A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


; : Lat no man wit that I can do sic thing." Than Symon said, " I sweyr by hevinis King It sal be kepit counsalej as for me. Bot, brother deir, your servand wald I see, Gif that ye pleis, that we may drink togidder For I want nocht gif ye may ay cum bidder, Quhen that we list, or lyk sic feist as this." Than Robert says, " Sua have I Hevynnis blis, Yow to haif the sicht of my servand. It can nocht be, ye sail weill understand Nor may ye se him graithlie in his awin kynd, Bot ye annone sowld go out of your mynd. He is so fowll and ugly for to se, I dar nocht aunter for to tak on me To bring him bidder heir into your sicht. And naimly now, so lait into the nicht. Bot gif it war on sic a maner wyiss. Him to translait into ane uther gyse, Fra his awin kind intill ane ither stait." Than Symon said, " I mak na raair debait. How ewir ye will, it lykis weil to me. Bot, brother deir, fain wald I him se." Freyr Robert said, "^ Sen that your will is so. Tell onto me, withouttin words mo. Into quhat stait ye list that he appeir ?" Than Symon said, " In lyknes of ane freyr. In quhyte habite, sic as yourself can weir For colour quhyt it will to no man deir. And ewill gpreitts quhyte colour ay will fle." Freyr Robert said, '' 1 say it may nocht be That he appeir intill our habite quhyt. For till our ordour it war grit dispyt. That ony sic unwourthy wicht as he Into our habite ony man suld se. Bot, gif it plesis yow that ar here^ Ye sail him se in lyknes of ane freyr. ;

In hablte blak, it was his kj^nd to weir. Into sic wys that be sail no man deir. Sua that ye do as I sail you devyss, To hald you clois^ and rewle you on this W3''S. Quhat sua it be tliat outher ye se or heir. Ye speik nothing nor yit ye mak no steir ; Bot hald ye clois, quhil I have done my cuir. And, Symon, ye man be upon the flure Neir besyd me, with staff into your hand Have 3^e no dreid, I sail you ay warrand." Than Symon said, '' I consent that it be sua." Than up he stert, and tuik ane libberla Intill his hand, and on the flure he stert, Sumthing effrayt, thoch stalwart was his hert. Than Symon said onto Freyr Robert sone, " Now tell me, maister, quhat ye will have done.'* ^^ Nathing," he said, '^ bot hald ye clois, and still And quhat I do ye tak gude tent thairtill. And neir the dure ye hyd ye prevelie ; And quhen I bid you stryk, stryk hardelie Into the nek se that ye hit him richt." *' I warrand that," quoth he, " with all my micht." Thus on the flure I leif him standand still, Bydand his tyme ; and turne agane I will Till Freyr Robert, that tuik his bulk m hy. And turnit our the levis bissely, Ane full lang space ; and quhen he had done swa, Towart the troch, withoutten wordis ma He gaiss belyfe, and on this wyiss said he, ** Ha ! how ! Hurlbass, now I conjure the That up thow ryse, and syne to me appeir. In habite blak, in lyknes of ane freyr. Out fra this trouche, quhair that thow dois ly, Thow rax thee sone, and mak us no tary : Thow turne out of the trouche, that we may see; And syn till us thow schaw th6 openlie. ; : ;

In hablte blak, it was his kj^nd to weir.<br />

Into sic wys that be sail no man deir.<br />

Sua that ye do as I sail you devyss,<br />

To hald you clois^ <strong>and</strong> rewle you on this W3''S.<br />

Quhat sua it be tliat outher ye se or heir.<br />

Ye speik nothing nor yit ye mak no steir ;<br />

Bot hald ye clois, quhil I have done my cuir.<br />

And, Symon, ye man be upon the flure<br />

Neir besyd me, with staff into your h<strong>and</strong><br />

Have 3^e no dreid, I sail you ay warr<strong>and</strong>."<br />

Than Symon said, '' I consent that it be sua."<br />

Than up he stert, <strong>and</strong> tuik ane libberla<br />

Intill his h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> on the flure he stert,<br />

Sumthing effrayt, thoch stalwart was his hert.<br />

Than Symon said onto Freyr Robert sone,<br />

" Now tell me, maister, quhat ye will have done.'*<br />

^^ Nathing," he said, '^ bot hald ye clois, <strong>and</strong> still<br />

And quhat I do ye tak gude tent thairtill.<br />

And neir the dure ye hyd ye prevelie ;<br />

And quhen I bid you stryk, stryk hardelie<br />

Into the nek se that ye hit him richt."<br />

*' I warr<strong>and</strong> that," quoth he, " with all my micht."<br />

Thus on the flure I leif him st<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> still,<br />

Byd<strong>and</strong> his tyme ; <strong>and</strong> turne agane I will<br />

Till Freyr Robert, that tuik his bulk m hy.<br />

And turnit our the levis bissely,<br />

Ane full lang space ; <strong>and</strong> quhen he had done swa,<br />

Towart the troch, withoutten wordis ma<br />

He gaiss belyfe, <strong>and</strong> on this wyiss said he,<br />

** Ha ! how ! Hurlbass, now I conjure the<br />

That up thow ryse, <strong>and</strong> syne to me appeir.<br />

In habite blak, in lyknes <strong>of</strong> ane freyr.<br />

Out fra this trouche, quhair that thow dois ly,<br />

Thow rax thee sone, <strong>and</strong> mak us no tary :<br />

Thow turne out <strong>of</strong> the trouche, that we may see;<br />

And syn till us thow schaw th6 openlie.<br />

;<br />

:<br />


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