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694 334. Mylius. 13. HEPATIC^. Pl.cell.foL 4. Mylius cuneifol'ms. Wedge-leaved mylius. Stem creeping, not branched ; leaves leather distant, wedgeshape, not cut or very bluntly nicked at the tip stipules small, ovate, pointed, rough. Jnngermannia cuneifolia, Hooker Jung. 64. On salviatus tamarisci; gen. 329, sp. 1. Flant extremely minute, like the filaments of a conferva in loose clusters. XXI. 335. NARDIUS. Nardi. Monoicous. Male. A7ithers spherical, pedicelled, clustered, in the axillae of the perichetial leaves. Fem. Calyx terminal, ovate ; mouth rather contracted, 4-toothed, imbedded in the perichetial leaves ; peduncle long, not jointed capsule roundish, 4-valved ; valves furrowed lengthways and across; seeds spherical; elaters on the valves; helices double, closely twisted. Leaves 2-rowed, uncut. 1. Nardius scalaris. Stair nardi. Stem creeping, not branched; leaves roundish, hollow, not cut nor nicked ; stipules broad-^wlshape ; perichetial leaves united together. Jnngermannia scalaris, Schrader Samml. 2, 4 ; Hooker Jung. 61. Jungermannia lanceolata, Engl. Bot. 605. On hedge-banks, on loamy soil, or woods. 2. Nardius compressus. Compressed nardi. Stem upright, slightly branched; leaves round: uppermost kidneyshape, pressed close ; stipules only on the shoots calyx oblong. Jungermannia compressa, Hooker Jung. 58. In mountain rivulets. Tiifts dense, purplish ; roots scarcely any. 3. Nardius emarginatus. Nicked nardi. Stem upright, branched ; leaves loosely tiledlike, spread- ing, reverse-hearted, nicked ; calyx ovate. Jungermannia emarginata, Ehrhart Beitr. 3, 80; Engl. Bot. 1022; Hooker Jung. 27. Jungermannia macrorhiza, Dickson Crypt. 2, 16. In very wet places, or alpine rivulets ; early in summer. (3. multijlorus. Capsules 2 or 3 in the same calyx j pe- duncles short.

Pl.cell.foL 13. HEPATICiE. 336. Jungermannia. G95 XXII. 336. JUNGERMANNIA. Ruppius. Jimgermaim. Monoicous. Male. Anthers spherical, pedicelled, clustered or solitary in the axillge of the leaA^es. Fem. Calyx terminal or axillary, ovate, cylindrical, mostly plaited ; mouth contracted, exserted, toothed; peduncle long, not jointed ; capsule ovate or spherical, 4-valved ; valves regu- larly streaked lengthways and across ; seeds spherical ; elaters on the valves; helices double. Leaves 2-rowed or tiledlike ; buds at the tips of the branches. a. Siem compressed ; leaves Q,-rowed, 2-cut^ lohes unequal, condupUcate, stipuled. 1 Jungermannia cil'iaris. Fringed jungermann. Stem lying down, pinnately branched; leaves very convex, unequally 2-lobed, lobes ovate, 2-parted, fringed ; cilise long, slender; stipules nearly 4-sided, 4 or 5-lobed at the end, with long cilise; fruit lateral; calyx reverse ovate; mouth contracted, toothed. Lichenaslrum scorpioides pulchruin villosum. Dill, Muse. 69,3. JiiDs;ermannia ciliaris, Lin. S. P. 1601 ; Engl, Bot. 2241 ; Hooker Jung. 65. Jungermannia pulcherriraa, Weber Spic. 151. Jungermannia Leersii, ^oi/i Gecm. 2, 402. On rocks and heaths. 2, Jungermannia Woodsii. JVbods'' jungermann. Stem lying down, 2 or 3-pinnate ; leaves very convex, unequally 2-lobed ; upper lobe 2-parted, spinous, toothed ; lower very minute, oblong, scarcely cut; stipules large, ovate, 2-parted, spinous, toothed ; spurred on each side of the base. Jungermannia Woodsii, Hooker Jung. 66. On mountains. b. Stem compressed; leaves 'Z-rowed, 2 or 4

694 334. Mylius. 13. HEPATIC^. Pl.cell.foL<br />

4. Mylius cuneifol'ms. Wedge-leaved mylius.<br />

Stem creeping, not branched ; leaves leather distant,<br />

wedgeshape, not cut or very bluntly nicked at the tip<br />

stipules small, ovate, pointed, rough.<br />

Jnngermannia cuneifolia, Hooker Jung. 64.<br />

On salviatus tamarisci; gen. 329, sp. 1.<br />

Flant extremely minute, like the filaments of a conferva<br />

in loose clusters.<br />

XXI. 335. NARDIUS. Nardi.<br />

Monoicous. Male. A7ithers spherical, pedicelled, clustered,<br />

in the axillae of the perichetial leaves. Fem. Calyx<br />

terminal, ovate ; mouth rather contracted, 4-toothed, imbedded<br />

in the perichetial leaves ; peduncle long, not jointed<br />

capsule roundish, 4-valved ; valves furrowed lengthways<br />

and across; seeds spherical; elaters on the valves; helices<br />

double, closely twisted. Leaves 2-rowed, uncut.<br />

1. Nardius scalaris. Stair nardi.<br />

Stem creeping, not branched; leaves roundish, hollow,<br />

not cut nor nicked ; stipules broad-^wlshape ; perichetial<br />

leaves united together.<br />

Jnngermannia scalaris, Schrader Samml. 2, 4 ;<br />

Hooker Jung. 61.<br />

Jungermannia lanceolata, Engl. Bot. 605.<br />

On hedge-banks, on loamy soil, or woods.<br />

2. Nardius compressus. Compressed nardi.<br />

Stem upright, slightly branched; leaves round: uppermost<br />

kidneyshape, pressed close ; stipules only on the shoots<br />

calyx oblong.<br />

Jungermannia compressa, Hooker Jung. 58.<br />

In mountain rivulets.<br />

Tiifts dense, purplish ; roots scarcely any.<br />

3. Nardius emarginatus. Nicked nardi.<br />

Stem upright, branched ; leaves loosely tiledlike, spread-<br />

ing, reverse-hearted, nicked ; calyx ovate.<br />

Jungermannia emarginata, Ehrhart Beitr. 3, 80; Engl. Bot. 1022;<br />

Hooker Jung. 27.<br />

Jungermannia macrorhiza, Dickson Crypt. 2, 16.<br />

In very wet places, or alpine rivulets ; early in summer.<br />

(3. multijlorus. Capsules 2 or 3 in the same calyx j pe-<br />

duncles short.

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