A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


332 ; ; : ; For Godis luif heir me what I sail say Pxjt ye us out, we will be deid or day. The way is evil, and I am tyrit and wett And, as ye knaw, it is now sa lait. That to our abbay we may nocht get in To causs us perreiss bot help, ye wald haif grit syn. Thairfoar of verry neid we mon byd still. And us commit haillie * to your will." The gudwyf luikit at the freyris tuay And, at the last, to thame thus can scho say : *' Ye byd nocht heir, be Him that us all coft ; — ; ; : : Bot gif ye list to lig up in yon loft. The quhilk is wrocht into the hallis end, Ye sail find stray, and clayths I sail you send; gif ye list, pas on bayth on feir ; ; Quhilk For on no wayis repair will I haif heir.'' Hir madin than scho sendis on befoir, . And bad tham« wend t withoutin wordis more. Thay war full bl3^th to do as scho thame kend And up. thay wend, richt in the hallis end, Intil ane loft was maid for come and hay. Scho maid thair bed, and syn went but delay Syne closit the trap, and thai remenit still Into the loft, and had nocht all thair wilL - Freyr Allane liggis doun as he best micht. Freyr Robert sayd, ** I hecht to walk this nicht Quha wait perchance sum sport I may espy ?" Thus in the loft I lat the freyris ly. And of this fayr wyff I will tellyne mair. She was full blyth that thai war ciosin thair, For scho had made ane tryst that samyn nicht, Freyr Johne hir luffis supper for to dicht. % Thau'foir scho wald nane uther cumpany, Becaus Freyr Johne all nicht with hir sould ly Quhilk duelland was within that nobill toun Ane gray freyr he was of grit renouiL * Wholly. t Go, X Prepare. :

333 He governit all the haly abbasy Silver and gold he had aboundantlie He had ane previe postroun of his awin. That he micht usche, quhen him list;, unknaWin; Thus into the toun I will him leven still, Bydand his tyme ; and turne agane I will To this fayr wyf, how scho the fyre culd beit : And thristit on fat capouns on the speit. And fat cmiyngs to the fyre can lay And bade hir madin^, in all the haste scho may. To flawme, and turne, and rost thame tendyrlig. Syn till hir chalmer scho is went in hie. Scho cleithis hir in ane kirtil of fyne reid Ane quhyt curchey scho puttis upon hir heid. Hir kyrtil was of silk, her keyis gingling syne. Within ane proud purs the reid gold did schyne. On ilkane fyngar scho weirit ringis tuo : ; : ; ; ; : Scho was als proud as ony papingo. t The burde scho cuverit with claith of costlie greii\, The napry aboif wes wounder weill besene. Than but X scho went to sie gif ony come, Scho thocht full lang to meit hir lufe Frier Johunr. And ewin so Freyr Johne knokit at the yet. His knok scho knew ; and in scho culd him lat. And wylcumit him in all hir best maneir. He thankit hir, and said, " My awin luif deir, Thair is ane pair of bossis, gude and fyne, Thay hald ane galloun-full of Gaskon wyne And als ane payr of pertrikis new slane And als ane creill full of breid of mane. This have I brocht to yow, my sueit luif deir Thairfoir I reid now that we mak gude cheyr. Sen it is so that Symon is fra harae I will tak ye hameliar heir now, dame." Scho sayis, " Ye ar weill raayr welcum heir. Than Symon is, quhen that ye list appeir." * Mend, or increase. f Parrot. X '^^" outer room. *

332<br />

; ; : ;<br />

For Godis luif heir me what I sail say<br />

Pxjt ye us out, we will be deid or day.<br />

The way is evil, <strong>and</strong> I am tyrit <strong>and</strong> wett<br />

And, as ye knaw, it is now sa lait.<br />

That to our abbay we may nocht get in<br />

To causs us perreiss bot help, ye wald haif grit syn.<br />

Thairfoar <strong>of</strong> verry neid we mon byd still.<br />

And us commit haillie * to your will."<br />

The gudwyf luikit at the freyris tuay<br />

And, at the last, to thame thus can scho say :<br />

*' Ye byd nocht heir, be Him that us all c<strong>of</strong>t<br />

; — ; ; : :<br />

Bot gif ye list to lig up in yon l<strong>of</strong>t.<br />

The quhilk is wrocht into the hallis end,<br />

Ye sail find stray, <strong>and</strong> clayths I sail you send;<br />

gif ye list, pas on bayth on feir ;<br />

; Quhilk<br />

For on no wayis repair will I haif heir.''<br />

Hir madin than scho sendis on befoir, .<br />

And bad tham« wend t withoutin wordis more.<br />

Thay war full bl3^th to do as scho thame kend<br />

And up. thay wend, richt in the hallis end,<br />

Intil ane l<strong>of</strong>t was maid for come <strong>and</strong> hay.<br />

Scho maid thair bed, <strong>and</strong> syn went but delay<br />

Syne closit the trap, <strong>and</strong> thai remenit still<br />

Into the l<strong>of</strong>t, <strong>and</strong> had nocht all thair wilL -<br />

Freyr Allane liggis doun as he best micht.<br />

Freyr Robert sayd, ** I hecht to walk this nicht<br />

Quha wait perchance sum sport I may espy ?"<br />

Thus in the l<strong>of</strong>t I lat the freyris ly.<br />

And <strong>of</strong> this fayr wyff I will tellyne mair.<br />

She was full blyth that thai war ciosin thair,<br />

For scho had made ane tryst that samyn nicht,<br />

Freyr Johne hir luffis supper for to dicht. %<br />

Thau'foir scho wald nane uther cumpany,<br />

Becaus Freyr Johne all nicht with hir sould ly<br />

Quhilk duell<strong>and</strong> was within that nobill toun<br />

Ane gray freyr he was <strong>of</strong> grit renouiL<br />

* Wholly. t Go, X Prepare.<br />


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