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62<br />


Alternate, alterna. One by one by spaces along the<br />

stem. Graminese, Acetosa vulgaris, Hesperis matronalis,<br />

Rosa, P3'rus.<br />

Spirally, spiralia. Alternate in two, three, or more parallel<br />

series round the stem. Abies Picea, Lycopodium<br />

abietiforme.<br />

Orderless, scattered, sparsa. Growing without any regular<br />

order. Antirrhinum majus, Hedera communis, Reseda<br />

salicifolia.<br />

Two-ranked, disticha. With their points of attachment,<br />

and tbeir direction on two opposite sides. Ulraus cani-<br />

pestris.<br />

% Distant, remota. Placed at a greater distance from one<br />

another than usual.<br />

Crowded, approximaia, conferta. Placed at a less distance<br />

from one another than usual. Daphne sempervirens.<br />

Tile-like, imhricata. One covering another like the tiles<br />

of a house. Saxifraga oppositifolia, Sedum acre, S. rupestre.<br />

Roselike, rosaceous, roselata. Alternate, numerous,<br />

crowded, and diverging, so as to appear like a double rose.<br />

Sempervivum tectorum, Saxifraga pyramidalis.<br />

Crowning, coronantia. Roselike, and terminating the<br />

stem or its divisions. Palmae, Filices arborese, Oarica<br />

Papaya.<br />

^ In hunAle'^, fasciculata. Several leaves from the same<br />

point. Berberis vulgaris, Larix.<br />

Twin, gemmaia, Una. In bundles of two leaves each.<br />

Galanthus nivalis, Atropa lethalis, Pinus sylvestris, P. ma-<br />

ritima.<br />

In bundles of three, ler7ia. Pinus Tseda, P. palustris.<br />

In bundles of five, quina. Pinus Strobus, P. Cembro,<br />

3. Attachment.<br />

Squatted, Folia sessilia. Growing without any footstalk.<br />

Mentha sylvestris, Androssemum officinale. Genista, Telephium.<br />

Decurrent, decurrentia. Sessile, and the lower part of<br />

the leaf extended along the stem. Symphytum officinale,<br />

Carduus lanceolata. PI. 6, fig. 11.<br />

Embracing, amplexicaidia. Embracing the stalk, by an<br />

enlargement of their base. Silybum Marise, Papaver soniniferum.<br />

PI. 6, fig. 7.

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