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PLcelLfoL 14. MUSCI. 343. Andr^Ba. 709<br />

1 Andrcea alpina. Alpine hlackmoss.<br />

Stems branched ; leaves obovate, suddenly pointed,<br />

straight, covering the stem on all sides tiledlike; main-rib<br />

none.<br />

Lichenaotrum alpinum atro-rubens feres, calycibus squamosis, Dillen<br />

Muse. 506,<br />

Jungermannia alpina, Lin. S. P. 1602.<br />

Andreas alpina, Hedwig Sp. Muse, 49.<br />

On rocks ; summer.<br />

2. ylndrcEa rupestris. Rock hlackmoss.<br />

Stem branched ; leaves ovate, pointed by degrees ; mainrib<br />

none ; upper leaves sickleshape.<br />

Jungermannia rupestris, Lin. S. P. 1601.<br />

Andraea rupestris, Hedw. S. Muse. 47 ; Engl. Bot. 1277.<br />

On rocky mountains.<br />

3. Aiidrcea Bfithii.<br />

Roth's hlackmoss.<br />

Stems almost simple; leaves lanceolate, awlshape, sicklelike,<br />

one-rowed, main-ribbed ; perichetial leaves oblong,<br />

ribless ; edges turned in.<br />

Liclienastrum<br />

Muse. 507.<br />

atpinum nigricans; foliis capillaceis reflexis, Dillen<br />

Jungermannia rupestris, Lin. S. P. 1601.<br />

Andrasa rupestris. Turner Muse. Hib. 14.<br />

Andraja Rothii, Mohr. Crypt. Germ. 11 ;<br />

On alpine rocks.<br />

Engl. Bot. 2162.<br />

4. Andrcea nivalis. Snoiv hlackmoss.<br />

Stems slightly branched ; leaves loosely tiled-like, lanceo-<br />

late, slightly falcate, one-rowed, main-ribbed; perichetial<br />

leaves like the stem-leaves.<br />

Andraea nivalis, Hooker in Lin. Tr. 10,395; Engl. Bot. 2507.<br />

On rocks,<br />

II. 344. SPHAGNUM. Dillenius. Bogmms.<br />

Receptacle peduncled ; capsule sessile, not valved ; lid<br />

falling off; mouth toothless ; calyptra irregularly torn.<br />

Leaves whitish, with large network, meshes oblong, transversely<br />

streaked ; main rib : grow in bogs, or water.<br />

• I. Sphagmim ohtusifolium. y Bluntleaved hogmoss.<br />

Branches swollen ; leaves ovate, blunt, closely tiledlike-

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