A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


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; :<br />

Lat no man wit that I can do sic thing."<br />

Than Symon said, " I sweyr by hevinis King<br />

It sal be kepit counsalej as for me.<br />

Bot, brother deir, your serv<strong>and</strong> wald I see,<br />

Gif that ye pleis, that we may drink togidder<br />

For I want nocht gif ye may ay cum bidder,<br />

Quhen that we list, or lyk sic feist as this."<br />

Than Robert says, " Sua have I Hevynnis blis,<br />

Yow to haif the sicht <strong>of</strong> my serv<strong>and</strong>.<br />

It can nocht be, ye sail weill underst<strong>and</strong><br />

Nor may ye se him graithlie in his awin kynd,<br />

Bot ye annone sowld go out <strong>of</strong> your mynd.<br />

He is so fowll <strong>and</strong> ugly for to se,<br />

I dar nocht aunter for to tak on me<br />

To bring him bidder heir into your sicht.<br />

And naimly now, so lait into the nicht.<br />

Bot gif it war on sic a maner wyiss.<br />

Him to translait into ane uther gyse,<br />

Fra his awin kind intill ane ither stait."<br />

Than Symon said, " I mak na raair debait.<br />

How ewir ye will, it lykis weil to me.<br />

Bot, brother deir, fain wald I him se."<br />

Freyr Robert said, "^ Sen that your will is so.<br />

Tell onto me, withouttin words mo.<br />

Into quhat stait ye list that he appeir ?"<br />

Than Symon said, " In lyknes <strong>of</strong> ane freyr.<br />

In quhyte habite, sic as yourself can weir<br />

For colour quhyt it will to no man deir.<br />

And ewill gpreitts quhyte colour ay will fle."<br />

Freyr Robert said, '' 1 say it may nocht be<br />

That he appeir intill our habite quhyt.<br />

For till our ordour it war grit dispyt.<br />

That ony sic unwourthy wicht as he<br />

Into our habite ony man suld se.<br />

Bot, gif it plesis yow that ar here^<br />

Ye sail him se in lyknes <strong>of</strong> ane freyr.<br />


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