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60 INTBODUCTION TO BOTANY. Very open, patentissimi. Growing at right angles with the stem. Asparagus officinalis, Arctium major, Pyrus sylvestris. Divergent, divergentes. Very open and verticillate. Abies. Arm-like, hrachiati. Very open and crossing each other in pairs. Melampyrum cristatum, Hypericum crispum. Divaricated, divaricati. Very open and growing in many different directions. Rumex pulcher, Teucrium fruticans, Cichorium sylvestre. Ranunculus hederaceus. Diffused, diffusi. Growing without any order. Campanula hederacea, Fumaria officinalis, Geranium dissectum. Bent outwards, rejiexi^ recurvati. Bent with the convexity upwards. Equisetum sylvaticum, Larix Europsea. Hanging, pendidi. Falling below its origin perpendicu- larly towards the earth. Salix Babylonica, Betula alba, Fraxinus excelsior pendula. Bent back, retroflect'i, refracti. Bent back upon themselves. Rumex pulcher. Dulcamara flexuosa. Thorn-ended, Spinescens. Ending in a thorn instead of a bud. Ononis arvensis, Hippophae littoralis. OUTLINE OF THE RAMIFICATIONS. Rounded, Ramificatio suhrotunda. Malus communis. Flat-topped, corymhoso, fastigiata Linnaeus. When the ramifications end all at the same height from the ground. Dodartia Orientalis, Pinus Pinea. Pyramidal, pyramidalis. Spread horizontally, and growing smaller as they approach the top. Abies pectinata. Fastigiate, fastigiata Mirbell. All the branches growing close to the stem, and their divisions pointing to the sky. Populus fastigiata, Quercus fastigiata. LEAF SCAR. Cicatricula. A mark left on the stem by the jointed leaves, when they fall off. REMAINS OF LEAVES. ReliquicB foliormn. Ramenfa. The remains of leaves which remain attached to the stem, after the death of the principal part. CUSHION. Pulvinus. A small protuberance, frequently found under the leaf scar.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 61 PROJECTURES. ProjecturcB. Small rising edges, which beginning at the setting on of a leaf, are prolonged upwards and downwards. lieguminossB. LEAA^ES. Folium, in composition —phyllum. Expanded organs generalhj attached to the stem, flat, green, horizontal, formed for inihibing and exhaling different fluids. 1. Situation. Seed, Folia seminalia. Placed immediately below the plumule, formed of the cotyledons which rise above ground. Raphanus sativus. Root, radicalia, fundi. Growing from the top of the root. Alisma major, Taraxacum officinale, Drosera ro- tundifolia. PL 8, fig. 5, e. Stem, caulinaria, caulina. Growing on the stem. Branch, ramealia, ramea. Growing on the branches. Joint, articular es. Growing from the knots or joints of the stem or its branches. Gramineae, Dianthus. Inferaxillary, inferaxillaria. Tilia, Aster Chinensis. Growing under the branch. Flower, floralia. Growing at the bottom of flowers, and not differing from the other leaves. Periclymenum perfoliatum. These are not to be confounded with hractece. 2. Disposition. In whirls, Folia verticilkita, stellata. More than two leaves growing at the same height on the stem. Hippuris, Asperuia odorata, Spergula avvensis. PI. 6, fig. 6. By threes, terna. Forming a whirl of three leaves. Lysimachia vulgaris, Verbera triphylla. By fours, quaterna. Valantia cruciata, Rubia tinctorum. By fives, quina. Myriophyllum verticillatum, Galium Witheringii. By sixes, sena. Galium uliginosum. By eights, octona. Asperuia odorata. PI. 6, fig. 6. % Opposite, opposita. Two by two, on opposite sides of the stem. Veronica officinalis, Labiatse, Gentianeae. PI. 6, fio-, 8. Crossed, decussates. Opposite, the pairs placed near together, and crossing each other. Hypericum quadrangu- lare, Euphorbia Lathy ris.

60<br />


Very open, patentissimi. Growing at right angles with<br />

the stem. Asparagus officinalis, Arctium major, Pyrus<br />

sylvestris.<br />

Divergent, divergentes. Very open and verticillate.<br />

Abies.<br />

Arm-like, hrachiati. Very open and crossing each other<br />

in pairs. Melampyrum cristatum, Hypericum crispum.<br />

Divaricated, divaricati. Very open and growing in many<br />

different directions. Rumex pulcher, Teucrium fruticans,<br />

Cichorium sylvestre. Ranunculus hederaceus.<br />

Diffused, diffusi. Growing without any order. Campanula<br />

hederacea, Fumaria officinalis, Geranium dissectum.<br />

Bent outwards, rejiexi^ recurvati. Bent with the convexity<br />

upwards. Equisetum sylvaticum, Larix Europsea.<br />

Hanging, pendidi. Falling below its origin perpendicu-<br />

larly towards the earth. Salix Babylonica, Betula alba,<br />

Fraxinus excelsior pendula.<br />

Bent back, retroflect'i, refracti. Bent back upon themselves.<br />

Rumex pulcher. Dulcamara flexuosa.<br />

Thorn-ended, Spinescens. Ending in a thorn instead of<br />

a bud. Ononis arvensis, Hippophae littoralis.<br />


Rounded, Ramificatio suhrotunda. Malus communis.<br />

Flat-topped, corymhoso, fastigiata Linnaeus. When the<br />

ramifications end all at the same height from the ground.<br />

Dodartia Orientalis, Pinus Pinea.<br />

Pyramidal, pyramidalis. Spread horizontally, and growing<br />

smaller as they approach the top. Abies pectinata.<br />

Fastigiate, fastigiata Mirbell. All the branches growing<br />

close to the stem, and their divisions pointing to the sky.<br />

Populus fastigiata, Quercus fastigiata.<br />

LEAF SCAR.<br />

Cicatricula. A mark left on the stem by the jointed<br />

leaves, when they fall off.<br />


ReliquicB foliormn. Ramenfa. The remains of leaves<br />

which remain attached to the stem, after the death of the<br />

principal part.<br />

CUSHION.<br />

Pulvinus. A small protuberance, frequently found under<br />

the leaf scar.

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