A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc

A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, etc


204 ; ; '' What ails ye, what ails ye. Fair Annies That ye make sic a moan ? Has your wine barrels cast the giids^ * Or is your white bread gone ? ^' O wha was't was your father, Annie^ Or wha was't was your mother ? And had ye ony sister, Annie, Or had ye ony brother ?" ^' The Earl of Wemyss was my father. The Comitess of Wemyss my mother And a' the folk about the house. To me were sister and brother." ^' If the Earl of Wemyss was your father, I wot sae was he mine And it shall not be for lack o' gowd. That ye your love sail tyne. t " For I have seven ships o' mine ain, A' loaded to the brim And I will gie them a' to thee, Wi* four to thine eldest son. But thanks to a' the powers in heaven. That I gae maiden hame !" * Koops. t Lose. ;

205 THE CRUEL BROTHER. */%.%%'%^ %/%.v* |This ballad is popular throughout Scotland. A gentleman falls in love with a young lady, and obtains her and her parents' consent to their union, but neglects to inform her brother o£ his intention, who considers the omission as an unpardonable insult; the marriage, however, is consummated with raych splendour, at which the utmost harmony and conviviality prevail; the company begin to sejTarate, the happy pair are also on the eve of setting off to their own house, the lady takes leave of all her relations, and is in the act of saluting her brother, when he draws out a knife and mortally wounds her. While our sorrow is excited for the fate of the young lady, and we are prepared to hear what punishment is inflict- ed on the perpetrator, our curiosity is disappointed by the childish questions and answers which conclude the |)oem.] i-HERE was three ladies in a ha'. Fine flowers i' the valley; There came three lords amang them a'j The red; green^ and the yellow, TOLc I, S

204<br />

; ;<br />

'' What ails ye, what ails ye. Fair Annies<br />

That ye make sic a moan ?<br />

Has your wine barrels cast the giids^ *<br />

Or is your white bread gone ?<br />

^' O wha was't was your father, Annie^<br />

Or wha was't was your mother ?<br />

And had ye ony sister, Annie,<br />

Or had ye ony brother ?"<br />

^' The Earl <strong>of</strong> Wemyss was my father.<br />

The Comitess <strong>of</strong> Wemyss my mother<br />

And a' the folk about the house.<br />

To me were sister <strong>and</strong> brother."<br />

^' If the Earl <strong>of</strong> Wemyss was your father,<br />

I wot sae was he mine<br />

And it shall not be for lack o' gowd.<br />

That ye your love sail tyne. t<br />

" For I have seven ships o' mine ain,<br />

A' loaded to the brim<br />

And I will gie them a' to thee,<br />

Wi* four to thine eldest son.<br />

But thanks to a' the powers in heaven.<br />

That I gae maiden hame !"<br />

* Koops. t Lose.<br />


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