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716 348. Gymnostomum. 14. MUSCI. Pl.cell.fol. On mountains and barren pastures ; winter and spring. Abundant on the walls of Jerusalem. 1 1. Gymnostomum pyriformeJ 7.7(^Pearskape plain-month. Leaves ovate, pointed, concave, serrated, not bordered ; capsule roundish, ovate ; lid convex, beaked, beak short. Bryum parvum, erectis piriformibus majusculis capitulis, foliis serpilli pellucidis, Raii Syn, 93, 7. Bryura pyriforme, Lin. S. P. 15S0. Gymnostomum pyriforme, Hedw. Sp. 38 ; Engl. Bot. 413. On wet banks and sides of ditches ; winter and spring. 12. Gymnostomum tenue. Slender plain-mouth. Stem scarcely any; lower leaves very short, ovate, lanceolate; upper linear, lanceolate ; all upright, blunt; main rib strong, not reaching the point. Bryum paucifolium, Dicks. Crypt, 4,7. Gymnostomum tenue, Hedw. Sp. 4, 1. Gymnostomum paucifolium, Engl. Bot. 2506. Dicranum cylindricum, Smith Ft. Brit. 1221. On sandstone rocks and ruins. 13. Gymnostomum Donnii. Demi's plain-mouth. Stem very short ; leaves avvlshape, straight ; capsule topshape. Gymnostomum Donnianum, Engl. Bot, 1582. On rocks. Appearance very similar to that of weissia calcarea. 14. Gymnost. microstomum. Small-mouth plain-mouth. Leaves broad, awlshape, edge turned in above, bent, crisped when dry; capsule elliptical, contracted at the mouth ; lid awlshape, bent. Gymnostomum microstOQium, Hedvs. Sp, 33; Engl. Bot. 2215. Gymnostomum rutilans, Hedw. Sp. 3. Gymnostomum tortile, Schwcegr. Suppl, 10. On banks. Very like weissia controversa, but distinguishable by the mouth of the capsule, and short pedicell. VII. 349. DIPHYSCIUM. DouMe-hufich. Capsule valveless, gibbous, pedicelled ; pedicell terminal peristome single, membranaceous, conical, truncated, plaited; calyptra mitreshape.

Pl.celLfol. 14. MUSCI. 349. Diphyscium. 717 Diphysciumfoliomm. I-'^ofl) douhle-hunch. Sphagnum acaulon 253. maximum, foliis in centre ciliaribus, Dillen Muse, Buxbaumia foliosa, Suiartz in Lin. Meth. Muse. 33 ; Buxl)aumia sessilis, Schmidel Buxb. 22, Phascum montanum, Hudson Angl, 466. Phascum maximum, Light/. Scot. 693. Dicranum foliosiim, Mohr. Obs. Bot, 34. Engl. Bot. 329, On low alpine rocks, and in w^oods ; Capsule large, ovate, oblique. annual ; July. VIII. 350. TETRAPHIS. Hedwig. Four-tooth. Capsule valveless, pedicelled, pedicells terminal; perU stome single ; teeth four, equidistant, upright ; calyptra mitreshape. 1. TetrapMs pellucida. Transparent four-tooth. Stems long; leaves ovate, pointed; perichetial leaves lan- ceolate; cap5z

Pl.celLfol. 14. MUSCI. 349. Diphyscium. 717<br />

Diphysciumfoliomm. I-'^ofl) douhle-hunch.<br />

Sphagnum acaulon<br />

253.<br />

maximum, foliis in centre ciliaribus, Dillen Muse,<br />

Buxbaumia foliosa, Suiartz in Lin. Meth. Muse. 33 ;<br />

Buxl)aumia sessilis, Schmidel Buxb. 22,<br />

Phascum montanum, Hudson Angl, 466.<br />

Phascum maximum, Light/. Scot. 693.<br />

Dicranum foliosiim, Mohr. Obs. Bot, 34.<br />

Engl. Bot. 329,<br />

On low alpine rocks, and in w^oods ;<br />

Capsule large, ovate, oblique.<br />

annual ; July.<br />

VIII. 350. TETRAPHIS. Hedwig. Four-tooth.<br />

Capsule valveless, pedicelled, pedicells terminal; perU<br />

stome single ; teeth four, equidistant, upright ; calyptra<br />

mitreshape.<br />

1. TetrapMs pellucida. Transparent four-tooth.<br />

Stems long; leaves ovate, pointed; perichetial leaves lan-<br />

ceolate; cap5z

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