A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


56 " Cum down to me, ze lady fair. Cum down to me, let's see. This night ze's ly by my ain side. The morn my bride sail be." '' I winnae cum down, ye fals Gordon, I winnae cum down to thee, I winnae forsake my ain dear lord. That is sae far frae me." " Gi up your house, ze fair JiUye, Gi up your house to me. Or I will burn zoursell therein, Bot, and zour babies three." " I winnae gie up, zou fals Gordon, To nae sik traitor as thee, Tho' zou should burn mysel therein, Bot, and my babies three." " Set fire to the house," quoth fals Gordon, " Sin better may nae be And I will burn hersel therein, Bot, and her babies three." " And ein wae worth ze, Jock, my man, I paid ze weil zour fee. Why pow * ze out my ground wa' stane. Lets in the reek t to me ? " And ein wae worth ze, Jock, my man. For 1 paid zou weil zour hire ; Why pow ze out my ground wa' stane. To me lets in the fire.^" * Pull. t Smoke. ;

57 ; ; " Ye paid me weil my hire, lady. Ye paid me weil my fee But now I'm Edom o' Gordon's man. Maun either do or die." O then bespake her zoiingest son. Sat on the nurse's knee, *' Dear mother, gie owre zour house," he says, *' For the reek it worries me." " I winnae gie up my house, my dear. To nae sik traitor as he Cum weil, cum wae, my jewels fair. Ye maun tak share wi' me." O then bespake her dochter dear. She was baith jimp and sma', '* O row * me in a pair o' shiets. And tow me owre the wa'." They rowd her in a pair o' shiets. And towd her owre the wa'. But on the point of Edom's speir, She gat a deadly fa*. O bonny, bonny was hir mouth. And chirry were hir cheiks. And cleer, cleer was hir zellow hair. Whereon tlie reid bluid dreips. Then wi' his speir he turnd hir owre, gin t hir face was wan ! He said, " Zou are the first that e'er 1 wist alive again." * Roll. ' f But. >^

57<br />

; ;<br />

" Ye paid me weil my hire, lady.<br />

Ye paid me weil my fee<br />

But now I'm Edom o' Gordon's man.<br />

Maun either do or die."<br />

O then bespake her zoiingest son.<br />

Sat on the nurse's knee,<br />

*' Dear mother, gie owre zour house," he says,<br />

*' For the reek it worries me."<br />

" I winnae gie up my house, my dear.<br />

To nae sik traitor as he<br />

Cum weil, cum wae, my jewels fair.<br />

Ye maun tak share wi' me."<br />

O then bespake her dochter dear.<br />

She was baith jimp <strong>and</strong> sma',<br />

'* O row * me in a pair o' shiets.<br />

And tow me owre the wa'."<br />

They rowd her in a pair o' shiets.<br />

And towd her owre the wa'.<br />

But on the point <strong>of</strong> Edom's speir,<br />

She gat a deadly fa*.<br />

O bonny, bonny was hir mouth.<br />

And chirry were hir cheiks.<br />

And cleer, cleer was hir zellow hair.<br />

Whereon tlie reid bluid dreips.<br />

Then wi' his speir he turnd hir owre,<br />

gin t hir face was wan !<br />

He said, " Zou are the first that e'er<br />

1 wist alive again."<br />

* Roll.<br />

'<br />

f But.<br />


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