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Woodland, sylvaticcB, nemoroscR. Anemone nemorosa,<br />

Paris quadrifolia, Adoxa moschatelJina.<br />

Shady, umhrosce. Most woodland plants.<br />

Open ground, campestres, apricce.<br />

Draba verna, Echium vulgare.<br />

Artemisia campestris,<br />

Hill, collina. Dianthus collinus. Daphne collina.<br />

Mountain, mo?itan(F, alpesires. Valeriana montana.<br />

Alpine, alpince. Bartsia alpina, Thalictrum alpinum.<br />

Snow, glaciales, nivales. Growing among the snow and<br />

ice of high mountains. Gentiana nivalis.<br />

Cold country, frigidce, hyperhorecB. Growing only in<br />

cold countries. Linnsea borealis, Saxifi-aga Groenlan-<br />

dica.<br />

Salt, salincB, salscE. Growing in soils impregnated with<br />

salt, or Glauber's salt. Salicornia, Salsola.<br />

Freshwater shore, litturales, riparice. Eupatorium cannabinum,<br />

Scutellaria, Lythrura.<br />

Saltwater shore, marithnce. Glaux maritima, Limonium<br />

commune. Hippophae rhamnoides.<br />

% Water, aquatiae. As the following<br />

Sea, marince. Fucus, Ulva, Zostera marina.<br />

Lake, lacustres. Isoetes Pilularia, Scirpus lacustris.<br />

Spring, f&ntinales. Veronica Beccabunga, Sisymbrium<br />

Nasturtium.<br />

River, fluviatiles^ fluviales. Potamogeton, Platanaria<br />

natans.<br />

. Sunken, siilmergce, demerscp, immersce. Growing under<br />

water. Conferva ^igagropila, Myriophyllum spicatum.<br />

Emerging, emerscB. Rising above the surface of the<br />

water in which they grow. Hottonia palustris, Myriophyllum<br />

verticillatum.<br />

Floating, jiuitanles. Rooted in the ground, but the<br />

leaves, 8tc. floating, Potamogeton lucens.<br />

Swimming, natantes. Not rooted in the ground, but<br />

floating freely. Lemna.<br />

Marsh, palustres, paludosce. In marshes and still waters.<br />

Chara, Phellandrium divaricatum, Menyanthes.<br />

Bog, uliginosce. Vaccinium uliginosum, Pinguicula.<br />

Moss, torfacece. In peat mosses. Sphagnum palustre.<br />

% Amphibious, amphihice. Growing indifferent on land<br />

or in water. Cicuta virosa, Apium graveolens.<br />

f Parasitic, epiphytcR. Growing upon other plants.<br />

False parasitic, pseudo-pnrasit,ic(B, Not hurting the plant<br />

en which they grow. Mosses-<br />


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