternoon?<br />

Baseball occupied a special position in American life when I was growing up in the<br />

1930s and 1940s. Far more than today, it was the unchallenged all-American game. It also<br />

occupied a special position in my own image of myself: I was a baseball fan. I knew all the<br />

batting averages, argued the merits of the players, listened interminably to (radio) broadcasts of<br />

the games. In retrospect, one reason for my strong attachment to the all-American game may<br />

have been that it certified my status as an all-American boy. I may have needed some<br />

reassurance on that status, because I was not entitled to it by birth.<br />

Becoming Dick <strong>Neisser</strong><br />

So let's move on to the beginning. I was born in Kiel, Germany. My father, Hans <strong>Neisser</strong>,<br />

came from a distinguished Silesian Jewish family. (His uncle Albert had discovered the germ<br />

that causes gonorrhea, now called <strong>Neisser</strong>ia gonorrhoeae.) Hans, a well-known economist,<br />

worked at a think tank called the Weltwirtschaftsinstitut (Institute for World Economics) in Kiel.<br />

My mother Charlotte ("Lotte") <strong>Neisser</strong>, a lapsed Catholic with a degree in sociology, had been<br />

very active in the German women's movement. They married in 1923. My sister Marianne was<br />

born in 1924 and I - <strong>Ulric</strong>h Gustav <strong>Neisser</strong> - in 1928, both by Caesarian section. "<strong>Ulric</strong>h" is a bit

heavy even in German, so I was often just called "Der kleiner Dickie," which means "the chubby<br />

little kid."<br />

When Hitler came to power the Weltwirtschaftsinstitut could not long survive: its<br />

members were all anti-Nazi Social Democrats and most of them were Jews. Foreseeing this<br />

development, my father had already negotiated for a position at the Wharton School of the<br />

University of Pennsylvania. For safety's sake he left Germany almost immediately; my mother<br />

and sister and I joined him in England a few months later. We sailed for the United States on the<br />

ocean liner Hamburg, arriving in New York on September 15, 1933. I was not quite five years<br />

old.<br />

Soon after our arrival we settled in Swarthmore Pennsylvania, living for seven years in a<br />

big comfortable house near my school and then for two more years in two other houses. (We<br />

were in the last of them on December 7, 1941). My parents chose Swarthmore not for its college<br />

(which I came to know only later) but because it was an intellectual community with a<br />

convenient commuter train to Philadelphia. They enjoyed life there, and I did too. My father had<br />

a good academic salary; we lived well, and I had no idea that America was going through a great<br />

depression.<br />

Swarthmore is where my memories begin, at age 5. I have no recollection of my earlier<br />

experiences in Kiel, of speaking German, or even of the German governess to whom I was said<br />

to have been very attached. There is a photo of me wearing a sailor suit aboard the Hamburg, but<br />

I have no recollection of it: remembered life begins when I started kindergarten in the USA.<br />

Like boys everywhere, I was desperate to belong to my peer group. Becoming a baseball<br />

fan was probably part of that effort. As a player I was a dead loss, the kid who was always<br />

chosen last. (That experience may have contributed to my lifelong sympathy with the underdog:<br />

I am a committed infracaninophile.) Another part of the same effort was finding an acceptable<br />

name. "<strong>Ulric</strong>h" was excruciatingly German, and my friends couldn't even pronounce it. Luckily a<br />

common American nickname was already in place: "Dickie." I decided to stick with it, and have<br />

been Dick <strong>Neisser</strong> ever since. Later I dropped the "h" from "<strong>Ulric</strong>h," again to be less German. In<br />

a further phase I briefly added a "Richard" to justify the "Dick," but that soon seemed stupid and<br />

I gave it up. "<strong>Ulric</strong>" and "Dick" are both natural now.<br />

Enduring high school<br />

When the war began my father went to work for the Office of Price Administration<br />

(OPA), and for a year we lived in suburban Washington. When the job didn't work out, he quit<br />

OPA in 1943 to take up a professorship at the Graduate Faculty of the New School in New York.<br />

The job was ideal because a number of other refugee scholars - many of them his friends - were<br />

already teaching there. We moved to a middle-class Long Island suburb called Floral Park, and I<br />

enrolled in the nearby high school.<br />

I wish I could report major intellectual developments from my three years at Sewanhaka<br />

Central High, but in fact there were none. The courses were easy, my grades were good, and I<br />

was soon a member of the "Honor Society." (In practical terms this meant access to a room under<br />

the stairs where we played bridge.) That was OK but I was afraid of girls, poor at sports, and<br />

incompetent even in Shop. Once I got a medal for proficiency in Latin, but what good was that? I<br />

thought of myself as an outsider, and of my few friends as weird. Maybe I was weird too.<br />

For my first two Sewanhaka years the war was still on, and it consumed much of my<br />

interest. With Germany now the official enemy, I was even more motivated to be 100%<br />

American. Perhaps as a result, I began to distance myself from my family: not rudely and<br />


perhaps not even overtly, but with feeling. Hans and Charlotte had foreign accents, scholarly<br />

interests, European cultural values, academic friends. I would have none of all that; their ways<br />

were not for an American boy like me. This deliberate rejection was successful, and I became<br />

100% American in thought and deed. But success came at a price: not wanting to have anything<br />

to do with grown-up culture, I essentially wasted my adolescence. It is in high school that kids<br />

begin to read novels, play instruments, write poetry, form political identities, fall in love. I did<br />

none of those things. I never even went to New York City, which was only an auto-plus-subway<br />

ride away from Floral Park. In later years I have tried to catch up on what I missed in<br />

adolescence, but I'm still a bit behind.<br />

Another factor may also have been important. I knew myself to be a smart kid, but my<br />

father the German-educated professor was even smarter. On one occasion when a school<br />

assignment required looking things up, I asked my mother why we didn't have an encyclopedia<br />

in the house as other families did. Her answer was simple: "Because your father knows<br />

everything." (Half a century later, I'm still not sure if she was joking.) One way to avoid that<br />

particular competition was to stick to things outside Hans <strong>Neisser</strong>'s expertise - baseball, for<br />

example.<br />

In many other ways, however, it was a good life. As the spoiled younger brother of an<br />

older sister, I was indulged and rarely criticized. My parents never tried to indoctrinate me in<br />

anything. On the contrary: for some reason that I don't yet understand, they were surprisingly<br />

reticent. This was the 1940s, and yet there were no discussions of socialism, communism, and<br />

democracy in our house. Did I just not listen? Whatever the reason, I grew up with almost no<br />

views on such matters. An even stranger example concerns the Nazi persecution of the Jews,<br />

which had determined the course of our own lives. To the best of my recollection, we never<br />

talked about it. One consequence of this silence was that I didn't even know my father was<br />

Jewish! Thus I also didn't know that I was Jewish myself (at least by the Nazi criteria), and that I<br />

would surely have ended in a concentration camp had we not left Germany. This seems an odd<br />

thing not to know, but to the best of my recall I learned it only years later, in reminiscent<br />

conversations with my mother.<br />

In contrast, I knew quite a lot about my mother. Although she had rejected Catholicism in<br />

her youth, Lotte still retained a strong religious sensibility. (Perhaps for that reason, my sister<br />

and I were formally christened just before our Atlantic voyage.) Once settled in America she<br />

became a Presbyterian, joining a church in Swarthmore and then another in Floral Park. To<br />

please her I joined them too, though I was fairly dubious about the God hypothesis. My father<br />

never accompanied us to church; I took it for granted that he was some kind of non-churchgoing<br />

Lutheran.<br />

As far back as I can remember, it was assumed that I would become a "scientist." Where<br />

this strong conviction came from I do not know; certainly not from knowledge of science itself. I<br />

had a chemistry set, but was never very interested in it. The science courses at Sewanhaka were<br />

not exciting. Popular accounts of Einstein's theory of relativity were available, but I had no real<br />

grasp of it. In my senior year I read up on atomic bombs and nuclear fission as part of a science<br />

competition, but was quite aware that I didn't really understand the material and unsurprised<br />

when I failed to win. As for psychology, I don't think I had ever heard of it.<br />

Senior year was marked by the acquisition of a first girl friend; we smooched in a clumsy<br />

sort of way, but I was still socially awkward. Soon it was time to apply to college: Harvard was<br />

my first choice. I took the SAT and the Miller Analogies Test, getting a perfect score on the<br />

latter. I applied to the Harvard Club of Long Island for support, and was interviewed by the radio<br />


commentator H. V. Kaltenborn. He must have liked me: I went to Harvard (the first Sewanhaka<br />

student to do so) with a $400 scholarship. In those days, that was full tuition.<br />

Discovering psychology<br />

College is supposed to be a transforming experience, and it certainly was for me. I<br />

entered Harvard in 1946 with an insecure personal identity, weak social skills, few political<br />

commitments, little understanding of history or literature or culture, and no career goals beyond a<br />

vague allegiance to "science." Four years later I knew just who I was, what I cared about, and<br />

what I was going to do: to become an experimental psychologist and fight the good fight against<br />

behaviorism. Meanwhile I had also acquired a political identity, making many friends in the<br />

Harvard Liberal Union. We picketed racist establishments, sang leftist songs, campaigned for<br />

Democratic candidates, sat through long dreary meetings, debated current issues. I still have a<br />

happy "flashbulb memory" of the 1948 election, in my junior year. Everyone was sure that<br />

Dewey would win; the Harvard Young Republicans had rented a huge expensive hall for their<br />

victory party. We few Truman supporters gathered around a radio in a small common room for a<br />

"moral victory party," and waited for our guy to fall behind. He never did: at midnight, we<br />

marched up to jeer happily at the Republican losers. Glorious!<br />

Being enrolled in stimulating courses on history and government and literature, having<br />

acquired sophisticated friends who read novels and enjoyed classical music, I soon began to<br />

value the cultural life that I had so determinedly avoided in Floral Park. I attended concerts and<br />

rallies, brooded over freshman conundrums like freedom of the will, played cards far into the<br />

night with my roommates. My only problem was the resolve that had brought me to Harvard in<br />

the first place: the commitment to become a scientist. I soon discovered that I hated chemistry<br />

and was bored by physics. What to do?<br />

E.G. Boring's introductory psychology course came to my rescue. I do not know if it<br />

rescued anyone else: Boring was not an exciting lecturer, and his syllabus - reflecting a recent<br />

bitter split between the departments of Psychology and Social Relations - excluded every<br />

socially interesting topic. But whatever he may have excluded, the psychology that remained -<br />

mostly sensation, perception and learning - was a young and vigorous science. One could see<br />

that it would soon be ready to address important human questions, especially with a push or two<br />

in the right direction. I said to myself "I can do this!" and changed my major to Psychology.<br />

Parapsychology<br />

Another stimulus to my growing psychological interests was J.B. Rhine's book The<br />

Reach of the Mind (1947), a survey of research on extra-sensory perception (ESP). The topic was<br />

immediately intriguing, and became more so when I made the acquaintance of S. David Kahn.<br />

Kahn, my classmate, had a sort of personal commitment to the paranormal: his family took<br />

reincarnation seriously and consulted psychics before making major decisions. It was not long<br />

before David and I began to think about doing some ESP research of our own. To make it<br />

official, we called ourselves The Harvard Society for Parapsychology.<br />

At that time, most ESP research was based on shuffled decks of cards. This seemed<br />

problematic because it left open the possibility of errors in recording the scores, perhaps even of<br />

outright cheating. We therefore abandoned cards in favor of the standard IBM multiple-choice<br />

answer sheets (then very familiar) in which the respondent uses a pencil to blacken one of five<br />

spaces in each row. In our experiments one such answer sheet, filled out with the aid of a table of<br />

random numbers, was hidden away to serve as target. The subjects, given blank answer sheets<br />


and pencils, were asked to duplicate the target as best they could. Their responses were then<br />

mechanically scored against that target, eliminating the possibility of error or bias. These<br />

experiments produced surprisingly positive results, so we published them in the Journal of<br />

Parapsychology (Kahn & <strong>Neisser</strong>, 1949).<br />

My interest in ESP did not last long. David Kahn and I later spent a summer doing ESP<br />

research at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York, but all our experiments<br />

there were failures. We couldn't even replicate the experiments we had carried out successfully at<br />

Harvard! This was discouraging, and I did not pursue the paranormal any further. It may be,<br />

however, that this early exposure to an exotic research area had a subtle influence later on. I have<br />

long had - and perhaps still have - a soft spot in my heart for exciting but unlikely hypotheses.<br />

Becoming a psychologist<br />

Meanwhile, I was a busy psychology major. It was probably in the history course that I<br />

was first exposed to conflicting theories, especially behaviorism and Gestalt psychology.<br />

Choosing sides immediately, I rejected the former and was strongly attracted to the latter. My<br />

antipathy to behaviorism stemmed not only from its dreary mechanical view of human nature but<br />

from the sheer fact of its dominance. I was already a committed infracaninophile, and Gestalt<br />

psychology was clearly the underdog in any department that included B.F. Skinner. I was<br />

particularly intrigued by the way that Max Wertheimer and the other Gestalt theorists viewed<br />

human nature "from above" rather than mechanically "from below." Köhler's principle of<br />

psychophysical isomorphism, for example, impressed me as an important new approach to the<br />

mind-body problem.<br />

Other courses brought me up to date. I took a lab course from Fred Frick and a methods<br />

course from J.C.R. Licklider, who insisted that statistics required "vigor, not rigor." Jerry Bruner<br />

and Leo Postman taught a course on perception and motivation, focusing on what was then being<br />

called the "New Look." A new course on language and communication, taught by my adviser<br />

George Miller, introduced me to linguistics and information theory. Miller encouraged me to<br />

take more mathematics, especially advanced algebra; he was sure the psychology of the future<br />

would require it. I took his advice, albeit without enthusiasm. Later I was one of two seniors (the<br />

other was Marvin Minsky) enrolled in a graduate seminar that discussed Hebb's new book The<br />

Organization of Behavior (1949).<br />

For my senior honors thesis I needed a topic far enough out of the mainstream to be<br />

"original" (which was very important to me then), but not so far out as to seem crazy (i.e., no<br />

parapsychology). What I came up with was obscure indeed: the influence of visual stimulation<br />

on the auditory threshold. A Russian psychologist had reported such an influence, but his results<br />

were not widely accepted. In my theoretically naive state, such an intermodal effect seemed<br />

attractively Gestalt-like. Miller helped me generously even though he wasn't especially interested<br />

in the hypothesis. Using standard psychophysical methods for the auditory threshold, I<br />

manipulated visual stimulation by turning the room lights on or off. The results were negative,<br />

but I got honors anyway.<br />

Swarthmore<br />

It was time to go to graduate school, and I knew just where. Wolfgang Köhler, one of the<br />

founders of Gestalt psychology, had fled Germany in the 1930s and was teaching at Swarthmore<br />

College. To attract Köhler, Swarthmore had also created a position for his colleague Hans<br />

Wallach and an M.A. program to provide them both with graduate assistants. The students in the<br />


program served as R.A.s and T.A.s, took the same seminars as Swarthmore honors students, and<br />

completed an thesis in their second year. It sounded great: I applied and was accepted for the fall<br />

of 1950.<br />

My two years at Swarthmore were happy and valuable, but not at all what I had expected.<br />

Except for one seminar I had little contact with Köhler, who was then wrapping up his studies of<br />

direct currents in the visual cortex. My real teachers were Hans Wallach and Henry Gleitman,<br />

from whom I learned two very different ways of doing psychology. As Wallach's RA, my first<br />

task was to run subjects in a study that followed up on his recent demonstration of the kinetic<br />

depth effect (Wallach et al, 1953). The ingenuity of that demonstration made a deep impression<br />

on me: since then I have always been partial to clever experiments that address important<br />

questions, even if they don't have much by way of theoretical basis.<br />

In contrast with the solitary conduct of Wallach's perception experiments, learning with<br />

Henry Gleitman was an essentially social experience. My fellow graduate student Jacob (Jack)<br />

Nachmias and I spent many hours with Gleitman, an assistant professor who had just received<br />

his Ph.D. from E. C. Tolman at Berkeley. We talked psychology, graded papers, made jokes,<br />

became friends. Our chief theoretical concern was the life-and-death struggle between the<br />

mechanistic behaviorists - led by Clark Hull and Donald Spence - and the Gestalt-oriented<br />

"expectancy" theorists led by Tolman. We had a great time finding flaws in Hull's theory of<br />

extinction, and eventually submitted a critique of that theory to Psychological Review. Our paper<br />

(Gleitman et al, 1954) was accepted and we were proud of it, though I have never heard that<br />

anyone actually abandoned Hull's theory because of our arguments.<br />

My second year was even more eventful. Gleitman and Nachmias and I shared an<br />

apartment, and I developed a social life with the Swarthmore co-eds. Occasionally one of them<br />

would keep me company while I ran rats in my M.A. experiment, a study designed to refute<br />

Spence's theory of transposition. (The rats were uncooperative and sometimes bit; I've never run<br />

another animal experiment.) Soon I hooked up with Anna Peirce, an attractive freshman with a<br />

family in Maine. It gradually became clear that she and I would stay together, even in the next<br />

year when I would be attending a different graduate school. But where would that be, and with<br />

what emphasis? Behaviorism was out, and Gestalt psychology no longer seemed a viable<br />

alternative. The hot new idea was information theory, which I had already heard about from<br />

George Miller. Miller himself had just moved to a new psychology department being established<br />

at M.I.T., so I decided to go there too.<br />

Two more graduate schools<br />

Everyone at M.I.T. was friendly, but I wasn't happy there. None of the ongoing research<br />

attracted me, and no one shared my interest in the struggle against behaviorism. I did manage<br />

one anti-behaviorist experiment ("An experimental distinction between perceptual process and<br />

verbal response," 1954), but it didn't lead anywhere. Anna and I were married (by the Cambridge<br />

town clerk) and set up housekeeping, but she wasn't making any progress toward completing her<br />

education. As the academic year drew to a close, an attractive possibility that addressed all these<br />

difficulties suddenly appeared: Swarthmore offered me an appointment as an instructor! So we<br />

spent 1953-54 there: I taught various courses, Anna completed her sophomore year, and in April<br />

our first child Mark was born.<br />

In the summer of 1954 we moved back to Cambridge so I could resume my studies at<br />

M.I.T., but I was actually reluctant to do so. There was an alternative: Harvard was not far away,<br />

and the Psychology Department might still remember me. It seems that they did; in any case,<br />


they accepted me into the graduate program. I was happy to be a Harvard student again, but felt<br />

that I had lost a lot of time in the intervening four years. To make up for lost time I moved<br />

quickly, taking qualifying exams in my first year and completing a dissertation by the end of the<br />

second. My choice of topic was not governed by any theoretical commitment - Gestalt<br />

psychology and information theory had both lost their allure by this time - but by how quickly I<br />

could do the required research. That criterion led me to a rather obscure topic: S. S. Stevens'<br />

"neural quantum" hypothesis of the auditory threshold. I did not have much rapport with Stevens<br />

himself, but his hypothesis made clear predictions and the necessary apparatus was already in<br />

place. I ran subjects, analyzed data, identified certain artifacts in the "quantal method" (cf.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1957) and got my degree.<br />

By that time, oddly enough, I had begun to think that I was leaving Harvard too soon.<br />

Surely it had more to offer than I had learned in two hasty years! So I arranged to stay a third<br />

year after all, supported by a Harvard instructorship (teaching "Sensation and Perception") and<br />

an NIH fellowship. To get the fellowship I proposed a new technique for the measurement of<br />

pain thresholds - still another obscure topic in which I was again not really interested. (The pain<br />

itself, created by focusing a beam of light onto the back of the subject's hand, was not severe.) In<br />

the upshot I did conduct the research but didn't like it much. A complex apparatus had to be built<br />

and calibrated, and I was beginning to realize that I am not good with apparatus. Other people at<br />

Harvard were much better: George Sperling (1960), for example, was doing elegant<br />

tachistoscopic studies of what he then called the "visual image." Later, in Cognitive Psychology,<br />

I would call it "iconic memory."<br />

Pattern recognition<br />

It was time to move on, and an opportunity soon presented itself. Richard Held, with<br />

whom I had been acquainted since my Harvard undergraduate days, was now teaching at<br />

Brandeis and suggested that I apply for a job there. I don't remember my job talk now, but it<br />

must have been OK: I was appointed assistant professor at $4000/year. By this time Anna and I<br />

had four children (Mark, b.1954, Julie, b.1956, Phil, b.1957, Toby, b.1958), so we certainly<br />

needed the money. We lived for a while in Boston and then built a house in Lincoln Mass.; I<br />

commuted to Brandeis (in Waltham) on a motor scooter. We spent most of our summers in<br />

Maine, courtesy of my artist father-in-law Waldo Peirce. It was a strenuous domestic life, and<br />

unfortunately one in which Anna and I were increasingly at odds.<br />

Intellectually, my 7 1/2 years at Brandeis were years of development. The psychology<br />

department itself was best known for the humanistic psychology of its Chairman, A.H. Maslow. I<br />

liked Maslow's idealism, which reminded me of Gestalt psychology. I also resonated to his<br />

insistence that psychology needed a "third force," i.e., a theoretical approach that was neither<br />

behaviorism nor psychoanalysis. (He hoped that the third force would be humanistic/existential<br />

psychology, but it turned out to be cognitive psychology instead.) Harvard was not far away, and<br />

I often attended talks at the recently established "Center for Cognitive Studies" there. All this<br />

was intriguing, but the theorist who influenced me most was neither at Brandeis nor Harvard and<br />

not even a psychologist: Oliver Selfridge of the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory. Introduced by a<br />

mutual friend, Oliver and I soon found many interests in common. At his suggestion I soon<br />

began to spend Thursdays at his Lab as a consultant, an arrangement that benefited me<br />

financially as well as intellectually. Oliver had no advanced degree; nowadays he would be<br />

called a "cognitive scientist, but no such category existed then. He was working on machine<br />

pattern recognition, especially of patterns such as hand-written letters or Morse code. He<br />


addressed these problems with an ingenious parallel-processing model (now justly famous)<br />

called Pandemonium. The model was all Oliver's, but it was I who suggested that we write it up<br />

for Scientific American (Selfridge & <strong>Neisser</strong>, 1960).<br />

Although machine pattern recognition was intriguing, human pattern recognition was<br />

even more so. How to study it empirically? Reaction time (RT) suggested itself as a method but<br />

seemed to have a fatal flaw: each RT includes not only the time needed to recognize the stimulus<br />

but also times for planning and executing the required responses. It was to get around that<br />

requirement that I devised a new visual search paradigm (<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1963a.) A subject scanning<br />

down a column of letters/numbers has to process each one to determine that it is NOT the target,<br />

but makes no selective response until the target itself has been reached. The scan rate (i.e., the<br />

slope of the linear function relating the position of the target to the search time) should reflect the<br />

time needed to make each of those determinations. This paradigm was an early and<br />

unsophisticated version of what would soon become known as "mental chronometry." In later<br />

studies, including several done with graduate students at Brandeis, I used it to explore other<br />

issues. The most surprising result (<strong>Neisser</strong> et al, 1963) was that well-practiced subjects can<br />

search as rapidly for any of ten targets (e.g., for a, f, h, k, m, p, u, z, 9, or 4) as for one. I took this<br />

initially counter-intuitive result as clear evidence for parallel processing in pattern recognition.<br />

The multiplicity of thought<br />

During all this time, I was profoundly ambivalent about minds and computers. On the one<br />

hand computation and programming were obviously a rich source of ideas about mental<br />

processes - a source that I was using freely myself. On the other hand my most basic intuitions -<br />

stemming from Gestalt psychology, humanistic thinking, and everywhere else - were offended<br />

by the suggestion that minds and brains are nothing but computers. Two 1963 papers reflected<br />

this ambivalence. In "The Multiplicity of Thought" (1963b), I used the contrast between parallel<br />

and serial processing to clarify familiar distinctions in the literature on thinking and problem<br />

solving: creativity vs. constraint, intuition vs. reason, productive thinking vs. blind repetition,<br />

autistic vs. realistic thinking, primary vs. secondary process. In "The Imitation of Man by<br />

Machine" (1963c) however, I listed three fundamental ways in which computer processing<br />

differs from human thinking: it does not undergo a natural course of development, is not driven<br />

by feelings and emotions, and typically addresses a multiplicity of motives at once.<br />

One of my teaching responsibilities at Brandeis during this time was a course on<br />

memory. Because the standard list-learning research was rather boring, I focused on topics such<br />

as Bartlett's notion of memory schemata and Schachtel's theory of infantile amnesia. It was to<br />

those ideas that I turned when Tom Gladwin, an anthropologist I knew slightly, invited me to<br />

address the Anthropological Society of Washington. The resulting paper, "Cultural and cognitive<br />

discontinuity" (<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1962), became a frequently cited contribution to the literature on<br />

infantile amnesia. My interest in these issues continued for more than thirty years, and eventually<br />

led to a new way of measuring the offset of that amnesia itself (cf. Usher & <strong>Neisser</strong>, 1993).<br />

Cognitive Psychology<br />

Sometime in the early '60s, all this began to jell. Perception, the span of attention, visual<br />

search, computer pattern recognition, human pattern recognition, problem solving and<br />

remembering were all interrelated aspects of information processing. Perception and pattern<br />

recognition were input, remembering was output, everything in between was one or another kind<br />


of processing. This was already a rather obvious idea (cf. Broadbent, 1958), but no one had put it<br />

forward clearly and effectively. I could write a book!<br />

The sensible time to write that book would be on my upcoming sabbatical, which was<br />

scheduled to begin in the spring of 1965. But where? I was in luck: my friend Martin Orne was<br />

just then moving his grant-supported hypnosis laboratory, the "Unit for Experimental<br />

Psychiatry," from the Boston Psychopathic Hospital to the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital<br />

in Philadelphia. He offered to provide me with an office there for as long as I liked, an offer that<br />

I accepted happily. For financial support, I applied for and received a grant from the Carnegie<br />

Corporation.<br />

Meanwhile, my domestic life had unraveled completely.Anna and I were divorced in<br />

early 1964; I moved out of the house in Lincoln and into a two-room apartment in Somerville. I<br />

also began a relationship with Arden Seidler, who had three children of her own. These personal<br />

developments made me eager to leave the greater Boston area: it was time to start a new life.<br />

Arden and I were married - this time a real wedding - on New Year's Eve of 1964. A few weeks<br />

later we moved to Bala Cynwyd, a Philadelphia suburb. Arden's three children lived with us; my<br />

four children lived with Anna, who soon moved to the Upper West Side of Manhattan where I<br />

visited them often.<br />

In the upshot I stayed at the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry for 2 1/2 years; that's how<br />

long it took to write Cognitive Psychology. Martin Orne was helpful and generous in every<br />

possible way, as was Emily Carota Orne, his wife and collaborator who was then completing a<br />

Ph.D. in psychology at Brandeis. My stay at the Unit also gave me an opportunity to learn a bit<br />

about hypnosis, which turned out to be useful at several points in the book. I was also offered an<br />

adjunct position at the University of Pennsylvania, which provided a pleasant opportunity to<br />

teach a seminar in collaboration with my old friend and mentor Henry Gleitman. When the<br />

Carnegie grant ran out, I applied for and received an NIMH Fellowship. In short, the enterprise<br />

that became Cognitive Psychology (1967) was supported in every possible way.<br />

The primary goal of the enterprise was to bring together what was known about a wide<br />

range of phenomena: "The term 'cognition' refers to all the processes by which the sensory input<br />

is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored recovered, and used" (p.4). After an introduction that<br />

made this goal explicit, ten chapters gave detailed and often technical accounts of the state of the<br />

art: five chapters on visual cognition, four on audition and language, one on memory and<br />

thought. At the theoretical level the argument relied heavily on the notion of "construction":<br />

perception was a constructive process, speech perception depended on analysis-by-synthesis,<br />

remembering was always constructive, etc. The general tone was positive: instead of attacking<br />

behaviorism I simply ignored its assumptions. "Cognitive processes surely exist, so it can hardly<br />

be unscientific to study them" (p.5). This upbeat attitude may have been one reason why the<br />

book became so popular.<br />

Cognitive Psychology legitimized and interconnected a wide range of research<br />

paradigms, bringing them together by giving them a name. Many psychologists found<br />

themselves in a position like that of Moliere's Monsieur Jourdain, who suddenly discovered that<br />

he had been speaking prose all his life! Most of them were pleased by the discovery, and<br />

"cognitive psychology" soon became an indispensable rubric. In the blink of an eye there were<br />

cognitive journals, courses on cognition, training programs in cognitive psychology, cognitive<br />

conferences of every kind. I myself was a star, now introduced everywhere as "the father of<br />

cognitive psychology." It was a heady experience for a young man not yet 40 years old, and its<br />

effect on me was to create something like an illusion of omnipotence. If I had changed<br />


psychology once, perhaps I could do it again! And if I could, perhaps I should! Ever since the<br />

sudden success of Cognitive Psychology, I have been haunted by something like a sense of<br />

personal responsibility for the future direction of the field.<br />

As one might expect from a lover of the underdog, I soon developed misgivings about the<br />

book that had made me top dog so quickly. In any case, one theoretical problem with Cognitive<br />

Psychology soon became obvious. All the phenomena discussed there are indeed examples of<br />

information processing, but that doesn't mean that they are all the same. In particular, it doesn't<br />

mean that they are all "constructive." The construction metaphor works very well for<br />

remembering and moderately well for identifying briefly-flashed words, but it doesn't work at all<br />

for ordinary perception of the immediate environment. Because I had not thought this through<br />

clearly, the opening pages of Cognitive Psychology included some very questionable rhetoric.<br />

"These patterns of light at the retina are the so-called 'proximal stimuli' ... One-sided in their<br />

perspective, shifting radically several times each second, unique and novel at every moment, the<br />

proximal stimuli bear little resemblance to either the real object that gave rise to them or to the<br />

object of experience that the perceiver will construct as a result" (p.3). As I was shortly to learn<br />

from J.J. Gibson, this is not a good way to describe the real information on which perception is<br />

based. Given that real information, nothing has to be constructed. Simply put, perception is not<br />

the same as hallucination.<br />

In late 1966, when a few pre-publication copies of Cognitive Psychology were already<br />

circulating, I got a call from Harry Levin In Ithaca. Would I consider joining the Cornell<br />

Psychology department as full professor? Yes, indeed I would! At my job talk in Ithaca I liked<br />

the whole scene, though I was puzzled by some of Gibson's questions. (Why, he asked, did I<br />

think that information had to be processed?). The salary offer was a princely $25,000, which I<br />

accepted happily. In 1967 Arden and I moved to Ithaca and bought a big house within walking<br />

distance of the University. Eric and the girls enrolled in the Ithaca schools, and our son Joseph<br />

was born in September.<br />

J.J. Gibson<br />

What next? I was 38 years old and moderately famous. All I had to do from then on, it<br />

would seem, was to keep up with the literature and do occasional experiments. For several<br />

reasons, that was not what happened. For one thing, my ambivalence about computers and<br />

models became ever stronger. I did not like the cognitive psychology that was now taking shape:<br />

there was too much mental chronometry in it, too many conflicting models, too little about<br />

human nature. To be sure I had included one or two of those very models in my book, but there<br />

they had been offset (I thought) by the more humanistic notion of "constructive processes." That<br />

notion no longer seemed to work.<br />

Meanwhile, I was beginning to understand what the Gibsons (J.J. and Eleanor) were up<br />

to. My teaching responsibilities included a course in perception, and two of J.J.'s students - Jim<br />

Farber and John Kennedy - were my first T.A.s. Their reactions to my (very conventional)<br />

approach made it obvious that they knew something I didn't know, but what? It helped when I<br />

began to read Gibson's The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems (1966), a remarkable book<br />

that had come out not long before. What helped even more was to visit the lab the Gibsons had<br />

established in an old warehouse near the airport, and see the ingenious experiments that were in<br />

progress. Conversations with J.J. helped most of all; there were many occasions for these, both<br />

professional and social. Arden and I often played bridge with the Gibsons, who were delightful<br />

company.<br />


J.J. Gibson was simply not interested in the kind of experiments that dominated the pages<br />

of Cognitive Psychology - brief presentations of letter strings, for example. He insisted on using<br />

methods that were ecologically valid, so the perceptual systems could operate as they normally<br />

do. Having said similar things about memory myself from time to time, I found this point of<br />

view congenial. It took much longer to understand what he meant by saying that the visual<br />

system "picks up" information that is already "in the light" and need not be processed at all. Well<br />

yes, of course it was in the light: where else would it be? Slowly, I began to see that Gibson was<br />

right on this point too. But where did that leave me? Was there some way we could both be<br />

right? Could information be picked up and processed?<br />

Other aspects of the Gibsonian approach - the commitment to realism, the conception of<br />

perceivers as active seekers for information - were also attractive. I liked them much better than<br />

the mechanical chronometric models that had been inspired by Cognitive Psychology. What's<br />

more, the sixties were in the air. Some of the action was local: African-American students at<br />

Cornell made national news by arming themselves and actually taking over a University<br />

building. Like other faculty, I felt closely involved in what was clearly a crisis for the University.<br />

(The issues at Cornell were eventually compromised; no one was punished. I welcomed this<br />

outcome, though others viewed it with alarm.) Indeed, the whole country was in the throes of<br />

change. Somehow, quite irrationally, this radical atmosphere seemed to increase my interest in<br />

developing a new and more ecologically committed psychology.<br />

Cognition and Reality<br />

Soon I was lucky again: the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in<br />

Palo Alto invited me to spend my sabbatical there in 1973-74. We (Arden and I; Eric, Jenny,<br />

Katherine, and Joe) went eagerly, renting a house for the year in Palo Alto. We had a good time<br />

there, as almost everyone does. I myself gave talks at various universities up and down the coast,<br />

talks that are no longer memorable except for one retrospectively hilarious moment at the<br />

University of California in San Diego. The faculty proudly showed me the latest technical<br />

advance: their computers were interconnected so they could send messages to each other! It was<br />

called "electronic mail." I didn't see any point to it, and told them I didn't think it would amount<br />

to much!<br />

Later that year, Lauren Resnick invited me to comment on the papers at a conference on<br />

"The Nature of Intelligence" that she was organizing in Pittsburgh. Some of the papers focused<br />

on artificial intelligence and others on human thinking, but it seemed to me that almost all were<br />

committed to an overly narrow conception of intelligence. To emphasize that narrowness, my<br />

commentary (<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1976) distinguished between "academic intelligence" and "general<br />

intelligence." I thought the distinction was rather obvious, but to my surprise it was later often<br />

cited as a significant theoretical advance.<br />

At the Center for the Behavioral Sciences, everyone has a primary project. What project<br />

should I undertake? One obvious possibility, which my publisher encouraged, was to prepare a<br />

revised edition of Cognitive Psychology. After six years this was a reasonable idea, so I tried to<br />

do it. Unfortunately, doing it meant reading the rapidly growing cognitive literature - a literature<br />

dominated by information-processing models and mental chronometry. My dislike of that<br />

literature grew apace, and a day came when I felt I couldn't read another reaction-time study to<br />

save my life. I threw my drafts away and set to work on a different book, to be called Cognition<br />

and Reality (1976). I started it at the Center, but needed two more years to finish it.<br />


Cognition and Reality had several aims. One - perhaps prompted by my continued<br />

sympathy for underdogs - was simply to make Gibson's views better known. I thought people<br />

might take Cognition and Reality seriously because of the reputation I had gained with Cognitive<br />

Psychology, and that this would help the ecological enterprise. That aim may have been<br />

achieved. More ambitiously I was trying to change the direction of cognitive psychology itself,<br />

to reconcile "information pickup" and "information processing" in a new theory of perception.<br />

The central concept was the "perceptual cycle." Information is objectively available in the optic<br />

array, but picking it up requires the activity of appropriate neural structures called "schemata."<br />

The act of picking up information changes the schema, enabling it to pick up new information<br />

that in turn will change it further. This cyclic activity appears in every perceptual system,<br />

becoming more efficient with practice and expertise. To pay attention to something, for example,<br />

is simply to engage with the relevant information in an appropriate perceptual cycle. But<br />

although this way of talking still sounds plausible to me, it has had very little impact on the field.<br />

Selective looking<br />

My student Bob Becklen and I (<strong>Neisser</strong> & Becklen, 1975) illustrated this definition of<br />

attention with a phenomenon I dubbed "selective looking." When the images of two ongoing<br />

events are shown superimposed on the same screen, viewers who follow one event soon become<br />

oblivious of the other. In our study, subjects visually followed the ball-throwing of one group of<br />

players while ignoring a superimposed similar group. As they were doing this, a woman walked<br />

slowly across the scene carrying an open umbrella. One would think everyone would see such a<br />

strange intruder, but in fact very few people did (<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1979). This effect, now called<br />

"inattentional blindness," has been demonstrated repeatedly in recent years (Most et al, 2005). In<br />

a related study, Lorraine Bahrick, Arlene Walker and I (1981) were able to show that even very<br />

young infants are capable of selective looking. It is a universal aspect of attention.<br />

Another set of experiments explored the possibility of engaging in two perceptual cycles<br />

at once, i.e., of what is now called "multi-tasking." Bill Hirst and Liz Spelke (Spelke, Hirst &<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, 1976) modified a divided attention paradigm originally devised by Gertrude Stein<br />

(Solomons & Stein, 1896), in which subjects had to copy words at dictation while also reading<br />

stories. Their subjects practiced this every day for weeks: reading more slowly at first, they<br />

finally did reach a point where copying dictated words did not interfere with reading at all.<br />

Further studies have shown that this achievement is not (at least not always) based on rapid<br />

switching, and also that the secondary copying task does not necessarily become "automatic" (cf.<br />

Hirst et al, 1980).<br />

From perception to memory<br />

So much for Cognition and Reality, which attracted less attention than I had hoped. There<br />

is no need to mourn its passing: let us be happy that psychology has finally matured past the<br />

point where glib general theories are useful. In any case, it was time for me to move on. By the<br />

late '70's (and especially after J.J. Gibson's death in 1979), I had more or less abandoned<br />

perception for other interests. My main focus was on memory, but I was also increasingly<br />

concerned with issues of intelligence and education. My NIMH training grant in this area funded<br />

several years of stimulating "cognitive breakfasts" with students and post-docs; it also funded a<br />

1983 conference focused on the Black/White gap in school achievement. That conference was<br />

my first opportunity to discuss such issues with African-American scholars; I learned a lot from<br />

John Ogbu and Ron Edmonds and Wade Boykin. Later I put together a book based on the<br />


conference, The School Achievement of Minority Children (1986). Over the years a number of<br />

Black professionals have told me that it was important for them, but I've never met a White<br />

person who claims to have read it.<br />

Where memory was concerned, I was again fortunate. One day out of a clear blue sky I<br />

received a flyer announcing an upcoming conference on "Practical Aspects of Memory," to be<br />

held in Cardiff, Wales. Eager to go, Doug Herrmann and I (1978) submitted a modest empirical<br />

paper. (Doug was then teaching at Hamilton College and often attended my graduate seminar.)<br />

At that time I still enjoyed some name recognition; when the conference organizers saw that<br />

<strong>Ulric</strong> <strong>Neisser</strong> had submitted a paper, they asked me to give the keynote address as well. Seizing<br />

the opportunity to establish a genuinely ecological approach to the study of memory, I presented<br />

a talk called "Memory: What are the important questions?" (1978). The bottom line was the<br />

claim (quite true at the time) that "...If X is an interesting or socially important aspect of<br />

memory, then psychologists have hardly ever studied X." The conferees loved it.<br />

John Dean's memory<br />

Perception - at least the perception of the immediate environment - is generally reliable<br />

and accurate. This is not the case for memory: innumerable studies of eyewitness testimony have<br />

shown that even very confident memories can be wrong. But they are not always wrong, are<br />

they? Surely some witnesses must be right. This line of thought eventually led me to a famously<br />

accurate witness: John Dean, Richard Nixon's White House counsel of Watergate fame. Dean's<br />

testimony before the committee that was investigating Watergate - testimony about<br />

conversations with President Nixon - was so rich and detailed that he was dubbed "the human<br />

tape recorder." But it later turned out (amazingly!) that a real tape recorder had been running<br />

during those same conversation, and some of the transcripts were soon in the public domain.<br />

Intrigued by this opportunity to study a genuinely accurate witness, I set out (1981) to compare<br />

Dean's testimony with the corresponding transcripts.<br />

The comparison didn't go as I had expected: the human tape recorder failed the test. In<br />

many cases Nixon simply hadn't said what Dean later remembered him as saying, at least not in<br />

the context to which Dean attributed it. Yet there was also a sense in which Dean was quite right:<br />

there really was a cover-up, Nixon really did approve of it. What kind of memory was this,<br />

wrong on the surface but right in a deeper sense? Endel Tulving's (1972) distinction between<br />

semantic and episodic memory was then very popular, but it didn't quite fit here. Dean's<br />

recollections seemed to be episodic, but were not. Still believing that I could coin useful new<br />

terms as I had done years before in Cognitive Psychology (e.g., "iconic" and "echoic" memory), I<br />

called Dean's memories "repisodic": they represented a repeated set of events. It never caught<br />

on.<br />

Memory Observed<br />

My next step was to prepare a volume of readings and commentary that would show how<br />

interesting the ecological study of memory could be. This was Memory Observed (1982), which I<br />

wrote - "assembled" might be a better word - during a 1980-8 1 sabbatical at the University of<br />

Pennsylvania. I enjoyed the whole process: picking out the selections, writing brief connecting<br />

commentaries, putting it all together. In many ways, my goals for Memory Observed were<br />

similar to those that had generated Cognitive Psychology fifteen years earlier. Once again I was<br />

trying to change the direction of psychology, albeit on a smaller scale. This time, however, I had<br />

no subsequent regrets. The ecological study of memory has developed much as I hoped that it<br />


would, and indeed continues to do so. To be sure it has not been universally popular: a 1989<br />

paper by Banaji and Crowder even argued that the study of "everyday memory" was "bankrupt."<br />

I was delighted to see their critique. If someone takes the trouble to attack an enterprise in print,<br />

it must be important!<br />

The Emory Cognition Project<br />

Not long after Memory Observed, an exploratory phone call came from Emory University<br />

in Atlanta: would I be interested in a chaired professorship? In a major-league city? The offer<br />

was generous and the timing was good: after sixteen years at Cornell I was ready for something<br />

new. But what would I do there? Thinking that it might be time to try something institutional, I<br />

asked Emory for the support of what I would call the "Emory Cognition Project." The Project<br />

would be housed in its own seminar room, accumulate a modest journal library, and exist chiefly<br />

to sponsor speakers and hold conferences. It was a modest request, but I couldn't think of<br />

anything else to ask for. Everything went smoothly, and Arden and I moved to Atlanta in the fall<br />

of 1983.<br />

In thirteen years at Emory, I developed various new interests and organized various<br />

relevant conferences. Through Cambridge University Press, many of those conferences became<br />

books in a series called "Emory Symposia in Cognition." I was the editor of the first Symposium,<br />

Concepts and Conceptual development (1987). The second (co-edited with Gene Winograd) was<br />

Remembering Reconsidered (1988), an attempt to reconcile the ecological and traditional<br />

approaches to memory. I had little contact with the third, Knowing and Remembering in Young<br />

Children (1990), which was organized and edited by my Emory colleague Robyn Fivush. Before<br />

listing the remaining volumes, I must describe some other developments.<br />

In the early 1980s, an epidemic of apparent child abuse swept across the United States:<br />

several falsely-accused day-care providers even went to prison on the basis of utterly fantastic<br />

testimony given by very young children. This was soon followed by an equally crazy epidemic<br />

of memory: adults in therapy (mostly women) suddenly "recovered" memories of how - as<br />

children - they had been sexually abused by members of their families. Because it was generally<br />

believed that really vivid memories could not be false, the desperate denials of accused family<br />

members carried little weight. Eventually some accused parents in Philadelphia responded by<br />

organizing the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), a support group for people who<br />

find themselves falsely accused in this way. Because I was one of the few psychologists who had<br />

actually written about false memories (in Memory Observed), Martin Orne asked me to serve on<br />

the Foundation's Board of Scientific Advisers. I was happy to do so, and indeed am still a<br />

member of that Board. Lacking any clinical expertise my contributions to the enterprise were<br />

necessarily limited, but I did present occasional talks on these issues in the mid-1980s.<br />

Fortunately the false memory epidemic has now subsided, partly as a result of the excellent work<br />

of the FMSF. Today, claims of sudden adult recovery of long-forgotten childhood abuse are<br />

usually met with appropriate skepticism.<br />

Flashbulb memories revisited<br />

Meanwhile, a completely unexpected event rekindled my interest in the old problem of<br />

"flashbulb memories." The event was the disastrous explosion of the space shuttle Challenger on<br />

January 28, 1986. While taking a shower the next morning (at least, that's what I remember!), it<br />

occurred to me that the occasion of hearing about such a disaster might become a "flashbulb<br />

memory" for many people. This was therefore an opportunity to get baseline accounts of such<br />


occasions, with which later memories could later be compared. I quickly prepared an appropriate<br />

questionnaire, and later that morning distributed it to a large freshman class. Nearly three years<br />

later, when the erstwhile freshmen had become seniors, we asked those who were still at Emory<br />

to recall how they had heard about the Challenger disaster three years before. The results were<br />

astonishing. While a few subjects did remember the event fairly well, a substantial number<br />

reported highly confident memories that were nevertheless completely wrong. One, for example,<br />

recalled that "...a girl ran screaming through the dorm shouting 'the space shuttle blew up.'" The<br />

memory was vivid, but her original account showed that she had actually heard about the disaster<br />

from friends at lunch.<br />

My student Nicole Harsch and I reported this and related findings (<strong>Neisser</strong> & Harsch,<br />

1992) in the fourth Emory Symposium (Affect and Accuracy in Recall, co-edited with Gene<br />

Winograd), which also included reports of other Challenger-based studies. Our study was<br />

essentially the first to use this paradigm, i.e., getting an early account of the actual reception<br />

event ("How did you first hear the news of ...") and then testing for recall after a substantial<br />

delay. It was, however, by no means the last: every public disaster now seems to be an occasion<br />

to conduct a memory experiment. Generally speaking, most such studies of the recall of<br />

reception events have confirmed our findings<br />

Not long after Challenger, the 1989 California earthquake offered an opportunity to<br />

conduct a study that would contrast recall of reception events with recalls of direct experience.<br />

On the morning after the quake, I suggested to Steve Palmer at the University of California in<br />

Berkeley that he ask as many students as possible to record their actual earthquake experiences.<br />

A few days later, Gene Winograd contacted Mary Sue Weldon at Santa Cruz with a similar<br />

suggestion. In a third group in Atlanta, Gene and I gave Emory students the usual questionnaires<br />

about how they had heard the news. A year and a half later, subjects in all three groups were<br />

asked for recall. The contrast was sharp (<strong>Neisser</strong> et al, 1996). The subjects in both California<br />

groups recalled their (direct) experiences almost perfectly, while the Emory group produced the<br />

weak or incorrect memories typical of the (reception event) paradigm. Direct experience makes a<br />

big difference!<br />

About this time, I had one last fling with the ecological approach to perception. Several<br />

neuroscientists had recently argued that there are two distinct visual systems in the primate<br />

cortex. The dorsal "where" system controls space perception and movement, while the ventral<br />

"what" system is specialized for identification and categorization. It occurred to me that the<br />

"where" system is rather Gibsonian: it picks up information, tunes to the invariants specifying<br />

the layout of the environment, controls movement. The ventral "what" system, in contrast, is<br />

essentially an associative network. Thus Gibson and his critics were both right, but about<br />

different systems! I gave a number of talks based on this insight (including an invited address at<br />

the 1989 Cognitive Science meeting), but never felt secure enough in my mastery of<br />

neuroscience to actually publish it. Given the rapid further development of neuroscience since<br />

then, this may have been a wise decision.<br />

Self-knowledge<br />

In 1987-88 I had another sabbatical and we spent it in England, the first half in London<br />

and the second in Oxford. A Guggenheim award helped to cover expenses. This time there was<br />

no new book to work on, but I did have two enterprises in mind. One was the "what/where"<br />

hypothesis described above. The other - much more ambitious - was a new theory of selfknowledge,<br />

based in part on J.J. Gibson's insight that all perception involves self-<br />


perception.There is always information in the light to specify how we are moving and what we<br />

are doing - i.e., to specify what I was beginning to call the "ecological self." Recent work on<br />

perception in infancy, much of it from Eleanor Gibson's baby lab, had suggested that even very<br />

young infants are self-aware in this sense. On the other hand I had often read claims by social<br />

psychologists and anthropologists that the self is nothing but a social construction, varying<br />

greatly from one society to the next. How could these disparate views of the self be reconciled?<br />

To solve this puzzle I addressed it in the language of cognitive psychology, i.e., by<br />

thinking in terms of information. On reflection, this approach suggested that the self is specified<br />

by no less than five different types of information and hence that there are five different kinds of<br />

self-knowledge. Another way of putting it is to say that people have five different "selves" - the<br />

ecological self, the interpersonal self, the conceptual self, the remembered self, and the private<br />

self. Having drafted a theoretical paper to this effect, I began to wonder where I could publish it.<br />

That problem was resolved when I happened to meet John Rust in London: he was just then<br />

starting a new journal called Philosophical Psychology, which sounded fine to me (<strong>Neisser</strong>,<br />

1998).<br />

One day at Oxford I got an unexpected phone call from Billy Frye, the Emory Provost.<br />

The University had received a substantial grant from the Mellon Foundation; could I help them<br />

find a way to spend the money? All I could think of was an expanded version of what the<br />

Cognition Project was doing already, focused more directly on the five kinds of self-knowledge.<br />

This was not a very imaginative idea, but it seemed practical. I recruited an excellent post-doc -<br />

David Jopling, whose degree was in philosophy - and together we conducted five stimulating<br />

conferences on self-knowledge. Eventually, these became three volumes in the Emory<br />

Symposium series. I edited The Perceived Self (1993) myself, co-edited The Remembering Self<br />

(1994) with Robyn Fivush, and finally co-edited The Conceptual Self in Context (1997) with<br />

Jopling. I had high hopes that all this would have some impact on other people's theorizing about<br />

the self, but have seen little evidence of it.<br />

The APA task force<br />

Published in 1994, Herrnstein and Murray's book The Bell Curve immediately sparked a<br />

firestorm of controversy. The controversy peaked in the spring of 1995, when I happened to be<br />

serving on the American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Scientific Affairs. The<br />

Board decided that APA should establish a task force to address the issues that The Bell Curve<br />

had raised - issues of race, education, genetics, intelligence, and the like. Then, they asked me to<br />

chair it. I was chosen partly because I just happened to be there, but also because I might actually<br />

be a good person for the job. I still had some name recognition; what's more, I knew something<br />

about the topic and yet had written so little about it that no one was mad at me. At least, those<br />

were my reasons for accepting.<br />

I picked a good committee (some of the members were suggested by various<br />

constituencies) and we soon set to work, deciding on the structure of the report and who would<br />

write the drafts of various sections. I kept the "group differences" section for myself. We<br />

circulated drafts by e-mail, and found surprisingly few disagreements on substantive issues. My<br />

own position was that the Black/White differences are real and important, but that their cause is<br />

not presently known. We worked quickly; the report - "Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns"<br />

(1996) - appeared in American Psychologist only a year later. It triggered critical responses from<br />

both left and right, which I took as a sign that we had written a fair report.<br />


The Rising Curve<br />

It was in the course of working on the intelligence report that I first learned about Jim<br />

Flynn's incredible discovery. The average IQ scores of Americans have been rising, at least since<br />

the 1930s, at a rate of some three points per decade! Elsewhere in the world, where there is more<br />

reliance on tests of abstract thinking like "Raven's Progressive Matrices," the rate of gain is more<br />

like seven points per decade. Herrnstein & Murray had christened this rise the "Flynn effect,"<br />

naming it because they couldn't explain it. What could cause such gains? Intrigued by this<br />

mystery at the heart of our basic assumptions about intelligence, I made what had by now<br />

become my habitual response: I organized a conference! It went very well and I was especially<br />

pleased to meet Flynn himself: an eloquent and sophisticated political philosopher from New<br />

Zealand.<br />

It was to be my last conference at Emory: Arden and I decided we had been in Atlanta<br />

long enough. Still having many friends in Ithaca, we wondered whether I could perhaps return to<br />

Cornell. Would the Psychology Department be interested in giving me a half-time non-tenured<br />

three-year-renewable appointment? The answer was yes! So in the spring of 1996 I retired from<br />

Emory, cashed in my TIAA, and bought a little yellow house on the shore of Lake Cayuga. My<br />

duties were not burdensome: I supervised one or two graduate students and taught one<br />

undergraduate course. In the first year I also edited The Rising Curve (1998), an APA book based<br />

on the Flynn-effect conference that I had hosted at Emory. In doing so I was hoping to help<br />

Flynn (an obvious underdog!) in his challenge to the intelligence establishment. The Rising<br />

Curve has been cited fairly often, so I may have succeeded in that aim.<br />

There was still one more book to do: a second edition of Memory Observed, which by<br />

now was seriously out of date. I asked Ira Hyman - once my graduate student at Emory and now<br />

teaching at Western Washington - to help me, and we set to work. In 1982, my problem had been<br />

to find enough good studies to fill even a small book. Now Ira and I had the opposite problem:<br />

the ecological study of memory was booming, and there were far more good papers than we<br />

could possibly include. Anyway we made our selections somehow, keeping some old papers and<br />

adding a lot of new ones. We were generally pleased with "MO-II," which came out in 2000. But<br />

disappointment lay ahead: unlike the first edition of Memory Observed, MO-II has not been<br />

widely used or cited. Maybe the ecological study of memory is just no longer new and exciting;<br />

perhaps books of selected readings are not needed in the age of the internet. Or maybe - it's time<br />

to say this - I've just lost my touch.<br />

One remembered self<br />

More than half a century has passed since the moment - if there was one - when E.G.<br />

Boring's course led me to think "I can do this!" Was there really a single such moment, or have I<br />

just created a "repisodic memory" a la John Dean? The good news about my Pearl Harbor<br />

memory (that it was probably right except for the switch from football to baseball) encourages<br />

me to think that this one may be true too. However that may be, psychology did turn out to be<br />

something I could do as well as something I enjoy doing.<br />

Has my doing it made any difference? Even asking such a question reveals a substantial<br />

level of egotism, but that is not surprising. Autobiography makes dramatists of us all, and I am<br />

not the first who has occasionally been tempted to cast himself as the hero of the play. It seems<br />

likely, then, that my actual role in the half-century of psychology reviewed here was rather<br />

smaller than this essay suggests. After all I was not "the father of cognitive psychology," just the<br />

godfather who named it. (The name was not even very original, given that the Harvard Center for<br />


Cognitive Studies was already in business.) I was certainly not a major contributor to ecological<br />

psychology, just a propagandist in its cause. And while I am indeed proud of my role in<br />

encouraging the study of memory in natural contexts, I must admit that it would probably have<br />

happened somehow even without me.<br />

The main thing about developments such as these is not what part I played in them, but<br />

that psychology has moved ahead because of them. It has become a very different science now<br />

than it was in Boring's day, or for that matter in mine: far less dependent on charismatic<br />

individuals and quarrelsome schools, much more closely connected to brain science, generally<br />

doing more research and less talking. All in all I admire the new psychology greatly, but my<br />

reaction is no longer "I can do this." It's more like "Goodbye and good luck!"<br />

Books<br />

Selected Publications of <strong>Ulric</strong> <strong>Neisser</strong><br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1967). Cognitive psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. (Also translated into German,<br />

Italian, Spanish, and Japanese.)<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1976). Cognition and reality: Principles and implications of cognitive psychology. San Francisco:<br />

W.H. Freeman. (Also translated into German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian and Japanese.)<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Ed.) (1982). Memory observed: Remembering in natural contexts. New York: W.H. Freeman. (Also<br />

translated into Japanese.)<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Ed.) (1986). The school achievement of minority children: New perspectives. Hillsdale, N.J. :<br />

Erlbaum.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Ed.) (1987). Concepts and conceptual development: Ecological and intellectual factors in<br />

categorization. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Also translated into Italian.)<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Ed.) (1993). The perceived self: Ecological and interpersonal sources of self knowledge. New York:<br />

Cambridge University Press.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Ed.) (1998). The rising curve: Long-term gains in IQ and related measures. Washington, D.C.:<br />

American Psychological Association.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Fivush, R. (Eds.) (1994). The remembering self: Construction and accuracy in the self-narrative.<br />

New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Hyman, I.E. Jr. (Eds.) (2000). Memory observed: Remembering in natural contexts (2nd Ed.). New<br />

York: Worth Publishers.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Jopling, D. (Eds.) (1997). The conceptual self in context: Culture, experience, self-understanding.<br />

New York:: Cambridge University Press.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Winograd, E. (Eds.) (1988). Remembering reconsidered: Ecological and traditional approaches to<br />

the study of memory. New York: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Winograd, E. & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Eds.) (1992). Affect and accuracy in recall: Studies of "flashbulb" memories.New<br />

York: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Articles, Chapters, etc.<br />

Bahrick, L. E., Walker, A. S., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1981). Selective looking by infants. Cognitive Psychology, 13, 377-<br />

390.<br />


Gleitman, H., Nachmias, J., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1954). The S-R reinforcement theory of extinction. Psychological<br />

Review, 61, 23-33.<br />

Herrmann, D. J.& <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1978). An inventory of everyday memory experiences. In M. M. Gruneberg, P.<br />

M. Morris & R. N. Sykes (Eds.) Practical applications of memory.London: Academic Press.<br />

Hirst, W., Spelke, E. S., Reaves, C.C., Caharack, G., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1980). Dividing attention without alternation<br />

or automaticity.Journal of Experimntal Psychology: General, 109, 98-117.<br />

Kahn, S.D. & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1949). A mechanical scoring technique for GESP. Journal of Parapsychology, 3, 177-<br />

185.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1954). An experimental distinction between perceptual process and verbal response. Journal of<br />

Experimental Psychology, 47, 399-402.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1957). Response sequences and the neural quantum. American Journal of Psychology, 70, 512-527.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1962). Cultural and cognitive discontinuity. In T. E. Gladwin & W. Sturtevant (Eds.) Anthropology<br />

and human behavior. Washington, D.C.: Anthropological Society of Washington.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1963a). Decision-time without reaction time: Experiments in visual scanning. American Journal of<br />

Psychology, 76, 376-385.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1963b). The multiplicity of thought. British Journal of Psychology, 54, 1-14.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1963c). The imitation of man by machine. Science, 139, 193-197.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1976). General, academic and artificial intelligence. In L. Resnick (Ed.) The nature of intelligence.<br />

Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1978). Memory: What are the important questions? In M. M. Gruneberg, P. M. Morris, & R. N.<br />

Sykes ( Eds.) Practical applications of memory. London: Academic Press.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1979). The control of information pickup in selective looking. In A.D. Pick (Ed.), perception and its<br />

development: A tribute to Eleanor J. Gibson. Hillsdale, N. J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1981). John Dean's memory: A case study. Cognition, 9, 1-22.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1982). Snapshots or benchmarks? In U. <strong>Neisser</strong> (Ed.) Memory observed. New York: W.H. Freeman.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1986). Remembering Pearl Harbor: Reply to Thompson and Cowan. Cognition, 23, 285-286.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1987). Cognitive recollections. In W. Hirst (Ed.) Giving birth to cognitive science: A festschrift for<br />

George A. Miller. New York: Cambridge University Press.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1988). Five kinds of self-knowledge. Philosophical Psychology, 1, 35-59.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1989). Direct perception and recognition as distinct perceptual systems. Paper given at the Cognitive<br />

Science Society, Ann Arbor MI.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (2002). Adventures in cognition: From Cognitive Psychology to The Rising Curve. In R.J. Sternberg<br />

(Ed.) Psychologists defying the crowd: Stories of those who battled the establishment and won. Washington<br />

D.C.: American Psychological Association.<br />


<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Becklen, R. (1975). Selective looking: Attending to visually specified events. Cognitive<br />

Psychology, 7, 480-494.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U., Boodoo, G., Bouchard, T.J., Boykin, A.W., Brady, N., Ceci, S.J., Halpern, D.F., Loehlin, J.C.,<br />

Perloff, R., Sternberg, R.J., & Urbina, S. (1996). Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (Report of an APA<br />

task force). American Psychologist, 51, 77-101.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. & Harsch, N. (1992). Phantom flashbulbs: False recollections of hearing the news about Challenger.<br />

In E. Winograd and U. <strong>Neisser</strong> (Eds.) Affect and accuracy in recall. New York: Cambridge University Press.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U. Novick, R., & Lazar, R. (1963). Searching for ten targets simultaneously. Perceptual Motor Skills,<br />

17, 955-961.<br />

<strong>Neisser</strong>, U., Winograd, E., Bergman, E.T., Schreiber, C.A., Palmer, S.E., & Weldon, M.S., (1996). Remembering<br />

the earthquake: Direct experience vs. hearing the news. Memory, 4, 337-357.<br />

Selfridge, O.G., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (Aug 1960). Pattern recognition by machine. Scientific American, 203, 60-68.<br />

Spelke, E., Hirst, W., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1976). Skills of divided attention. Cognition, 4,215-230.<br />

Usher, J.A. & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1993). Childhood amnesia and the beginnings of memory for four early life<br />

events.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 122, 155-165.<br />

Wallach, H., O'Connell, D.N., & <strong>Neisser</strong>, U. (1953). The memory effect of visual perception of threedimensional<br />

form. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45, 360-368.<br />

Other Publications Cited<br />

Banaji, M.R, & Crowder, R.G. (1989). The bankruptcy of everyday memory. American Psychologist, 44, 1185-<br />

1193.<br />

Broadbent, D.E. (1958). Perception and communication. New York: Pergamon Press.<br />

Fivush, R. (Ed.) (1990). Knowing and remembering in young children. New York: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Gibson, J.J. (1966). The Senses considered as perceptual systems. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.<br />

Hebb, D.O. (1949). The organization of behavior. New York: Wiley.<br />

Herrrnstein, R.J. & Murray, C. (1994). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life. New<br />

York: Free Press.<br />

Most, S.B., Scholl, B.J., Clifford, E.R. & Simons, D.J. (2005). What you see is what you set: Sustained<br />

inattentional blindness and the capture of awareness. Psychological Review, 112, 217-242.<br />

Rhine, J.B. (1947). The reach of the mind. New York: W. Sloane Associates.<br />

Solomons, L.M. & Stein, G. (1896). Normal motor automatism. Psychological Review, 3, 492-512.<br />

Sperling, G. (1960). The information available in brief visual presentations. Psychological Monographs, 74, No.<br />

11.<br />

Thompson, C.P., & Cowan, T. (1985). A nicer interpretation of a <strong>Neisser</strong> recollection. Cognition, 22, 199-202.<br />


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