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72iS 356.Encalypta. 14. MUSCI. PLcell.fol. 3. Encalypta ciliata. Fringed ext'inguisher-moss. Stem short; leaves oblong, pointed; main rib prolonged considerably; capsule cylindrical; calyptra toothed at the base. Bryum calyptra extiiictorii figura, majus et ramosum, DiUen. Muse. 350. Bryiim extinctorium /3, Lin. S. P. 1581. Encalyptra ciliata, Hedw. Sp. M 61 ; Engl. Bot. 1418. Leersia ciliata, Hedw. Crypt. 1,49. On rocks ; perennial ; summer. /3. alp'ina. heaves much pointed, points transparent capsule smooth. Enralypta alpina, Engl. Bot. 1419. Encalypta affinis, Hedw. fil. in Web. et Mohr. Beitr. 4. y. rhaptocarpa. Leaves pointed, points of the same colour; capsule when old streaked lengthways. Encalyptra rhaptocarpa, Schwcegr. Supp. 16. XV. 357. GRIMMIA. Hedwig. Grimm. Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells terminal ; peristome single, toothed; teeth 16, entire or perforated, rarely cleft, equidistant ; calyptra mitreshaped, shorter than the capsule. 1 . Grimmia apocarpa. Sessile-fruited grimm. Stem branched ; leaves ovate, lanceolate, bent back, open ; edges turned over ; mai?i rib of the perichetial leaves not prolonged; capsule ovate, nearly sessile; lid with a short beak. Sphagnum cauliferutn et ramosum saxatile hirsutum vircscens, capitulis obscure rubris, Raii Syn. 104, 3. Bryum apocarpon, Lin. S. P. 1579. Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw. Cryp. 1,39; Engl. Bot. 1134. Grimmia alpicola. Smarts Muse. Suee. 1. Grimmia alpicola 13 & y, Wahlenb. Lapp. Grimmia rivularis, Bridel in Schrad. Journ. 3, 3. Grimmia gracilis, SchwcBgr. Supp. 23. On trees, and alpine rocks or rivulets. &. stricta. Stem long ; leaves narrow, reddish. Grimmia stricta, Turner M. Hiber. 20. 5. Grimmia maritima. Sea-shore grimm. Stem short, cushionlike ; leaves lanceolate, pointed, nearly upright, crisp when dry ; edge turned over ; mai?i rib of the perichetial leaves prolonged ; capsule ovate, nearly sessile ; lid with a short beak.

Plcell.fol. 14. MUSCL 357. Grimmia. 727 Grimmia maritimn, Turn. Muse. llib. 23; Engl. Bot. 1645. Grimmia alpicola S, Wahlenb. Lapp. On rocks by the sea ; perennial ; Septem. and October. 3. Grimmia saxicola. Rockloving grimm. Stem scarcely any; leaves linear, awlshape, crisp when dry,- pediceUs long, bent, kneed; capmle ovate; lid beaked, beak straight. Dicranum saxicola, Mohr. Grimmia geniculata, Schweegr. Supp. 22. On rocks. 4. Grim,mia pulvinata. Cushioned grimm. Stem short,-cushionlike; leaves narrow, elliptical ; edge turned over; points transparent, hairlike; pedicells long, bent ; capsule ovate, streaked ; lid conical, pointed. Bryum trichoides hirsutie canescens; capitulis subrotundis reflexis, in perbrevibus pediculis, Raii Syn. 100,46. Bryiini pulvinatum, Lin. S. P. 1586. Grimmia pulvinata, Engl, Bot. 1728. Dicranum pulvinatum, Swartz Muse. Suec. 32. Fissidens pulvinatus, Hedw. Sp. Muse 40. On walls and rocks. 5. Grimmia Daviesii. Davies' grimm. Stem short ; leaves lanceolate, pointed, keeled, not cut, very crisp when dry ; edge turned over ; perichetial leaves broad, rolled in ; pedicells longer than the leaves, straight capsule topshape ; lid beaked. Grimmia Daviesii, Turner M. Hihern. 24. Brj'ura Daviesii, Dickson Crypt. 3,3. Encalypta Daviesii, Engl. Bot. 1281. On rocks by the sea; perennial. 6. Grimmia ovata. Ovate grimm. Stem slightly branched ; leaves lanceolate, awlshape, points long, transparent, hairlike ; edge turned in ; pedicells long, straight ; capsule ovate ; teeth of the peristome often perforated and split ; lid beaked. Grimmia ovata, Weber 5f Mohr. Suec. 2, 4. Dicranum ovatum, Hedw. Crypt. 3, 34. Dicranum ovale, Hedw. S. Muse. 140; Engl. Bot. 2165. Trichostomum ovatum, Mohr, Bryum ovale, Dickson Crypt. 4, 14. Grimmia obtusa, Schwergr, Supp, 25. On alpine rocks.

72iS 356.Encalypta. 14. MUSCI. PLcell.fol.<br />

3. Encalypta ciliata. Fringed ext'inguisher-moss.<br />

Stem short; leaves oblong, pointed; main rib prolonged<br />

considerably; capsule cylindrical; calyptra toothed at the<br />

base.<br />

Bryum calyptra extiiictorii figura, majus et ramosum, DiUen. Muse. 350.<br />

Bryiim extinctorium /3, Lin. S. P. 1581.<br />

Encalyptra ciliata, Hedw. Sp. M 61 ; Engl. Bot. 1418.<br />

Leersia ciliata, Hedw. Crypt. 1,49.<br />

On rocks ; perennial ; summer.<br />

/3. alp'ina. heaves much pointed, points transparent<br />

capsule smooth.<br />

Enralypta alpina, Engl. Bot. 1419.<br />

Encalypta affinis, Hedw. fil. in Web. et Mohr. Beitr. 4.<br />

y. rhaptocarpa. Leaves pointed, points of the same colour;<br />

capsule when old streaked lengthways.<br />

Encalyptra rhaptocarpa, Schwcegr. Supp. 16.<br />

XV. 357. GRIMMIA. Hedwig. Grimm.<br />

Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells terminal ; peristome<br />

single, toothed; teeth 16, entire or perforated, rarely<br />

cleft, equidistant ; calyptra mitreshaped, shorter than the<br />

capsule.<br />

1 . Grimmia apocarpa. Sessile-fruited grimm.<br />

Stem branched ; leaves ovate, lanceolate, bent back,<br />

open ; edges turned over ; mai?i rib of the perichetial leaves<br />

not prolonged; capsule ovate, nearly sessile; lid with a<br />

short beak.<br />

Sphagnum cauliferutn et ramosum saxatile hirsutum vircscens, capitulis<br />

obscure rubris, Raii Syn. 104, 3.<br />

Bryum apocarpon, Lin. S. P. 1579.<br />

Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw. Cryp. 1,39; Engl. Bot. 1134.<br />

Grimmia alpicola. Smarts Muse. Suee. 1.<br />

Grimmia alpicola 13 & y, Wahlenb. Lapp.<br />

Grimmia rivularis, Bridel in Schrad. Journ. 3, 3.<br />

Grimmia gracilis, SchwcBgr. Supp. 23.<br />

On trees, and alpine rocks or rivulets.<br />

&. stricta. Stem long ; leaves narrow, reddish.<br />

Grimmia stricta, Turner M. Hiber. 20.<br />

5. Grimmia maritima. Sea-shore grimm.<br />

Stem short, cushionlike ; leaves lanceolate, pointed,<br />

nearly upright, crisp when dry ; edge turned over ; mai?i<br />

rib of the perichetial leaves prolonged ; capsule ovate,<br />

nearly sessile ; lid with a short beak.

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