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716 348. Gymnostomum. 14. MUSCI. Pl.cell.fol.<br />

On mountains and barren pastures ; winter and spring.<br />

Abundant on the walls of Jerusalem.<br />

1 1. Gymnostomum pyriformeJ 7.7(^Pearskape plain-month.<br />

Leaves ovate, pointed, concave, serrated, not bordered ;<br />

capsule roundish, ovate ; lid convex, beaked, beak short.<br />

Bryum parvum, erectis piriformibus majusculis capitulis, foliis serpilli<br />

pellucidis, Raii Syn, 93, 7.<br />

Bryura pyriforme, Lin. S. P. 15S0.<br />

Gymnostomum pyriforme, Hedw. Sp. 38 ; Engl. Bot. 413.<br />

On wet banks and sides of ditches ; winter and spring.<br />

12. Gymnostomum tenue. Slender plain-mouth.<br />

Stem scarcely any; lower leaves very short, ovate, lanceolate;<br />

upper linear, lanceolate ; all upright, blunt; main<br />

rib strong, not reaching the point.<br />

Bryum paucifolium, Dicks. Crypt, 4,7.<br />

Gymnostomum tenue, Hedw. Sp. 4, 1.<br />

Gymnostomum paucifolium, Engl. Bot. 2506.<br />

Dicranum cylindricum, Smith Ft. Brit. 1221.<br />

On sandstone rocks and ruins.<br />

13. Gymnostomum Donnii. Demi's plain-mouth.<br />

Stem very short ; leaves avvlshape, straight ; capsule topshape.<br />

Gymnostomum Donnianum, Engl. Bot, 1582.<br />

On rocks.<br />

Appearance very similar to that of weissia calcarea.<br />

14. Gymnost. microstomum. Small-mouth plain-mouth.<br />

Leaves broad, awlshape, edge turned in above, bent,<br />

crisped when dry; capsule elliptical, contracted at the<br />

mouth ; lid awlshape, bent.<br />

Gymnostomum microstOQium, Hedvs. Sp, 33; Engl. Bot. 2215.<br />

Gymnostomum rutilans, Hedw. Sp. 3.<br />

Gymnostomum tortile, Schwcegr. Suppl, 10.<br />

On banks.<br />

Very like weissia controversa, but distinguishable by the<br />

mouth of the capsule, and short pedicell.<br />

VII. 349. DIPHYSCIUM. DouMe-hufich.<br />

Capsule valveless, gibbous, pedicelled ; pedicell terminal<br />

peristome single, membranaceous, conical, truncated, plaited;<br />

calyptra mitreshape.

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