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728 357. Grimmia. 14. MUSCI. Pl.ceU.foL 7. Grimmia Donnii. Donnas grimm. Stem short ; leaves lanceolate, awlshape ; points long, transparent, hairlike; edge turned in; pedicells long, straight; capsule ovate ; teeth of the peristome entire ; lid beaked leak short. Grimmia Donniana, Engl. Bot. 1239. Grimmia sudetica ? Schweegr. Suppl. 24. On rocks, in alpine regions. XVI. 358. PTERIGONIUM. Swartz. Wmg-moss. Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells from the side of the stem; peristome single, toothed; teeth 16, not cut, equidistant; CQ/^/p^ra halved. 1. Pterigonium Smithii, Smithes wi7ig-moss. Stem much branched; branches pinnate; leaves tongueshape, blunt, not cut, crisp when dry ; edge turned over, main rib reaching more than half way up ; pedicells very short ; lid beaked. Pterogonium Smithii, Swartz in Schrad. Jour, 2, 173; Engl. iiot. 1326. Hypnum Smithii, Dickson Crypt. 2, 10. Polytrichum Smithii, Hull. Engl. Ft. 249, On the trunks of trees ; perennial ; spring. 2. Pterogonium gracile. Slender wiyig-moss. Branches in bundles, bent; leaves broad, ovate, pointed, concave ; edge flat ; tip serrated ; base slightly 2-ribbed lid conical. Hypnum gracile ornithopodioides, Dillen. Muse. 320. Hypnum gracile, Lin. Mant. 310. Hypnum ornithopodioides, Huds. Angl. 508. Pterogonium gracile, Swartz M. Suec. 26 ; Engl. Bot. 1085. Pterigynandrum gracile, Hedw. Sp. 3Iusc. SO, Encalypta gracilis, Roth Germ. 3, 154. Grimmia ornithopodioides, Mohr. On subalpine rocks. 3. Pterogonium filiforme. Threadlike iving-moss. Stem irregularly branched, bent; leaves ovate, rather pointed, concave; edges turned over, serrate; main rib single or forked, short, faintly marked; lid conical. Hypnum cylindricum, Dickson Crypt. 2, 12. Pterogynandrum filiforme, Hedw. Crypt. 4,7. Pterogonium filiforme, Engl. Bot. 2297. Pterogonium csespifosum, Engl. Bot. 2526. Grimmia filiforrais, Mohr. On mountains.

PLcelLfoL 14. MUSCI. 359. Weissia. 729 XVII. 359. WEISSIA. Hedwig. Weiss. Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells terminal ; peristovie single, toothed) teeth 16, entire, equidistant ; ca/yp/m halved. a. Capsule ivith an apophysis. 1 IVeissia splachnoides. Splachnumlike weiss. Leaves tongueshape, tip rounded; main rib not reaching the tip ; capsule reverse ovate ; apophysis reverse-conicarj lid convex, rather pointed. Weissia Splachnoides, ScImeEgr. Suppl. IT. Grimmia splachnoides? Engl. Bot. 21G4, leaves differ, Splachnum lingulatum, Dicks. Cnjpt. 4, 4 ; On alpine bogs. Engl. Dot. 2095. 2. Weissia Templetoni. Templelo}^s weiss. Leaves ovate, lanceolate, pointed; capsule with the apophysis narrow, pearlike; lid nearly flat. Weissia Templetoni, Hooker Fl. Land. ed. 2. Fiinaria Templetoni, Engl. Bol. 2524. On wet banks. b. Apophysis ; leaves ivlthout a main rib. 3. Weissia mida. Nuked iveiss. Stem scarcely any; leaves oMxto, lanceolate, ribless; capsule ovate, bunched on one side, nodding. Bryum miritim, Dickson. Cri/p. 4,7. Grimmia nuda, Turner M. Bib. 25; Engl. Bot. 142}. Vv'eissoii rosea, WaMenb, Lapp. 19. Weissia incarnata, SchiacEgr. Suppl. IS. On clay soils. c. Apophysis ; leaves main-ribbed, ovale or lanceolate. 4. Weissia nisrita. Negro weiss. Stem long ; leaves lanceolate, pointed ; capsule reverseovate, nodding, bunched, furrowed ; lid hemispherical, blunt-pointed. Weissia nigrita, fle.clw. Sp. Muse. 72. Bryum nigrituin, Dicks. Crypt. 3,9. Grimmia nigrita, Engl. Bot. 1825. On moist banks on mountains. 5. Weissia Starkeii _ Starkeifs iveiss. Stem very short; leaves ovale; main rib prolonged into a point; capsule ovate, upright; teeik of the peristome awlshape, acute ; lid conical.

PLcelLfoL 14. MUSCI. 359. Weissia. 729<br />

XVII. 359. WEISSIA. Hedwig. Weiss.<br />

Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells terminal ; peristovie<br />

single, toothed) teeth 16, entire, equidistant ; ca/yp/m<br />

halved.<br />

a. Capsule ivith an apophysis.<br />

1 IVeissia splachnoides. Splachnumlike weiss.<br />

Leaves tongueshape, tip rounded; main rib not reaching<br />

the tip ; capsule reverse ovate ; apophysis reverse-conicarj<br />

lid convex, rather pointed.<br />

Weissia Splachnoides, ScImeEgr. Suppl. IT.<br />

Grimmia splachnoides? Engl. Bot. 21G4, leaves differ,<br />

Splachnum lingulatum, Dicks. Cnjpt. 4, 4 ;<br />

On alpine bogs.<br />

Engl. Dot. 2095.<br />

2. Weissia Templetoni. Templelo}^s weiss.<br />

Leaves ovate, lanceolate, pointed; capsule with the apophysis<br />

narrow, pearlike; lid nearly flat.<br />

Weissia Templetoni, Hooker Fl. Land. ed. 2.<br />

Fiinaria Templetoni, Engl. Bol. 2524.<br />

On wet banks.<br />

b. Apophysis ; leaves ivlthout a main rib.<br />

3. Weissia mida. Nuked iveiss.<br />

Stem scarcely any; leaves oMxto, lanceolate, ribless; capsule<br />

ovate, bunched on one side, nodding.<br />

Bryum miritim, Dickson. Cri/p. 4,7.<br />

Grimmia nuda, Turner M. Bib. 25; Engl. Bot. 142}.<br />

Vv'eissoii rosea, WaMenb, Lapp. 19.<br />

Weissia incarnata, SchiacEgr. Suppl. IS.<br />

On clay soils.<br />

c. Apophysis ; leaves main-ribbed, ovale or lanceolate.<br />

4. Weissia nisrita.<br />

Negro weiss.<br />

Stem long ; leaves lanceolate, pointed ; capsule reverseovate,<br />

nodding, bunched, furrowed ; lid hemispherical,<br />

blunt-pointed.<br />

Weissia nigrita, fle.clw. Sp. Muse. 72.<br />

Bryum nigrituin, Dicks. Crypt. 3,9.<br />

Grimmia nigrita, Engl. Bot. 1825.<br />

On moist banks on mountains.<br />

5. Weissia Starkeii _ Starkeifs iveiss.<br />

Stem very short; leaves ovale; main rib prolonged into<br />

a point; capsule ovate, upright; teeik of the peristome awlshape,<br />

acute ; lid conical.

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