Objets et Communication MEI - Hochschule für Gestaltung ...

Objets et Communication MEI - Hochschule für Gestaltung ...

Objets et Communication MEI - Hochschule für Gestaltung ...


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OBJETS &<br />


Sous la direction de Bernard Darras<br />

& de Sarah Belkhamsa<br />

5.5 Designers<br />

Nathalie Audigier<br />

Sarah Belkhamsa<br />

Anne Beyaert-Geslin<br />

Bernhard Bürdek<br />

Jacob Buur<br />

Bernard Darras<br />

Michela Deni<br />

Jean-Philippe Dupuy<br />

Jean Fis<strong>et</strong>te<br />

Jacques Fontanille<br />

Christophe Genin<br />

Xotchitl Arias Gonzales<br />

Jérôme Guibourgé<br />

Jan Hadlaw<br />

Trine Heinemann<br />

Jung-A Hue<br />

Jung-Hae Kim<br />

B<strong>et</strong>ti Marenko<br />

Gavin Melles<br />

Johann van der Merwe<br />

Robb Mitchell<br />

Marc Monjou<br />

Nanta Novello Paglianti<br />

Andrzej Piotrowski<br />

Giampaolo Proni<br />

Keith Russell<br />

David Tucker<br />

Susann Vihma<br />

Alessandro Zinna

Sous la direction de<br />

Bernard Darras & Sarah Belkhamsa<br />

<strong>Obj<strong>et</strong>s</strong> & cOmmunicatiOn<br />

<strong>MEI</strong> N°30-31<br />


mei « médiation & infor ma tion ».<br />

Revue internationale de communi cation<br />

Une revUe-livre. — Créée en 1993 par Bernard Darras (Université de Paris 1) <strong>et</strong> Marie Thonon (Université<br />

de Paris VIII), <strong>MEI</strong> « Médiation Et Information » est une revue thématique biannuelle présentée<br />

sous forme d’ouvrage de référence. La responsabilité éditoriale <strong>et</strong> scientifique de chaque numéro<br />

thématique est confiée à une Direction invitée, qui coordonne les travaux d’une dizaine de chercheurs.<br />

Son travail est soutenu par le Comité de rédaction <strong>et</strong> le Comité de lecture. Une contribution annuelle du<br />

Centre National du Livre (CNL) perm<strong>et</strong> un fonctionnement souple <strong>et</strong> indépendant.<br />

Une revUe-livre de référence. — <strong>MEI</strong> est l’une des revues de référence spécialisées en Sciences de l’information<br />

<strong>et</strong> de la communication, reconnue comme “qualifiante” par l’Agence d’évaluation de la recherche<br />

<strong>et</strong> de l’enseignement supérieur (aéres). Elle est de plus certifiée par le Conseil national des universités<br />

(CNU). Le dispositif d’évaluation en double aveugle garantit le niveau scientifique des contributions.<br />

Une revUe-livre internationale. — <strong>MEI</strong> « Médiation <strong>et</strong> information » est une publication internationale<br />

destinée à promouvoir <strong>et</strong> diffuser la recherche en médiation, communication <strong>et</strong> sciences de l’information.<br />

Onze universités françaises, belges, suisses ou canadiennes sont représentées dans le Comité de<br />

rédaction <strong>et</strong> le Comité scientifique.<br />

Un dispositif éditorial thématiqUe. — Autour d’un thème ou d’une problématique, chaque numéro<br />

de <strong>MEI</strong> « Médiation <strong>et</strong> information » est composé de trois parties. La première est consacrée à un entr<strong>et</strong>ien<br />

avec les acteurs du domaine abordé. La seconde est composée d’une dizaine d’articles de recherche.<br />

La troisième présente la synthèse des travaux de jeunes chercheurs.<br />

Monnaie Kushana, représentation de Miiro<br />

Source : Hinnels, J., 1973. Persian Mythology. Londres : Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.<br />

Médiation <strong>et</strong> infor ma tion, tel est le titre de notre<br />

pu bli cation. Un titre dont l’abréviation mei correspond<br />

aux trois l<strong>et</strong>tres de l’une des plus riches racines<br />

des langues indo­euro péennes. Une racine si<br />

riche qu’elle ne pouvait être que di vine. C’est ainsi<br />

que le dieu védique Mitra en fut le pre mier dépositaire.<br />

Meitra témoigne de l’alliance conclue entre<br />

les hommes <strong>et</strong> les dieux. Son nom évoque l’alliance<br />

fondée sur un contrat. Il est l’ami des hommes <strong>et</strong><br />

de façon plus gé né rale de toute la création. Dans<br />

l’ordre cos mique, il préside au jour en gardant la<br />

lumière. Il devient Mithra le garant, divin <strong>et</strong> solaire<br />

pour les Perses <strong>et</strong> il engendre le mithraïsme<br />

dans le monde grec <strong>et</strong> romain.<br />

R<strong>et</strong>enir un tel titre pour une revue de communi<br />

cation <strong>et</strong> de médiation était inévitable. Dans<br />

l’univers du verbe, le riche espace séman tique de<br />

mei est abondamment exploité par de nom breuses<br />

langues fondatrices. En védique, mitra signifie<br />

“ami ou contrat”. En grec, ameibein signi fie<br />

“échanger”, ce qui donne naissance à amoibaios<br />

“qui change <strong>et</strong> se ré pond”. En latin, quatre grandes<br />

familles seront déclinées : mu tare “mu ter, changer,<br />

mutuel…”, munus “qui appartient à plu sieurs personnes”,<br />

mais aussi “cadeau” <strong>et</strong> “com muniquer”,<br />

meare “pas ser, circu ler, permis sion, perméable,<br />

tra verser…” <strong>et</strong> enfin migrare “chan ger de place”.<br />

© 2009, auteurs & Éditions de l’Harmattan.<br />

7, rue de l’École­polytechnique. 75005 Paris.<br />

Site Web : http://www.librairieharmattan.com<br />

Courriel : diffusion.harmattan@wanadoo.fr <strong>et</strong> harmattan1@wanadoo.fr<br />

ISBN : 978­2­296­11707­5 EAN : 9782296117075

Direction de publication<br />

Bernard Darras<br />

Rédaction en chef<br />

Marie Thonon<br />

Comité scientifique<br />

Jean Fis<strong>et</strong>te (UQAM, Québec)<br />

Pierre Fresnault­Deruelle (Paris I)<br />

Geneviève Jacquinot (Paris VIII)<br />

Marc Jimenez (Paris I)<br />

Gérard Loiseau (CNRS, Toulouse)<br />

Armand Mattelart (Paris VIII)<br />

J.­P. Meunier (Louvain­la­Neuve)<br />

Bernard Miège (Grenoble)<br />

Jean Mouchon (Paris X)<br />

Daniel Peraya (Genève)<br />

Comité de lecture<br />

Jan Ba<strong>et</strong>ens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven<br />

Brigitte Borja de Mozotta, Université Paris X<br />

Karen Brunel­Lafargue, Université Paris I<br />

Dominique Chateau, Université Paris I<br />

Nicole Everaert­Desmedt, Faculté Universitaire Saint<br />

Louis, Bruxelles<br />

Silvia Filippini­Fantoni, Université Paris I<br />

Alain Findeli, Université de Nîmes<br />

Pierre Fresnault­Deruelle, Université Paris I<br />

Pascal Froissart, Université Paris VIII<br />

Jean­Pierre Meunier, Université de Louvain­la­Neuve<br />

Marie Thonon, Université Paris VIII<br />

Philippe Verhaegen, Université de Louvain­la­Neuve<br />

Édition & révision<br />

Pascal Froissart<br />

Secrétariat<br />

Gisèle Boulzagu<strong>et</strong><br />

Comité de rédaction<br />

Dominique Chateau (Paris I)<br />

Bernard Darras (Paris I)<br />

Pascal Froissart (Paris VIII)<br />

Gérard Leblanc (École nationale supérieure « Louis­Lumière<br />

»)<br />

Pierre Moeglin (Paris XIII)<br />

Alain Mons (Bordeaux III)<br />

Jean Mott<strong>et</strong> (Paris I)<br />

Marie Thonon (Paris VIII)<br />

Patricio Tupper (Paris VIII)<br />

Guy Lochard (Paris III)<br />

Correspondants<br />

Robert Boure (Toulouse III)<br />

Alain Payeur (Université du Littoral)<br />

Serge Proulx (UQAM, Québec)<br />

Marie­Claude V<strong>et</strong>traino­Soulard (Paris VII)<br />

Les articles n’engagent que leurs auteurs ; tous droits réservés.<br />

Les auteurs des articles sont seuls responsables de tous les droits relatifs<br />

aux images qu’ils présentent.<br />

Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle, faite sans le consentement<br />

de son auteur ou de ses ayants droits, est illicite.<br />

Éditions Op. Cit. — Revue <strong>MEI</strong> « Médiation <strong>et</strong> information »<br />

6, rue des Rosiers. 75004 Paris (France)<br />

Tél. & fax : +33 (0) 1 49 40 66 57<br />

Courriel : revue­mei@laposte.n<strong>et</strong><br />

Revue publiée avec le concours du Centre national du livre

Nous remercions tout particulièrement<br />

Rodrigo Angulo, Danay Catalan Alfaro, Fabien Gavin<strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong> Benjamin Leleu<br />

qui ont assuré le design <strong>et</strong> la mise en page de ce numéro de <strong>MEI</strong>.

Éditorial<br />

Les obj<strong>et</strong>s communiquent­ils ?<br />

par Bernard Darras & Sarah Belkhamsa--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7<br />

entr<strong>et</strong>ien<br />

Design <strong>et</strong> communication.<br />

Questions de Bernard Darras & Sarah Belkhamsa à 5.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------9<br />

Dossier<br />

Objects : In b<strong>et</strong>ween language and meaning<br />

Bernhard E. Bürdek --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41<br />

Les obj<strong>et</strong>s communiquants : des corps, entre texte <strong>et</strong> pratiques<br />

Jacques Fontanille & Xochitl Arias Gonzalez -------------------------------------------------------------------53<br />

À quel point en sommes­nous avec la sémiotique de l’obj<strong>et</strong> ?<br />

Alessandro Zinna ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------69<br />

L’intervention sémiotique dans le proj<strong>et</strong> : du concept à l’obj<strong>et</strong><br />

Michela Deni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------87<br />

Formes de table, formes de vie. Réflexions sémiotiques pour vivre ensemble<br />

Anne Beyaert-Geslin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99<br />

Obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong> préfiguration. L’exemple du menu de restaurant<br />

Jean-Philippe Dupuy ­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------111<br />

Le label AB (agriculture biologique) : interactions sémiotiques entre l’individu <strong>et</strong> l’environnement<br />

Nanta Novello Paglianti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------123<br />

Sémiotique <strong>et</strong> design produit : un obj<strong>et</strong> commun ?<br />

Marc Monjou -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------133<br />

L’obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong> le cycle des habitudes <strong>et</strong> des changements d’habitudes. Approche sémiotique<br />

Sarah Belkhamsa & Bernard Darras ------------------------------------------------------------------------------147<br />

Modélisation dynamique de la communication de l’obj<strong>et</strong>. Approche systémique <strong>et</strong> sémiotique<br />

Bernard Darras & Sarah Belkhamsa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------161<br />

The function of nonfunctional objects. Semiotics of functionalism<br />

Giampaolo Proni ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------185<br />

On design semiotics<br />

Susann Vihma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------197<br />

Les signes pour se guider dans l’univers. La boussole, l’astrolabe, l’arbalète, le loch ... <strong>et</strong> le GPS.<br />

Jean Fis<strong>et</strong>te ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------209<br />

Who is in the driver’s seat ? The car/driver interface<br />

David L. Tucker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------225<br />

Object­relics and their effects : for a neo­animist paradigm<br />

B<strong>et</strong>ti Marenko --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------239

Architecture and the shaping of thought<br />

Andrzej Piotrowski -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------255<br />

Le circuit de la culture <strong>et</strong> le designer : nouvel intermédiaire culturel ou technicien ?<br />

Gavin Melles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------269<br />

The secr<strong>et</strong> lives of ANTs<br />

Johann van der Merwe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------279<br />

Co­constructing meaning with materials in innovation workshops<br />

Trine Heinemann, Robb Mitchell & Jacob Buur ------------------------------------------------------------289<br />

<strong>Obj<strong>et</strong>s</strong>, culture, valeurs <strong>et</strong> marque<br />

Jérôme Guibourgé --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------305<br />

La patrimonialisation comme arme concurrentielle<br />

Nathalie Audigier ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------315<br />

The design contest : the function, form, and meaning of the Bell telephone, 1920­1939<br />

Jan Hadlaw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------329<br />

Le gaucher contrariant : critique de l’obj<strong>et</strong> polarisé<br />

Christophe Genin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------341<br />

L’obj<strong>et</strong> symbolique sacré du bouddhisme <strong>et</strong> son double mode de communication dimensionnelle : la<br />

pagode <strong>et</strong> le mandala<br />

Jung-Hae Kim ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------353<br />

On the shine of things and the uses of Gleaming<br />

Keith Russell------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------363<br />

La table qui désire la communication. Ponge and the object<br />

Jung-A Hue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------373<br />

Conditions de publication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------385<br />

Numéros déjà parus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------386<br />

Bull<strong>et</strong>ins d’abonnement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------392

Objects : in b<strong>et</strong>ween language<br />

and meaning<br />

Prof. Bernhard e. BÜrDek 1<br />

Product Design is constantly moving from an Applied Art towards a scientific foundation.<br />

During the 20th century, the main focus was on a functional approach, but the<br />

postmodern movement in the 1980’s and the linguistic turn shifted the priority in design<br />

from function to meaning (Bürdek 2005)<br />

Since the 1970´s, two fields of research have become important: product language and<br />

product semantics. Both are based on semiotics and communication theory. What are<br />

the similarities and what are the differences? And how can objects be described as<br />

language and meaning?<br />

Keywords : design, disciplinary design theory, language, linguistic turn, meaning,<br />

product language, product semantics, semiotics<br />

Le design produit tend en permanence à passer du domaine des arts appliqué à un<br />

fondement scientifique. Au XX e siècle, l’accent était mis sur une approche fonction-<br />

nelle, mais le mouvement postmoderne des années 1980 <strong>et</strong> le linguistic turn (tournant<br />

linguistique) a déplacé la priorité du design de la fonction au sens (Bürdek 2005).<br />

Depuis les années 1970, deux domaines de recherche ont gagné en importance : le<br />

lan- gage <strong>et</strong> la sémantique du produit. Tous deux sont fondés sur la sémiotique <strong>et</strong> la<br />

théorie de la communication. Quelles en sont les similarités <strong>et</strong> quelles en sont les<br />

différences ? Comment décrire les obj<strong>et</strong>s comme porteurs de langage <strong>et</strong> de sens ?<br />

Mots-clés : design, théorie du discipline design, langage, linguistic turn, sens,<br />

langage du produit, sémantique du produit, sémiotique<br />

1 Prof. Bernhard E. BüRDEK born in 1947, was one of last students at the Ulm Design School. Since<br />

1971 he is working as a designer, teacher, author and consultant. At the Academy of Art, Design and<br />

Media at Offenbach am Main he teaches Design Theory, Design M<strong>et</strong>hodology, Product Language and<br />

Strategic Design. He was guest lecturing in Brasil, Mexico, Roumania and Taiwan and is the author of<br />

numerous publications. In 1990 he founded Vision & Gestalt, an office for design and communication.<br />


OBJETS & COMMUNICATION <strong>MEI</strong> 30-31<br />

Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, art scientist<br />

<strong>et</strong>c., was the first designer in the world. He believed knowledge was based<br />

on visual perception and developed a compatible connection b<strong>et</strong>ween art and<br />

science, a topic still relevant today. Therefore, with Leonardo da Vinci, the idea<br />

that designers are inventors of technical systems began its long career, and the<br />

European tradition of a functional approach in design was chiefly based on these<br />

ideas, principles and projects.<br />

These roots constitute the basis of German Bauhaus Design (in Weimar, Dessau<br />

and Berlin), as well as that of the legendary <strong>Hochschule</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Gestaltung</strong> at Ulm<br />

(Ulm Design School) from 1955-1968. German Design’s functional heritage was<br />

grounded there, and the tradition of a functional approach in many different<br />

European countries (such as Scandinavia, UK, the N<strong>et</strong>herlands, <strong>et</strong>c.) was born<br />

of this notion.<br />

Beyond this, it is important to know that the first steps toward a semiotic-based<br />

“theory of design” were undertaken in the early 1960´s at the Ulm Design School<br />

by Max Bense, Tomás Maldonado, Gui Bonsiepe and Klaus Krippendorff. Maldonado<br />

(1961) published an equivalent to a dictionary of semiotics, and Gui<br />

Bonsiepe (1963) introduced the importance of semiotics in design: the shared<br />

structure of the world of products and the world of signs suggests that the communicative<br />

aspects would represent the most important component of Industrial<br />

Design theory.<br />

In this context, it is necessary to discuss some philosophical changes in the 20 th<br />

century. The so-called linguistic turn was a very radical adjustment: the subjectobject<br />

debate shifted away from philosophy to concentrate on the new premise<br />

that the understanding of world (its problems and even its products) is mainly<br />

achieved through language. It is therefore important to research language itself,<br />

to discover its principles and transform this knowledge into design theory.<br />

It is necessary to mention some of the most important forerunners and their<br />

contributions, which are – in my opinion – still pertinent today, because they<br />

form the theor<strong>et</strong>ical pillars upon which rests the design theory debate of the 20 th<br />

century.<br />

Roland Barthes (1985) was one of the early literary critics who wrote, for example,<br />

that fashion has two meanings: it is both of practical utility and a rh<strong>et</strong>orical statement.<br />

When the legendary Citröen DS came onto the mark<strong>et</strong> in 1955, he remarked<br />

(Barthes 1981) that this car was comparable to the gothic cathedrals: a revolution<br />

in the form of an automobile. Also, Barthes was a co-founder of structuralism,<br />

which became the most important movement of the 1960´s.<br />



In 1968, Jean Baudrillard published “Le système des obj<strong>et</strong>s” and although he does<br />

not directly tackle the problems of design, it has gone on to become one of the<br />

most influential books in this field. To him, structural design is mainly a system<br />

of meaning. All products move from a technical system into a cultural system,<br />

implying that they have both (objective) denotations and (semantic) connotations.<br />

Baudrillard said, that as opposed to language, the system of objects is a constant<br />

interference b<strong>et</strong>ween a practical and a technical system. He further demonstrated<br />

that, based on semiotic principles, a close similarity exists b<strong>et</strong>ween the spoken<br />

language and the language of things.<br />

Also in 1968, the Italian Umberto Eco published his “La struttura Assente” which<br />

became the second pillar for modern design theory. He posits that communication<br />

is based on codes, agreed upon in soci<strong>et</strong>y. Understanding the codes and<br />

their meanings is necessary, as they are d<strong>et</strong>erminant in communication. Eco also<br />

wrote that semiotics is a general m<strong>et</strong>hod by which all types of cultural forms of<br />

interactions can be interpr<strong>et</strong>ed. In his famous chapter about “Architecture and<br />

<strong>Communication</strong>” Eco points out, that his conclusions are similar for architecture,<br />

design and city planning. The general use of architecture (or products) is not only<br />

functional but also cultural, implying that the use also d<strong>et</strong>ermines the meaning<br />

On this basis, Eco distinguishes b<strong>et</strong>ween the primary and the secondary functions<br />

of buildings. He then goes on to discuss the primary function, which is<br />

denoted, and the secondary function, which is connoted. This is not a value judgement,<br />

but seeks only to demonstrate the two faces of a coin – or b<strong>et</strong>ter, of a product.<br />

For Eco, the entire world is constructed of signs, and a culture’s condition<br />

can be read from its signs.<br />

In the 1970´s we - at the Offenbach Academy of Art, Design & Media - began<br />

discussing a new approach for design theory and design practice (Bürdek 1991).<br />

We had in mind the history of product culture and decided not to focus on natural<br />

science (like the big technical universities), but on humanities. In the beginning,<br />

we needed to address some questions with regards to our scientific approach. A<br />

most basic way of de veloping a discipline is to d<strong>et</strong>ermine the targ<strong>et</strong>s, the objects<br />

and the m<strong>et</strong>hods:<br />

With design, the targ<strong>et</strong> is to develop an independent discipline<br />

with own principles, rules, lan guage, <strong>et</strong>c.<br />

The object of design is the relationship b<strong>et</strong>ween a user and a<br />

product, as expressed via language and semiotics<br />


OBJETS & COMMUNICATION <strong>MEI</strong> 30-31<br />

The m<strong>et</strong>hods for this approach stem from the Humanities –<br />

not from natural sciences, as it is the case in engineering, <strong>et</strong>c.<br />

Design is a form of communication, it transports meaning<br />

from the objects to the users and from the user into soci<strong>et</strong>y.<br />

I remain convinced of the necessity to develop a disciplinary kernel of design<br />

mainly based on communication. This goes along with Nigel Cross’ observations<br />

(2001), when he described three paradigmatic changes in design’s development<br />

in the 20 th century: in the 1920s, scientific findings were integrated into design<br />

training for the first time (at the German Bauhaus); the 1960´s were the heyday<br />

of design m<strong>et</strong>hodology (in England, the USA and the Ulm Design School) but<br />

this era also marked the beginning of scientific design; today, in the 2000´s the<br />

emphasis is on enhancing design’s profile as an independent discipline. Furthermore,<br />

beyond all inter-, multi- or even trans-disciplinary approaches, without its<br />

own knowledge, design will be unable to exist in the world of science. In such<br />

a case, it has to move into the field of arts, which many designers are indeed<br />

doing today. Thus they are no longer expected to justify what they are doing<br />

scientifically.<br />

Language – or commutative action – was once designated by Jürgen Habermas<br />

(1985) as the “key to constructing theory”, b<strong>et</strong>ter allowing us to deal with the<br />

capricious structures of the life-world. Reality is imparted and explained through<br />

language, and this also holds true for design. A further analogy is significant<br />

here: language is not uniform; there are different languages and within them<br />

more dialects and figures of speech exist. Language is a multi-layered entity that<br />

can describe complicated and complex facts. At the same time, each language<br />

has rules of usage – in the terms of semiotics: syntax, pragmatic and semantic.<br />

It is from this theor<strong>et</strong>ical background that we began to develop, in the mid 1970´s,<br />

a so-called “theory of product language” dedicated to the communicative function<br />

of design. Based on the analysis of aesth<strong>et</strong>ic functions, the Czech linguist Jan<br />

Mukařovský (1970) proposed a model which became the basis for the Offenbach<br />

approach:<br />



Diagram 1: The product function model<br />

Although the importance of this model is still relevant, we must also consider that<br />

the arguments for the different types of functions are changing. Today, <strong>et</strong>hnological<br />

and anthropological research has largely influenced symbolic functions, as<br />

they represent the different cultural values in a globalized world (Hahn 2005).<br />

For example, the international automobile industry does a lot of research in of<br />

consumer behaviour, such as in Asia, as it represents a very important mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Ethnological research often starts at home: what are the different values of<br />

user groups, communities or even regional differences within a country. Design<br />


OBJETS & COMMUNICATION <strong>MEI</strong> 30-31<br />

concentrates not only on global mark<strong>et</strong>s but also on changing cultural values, the<br />

LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), the priority shift towards new<br />

values, new consciousness, new needs, involving a new focus on man, slowing<br />

down, health, and durability. There is a very strong need for new products and<br />

new services (www.lohas.de).<br />

This only illustrates how product language must move towards a new representation<br />

of values and meaning. Today, the center of design research is to be found<br />

not just in the single product but also in the lifestyles of people as a whole.<br />

Looking to some other references, it is obvious that this approach of design theory<br />

– focused on language and meaning – dominates the international discourse.<br />

Based on their empirical studies in the 1970´s, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and<br />

Eugene Rochberg-Halton (1981) published “The Meaning of Things” in which<br />

they concentrated of individual forms of living and their meaning for the user.<br />

Both were familiar with the work of French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss<br />

and the aforementioned Roland Barthes. For them, things are not only practical<br />

objects but also units of information. From a semiotic perspective, which they<br />

also adopted, objects are signs within soci<strong>et</strong>ies and they constitute the frame of<br />

reference for our experiences. The fields of furniture design and everyday objects<br />

constitute an exciting area for such an analysis. It is obvious that everyday objects<br />

are loaded with so much semantic baggage that for the most part their only remaining<br />

function is to serve as orientation aids in a social context.<br />

The Austrian Helene Karmasin adopts a similar point of view . She associates<br />

aspects of psychology (cognitive and linguistic), sociology, cultural studies and<br />

communication sciences (semiotics) to produce a work that is both remarkable<br />

and highly original. When the first edition was published in 1993 it was obvious<br />

that semiotics – as a fundamental theory of communication – can be used widely<br />

for products and advertising campaigns. She wrote that when “products are messages,”<br />

then we may use them to communicate and thus by combining different<br />

products we may express and transfer meanings (e.g. in the everyday), which may<br />

be understood by all parts of soci<strong>et</strong>y. For example the IKEA’s “Billy” bookshelf is<br />

not only an excellent product for storing many books, but it is also a sign, indicative<br />

of the basic functional idea of furniture –to serve a purpose. As opposed to<br />

when the Italian designer Ettore Sottsass Jr. designed his “Carlton” bookshelf for<br />

the first Memphis collection in 1981, it was obvious that this product is primarily<br />

a semiotic system. One can, of course, store books in it, but it looks much b<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

left empty. The “Carlton” more closely resembles a living room sculpture than a<br />

piece of furniture, and its purpose as an object is therefore more semantic than<br />

functional. Promoted mainly in Italy in the beginning of the 1980´s, the “Carlton”<br />



became the most emblematic product in the transition from the modern to the<br />

post-modern movement.<br />

Diagram/picture 2: Ettore Sottsass Bookshelf Carlton<br />

That said, beyond such obvious examples of product design a strong theor<strong>et</strong>ical<br />

movement – mainly based on semiotic research – developed and was only partly<br />

recognised by the international design community.<br />

Helene Karmasin (1993, p. 190) placed emphasis on three most important aspects:<br />

-All objects in our culture transfer meaning – they are semantic.<br />

-The meaning is not the result of single products (this is more<br />

the symbolic aspect, like in the diagram of product language),<br />

but more that of classes of objects. Meaning results from the relationship<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween of one element in the system and other objects.<br />

-Wh<strong>et</strong>her conscious or unconscious, this process is automatic,<br />

and organic to man’s social and cultural quality.<br />


OBJETS & COMMUNICATION <strong>MEI</strong> 30-31<br />

As demonstrated above – in the case of the LOHAS – product semantics is a way<br />

of understanding the meaning of objects in a soci<strong>et</strong>y.<br />

Susan Vihma (1995), a Finnish scientist at the UIAH (University of Art and Design<br />

Helsinki) published her dissertation on “Products as Representation” which<br />

went on to become a milestone in the product semantic and product language<br />

movement. She wrote “the representative function of design products has been studied<br />

very little because technical and ergonomic aspects have had priority in product<br />

development” (p.10), which was typical worldwide for design from its beginning<br />

until the 1980´s. She recognised that beyond traditional design history there is<br />

a cultural history (as written by Roland Barthes or Umberto Eco, for example),<br />

in which the authors refer to products as symbols and as language-like systems.<br />

She therefore cites Charles S. Peirce as her main reference. Vihma discusses “the<br />

constitution of the semiotic sign in the case of a design product and analysed its functions<br />

as a sign” (S.11). According to her, products are not only physical objects but<br />

also – or primarily – means of communication. Product language (in the sense<br />

of the Offenbach approach) is dedicated to the relationship b<strong>et</strong>ween the product<br />

and the user. Thus, product language – especially in the area of electronic products<br />

– must be able to make a product understandable without any user manual<br />

(Bürdek 2001).<br />

Beyond her important theor<strong>et</strong>ical discourse, Susann Vihma also analysed a lot of<br />

existing products and gave an excellent semantic or even symbolic interpr<strong>et</strong>ation<br />

of everyday objects, such as steam iron: their handling, their colours and their<br />

overall iconic sense in the communication at home and with the guests. Almost<br />

a decade later it became obvious that modern and extremely designed kitchens<br />

are not only for cooking, but they are much more symbolic tools representing the<br />

status of the owner, visualising his or her professional art of cooking (wh<strong>et</strong>her it<br />

is or not). Here it is obvious, that design has widely changed from “function to<br />

meaning” (Bürdek 2008).<br />

A very similar movement began in the USA in the 1970´s. Klaus Krippendorff,<br />

a former Ulm Design School student who finished his studies there in 1958<br />

with a thesis on semiotics. In the 1980´s he and Reinhard Butter (also a former<br />

Ulm Design School student, also teaching in the USA) led a special issue of the<br />

journal Innovation (published by the Industrial Designers Soci<strong>et</strong>y of America),<br />

entitled “The Semantics of Form”. Michael and Katherine McCoy taught at the<br />

renewed Cranbrook Academy near D<strong>et</strong>roit, Michigan (USA) from 1970 to 1995.<br />

They became most influencial in product semantics teaching. Michael McCoy<br />

(1996) compared the “linguistic turn”, which came into force in structuralism<br />

and poststructuralism, with examples of so-called post-modern architecture from<br />

the 1970s and 1980, as widely presented by Charles Jencks (1978) in his legendary<br />

work “The language of post-modern architecture”.<br />



Diagram 3: Klaus Krippendorff: Trajectory of artificiality<br />

The most fundamental book in this field is Klaus Krippendorff’s (2006) “The<br />

semantic turn”, because within he established product semantics based on communication<br />

theory. He developed a “Trajectory of Artificiality” in which he represents<br />

a compl<strong>et</strong>e system of knowledge: from the products to the discourses.<br />

Krippendorff’s model is a very comprehensive one and contains a special focus on<br />

human-centred design. He believes the user is more important than the product.<br />

His idea of “stakeholders” designates the intensive involvement of users in the<br />

process of development and design. As opposed to the product language movement<br />

(which concentrates more on the products), the product semantic model<br />

concentrates on the compl<strong>et</strong>e process of innovation.<br />

He starts with a very simple statement: “Design is making sense of things”. Krippendorff<br />

who teaches communication theory at the University of Pennsylvania<br />

(Philadelphia, PA) is strictly orientated towards linguistics when he wrote: “The<br />

semantic turn needs to take the role of language in the use of technology seriously. It is<br />

the use of language that distinguishes forms, materials, functions, and problems, and<br />

directs designers attention to what they are to do with them. It might appear obvious<br />

that artefacts do not exist without their makers, but colours are artefacts as well, being<br />

the product of the human perceptual apparatus. Without language one would have no<br />

inclination of what other fellow humans perceive”. (p.23) In d<strong>et</strong>ail, he underscores<br />

how important language is for design and its theory, when he wrote: language is<br />

a system of signs and symbols, language is a medium of individual expression,<br />

language as a medium of interpr<strong>et</strong>ation and others (p. 150-152).<br />

Krippendorff, who began his career, as mentioned above, as a trained designer,<br />

really developed a “practice-based Design Theory”: meaning he presents many<br />

products of the “real” world and dicusses them from a semantic point of view.<br />


OBJETS & COMMUNICATION <strong>MEI</strong> 30-31<br />

It is for this reason that I compl<strong>et</strong>ely agree with him when he contends that the<br />

“semantic turn” lead to a science of design. Numerous other approaches, such<br />

as art history or cultural sciences, contemplate the possibility of a “science about<br />

design” but none other call for the development as a “science of design”.<br />

Deyan Sudjic (2008), current Director of the Design Museum London (UK),<br />

put forward a profound report about “The Language of Things”. Although this<br />

publication is not a scientific one, it reflects on a high level and offers a number<br />

of actual product examples describing how product language became the leading<br />

philosophy in product planning, product development and product design. Sudjic<br />

reminds us, that “both Barthes and Baudrillard were strikingly uninterested in any<br />

discussion of the role of the designer, preferring instead to regard the disposition of<br />

things as the physical manifestation of a mass psychology. Baudrillard, for example,<br />

professed to see the modern interior not as the product of design as a creative activity,<br />

but as the triumph of bourgeois values over an earlier, earthier reality”. (p..8)<br />

He dedicates a long chapter to the so-called “Arch<strong>et</strong>ypes”, because they represent<br />

what each designer wishes to have created in his lif<strong>et</strong>ime. The Anglepoise lamp<br />

from the 1930´s, the 2CV, the Fiat 500 and the Mini are arch<strong>et</strong>ypes: via their<br />

meaning, they have formed our consciousness about product culture. The reason<br />

these products have been re-designed and re-invented in recent years is that<br />

R<strong>et</strong>ro-Design is primarily a m<strong>et</strong>hod of semantic memory. A current arch<strong>et</strong>ype<br />

example is the Apple iPhone, because it is the heir of Di<strong>et</strong>er Rams’ 40 year tradition<br />

of work for the German company Braun. It is also, however, a revolutionary<br />

product in the terms of use: an illustration of how the electronic industry found a<br />

way back from digital to analog. As using the iPhone is easy and self-explanatory,<br />

it rightfully belongs to the wide range of cult product made by Apple. “Design<br />

is understood as a primarily visual language. It uses colour to suggest playfulness or<br />

masculine, and shape to engage or inform users about functions. But it is much more<br />

than that: it makes uses of all the senses” (p. 89).<br />

In summary, it has become obvious that semiotic or linguistic-based theories are<br />

fundamental to the development of Design Theory as a discipline. Such a foundation<br />

enables basic design to transfer knowledge into an interdisciplinary process.<br />

Tim Parsons (2009) recently published a good contribution in his chapter “Reading<br />

Form”, when he explained that Design involves both the users’ perception<br />

of form and the Designers’ task of injecting meaning into their products. This is<br />

indeed an accurate description of the current state-of-the-art in Design.<br />


ReFeRences<br />

Barthes, R. (1981). Mythen des Alltags. Frankfurt<br />

a.M. : Suhrkamp (6. Aufl.). (orig. 1957)<br />

Barthes, R. (1985). Die Sprache der Mode. Frankfurt<br />

a.M.: Suhrkamp. (orig. 1967)<br />

Baudrillard, J. (1974). Das System der Dinge.<br />

München: Europaverlag. (orig. 1968)<br />

Bonsiepe, G. (1963). Gestammelter Jargon.<br />

Industrial Design and Charles Sanders Peirce.<br />

Ulm Nr. 8/9, (Journal of the <strong>Hochschule</strong> <strong>für</strong><br />

<strong>Gestaltung</strong> Ulm)<br />

Bürdek, B.E. (1991). Design. Geschichte, Theorie<br />

und Praxis der Produktgestaltung. Köln: Du-<br />

Mont<br />

Bürdek, B.E. (2001). Der digitale Wahn. Frankfurt<br />

am.Main.: Suhrkamp<br />

Bürdek, B.E. (2005). Design. Geschichte,Theorie<br />

und Praxis der Produktgestaltung. Basel-Boston-Berlin:<br />

Birkhäuser Verlag (3.erw. Aufl.).<br />

engl: Design. History,Theory and Practice of Product<br />

Design. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhäuser<br />

Publishing House (3 rd revised edition)<br />

Bürdek, B.E. (2008). From function to meaning.<br />

In the long run everything is design. Bloch-Jahrbuch<br />

2008, Ernst Bloch und das Bauhaus.<br />

Gestern und heute. Hrsg. von Francesca Vidal<br />

im Auftrag der Ernst- Bloch-Gesellschaft.<br />

Mössingen-Talheim: Talheimer<br />

Csikszentmihalyi, M./ Rochberg-Halton, E.<br />

(1981). The Meaning of Things. Domestic Symbols<br />

and the Self. Cambridge/MA.: University<br />

Press<br />

Cross, N. (2001). Design/Science/Research: Developing<br />

a Discipline. Keynote Speech, International<br />

Symposium on Design Science, 5 th Asian<br />

Design Conference, Seoul/Korea<br />

Eco, U. (1972). Einführung in die Semiotik. München:<br />

Fink/UTB. (orig. 1968)<br />

Habermas, J. (1985). Die neue Unübersichtlichkeit.<br />

Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.<br />

Hahn, H.P. (2005). Materielle Kultur. Hamburg:<br />

Reimer<br />

Jencks, C. (1978) Die Sprache der postmodernen<br />

Architektur. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags<br />

Anstalt<br />

Karmasin, H. (1993). Produkte als Botschaften.<br />

Wien: Ueberreuter. (4.Aufl. 2008, Landsberg<br />

a.L.)<br />


Krippendorff, K. (2006). The Semantic Turn. A<br />

new foundation for Design. Boca Raton-London-New<br />

York, Taylor & Francis<br />

Maldonado, T. (1961). Terminologie der Semiotik.<br />

Ulm: <strong>Hochschule</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Gestaltung</strong><br />

McCoy, M. (1996). Interpr<strong>et</strong>ative Design. In C.T.<br />

Mitchell, New Thinking in Design. New York,<br />

NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold<br />

Mukařovský, J. (1970). Kapitel aus der Ästh<strong>et</strong>ik.<br />

Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp. (orig. 1942)<br />

Parsons, T. (2009). Thinking: Objects. Contemporary<br />

approaches to product design. Lausanne:<br />

AVA Publishing SA<br />

Sudjic, D. (2008). The Language of Things. London:<br />

Penguin Books<br />

Ulmer Museum/HfG Archiv (2003).Ulmer modelle,<br />

Modelle nach ulm. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje<br />

Cantz (german/english)<br />

Vihma, S. (1995). Products as Representations.<br />

A semiotic and aesth<strong>et</strong>ic study of design products.<br />

Helsinki: (University of Art and Design),<br />

UIAH Information and Publishing Unit<br />


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OBJETS &<br />


Sous la direction de Bernard Darras<br />

& de Sarah Belkhamsa<br />

Les obj<strong>et</strong>s communiquent-ils <strong>et</strong> s’ils le font comment font-ils ?<br />

Une trentaine de chercheurs internationaux spécialistes des études<br />

du design, de la sémiotique, de l’anthropologie <strong>et</strong> de la philosophie de<br />

la culture matérielle, ont répondu à ces questions.<br />

Le monde des obj<strong>et</strong>s ne bénéficiait pas encore d’un tel panorama<br />

théorique, aussi les théories elles-mêmes ont été mises à jour pour<br />

l’occasion.<br />

C<strong>et</strong> ouvrage rédigé en français <strong>et</strong> en anglais, propose donc de<br />

nouveaux modèles <strong>et</strong> de nouvelles perspectives sur le monde des<br />

obj<strong>et</strong>s <strong>et</strong> du design produit.<br />

Ce livre s’adresse à tous les spécialistes de la communication, mais<br />

aussi aux designers qui ne disposaient pas d’un tel regard sur leur<br />

activité <strong>et</strong> leurs productions. Les enseignants en design <strong>et</strong> leurs<br />

étudiants trouveront enfin l’ouvrage qui leur manquait.<br />

Are objects able to communicate and if they can, how do they do it?<br />

Some thirty international experts in design studies, semiotics,<br />

anthropology and philosophy of material culture have addressed<br />

these questions.<br />

The world of objects has never had such theor<strong>et</strong>ical coverage, the<br />

theories themselves have therefore been updated for the occasion.<br />

Written in English and French, this book offers new models and new<br />

perspectives on everyday life objects and product design.<br />

It is dedicated to all communication specialists but also to designers<br />

who have never had such a point of view on their business and their<br />

creations. Teachers and students in design will also finally find the<br />

book they were looking for.<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-11707-5<br />

Prix éditeur : XX

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