BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online

BOTANY Higher Secondary Second Year - Textbooks Online


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Control<br />

The infection can be largely prevented by removing the infected<br />

branches and spraying the plants with Bordeaux mixture or spraying 3 to<br />

4 times in a season with antibiotic the<br />

Canker<br />

streptocycline at the rate of 1 gm in<br />

45 liters of water.<br />

Tungro disease of rice<br />

Pathogen Disease incited by a virus<br />

Canker<br />

Rice Tungro virus. The virus is<br />

transmitted by a leafhopper.<br />

Symptoms<br />

The symptoms appear first on the<br />

emerging leaf. They are mild<br />

interveinal chlorosis (loss of<br />

Fig. 6.2 Citrus canker chlorophyll), mild mottling and<br />

yellowing. Plant shows stunted growth and symptoms appear on the lower<br />

leaves. They turn yellow orange, bend downwards and possess dark<br />

brown spots.<br />

Transmission of virus<br />

The leafhopper retains infectivity for a short period only and transmits<br />

the virus to another plant immediately after feeding on an infected plant.<br />

Biopesticides<br />

Biological agents that are used for control of insects, weeds and<br />

pathogens produced from living organisms are called biopesticides. Microorganisms<br />

such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and mites may be<br />

used as biopesticides.<br />

Biocontrol of insect pests<br />

1. The manufacture of methyl isocynate (MIC) was started in 1980 in<br />

India to make Serin (carbaryl), a powerful pesticide that can kill more<br />

than 100 types of insects attacking 100 different crops.<br />

2. Many of the chemical pesticides, which are used to control several<br />

crop pests also affects the beneficial organisms.<br />


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