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. 64f INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 5. Substance. Herbaceous, Polia herlacea. Green and soft. Spinacliia oleracea. Membranous, memhranacea, memlrafiosa. Soft, supple, very thin. Most plants. Paper-like, papyracea. Thin, dry, may be bent like paper. Dracaena terminalis. Scarious, scariosa. Thin, dry, semitransparent. Potamogiton crispum. Soft, moll'ia. Althaea officinalis. Leathery, coriacea. Viscum album. Stiff, rigida. Arundo arenaria, Ruscus aculeatus, Pinus sylvestris. Fleshy, carnosa. Thick, and formed of a cellular tissue resembling the tectorum pulp of an apple. Lemna, Sempervivura Succulent, succulenta, siiccosa. Thick, and formed of a cellular tissue resembling the pulp of a plum. Sedum reflexum, S. dasyphyllum. ^ Hollow, cava. Having an internal cavity. Cepa esculenta. Pitchershaped, utricidaria. Hollo^y and bellied out like a pitcher. Aldrovanda. Bilocular, bilocularia. Hollow and divided into two parts by a partition. Lobelia Dortmanna. Many-locular, loculosa. Hollow and divided into several parts by partitions. Juncus articulatus, &c. 6. Formation. Tetiolean, Folia peiiolanea. Formed from footstalks. Mimosa suaveolens, Mimosae of New Holland. Ramean, rcLmeanea. Formed from branches. Ruscus aculeatus. 7. Production, Flowerbearing, Folia Jlorifera. Producing flowers. Lemna, Xylophylla falcata. PI. 8, fig. 3. Rooting, 7-adicantia. Producing roots. Asplenium rhizophyllum. Thornbearing, spinifera. Producing thorns. Solanum Pyracantha. Proliferous, prolifera. Producing other leaves. Lemna.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 65 8. Figure. Round, Folia orhicularia. Outline resembling a circle. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Rounded, subrotunda^ rotundata. Approaching to a round figure. Lysimachia repens, Mentha rotundifolia, Marrubium vulgare, Corylus sylvestris. Oblong, ohlonga. Longer than broad, the ends being rounded. Carlina vulgaris. Inula dysenterica. Elliptic, elliptica Mirbel, ovalia Linnaeus, once and a half or twice as long as broad, with rounded ends equal to each other. Convallaria majalis, Hieracium repens. Oval, ovalia Mirbel, ovata Linnaeus. Resembling elliptic leaves, the lower end larger than the other. Hernaria glabra, Vinca major, Alsine media, Androsaemum vulgare. Reverse oval, obovalia. Resembling elliptic leaves, but the upper end larger than the other. Samolus Valerandi, Vitis Idaea punctifolia. Parabolic, paraholica. Oblong, diminishing insensibly to its end, which is obtuse. Amaranlhus minor. Wedgelike, cunearia. Enlarging from the base to the end, which is very obtuse, or eventruncated. Galarhoeus helioscopius. Fanshaped, JlaleUiformia. Wedgelike, rounded at the top. Salisburia aspleniifolia. Lanceshaped, la?iceolala. Longer than broad ; diminishing each way from the middle. Daphne florida, Plantago lanceolata, Salix alba. Spatulashaped, spathulata. Drawn in at the bottom, broad and round at the top. Bellis perennis, Silene parviflora, Montia fontana. Three-corneredj iriangularia. The face has three straight sides. Atriplex hortensis, Betula alba, Chenopodiura urbicum. Four-cornered, quadrangular ia. The face has four straight sides. Trapa natans. Rhombic, rhomlea. The leaf is four-sided, the opposite ones being parallel. Hibiscus rhombifolius. Trapezoid, trapezoidea. The leaf is four-sided; the opposite sides, or at least two of them, are not parallel. Populus nigra. Scalelike, squamiformia. Partly embracing the stem, short and broad, like a scale. Orobanche major. ^ Long, elongata. Long and narrow ; to which belong the five following ones. VOL. I. F


8. Figure.<br />

Round, Folia orhicularia. Outline resembling a circle.<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris.<br />

Rounded, subrotunda^ rotundata. Approaching to a<br />

round figure. Lysimachia repens, Mentha rotundifolia,<br />

Marrubium vulgare, Corylus sylvestris.<br />

Oblong, ohlonga. Longer than broad, the ends being<br />

rounded. Carlina vulgaris. Inula dysenterica.<br />

Elliptic, elliptica Mirbel, ovalia Linnaeus, once and a<br />

half or twice as long as broad, with rounded ends equal to<br />

each other. Convallaria majalis, Hieracium repens.<br />

Oval, ovalia Mirbel, ovata Linnaeus. Resembling elliptic<br />

leaves, the lower end larger than the other. Hernaria<br />

glabra, Vinca major, Alsine media, Androsaemum vulgare.<br />

Reverse oval, obovalia. Resembling elliptic leaves, but the<br />

upper end larger than the other. Samolus Valerandi, Vitis<br />

Idaea punctifolia.<br />

Parabolic, paraholica. Oblong, diminishing insensibly<br />

to its end, which is obtuse. Amaranlhus minor.<br />

Wedgelike, cunearia. Enlarging from the base to the<br />

end, which is very obtuse, or eventruncated. Galarhoeus<br />

helioscopius.<br />

Fanshaped, JlaleUiformia. Wedgelike, rounded at the<br />

top. Salisburia aspleniifolia.<br />

Lanceshaped, la?iceolala. Longer than broad ; diminishing<br />

each way from the middle. Daphne florida, Plantago<br />

lanceolata, Salix alba.<br />

Spatulashaped, spathulata. Drawn in at the bottom,<br />

broad and round at the top. Bellis perennis, Silene parviflora,<br />

Montia fontana.<br />

Three-corneredj iriangularia. The face has three straight<br />

sides. Atriplex hortensis, Betula alba, Chenopodiura<br />

urbicum.<br />

Four-cornered, quadrangular ia. The face has four<br />

straight sides. Trapa natans.<br />

Rhombic, rhomlea. The leaf is four-sided, the opposite<br />

ones being parallel. Hibiscus rhombifolius.<br />

Trapezoid, trapezoidea. The leaf is four-sided; the opposite<br />

sides, or at least two of them, are not parallel. Populus<br />

nigra.<br />

Scalelike, squamiformia. Partly embracing the stem,<br />

short and broad, like a scale. Orobanche major.<br />

^ Long, elongata. Long and narrow ; to which belong<br />

the five following ones.<br />


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