A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


222 Then up and raise him,, King Honomv Says— " What means a' this din ? Or what's the matter. Pause Foodi'age, Or wha has loot * you in ?" '' Q je my errand weel sail learn. Before that I depart." Then drew a knife, baith lang and sharp^ And pierced him t^ the heart. Then up and got the queen hersell. And fell low down on her knee: '• O spare my life, now, Fause Foodrage! For I never injured thee. "^ O spare my life^ noWj Fause Foodrage;, Until I lighter be ! And see gin it be lad or lass. King Honour has left me wi\" " O gin it be a lass," he says^ " Weel nursed it sail be ; But giri it be a lad bairn^ He sail be hanged hie, " I winna spare for his tender age^, Nor yet for his hie, hie, kin ; But soon as e'er he born is. He sail mount the gallows pin." O four and twenty valiant knights Were set the queen to guard ; And four stood aye at her hour door> ^ To keep T3oth watch and ward, * Let.

^23 But when the time drew near an end^ That she suld hghter be. She cast about to find a wile. To set her body free. O she has birled these merry young men With the ale but and the wine. Until they were as deadly drunk As any wild wood swine. " O narrow, narrow, is this window. And big, big, am I grown !" Yet, thro' the might of Our Ladj'^;, Out at it she has gone. She wandered up, she wandered down. She wandered out and in ; And, at last, into the very swine's sty the, The queen brought forth a son. Then they castkevik them amang. Which suld gae seek the queen And the kevil fell upon Wise William, And he sent his wife for him. O when she saw Wise William's wife. The queen fell on her knee ; *' Win up, win up, madame !" she says " What needs this courtesie ?" " G out o' this I winna rise. Till a boon ye grant to me To cheinge your lass for this lad baini^ King Honour left me wi'. ; ; :

^23<br />

But when the time drew near an end^<br />

That she suld hghter be.<br />

She cast about to find a wile.<br />

To set her body free.<br />

O she has birled these merry young men<br />

With the ale but <strong>and</strong> the wine.<br />

Until they were as deadly drunk<br />

As any wild wood swine.<br />

" O narrow, narrow, is this window.<br />

And big, big, am I grown !"<br />

Yet, thro' the might <strong>of</strong> Our Ladj'^;,<br />

Out at it she has gone.<br />

She w<strong>and</strong>ered up, she w<strong>and</strong>ered down.<br />

She w<strong>and</strong>ered out <strong>and</strong> in ;<br />

And, at last, into the very swine's sty the,<br />

The queen brought forth a son.<br />

Then they castkevik them amang.<br />

Which suld gae seek the queen<br />

And the kevil fell upon Wise William,<br />

And he sent his wife for him.<br />

O when she saw Wise William's wife.<br />

The queen fell on her knee ;<br />

*' Win up, win up, madame !" she says<br />

" What needs this courtesie ?"<br />

" G out o' this I winna rise.<br />

Till a boon ye grant to me<br />

To cheinge your lass for this lad baini^<br />

King Honour left me wi'.<br />

;<br />

;<br />


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