BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online


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Biological warfare<br />

Thus biological warfare introduces issues of pathogenicity, toxicity,<br />

routes of exposure, safety measures and the movement, distribution and<br />

persistence of dangerous biological materials in our environment. In<br />

biological warfare strategies, the genetically engineered microorganisms<br />

are made to spread into the enemy’s territorial environment, with<br />

unpredictable and perhaps catastrophic consequences. The released<br />

dangerous microorganisms ‘upset the balance of nature’.<br />

6.5. Bio-piracy<br />

Countries like America, Japan, United Kingdom, France and Germany<br />

are industrialised nations. These nations are advanced in technology with<br />

financial resources but compared with the Indian sub-continent are poor<br />

in biodiversity and traditional knowledge related to utilisation of flora and<br />

fauna that constitute the bioresources. The clandestine exploitation and<br />

utilisation of bioresources from a country by several organisations and<br />

multinational companies without proper authorisation is known as<br />

Biopiracy. Although the developing nations are not so financially sound,<br />

they are however rich in traditional knowledge and biodiversity.<br />

For a very long period, the tribal people in the remote areas of jungles<br />

as also the people of rural areas have been using certain important herbal<br />

plants for treating certain diseases. Since, the habitations of the tribal<br />

people are surrounded by a variety of plants and animals, they have acquired<br />

a sound knowledge of their uses particularly of their medicinal values.<br />

This knowledge can be exploited to develop commercially important drugs<br />

from the plants. Traditional knowledge has greater utility value as it<br />

saves time, effort and expenditure for their commercialisation.<br />

Multinational companies of the rich nations are collecting and exploiting<br />

the bioresources without any authorization in the following ways:<br />

1. Plants like Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosea) are exported to<br />

countries as medicinal plants since they possess anticancerous properties.<br />

The companies of the rich nations are interested in the biomolecules present<br />

in the plant. These compounds produced by living organisms are patented<br />

and used for commercial activities. As a result of this, the farmers who<br />

cultivate the crop are being deprived of their rightful claims and<br />

compensations.<br />


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