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706 340. Herbertus. 13. HEPATIC^. PlcellfoL JuDgermannia atlunca, Dickson Crypt. 3, 1'2. Jungermannia juniperina adunca, Hooker Jung. 4. On shady spots of alpine mountains. Tufts thick ; leaves yellowish brown. XXVII. 341. LIPPIUS. Lippius. Monoicous? Male. ? Fem. Calyx from the side of the stem, subterraneous, affixed to the upper edge, cylm- drical, pouchshaped; mouth circular, fringed with scales; calyptra enclosed; peduncle ]omWess, long; capsule oblong, 4-valved; valves streaked lengthways and across; seeds spherical; elaters affixed to the valves ; helices double, ra- ther closely twisted. Leaves S-rowed, stipuled. Lipphis vitiadosus. Sprigged Uppjus. Stem lying down, branched; leaves slightly tiledlike, horizontal, flat, ovate, not cut; stipules broad, ovate, irre- gularlv toothed. Lichenastrum capitulis nudis, Irichomanis facie, foliolis densins cone:est\\us, Dillen in Rail Syn. iU, ^2. ^ Jungermaania viticulosa, Lin. S. P. 1597; Engl. Bot. 2513; Hooker Jung. 60. On mountains on the ground, and on mosses and other jungermannide^ ; spring. XXVIII. 342. KANTIUS. Ka?it. Monoicous? Male. ? Fem. Calyx from the side of the stem, subterraneous, affixed by the upper edge, cylin- drical, pouchshape; mouth circular, crenated; calyptra enclosed pe^^^^2c/e jointless, long; capsule oblong, 4 valved, ; valves spiral, streaked lengthways and across seeds sphe- ; rical elaters affixed to the valves ; helices double, rather ; closely twisted. Kantius trichomanis. Leaves 2-rowed, stipuled. Trichomanes kant. Stem lying down, seldom branched; leaves tiledlike, horizontal, convex, ovate, sometimes nicked ; stipules rounded, crescentshape. Mnium trichomanis facie, foliolis bifidi?, Billen Muse. 31,6. Milium trichomanis facie, foliis integris, mUen Muse. 31,5. Mnium Trichomanes, Lin. S. P. 1579. Mnium fibsum, izn. S. P. 1579. „ ., , ^ nn Jungermannia trichomanis, Dickson Crypt. 3,8; HooicerJung, 79. Jungermannia scalaris, Schmid. Jung. 20. Jungermannia fissa, ScopoU Cam. 2, 348. Jungermannia sphserocephala, Withering Arr. 3,S3^. On moist places in heaths and woods ; summer. Forms large patches of a glaucous green colour.

Pl.cell.fol 14. MUSCI. 707 Fam. II. 14. MUSCI. Most botanists. Cryptogamce calyptratcB opercidutce, Mohr. Flowers unisexual Male. Anthers oblong, spherical, networked, bursting irregularly, pedicelled, in the axilla of the perichetial leaves; pollen granular. — Fem. Flowers terminal or lateral ; pw^i//^ many, clustered, only one fertile, style terminal ; stigma expanded ; calyptra covering the pistiils, bursting across at bottom, rising up with the capsules; calyx. 0; perichetial leaves surrounding the calyptra ; capsule pedicelled, valvelcss, operculated ; columella central ; mouth fringed, fringe single or double ; lid mostly deciduous ; seeds roundish, attached to the columeUa elaters 0. Plants small, texture compactly cellular; leaves mostly with a main rib, "undivided or slightly toothed. A. Perislo7ne 0. Capsule 4-valved Andrea, 34S. Caps, not cut, sessile; recept. pedicelled Sphagnum. ,344. Caps, not cut, pedicelled ; recept. sessile lid adnate Phascum. 345. Caps, not cut, pedicelled; recept. sessile; lid deciduous, at last jagged Schistostega. 346. Caps, not cut, pedicelled; recept. sessile; /id! deciduous ; ca /?//)/?•« bellshaped .. Anictangium. 347. Caps, not cut, pedicelled ; recept. sessile; lid deciduous ; calyptra halved .... Gymnostomum. 348. B. Peristome single, formed of a membrane only. Peristome conoid, folded Diphyscium. 349. C. Peristome single, formed of teeth or hairs. Teeth of the peristome 4 Tetraphis. 350. Teeth eight pair Splachnum. 351. Teeth 16, cohering at the tip Conostomum. 352. Teeth 32, tips joined by a membranePoLYTRiCHUM. 353. Teeth 32, twisted, anastomosing at bottom CiNCLiDOTUS. 354. Teeth 32, twisted, joined by a membrane , . . .' Tortula. 355. Teeth 16, not divided, straight, free; calyptra bellshape, or mitrelike, smooth Encalypta. 356. Teeth 16, not divided, straight, free; calyptra bellshape or mitrelike, furrowed Grimmia, 357. 2 z 2

Pl.cell.fol 14. MUSCI. 707<br />

Fam. II. 14. MUSCI. Most botanists. Cryptogamce<br />

calyptratcB opercidutce, Mohr.<br />

Flowers unisexual Male. Anthers oblong, spherical,<br />

networked, bursting irregularly, pedicelled, in the axilla of<br />

the perichetial leaves; pollen granular. — Fem. Flowers<br />

terminal or lateral ; pw^i//^ many, clustered, only one fertile,<br />

style terminal ; stigma expanded ; calyptra covering<br />

the pistiils, bursting across at bottom, rising up with the<br />

capsules; calyx. 0; perichetial leaves surrounding the calyptra<br />

; capsule pedicelled, valvelcss, operculated ; columella<br />

central ; mouth fringed, fringe single or double ; lid mostly<br />

deciduous ; seeds roundish, attached to the columeUa<br />

elaters 0. Plants small, texture compactly cellular; leaves<br />

mostly with a main rib, "undivided or slightly toothed.<br />

A. Perislo7ne 0.<br />

Capsule 4-valved Andrea, 34S.<br />

Caps, not cut, sessile; recept. pedicelled Sphagnum. ,344.<br />

Caps, not cut, pedicelled ; recept. sessile<br />

lid adnate Phascum. 345.<br />

Caps, not cut, pedicelled; recept. sessile;<br />

lid deciduous, at last jagged Schistostega. 346.<br />

Caps, not cut, pedicelled; recept. sessile;<br />

/id! deciduous ; ca /?//)/?•« bellshaped .. Anictangium. 347.<br />

Caps, not cut, pedicelled ;<br />

recept. sessile;<br />

lid deciduous ; calyptra halved .... Gymnostomum. 348.<br />

B. Peristome single, formed of a membrane only.<br />

Peristome conoid, folded Diphyscium. 349.<br />

C. Peristome single, formed of teeth or hairs.<br />

Teeth of the peristome 4 Tetraphis. 350.<br />

Teeth eight pair Splachnum. 351.<br />

Teeth 16, cohering at the tip Conostomum. 352.<br />

Teeth 32, tips joined by a membranePoLYTRiCHUM. 353.<br />

Teeth 32, twisted, anastomosing at<br />

bottom CiNCLiDOTUS. 354.<br />

Teeth 32, twisted, joined by a membrane<br />

, . . .' Tortula. 355.<br />

Teeth 16, not divided, straight, free;<br />

calyptra bellshape, or mitrelike, smooth Encalypta. 356.<br />

Teeth 16, not divided, straight, free;<br />

calyptra bellshape or mitrelike, furrowed Grimmia, 357.<br />

2 z 2

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