BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online


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several bundles. Anthers are dithecous. Rudimentary ovary called pistillode<br />

is often present in male flowers.<br />

Gynoecium<br />

Ovary superior, tricarpellary and syncarpous. Ovary trilocular with<br />

one or two ovules in each locule on axile placentation. Ovary is distinctly<br />

three lobed. Styles three, each ending in a bifid stigma.<br />

Fruit<br />

Most commonly schizocarpic capsule or drupe. It is regma in Ricinus<br />

communis, dehiscing into three cocci.<br />

Seed<br />

Endospermous.<br />

Botanical description of Ricinus communis<br />

Habit<br />

Perennial shrub.<br />

Root<br />

Branched tap root system.<br />

Stem<br />

Aerial, erect, herbaceaous but woody below, branched and hollow.<br />

Young branches are covered with hair like outgrowth. Latex is present.<br />

Leaf<br />

Petiolate, exstipulate, alternate, deeply palmately lobed with 7 or more<br />

lobes. Venation is palmately reticulate divergent.<br />

Inflorescence<br />

Compound raceme or panicle and terminal. Male flowers are seen<br />

below and female flowers near the apex.<br />

Male Flower<br />

Bracteate, ebracteolate, pedicellate, actinomorphic and incomplete.<br />


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