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696 336. Jungermannia. 13. HEPATIC^. Pl.celLfoL 4'. Jiwgermannia albescens. Whitish jungermann Stem creeping, branched ; leaves verj concave, nearly hemispherical; sllpides ovate, lanceolate, blunt; fruit terminal, on short branches; calyx oblong, ovate; mouth toothed. Jiingermrinnia albescens, Hooker Jung. 12, et Svppl.^. _ On the ground in shady places. 5. Jungermannia harhata. Beardedjimgermann. Stem lying down, scarcely branched; leaves rounded, 4-sided, 3 or 4-cut; stipules lanceolated, acutely 2-cut, edge jagged; ^n/z^ terminal; calyx ovate; mouth contracted, toothed. Lichenastrum trichornanis facie; foliolis miiltifidis, capitulis e suininis ranuilis nasceiitibus, Dillen in Raii Syn. 113,21. Jungermannia barbata, Schreb. Lips. 107 ; Engl. Bat. 25, 7 ; Hooker Jung. 70. Jungermannia quinquedentata, Hudson Angl. 511. Jungermannia Florkii, Weber et Mohr. Germ. 410. Jungermannia dichotoma, Schleich. Cent. 2, 57. Jungermannia gracilis, Schleich. Cent, 3, 6. Jungermannia quadridentata, iViilf in Berl. Mag. 8, 154. On subalpine rocks and in woods on them ; March to May. jS. wi7ior. Stem elongated at top, ascending; lower leaves open, upper very closely tiledlike, bud bearing. 6. Jungermannia Francisci. Francis' jungermann. Stem nearly upright, simple or branched ; leaves ovate, concave, acutely nicked; stipules minute, ovate, 2-cut ;y'/7«7 terminal, on short branches ; calyx oblong cylindrical, slightly plaited; mouth toothed. Jungermannia bifida, Schmidel Icones, 244 et 250. Jungermannia Francisci, Hooker Jung. 49. On moist ground ; March to June. 7. Jungerma7inia stipulacea. Large-stipuledjuiigermann. Stem lying down, simple; leaves round; tip acutely nicked, lobes pointed, straight ; stipules large, ovate, pointed, toothed on one side, near the base ; fruit lateral calyx reverse- ovate, tip slightly plaited; mouth contracted, bluntly toothed. Jungermannia stipulacea, Hooker Jung. 41. On shady rocks in woods. 8. Jungermannia lidentata. Two-toothedjungermann. Stem lying down, branched ; leaves broad, ovate, decurlentj tip ^-cut, lobes very pointed, not jagged ; stipules 2

Pl.cell.foL 13. HEPATIC^. 336. Jungermannia. 697 or 3-c«t or jagged ; Jhdt terminal ; calyx oblong, nearly three-cornered; mouth jagged. Lichenastrutn trichomanis facie, foliolis bifidis, majus, jRflii Sj/n. 113, 19. Jungermannia bidentata, Lin. S. P. 1598; Engl. Bot. 606; Hooker Jung. 30. On moist ground in shady places ; March to September. /3. ohlusata. Leaves bluntly nicked, blackish green ; stipules many-cut. 9. Jungermannia heterophylla. Oddleavedjiwgermann. Stem lying down, branched ; leaves rounded, ovate, decurrent, tip rarely acutely nicked, mostly bluntly, or undivided ; stipules 2 or 3-cut, sometimes rather jagged ; fruit terminal; calyx ovate, bluntly three-cornered; mouth jagged. Lichenastriim pinnulis obtusioribus bifidis, minus, Dillen Muse. 488. Jungermannia heterophylla, Schrad. Jour. Bot. 5, 66 ; Hooker Jung. 31. Jungermannia bidentata minor, Leers Herhon. 249, Jungermannia bicuspidata, Engl. Bot. 281, not the syn. On rocks and the bark of trees ; male, November ; female, spring. c. Stem compressed ; leaves 9,-rowed, 2-lohed ; hies un- equal, conduplicated ; stipules 0. 10. Jnnger. cochleariformis. Snailshape jungerynann. Stem lying down, scarcely branched ; leaves closely tiledlike above; upper lobe largest, convex, tip 2-cut, toothed; lower lobes oblong, ovate, inflated. Lichenastrum trichomanis facie, praelongum foliis concavis unam partem spcctantibus. Rail Syn. 112, 17. Mniura Jungermannia, Lin. S. P. 1379. Jungermannia cochleariformis, VFeiss Crypt. 123; Engl. Bot. 2500; Hooker Jung. 68. Jungermannia purpurea, Scop. Cam. 2, 347. On mountain-bogs. \\. Jungermannia exsecta. Cut-out jungermann. Stem lying down, scarcely branched; leaves unequally 2-lobed, slightly folded together ; lower lobe largest, ovate, pointed, concave ; tip often 2-toothed ; upper lobe minute^ toothlike. Jungermannia exsecta, Schmidel Icon, 241 ; Hooker Jung, 19. Jungermannia globulifeia, var. 1, Iloth Germ, 3, 381. On moist boggy heaths.

Pl.cell.foL 13. HEPATIC^. 336. Jungermannia. 697<br />

or 3-c«t or jagged ; Jhdt terminal ; calyx oblong, nearly<br />

three-cornered; mouth jagged.<br />

Lichenastrutn trichomanis facie, foliolis bifidis, majus, jRflii Sj/n. 113,<br />

19.<br />

Jungermannia bidentata, Lin. S. P. 1598; Engl. Bot. 606; Hooker<br />

Jung. 30.<br />

On moist ground in shady places ; March to September.<br />

/3. ohlusata. Leaves bluntly nicked, blackish green ; stipules<br />

many-cut.<br />

9. Jungermannia heterophylla. Oddleavedjiwgermann.<br />

Stem lying down, branched ; leaves rounded, ovate, decurrent,<br />

tip rarely acutely nicked, mostly bluntly, or undivided<br />

; stipules 2 or 3-cut, sometimes rather jagged ; fruit<br />

terminal; calyx ovate, bluntly three-cornered; mouth<br />

jagged.<br />

Lichenastriim pinnulis obtusioribus bifidis, minus, Dillen Muse. 488.<br />

Jungermannia heterophylla, Schrad. Jour. Bot. 5, 66 ; Hooker Jung. 31.<br />

Jungermannia bidentata minor, Leers Herhon. 249,<br />

Jungermannia bicuspidata, Engl. Bot. 281, not the syn.<br />

On rocks and the bark of trees ; male, November ; female,<br />

spring.<br />

c. Stem compressed ; leaves 9,-rowed, 2-lohed ; hies un-<br />

equal, conduplicated ; stipules 0.<br />

10. Jnnger. cochleariformis. Snailshape jungerynann.<br />

Stem lying down, scarcely branched ;<br />

leaves closely tiledlike<br />

above; upper lobe largest, convex, tip 2-cut, toothed;<br />

lower lobes oblong, ovate, inflated.<br />

Lichenastrum trichomanis facie, praelongum foliis concavis unam partem<br />

spcctantibus. Rail Syn. 112, 17.<br />

Mniura Jungermannia, Lin. S. P. 1379.<br />

Jungermannia cochleariformis, VFeiss Crypt. 123; Engl. Bot. 2500;<br />

Hooker Jung. 68.<br />

Jungermannia purpurea, Scop. Cam. 2, 347.<br />

On mountain-bogs.<br />

\\. Jungermannia exsecta. Cut-out jungermann.<br />

Stem lying down, scarcely branched; leaves unequally<br />

2-lobed, slightly folded together ; lower lobe largest, ovate,<br />

pointed, concave ; tip often 2-toothed ; upper lobe minute^<br />

toothlike.<br />

Jungermannia exsecta, Schmidel Icon, 241 ; Hooker Jung, 19.<br />

Jungermannia globulifeia, var. 1, Iloth Germ, 3, 381.<br />

On moist boggy heaths.

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