BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online


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Self evaluation<br />

I . Choose and write the correct options.<br />

1. Thespesia populnea belongs to<br />

a. Solanaceae b. Euphorbiaceae<br />

c. Malvaceae d. Musaceae<br />

2. Malvaceae is placed in the series<br />

a. Thalamiflorae b. Inferae<br />

c. Heteromerae d. Disciflorae<br />

3. Anthers are monothecous in<br />

a. Solanaceae b. Euphorbiaceae<br />

c. Malvaceae d. Musaceae<br />

4. In Abelmoschus esculentus, the fruit is<br />

a. drupe b. schizocarp<br />

c. regma d. loculicidal capsule<br />

5. Binomial of lady’s finger is<br />

a. Hibiscus cannabinus b. Thespesia populnea<br />

c. Gossypium barbadense d. Abelmoschus esculentus<br />

II. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.<br />

6. Mention the systematic position of Malvaceae.<br />

7. Write a note on androecium of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.<br />

8. Describe the gynoecium of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.<br />

9. Name any three fibre plants of Malvaceae.<br />

10. Mention the binomial of any three medicinal plants of Malvaceae.<br />

11. Write any three binomials of food plants of Malvaceae.<br />

12. Draw the floral diagram and write the floral formula of Hibiscus<br />

rosa-sinensis.<br />

13. What is epicalyx? It is present in Abutilon indicum?<br />

III. Answer the following questions in 100 words.<br />

14. Give a detailed account on economic importance of Malvaceae.<br />

IV. Answer the following question in about 200 words.<br />

15. Describe Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in botanical terms.<br />

16. List out characteristic features of members of Malvaceae.<br />


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