A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


16 " Sair bleids my lelge } Sali% sair he bleids l" Again with micht he drew. And gesture dreid, his sturdy bow Fast the braid arrow flew : Wae to the knicht he ettled * at; Lament now, Quene Elgreid Hie dames to wail zour darhng's fall. His zouth and comely meid. " Take afF, take afF his costly jupe," t (Of gold weil was it twyn'd. Knit like the fowler's net, thi'ouch quhilk His steily harnes shynd.) " Take, Norse, that gift frae me, and bid Him 'venge the blude it beirs; Say, if he face my bended bow He sure nae weapon feirs." Proud Norse with giant body tall. Braid shoulder, and arms strong, Cry'd, " Quhair is Hardyknute sae fara'd^ And feird at Britain's throne ? Tho' Britons tremble at his name, I sune sail mak him Avail That eir my sword was made sae sharp, Sae saft his coat of mail." That brag his stout heart could na byde. It lent him zoutlifu micht " I'm Hardyknute. This day," he cry'd, '' To Scotland's King I hecht % To lay thee law as horse's hufe. My word I mean to keip." Syne with the first strake eir he strak He garrd his body bleid. * Aimed. f Military vest. % Promised, : ; ;

17 Norse enc lyke gvay goseliawk's staird wyld, He sicht with shame and spyte : '^ Disgrac'd is now my far-fara'd arm That left thee pov^^er to stryke." Then gaif his head a blaw sae fellj It made him doun to stoiip. As law as he to ladies usit. In courtly gyse to lout. * ; ; Full sune he rais'd his bent body His bow he marvell'd sair. Sen blaws till then on him but darr'd As touch of Fairly fair. Norse ferliett too as sair as he. To see his stately luke Sae sune as eir he strake a fae, Sae sune his lyfe he tuke. Quhair, lyke a fyre to hether set, Bauld Thomas did advance^ A sturdy fae, with luke enrag'd. Up towards him did prance : He spur'd his steid throw thickest ranks The hardy zouth to quell, Quha stude unmuvit at his approach. His furie to repell. " That schort brown shaft, sae meanly trim'd, Lukis lyke poor Scotland's geir But driedfull seims the rusty poynt!" And loud he leuch in jeir. :|: *' Aft Britons' blude has dim'd its shyne. This poynt cut short their vaunt ;" Syne pierc'd the boisteris bairded cheik, Nae tyme he tuke to taunt. * To bow. f Wondered. :|: Derision. B 3 ;

16<br />

" Sair bleids my lelge } Sali% sair he bleids l"<br />

Again with micht he drew.<br />

And gesture dreid, his sturdy bow<br />

Fast the braid arrow flew :<br />

Wae to the knicht he ettled * at;<br />

Lament now, Quene Elgreid<br />

Hie dames to wail zour darhng's fall.<br />

His zouth <strong>and</strong> comely meid.<br />

" Take afF, take afF his costly jupe," t<br />

(Of gold weil was it twyn'd.<br />

Knit like the fowler's net, thi'ouch quhilk<br />

His steily harnes shynd.)<br />

" Take, Norse, that gift frae me, <strong>and</strong> bid<br />

Him 'venge the blude it beirs;<br />

Say, if he face my bended bow<br />

He sure nae weapon feirs."<br />

Proud Norse with giant body tall.<br />

Braid shoulder, <strong>and</strong> arms strong,<br />

Cry'd, " Quhair is Hardyknute sae fara'd^<br />

And feird at Britain's throne ?<br />

Tho' Britons tremble at his name,<br />

I sune sail mak him Avail<br />

That eir my sword was made sae sharp,<br />

Sae saft his coat <strong>of</strong> mail."<br />

That brag his stout heart could na byde.<br />

It lent him zoutlifu micht<br />

" I'm Hardyknute. This day," he cry'd,<br />

'' To Scotl<strong>and</strong>'s King I hecht %<br />

To lay thee law as horse's hufe.<br />

My word I mean to keip."<br />

Syne with the first strake eir he strak<br />

He garrd his body bleid.<br />

* Aimed. f Military vest. % Promised,<br />

:<br />

;<br />


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