A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


74 Then Dickie's come liame to the gude Lord Scroope, E'en as fast as lie might hie ; *^ Now, Dickie, I'll neither eat nor drink. Till hie hanged thou shalt be." ; ; ! " The shame speed the liars, my lord !" quo' Dickie ; " This was na the promise ye made to me For I'd ne'er gane to Liddesdale to steal. Had 1 not got my leave frae thee." *' Eat what garr'd thee steal the Laird's Jock's horse? And, iimmer, what garr'd ye steal him.''" quo' he; ^' For lang thou mightst in Cumberland dwelt. Ere the Laird's Jock had stown frae thee." -'* Indeed I wat ye lied, my lord And e'en sae loud as I hear ye lie I wan the horse frae fair Johnie Armstrang.. Hand to hand on Cannoble Lee. ^' There is the jack was on his back ; This twa-handed sword hang laigh by his thie And there's the steil cap was on his head I brougiit a' these tokens to let thee see." *' If that be true thou to me tells, (And I think thou dares na tell a He,) I'll gie thee fifteen punds for the horse, Weil tald on thy cloak-lap shall be. '' ril gie thee ane o' my best milk ky. To maintain thy wife and children thrie And that may be as gude, I think. As ony twa o' thine wad be." ! ! ;

75 ** The shame speed the liars, my lord '* quo' Dickie ; '* Trow ye aye to make a fu!e o' me ? I'll either hae t^venty panels for the gucle horse. Or he's gae to Mortaa &ir wi' m^." He's gien him twetity piinds for tlie gude horse, A* in goud and glide mor.ie He's gien him arte o' his best milk ky. To maintain his wife and children thrie. Then Dickie's come down thro* Carlisle toun. E'en as fast as he could drie The first o' men that he met wi'. Was ray lord's brother^ bailiff Glozenburrie* " Weil be ye met, my gude Ralph Scroope !" ; ; *' Welcome, my brother's fale !" quo' he ^' Where didst thou get fair Johnie Armstrang's horse ?'^ " Where did I get him ? but steal him," quo' he, *' But wilt thou sell me the bonny horse ? And, billie, wilt thou sell him to me?" quo' he: '* Aye ; if thou'lt tell me the monie on my cloak-lap For there's never ae farden I'll trust thee." *' I'll gle thee ten punds for the gude horse, Weil tald on thy cloak-lap they shall be; And 111 gie thee ane o' my best milk ky. To maintain thy wife and children thrie," " The shame speid the liars, my lord !" quo' Dickie ; " Trow ye ay to make a fule o' me ? I'll either hae twenty punds for the gude horse. Or he's gae to Mortan fair wi' me." : :

74<br />

Then Dickie's come liame to the gude Lord Scroope,<br />

E'en as fast as lie might hie ;<br />

*^ Now, Dickie, I'll neither eat nor drink.<br />

Till hie hanged thou shalt be."<br />

; ; !<br />

" The shame speed the liars, my lord !" quo' Dickie ;<br />

" This was na the promise ye made to me<br />

For I'd ne'er gane to Liddesdale to steal.<br />

Had 1 not got my leave frae thee."<br />

*' Eat what garr'd thee steal the Laird's Jock's horse?<br />

And, iimmer, what garr'd ye steal him.''" quo' he;<br />

^' For lang thou mightst in Cumberl<strong>and</strong> dwelt.<br />

Ere the Laird's Jock had stown frae thee."<br />

-'* Indeed I wat ye lied, my lord<br />

And e'en sae loud as I hear ye lie<br />

I wan the horse frae fair Johnie Armstrang..<br />

H<strong>and</strong> to h<strong>and</strong> on Cannoble Lee.<br />

^' There is the jack was on his back ;<br />

This twa-h<strong>and</strong>ed sword hang laigh by his thie<br />

And there's the steil cap was on his head<br />

I brougiit a' these tokens to let thee see."<br />

*' If that be true thou to me tells,<br />

(And I think thou dares na tell a He,)<br />

I'll gie thee fifteen punds for the horse,<br />

Weil tald on thy cloak-lap shall be.<br />

'' ril gie thee ane o' my best milk ky.<br />

To maintain thy wife <strong>and</strong> children thrie<br />

And that may be as gude, I think.<br />

As ony twa o' thine wad be."<br />

!<br />

!<br />


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