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42 . INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY, 6. Duration. Once-fruiting, Plantcs monocarpiece. once in their lite. Bearing fruit only 1 Ephemeral, epheynercE^ fugaces. Lasting only a few days, or even hours. Tremella, many fungi. 2. Annual, annucB, Lasting near a whole summer. Hordeum. 3. Biennial, liennes. Producing leaves only the first year, and flowers and fruit in the succeeding. Verbascum decurrens, CEnothera biennis. 4. Slow growing, perennes. Being several years before they flower, and dying soon after. Agave. Many-fruiting, polycarpicce. Bearing fruit several times during their life. 1. Perennial, perennes, restihilia, rhizocarpiece. Dying clown to the ground every year, and in the following producing new flowering stems. Aster. 2. Arborescent, caulocarpiece, fruticosce. The stem itself lasts during the life of the plant. Trees, shrubs. 7. Mode of production. Seed-bearing, Plantce seminiferce. Bearing seeds. Most plants. Gongyliferous, gongyliferce. Bearing gongyles or spores. Mosses, Algas. Stool-bearing, Stoloniferce. Throwing out stools, siolones, which take root. Pilosella. Runner-bearing, viticulosce. Throwing out runners, vilicidce, sarmenia, or flagella, which, take root from space to space. Shoot-bearing, s?ircidifh-ce. Throwing out shoots, sur- culi, from the crown of the root, which may be separated, and will then produce a new plant. Oliva europsea. PropacuUfercB. Throwing out a shoot terminating by a leaf-bud, which, when separated from the original plant, will grow. Sempervivum. ? Bulbous, h'llhoscE. Furnished with a bulb, under ground, throwing up leaves and a stem. Lilium, Tulipa, AUium, Cepa. Bulbilliferous, hulhillifercp, sobolij'ercp. Producing small bulbs, lulbilli, propagines, bacilli, soholes, sautellce, on the axillae of their branches, or leaves, or elsewhere, above ground. Criniun bulbifcrum. Allium. 3

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 43 51 Wild, sylvestres, agrestes. Growing without the assistance of man. Cultivated, sativce. Sown, or planted by man. 8. Mode of Growth. * Stemless, PlantcB acaules. Growing without any stem. Plantago lanceolata, Bellis perennis. Stalked, plants. caulescerdes. Growing with a stem. Most % Outside-growing, exogeva-. Growing by their bark, and in arborescent plants depositing layers of woods internally. Inside-growing, e?idngence. Growing by their summit only, not increasing in diameter, the outside being the older. 9. Repetition offlowering. Once bearing, Plantce unifei-ce. Bearing flowers once a year only. Most plants. Twice flowering, lifercB. Bearing flowers twice a year. Monthly, multifercB. Flowering several times in a year, as in some roses. 10. Position of certain Parts. Root-flowering, Plantce rhizanthce. The flower growing on the root. Stem-fruiting, caulocarpce. The fruit growing on the stem. Calicosiemones. The stamens growing on the calyx. Gynandrous, gynandrce. The stamen growing on the pistil. Calyx-flowering, calyciflorce. The corolla growing on the calyx. Thalamiflora. The corolla growing on the receptacle. 11. Sex. Neuter, Plantce neiiircs, agenico, agamae, gynfncicB. In which sexual organs have not been discovered. Fungi, lichens. Cryptogamous, cryptogames. The sexual organs diflicult to be discovered from their small size, their form, or situa- tion. Mosses. * Phenogamous, phcpnogamce. The sexual organs very distinct and visible. Lily, Rose.

42<br />

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6. Duration.<br />

Once-fruiting, Plantcs monocarpiece.<br />

once in their lite.<br />

Bearing fruit only<br />

1 Ephemeral, epheynercE^ fugaces. Lasting only a few<br />

days, or even hours. Tremella, many fungi.<br />

2. Annual, annucB, Lasting near a whole summer.<br />

Hordeum.<br />

3. Biennial, liennes. Producing leaves only the first<br />

year, and flowers and fruit in the succeeding. Verbascum<br />

decurrens, CEnothera biennis.<br />

4. Slow growing, perennes. Being several years before<br />

they flower, and dying soon after. Agave.<br />

Many-fruiting, polycarpicce. Bearing fruit several times<br />

during their life.<br />

1. Perennial, perennes, restihilia, rhizocarpiece. Dying<br />

clown to the ground every year, and in the following producing<br />

new flowering stems. Aster.<br />

2. Arborescent, caulocarpiece, fruticosce. The stem itself<br />

lasts during the life of the plant. Trees, shrubs.<br />

7. Mode of production.<br />

Seed-bearing, Plantce seminiferce. Bearing seeds. Most<br />

plants.<br />

Gongyliferous, gongyliferce. Bearing gongyles or spores.<br />

Mosses, Algas.<br />

Stool-bearing, Stoloniferce. Throwing out stools, siolones,<br />

which take root. Pilosella.<br />

Runner-bearing, viticulosce. Throwing out runners,<br />

vilicidce, sarmenia, or flagella, which, take root from space<br />

to space.<br />

Shoot-bearing, s?ircidifh-ce. Throwing out shoots, sur-<br />

culi, from the crown of the root, which may be separated,<br />

and will then produce a new plant. Oliva europsea.<br />

PropacuUfercB. Throwing out a shoot terminating by a<br />

leaf-bud, which, when separated from the original plant,<br />

will grow. Sempervivum. ?<br />

Bulbous, h'llhoscE. Furnished with a bulb, under ground,<br />

throwing up leaves and a stem. Lilium, Tulipa, AUium,<br />

Cepa.<br />

Bulbilliferous, hulhillifercp, sobolij'ercp. Producing small<br />

bulbs, lulbilli, propagines, bacilli, soholes, sautellce, on the<br />

axillae of their branches, or leaves, or elsewhere, above<br />

ground. Criniun bulbifcrum. Allium.<br />


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