Verification of Parameterised FPGA Circuit Descriptions with Layout ...

Verification of Parameterised FPGA Circuit Descriptions with Layout ...

Verification of Parameterised FPGA Circuit Descriptions with Layout ...


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B ′ β :: BlockEnv → Blkinst → Predicate<br />

B ′ β bid p1 . . . pn =<br />

if bid ∈ β then Bββ(bid)(p1, . . .,pn)<br />

else bid(p1, . . .,pn)<br />

B ′ β [ b1 , . . ., bn ] =<br />

let m1 = B ′ βb1 in<br />

.<br />

let mn = B ′ β bn in<br />

λ(x1, . . . , xn) (y1, . . .,yn). m1(x1, y1) ∧ . . . ∧ mn(xn, yn)<br />

B ′ β b1 ; b2 =<br />

let m1 = B ′ β b1 in<br />

let m2 = B ′ β b2 in<br />

λxy. ∃s. m1(x, s) ∧ m2(s, y)<br />

B :: BlockEnv → Block → Predicate<br />

Bβ block bid d1 . . . dn ∼ r { τ1 id1 . . . τp idp. stmts } =<br />

λd1 . . . dn r. ∃ id1 . . .idp. S ′ β stmts<br />

S ′ :: BlockEnv → StmtList → Bool<br />

S ′ β stmt1 . . . stmtn =<br />

let m1 = Sβstmt1 in<br />

.<br />

let mn = Sβstmtn in<br />

m1 ∧ . . . ∧ mn<br />

Sβ :: BlockEnv → Stmt → Bool<br />

Sβ assert e str = e<br />

Sβ e1 = e2 = e1 = e2<br />

Sβ if e { stmts1 } else { stmts2 } =<br />

let m1 = S ′ βstmts1 in<br />

let m2 = S ′ βstmts2 in<br />

if e then m1 else m2<br />

Sβ for i = e1..e2 { stmts } =<br />

∀i. e1 ≤ i ≤ e2 −→ S ′ βstmts Sβ a ; blkinst ; b at (x, y) = B ′ βblkinst(a, b)<br />

Figure 4.8: Converting Quartz blocks into their semantic interpretation in Higher-Order<br />

Logic. The function Bβ defines the formal semantics <strong>of</strong> Quartz using HOL.

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