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The fall of kings, The rage of nations, and the crush of states, Move not the man, who, from the world escaped, In still retreats, and flowery solitudes. To nature's voice attends; from month to month. And day to day, thi'ough the revolving year; Admiring sees her in her every shape." Thomson.—Autumn,

Abbot, 33. Abercrombie, 26. Acharius, 33—35. Acluarius, 10. AdansoD, 22, 30. iGgineta, 10. INDEX OF AUTHORS MENTIONED IN THE INTRODUCTION. iGtius, 10. Agardh, 35. Alton, 32. Allen, 32. Alston, 29, 30. Andrews, 33. Apulejus, S, 23. Aristotle, 6. Avicena, 10. Bar bier, 34. Batsch, 31. Bauhin, Caspar, 17, 24, 25. — John, 25. Bergius, 31. Berkenhout, 30. Besler, 17, 24. Blackstone, 28, 29. Black well, Eliz. 28. Blair, 27, 28. Bobart, 25. JBodard, 35. Boerhaave, 27, 28. Bolton, 31, 32. Bonpland, 35. Borlase, 29. Boutcher, 31. Bradley, 27, 28. Brewer, 27. Bridel, 33, 36. Brotero, 34. Broughton, 31. Brow n, Rob. 35. Browne, Patrick, 29. — , Wm. 25. Brunsfel, 12, 23. Bullein, 15, 24. Buliiard, 30, 31,33. Caesalpinus, 16, 24. Catesby, 28, 30. Cato, 7. C«Tanillei, 31, 33. Clement, 14. Clusius, 24. Coel, 16. Cole, 25. Columella, 7. Columna, 24. Cordus, 13, 23. Coys, 16. Coyte, 32. Crantz, 30. Cratevas, 5. Crescentius, 23. Cuba, 12, 23. Cullen, 32. Cullum, 30. Culpeper, 25. Curtis, 30—32. Dale, 26, 28. Darwin, 32. Davis, 35. De CandoUe, 22, 34— 36. Deering, 28. De Franqueville, 16. Dickson, 31. Dillenius,23,27,28, 31. Dillwyn, 33. Diodorus, 8. Dioscorides, 7, 11, 23. Dodoens, 14, 24. Donn, 33. Donovan, 32. Doody, 26. Douglas, 28. Dryander, 33. Dubois, 34. Dunal, 35. Ehret, 29. Ellis, 29. Esenbeck, 23, 36. Evelyn, 18, 25, 26. Falconer, 14. Fitzherbert, 13, 23. Flora Danica, 29. Forskahl, 30. Forster, I. R. 29. — Thomas, 31, 33, 35. Freeman, 33, 35. Fuchs, 13, 24, Gaertner, 23, 31,32,34. Galen, 9. Gal pine, 35. Gaudin, 34, 35. Geoffroy de St. Hilaire, 34. Gerard e, 16, 24. Gesner, 13, 23. Giseke, 31,32. Glanville, 11. Glen, 26. Gmelin, 30, 33. Goodenougli, 32. Gordon, 32. Grew, 25. Hales, 28. Haller, 21, 29, 30. Happe, 31. Harrison, 27. Haworth, 32, 34—36. Hebensfreit, 28. Hedwig, 23, 31,33. Heister, 29. Herbal, the grete, 12, 23, Herbarium, 12, 23. Hildeguard, 10. Hill, 30. Hippocrates, 5. Hoffmann, 31. Hooker, 35, 36. Hortus Sanitatis, 12, 23. Hoskert, 35. How, 18, 25. Hudson, 30, 31. Hughes, 29. Hull, 33, 3.5. Humboldt, 35. Hunter, 33. Imperati, 24. Isidore, 11. Jacob, 30. Jameson, 36. Jenkinson, 30. Johnson, 17, 25, 26, Johren, 27, Jones, 31.

The fall of kings,<br />

The rage of nations, and the crush of states,<br />

Move not the man, who, from the world escaped,<br />

In still retreats, and flowery solitudes.<br />

To nature's voice attends; from month to month.<br />

And day to day, thi'ough the revolving year;<br />

Admiring sees her in her every shape."<br />


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