BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online


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Gynoecium<br />

Absent but pistillode is present.<br />

Floral formula<br />

Br., Ebrl., , , P 3+3 , A 3+3 , G 0.<br />

Female flower<br />

Bracteate, ebracteolate, sessile, pistillate, incomplete, trimerous,<br />

actinomorphic and hypogynous.<br />

Perianth<br />

Tepals 6 arranged in two whorls of three each, persistent, and<br />

polyphyllous showing imbricate aestivation in both the whorls. The inner<br />

posterior tepal is completely outside.<br />

Androecium<br />

Absent but staminodes are present.<br />

Gynoecium<br />

Ovary superior, tricarpellary and syncarpous. Ovary trilocular with<br />

single ovule showing axile placentation. Style is absent and stigmas three.<br />

Out of three carpels, two become abortive.<br />

Fruit<br />

Fibrous drupe with stony endocarp.<br />

Seed<br />

With small embryo and abundant endosperm.<br />

Floral formula<br />

Br., Ebrl., , , P 3+3 , A 0 , G (3).<br />

Economic importance<br />

1. Edible products<br />

The fluid of tender fruit of Cocos nucifera (kalpa vriksha – coconut<br />

palm) is sweet and refreshing drink. The boiled young seedlings of Borassus<br />

flabellifer (palmyra palm) are edible and its fruits are eaten raw.<br />


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