A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


338 And tak your part of sic gude as we have." Freyr AUane said, " Schyr, I pray God yow save J Heir is aneuche forsuth of Goddis gude." Than Symon answerit, '' Be the halie rude, Yit wald I gif ane croun of gold for me For sum gude meit and drink amang us thre.'* Freyr Robert said, " Quhat meitis wald ye crave .^ Or quhat drink desire ye for to have.^ For rycht mony sundry practiks seir Beyond the sey in Paris did I leir, Quhilk I wald preif, sehir^ glaidlie for your saik> And for your damys, that harbrie cuth us maik. I tak on hand, and ye will counsale keip. That I shall gar yow have, or that ye sleip, Of all the best that is in this cuntrey And Gaskane wjne, gif ony in it be Or, be thair ony within ane hundretli myle, Jt sail be heir within ane lytil quhyle." The gudman mervails meikill of this taill And said, " My hart will neir be haill, Bot gif ye preif that practik, or we pairt. Be quhatkin science, nigromansy, or airt." Freyr Robert said, " Of this ye have no dreid For I can do fer mair, and thair be neid." Than Symon said, " Freyr Robert, I yow pray. For my saik that science ye wald assay To mak us sport." And than the freyr uprais. And tuke his bulk, and to the flm*e he gayis. And turnis it oiu-, and reidis ane lyttil space; Syne to the eist he turnit evin his face. And maid ane croce ; and than the freyr cuth lout. And to the west he turnit him evin about; Than to the north he turn t, and lukit doun: And tuke his.buke and said ane orisoune. And ay his e was on the almery. And on the trouche, quhai' that the freyr cuth h% ; ; ;

339 Than sat he doun, and kaist abak his hucle ; He girnit, and he glourit, he gapt as he war woid. And quhylum sat still in ane studjdng ; And quhylum on his buik he was reyding. And quhylum bayth his handis he wald clap And uther quhylis wald he glour and gaip. And on this wyse he yeid * the hous about, Weil twys or thrys ; and ay the freyr cuth lout Quhen that he came ocht neir the almerye. Thairat our dame had wounder grit in vy ; For in hir hart scho had ane persaveing That he had wit of all hir governing : Scho saw him gif the almerie sic ane straik. Ontill herself scho «aid, " Full weill I wait I am bot schent ; he knawis all my thocht. Quhat sail I do? Alace that I was wrocht Get Syraon wit it war my undoing." Be that the freyr hes left his studeing; And on his feit he stertis up full sture, And come agane, and said;, " All-haill my cure Is done. Anone and ye sail have plentie Of meit and wyne, the best in this cuntrie, Quhairfoir, fair dame, get up delyverlie. And gang belyf unto yone almerie. And oppin it ; and se ye bring us syne Ane pair of bossis full of Gaskan wyne, Thay hald ane galloun and mair, that wait I weill And bring us als the mayne breid in the creil. Ane pair of cvmnyngs, fat and het pypand. And ane pair of capouns sail ye bring fra hand ; Ane pair of pertriks, I wait thair is no ma. And eik of pluvaris se that ye bring us twa." The gudwyf wist it was na variance : Scho knew the freyr had sene hir govirnance. Scho wist it was no bute for to deny With that scho yejd unto the almory. * Went, • : ! ;

339<br />

Than sat he doun, <strong>and</strong> kaist abak his hucle ;<br />

He girnit, <strong>and</strong> he glourit, he gapt as he war woid.<br />

And quhylum sat still in ane studjdng ;<br />

And quhylum on his buik he was reyding.<br />

And quhylum bayth his h<strong>and</strong>is he wald clap<br />

And uther quhylis wald he glour <strong>and</strong> gaip.<br />

And on this wyse he yeid * the hous about,<br />

Weil twys or thrys ; <strong>and</strong> ay the freyr cuth lout<br />

Quhen that he came ocht neir the almerye.<br />

Thairat our dame had wounder grit in vy ;<br />

For in hir hart scho had ane persaveing<br />

That he had wit <strong>of</strong> all hir governing :<br />

Scho saw him gif the almerie sic ane straik.<br />

Ontill herself scho «aid, " Full weill I wait<br />

I am bot schent ; he knawis all my thocht.<br />

Quhat sail I do? Alace that I was wrocht<br />

Get Syraon wit it war my undoing."<br />

Be that the freyr hes left his studeing;<br />

And on his feit he stertis up full sture,<br />

And come agane, <strong>and</strong> said;, " All-haill my cure<br />

Is done. Anone <strong>and</strong> ye sail have plentie<br />

Of meit <strong>and</strong> wyne, the best in this cuntrie,<br />

Quhairfoir, fair dame, get up delyverlie.<br />

And gang belyf unto yone almerie.<br />

And oppin it ; <strong>and</strong> se ye bring us syne<br />

Ane pair <strong>of</strong> bossis full <strong>of</strong> Gaskan wyne,<br />

Thay hald ane galloun <strong>and</strong> mair, that wait I weill<br />

And bring us als the mayne breid in the creil.<br />

Ane pair <strong>of</strong> cvmnyngs, fat <strong>and</strong> het pyp<strong>and</strong>.<br />

And ane pair <strong>of</strong> capouns sail ye bring fra h<strong>and</strong> ;<br />

Ane pair <strong>of</strong> pertriks, I wait thair is no ma.<br />

And eik <strong>of</strong> pluvaris se that ye bring us twa."<br />

The gudwyf wist it was na variance :<br />

Scho knew the freyr had sene hir govirnance.<br />

Scho wist it was no bute for to deny<br />

With that scho yejd unto the almory.<br />

* Went, •<br />

:<br />

!<br />


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