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690 332. Cavendishia. 13. HEPATIC^. Pl.cell.fol. cylindrical ; mouth truncated, serrate, slit on one side peduncle short, not jointed ; capsule spherical, seeming- 4

PLcellfol 13. HEPATIC^. 333. Martinellius. 691 a. Leaves 2-lohed., lobes unequal, coJiduplicate ; fruit terminal. \. Martinelliiis complanatus. Flattened martinellL Stem creeping, vaguely branched ; leaves 2-rowed, imbricate above; upper lobe largest, orbicular, lower lobe ovate, flat ; calyx oblong ; mouth naked. Licheuastrum imbricatum majiis, Rati Syn. Ill, 10. Jungermannia couiplanata, Lin. S. P. 1133; Engl. Bot. 2499; Hooker Jung. 8 i On the trunks of trees ; all the year. Leaves flat, pale green. (3. minor. Leaves more convex, brownish green. 2. Martinelliiis resupinatus. Lying-down martinelli. Stem lying down, seldom branched ; leaves roundish, lobes nearly equal, edge not cut ; calyx oblong ; mouth toothed. Jungerinannia resupinata, Lin. S. P. 1598; Hooker Jung. 23. On loamy heaths, under heath ; May and June. 3. Martinellius undidatus. Wavy martinelli. Stem upright, slightly forked ; leaves lobes roundish, wavy, lower lobes largest; calyx oblong; mouth naked. Lichenastrum piniiis auriculatis majoribus et non crenatis, Dillen Muse. 71, n. Jungermannia undulata, Lin. S. P. 1598; Engl, Bot. 225; Hooker Jung. 22. On wet places, especially alpine ; May to July. 4. Martinellius iimhrosus. Shady martinelli. Stem upright, two-forked; leaves lobes serrated at the end, lower lobes largest, ovate; upper roundish, ovate; calyx mouth naked. Jungermannia umbrosa, Schrader Samml, 2, 5 ; On damp mountainoiis places ; Hooker Jung, 24. April and May. 5. Martinellius planifolius. Flat-leaved martinelli. Stem upright, slightly branched ; leaves nearly 2-parted at the base, toothed ; lower lobe largest, ovate ; upper heartshape, blunt. - On Jungermannia planifolia, Hooker Jung, 67. damp places, in mountains. Fructification unknown. 2 Y 2

690 332. Cavendishia. 13. HEPATIC^. Pl.cell.fol.<br />

cylindrical ; mouth truncated, serrate, slit on one side<br />

peduncle short, not jointed ; capsule spherical, seeming-<br />


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