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ProjecturcB. Small rising edges, which beginning at the<br />

setting on of a leaf, are prolonged upwards and downwards.<br />

lieguminossB.<br />

LEAA^ES.<br />

Folium, in composition —phyllum. Expanded organs<br />

generalhj attached to the stem, flat, green, horizontal, formed<br />

for inihibing and exhaling different fluids.<br />

1. Situation.<br />

Seed, Folia seminalia. Placed immediately below the<br />

plumule, formed of the cotyledons which rise above ground.<br />

Raphanus sativus.<br />

Root, radicalia, fundi. Growing from the top of the<br />

root. Alisma major, Taraxacum officinale, Drosera ro-<br />

tundifolia. PL 8, fig. 5, e.<br />

Stem, caulinaria, caulina. Growing on the stem.<br />

Branch, ramealia, ramea. Growing on the branches.<br />

Joint, articular es. Growing from the knots or joints of<br />

the stem or its branches. Gramineae, Dianthus.<br />

Inferaxillary, inferaxillaria.<br />

Tilia, Aster Chinensis.<br />

Growing under the branch.<br />

Flower, floralia. Growing at the bottom of flowers,<br />

and not differing from the other leaves. Periclymenum<br />

perfoliatum. These are not to be confounded with hractece.<br />

2. Disposition.<br />

In whirls, Folia verticilkita, stellata. More than two<br />

leaves growing at the same height on the stem. Hippuris,<br />

Asperuia odorata, Spergula avvensis. PI. 6, fig. 6.<br />

By threes, terna. Forming a whirl of three leaves.<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris, Verbera triphylla.<br />

By fours, quaterna. Valantia cruciata, Rubia tinctorum.<br />

By fives, quina. Myriophyllum verticillatum, Galium<br />

Witheringii.<br />

By sixes, sena. Galium uliginosum.<br />

By eights, octona. Asperuia odorata. PI. 6, fig. 6.<br />

% Opposite, opposita. Two by two, on opposite sides of the<br />

stem. Veronica officinalis, Labiatse, Gentianeae. PI. 6, fio-, 8.<br />

Crossed, decussates. Opposite, the pairs placed near together,<br />

and crossing each other. Hypericum quadrangu-<br />

lare, Euphorbia Lathy ris.

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