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722 353. Polytrichum. 14, MUSCI. Pl.ceU.fol.<br />

jB. Dicksojii. Pedicells very short; siems branched.<br />

Polytrichum Dicksoni, Turner M. Heb. 90; Engl. Bot. 1605.<br />

y nanum. Stem short ; capsules nearly upright, almost<br />

globular.<br />

Polytrichum cajisulis subrotundis, calyptra quasi lacera coionatis, R(tii<br />

Syn. 91,3.<br />

Polytrichum nanum, Hedw. Crypt. 1, 13; Engl. Bot. 1625.<br />

Polytrichum subrotuiidum, Menzies in T. L. S. 4, 69 ; Engl. Bot. 1624.<br />

Polytrichum pumilum, Sioartz M. Suec. 9, 19.<br />

XII. 354. CINCLIDOTUS. Pal. de Beauvois. Net-tooth.<br />

Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicells terminal ; peristome<br />

single, toothed; teeth 32, threadlike, twisted, anastomosing<br />

at the bottom ; calyptra mitreshape. Fruit on<br />

such short branches as scarcely to leave room for more<br />

than the perichetial leaves.<br />

Cindidotusfontinaloides. Fontinalislike net-tooth.<br />

Fontinalis minor, foliis triangularibus minus coinplicatis, capitulis in<br />

snmmis ramulis sessilis, Dillen.in Rail Syn. 79,2.<br />

Fontinalis minor, Lin. S. P. 157 I ; Engl. Bot. 557.<br />

Trichostomura fontinalcides, Hedw. Crypt, 3,36.<br />

Cinclidotus fontinaloides, i?ea«y. Prod. jEth. 28.<br />

On stones and wood in rivers ; perennial ; May to Aug.<br />

XIII. 355. TORTULA. Hedwig. / ^-4 ^ Screw-moss.<br />

Capsule valveless, pedicelled ; pedicell terminal ; peristome<br />

single, toothed; teeth 32, threadlike, twisted, united at<br />

bottom by a tubelike membrane; calyptra halved.<br />

1. Tortula rigida. Stiff screw-moss.<br />

Stem scarcely any; leaves spread open, oblong, stiff;<br />

edge much turned in, main rib broad; capsule oblong;<br />

lid conical, pointed.<br />

Bryum acaulon, ericae tenuifolia? Gerardi folio, Dillen Muse. 388.<br />

Tortula rigida, Swartz M. Suec. 40.<br />

Barbula rigida, Hedw, Crypt. 1 , 65.<br />

Bryum rigidum, Huds. Angl, 477 ; Engl, Bot. 180.<br />

On rocks, clay-banks, and chalk-cliffs.<br />

2. Tortula muralis,' IVall screw-moss.<br />

Stem short; leaves spread open, linear, oblong; edge<br />

turned over; main rib produced beyond the leaf into a<br />

white hairlike point; cop «//e oblong ; lid conical, pointed.

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