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PLcelLfol. 13. HEPATICiE. 328. Maurocenius. 687<br />

XIV. 328. MAUROCENIUS. Maurocejii.<br />

Monoicous. Male. Anthers spherical, pedicelled, scattered<br />

on the upper face of the stem, uncovered. Fem. Calyx<br />

terminal, simple, bellshaped, jagged, surrounded by<br />

five bracteaj-, peduncles continued; capsule spherical, very<br />

thin, networked, bursting irregularly ; seeds spherical,<br />

rough ; elaters short; helices ^o\\\Ae.—Leaves 2-rowed5 many-<br />

cut, base parallel to the stem ; stipules 0.<br />

Mauroceiiius pusillus. Tiny mauroceni.<br />

Stem lying down, nearly simple ; leaves bluntly crenated.<br />

Lichenastriim minimum capilulis nigris lucidis, DHlen in Rail Syn.<br />

110,3.<br />

JiinE;ermannia pusilla, Lin. S. P. 1602; Engl. Bot. 1175; Hooker<br />

Jung. 69.<br />

J imgerniannia angulosa, Dkfcson Crypt. 1,7.<br />

JungerQiannia pygmsea, TViilf in Berl, Mag. 8, 151.<br />

On moist banks in clayey soils ; October to May.<br />

Plant matted ; roots deep purple ; perichetial leaves ;<br />

odour similar to calamus aromaticus.<br />

XV. 329. SALVIATUS. Salviaii.<br />

Monoicous. Male. Anthers spherical, olive-green, pedicelled,<br />

scattered, axillary; pedicells long, streaked Across.<br />

— Fem. Calyx terminal or lateral, reverse ovate or reverse-<br />

heartshape, compressed below, triangular ; mouth con-<br />

tracted, dep];essed ; peduncle short ; capsule spherical,<br />

4-valved ; internal base orbicular ; valves regularly networked<br />

; seeds spherical, tuberculated ; elaters tubular, attached<br />

to the tip of the valves ; helix single. Thallus<br />

creeping, branched; leaves 2-rowed, stipuled, 2-cut, segments<br />

unequal, conduplicate, lower segment smallest, sack-<br />

like, pressed close, inflated.<br />

1. Salviaius tamarisci. Tamarisk salviatii<br />

Stem pinnately branched ; leaves upper lobes ovate,<br />

roundish, lower lobes reverse-ovate ; stipules rather square,<br />

nicked, edge turned over; fruit terminal, on the branches;<br />

calyx reverse-ovate, smooth.<br />

Lichenastrum<br />

73, 31.<br />

imbricatum, tamarisci Narbonensis facie, DiUen Muse,<br />

JuDgermannia tamarisci, Lin. S. P. 1600 ; Hooker Jung. 6.<br />

Jungerraannia rubiginosa, Neckar Pal. 2, 447.<br />

Jungeimannia dilaUUa, Roth Germ. 3,406.<br />

Jiiiigermaiiuia nigricans, Lamarckc Encycl, 3,283.<br />

On exposed alpine hills.

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