A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


334 With that scho smylit wounder lustelie He thristis hir hand agane full previlie. Thus at theyr sport I will thame levin still, Bydand their tyme ; and turne agane I will To tell yov/ of thir sillie freyris tuay. That liggit in the loft amang the stray. Freyr Aliane still into the loft can ly. Freyr Robert had a little jelosy For in his hart he had ane persavin. And throw the burde he maid, with his botkin, A lytil hole on sic a wayis maid he. All that they did thair-doun he mycht weill se: And micht heir all that ever thay culd say. Quhon scho was proud, richt wounder fresche and gay^ Scho callit him baith hert, lemman, and luve. Lord God, gif than his curage wes aboif. So prelat lyk sat he intill his cheyre ! Scho rounis than ane pistil in his eyre Thus sportand thame, and makand melodie. And quhen scho sav/ the sup2)er was reddie, Scho gois and coveris the burde anone And syne the payr of bossis hes scho tone. And set thame doun upon the burde him by. And ewin with that thay hard the gudman cr}% He knokit at the yet and cryit fast. Fra thay him knew, thay war all sayr agast. And als Freyr Johne was in a fellone afray ; And stertis up fast, and wald have bene away. Bot all for nocht he micht na way get out. The gudwyf spak tlian, with ane visage stout^ " Yon is Symon that makis all this fray. That I miclit now have thoelit was weill away., ; ; : I sail him quit, an I leif half a yeir. That hes merrit * us in this maneir : Becaus for him we may not byd togidder ; I sair repent as now that we come hidder* * Marred..

33a For gif we war well, he had bene away.'* *' Quhat sail I do, allace \" the freyr can say. ^^ Into this case. Lord, how sail I me beir ? For I am schent* and Symon fynd me heir. I dreid me sair, and he cum in this innis. And fynd me hen*, that I los both my quhynnis." " Perchance," scho sayis, " all cumis for the best. I mon you hyd till he be brocht till rest." Ane kneddin-troche, that lay intill ane nuke, Wald hald ane boll of flour quhen that scho buik Rycht intill it scho gart him creip in hy. And bad him lurk thair verry quyetly. Syne to hir madin spedilie scho spak, *' Ga to the fyre, and the meitis fra it tak. Be bisy als, and slokin out the fyre. Go cleir the burde ; and tak awa the chyre. And lok up all into yon almory Bayth meit, and drink, baith wyne and ale put by. The cunnyngs, caponis, and wyld fowlis fyne The mane breid als thow hyd it with the wyne. That being done, thow soupe the hous clein. That no liknes of feist-meits heir be sein." Than syn withoutten ony m.air delay, Scho castis off her haill fresche array. And bounit hir richt till hir bed anone And tholit him knok his fill, Symon. Quhen he for knoking tyrit was, and cry It; About he went onto the tother syd. Till ane windo wes at her beddis heid. And cryit, " Alesoun, awalk for Goddis deid I" And ay on Alesoun fast couth he cry. And at the last scho answert crabbitlie, ^' Say quha be this that knawis sa weill my nanne ? Go hens," scho says, ^' for Symon is fra hame. And I will herbry no gaistis heir, perfay. Thaifoh" I pray yow to wend on your way ; ; * Disgraced. : ; ;

33a<br />

For gif we war well, he had bene away.'*<br />

*' Quhat sail I do, allace \" the freyr can say.<br />

^^ Into this case. Lord, how sail I me beir ?<br />

For I am schent* <strong>and</strong> Symon fynd me heir.<br />

I dreid me sair, <strong>and</strong> he cum in this innis.<br />

And fynd me hen*, that I los both my quhynnis."<br />

" Perchance," scho sayis, " all cumis for the best.<br />

I mon you hyd till he be brocht till rest."<br />

Ane kneddin-troche, that lay intill ane nuke,<br />

Wald hald ane boll <strong>of</strong> flour quhen that scho buik<br />

Rycht intill it scho gart him creip in hy.<br />

And bad him lurk thair verry quyetly.<br />

Syne to hir madin spedilie scho spak,<br />

*' Ga to the fyre, <strong>and</strong> the meitis fra it tak.<br />

Be bisy als, <strong>and</strong> slokin out the fyre.<br />

Go cleir the burde ; <strong>and</strong> tak awa the chyre.<br />

And lok up all into yon almory<br />

Bayth meit, <strong>and</strong> drink, baith wyne <strong>and</strong> ale put by.<br />

The cunnyngs, caponis, <strong>and</strong> wyld fowlis fyne<br />

The mane breid als thow hyd it with the wyne.<br />

That being done, thow soupe the hous clein.<br />

That no liknes <strong>of</strong> feist-meits heir be sein."<br />

Than syn withoutten ony m.air delay,<br />

Scho castis <strong>of</strong>f her haill fresche array.<br />

And bounit hir richt till hir bed anone<br />

And tholit him knok his fill, Symon.<br />

Quhen he for knoking tyrit was, <strong>and</strong> cry It;<br />

About he went onto the tother syd.<br />

Till ane windo wes at her beddis heid.<br />

And cryit, " Alesoun, awalk for Goddis deid I"<br />

And ay on Alesoun fast couth he cry.<br />

And at the last scho answert crabbitlie,<br />

^' Say quha be this that knawis sa weill my nanne ?<br />

Go hens," scho says, ^' for Symon is fra hame.<br />

And I will herbry no gaistis heir, perfay.<br />

Thaifoh" I pray yow to wend on your way ;<br />

;<br />

* Disgraced.<br />

:<br />

;<br />


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