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PLcelLfol. 13. HEPATIC/E. 321. Cyathophora. 683<br />

VII. 321. CYATHOPHORA. Cupbearer.<br />

Dioicous. Male .... Fem. Receptacle of the capsules<br />

hemispherical; calyx 0', calyptra tubular; capsules globu-<br />

lar, tip 4 or 5-toothed, many-valved, valves linear ; receptacle<br />

of the buds orbicular, flattish. Pedicells from beneath<br />

the lobes of the thallus.<br />

Cyathophora angusl'ifolia. Narrrow-leaved cupbearer.<br />

Receptacle of the capsules hemispherical, 4-lobed; cap-<br />

sules 4- ; thallus membranaceous, semi-pellucid ; edge sinuated.<br />

Marchantia androgyna, Lin. S. P. 1605.<br />

On damp places.<br />

VIII. 322. STAUROPHORA. Esenbeck. Crossbearer.<br />

Monoicous. Male .... Fem. Receptacle of the capsules<br />

-i-cut, crosslike; calyx 0? capsules ovate, 4-valved, valves<br />

spreading; receptacles of the buds crescentlike, flattish.<br />

Peduncle of the fruit from the upper face of the thallus,<br />

surrounded by a tubular perithecium.<br />

Staurophora pulchella. * Pretty crossbearer.<br />

Thallus oblong, forked, light green, opake, veinless.<br />

Lichen sive Hepatica lunulata, s7rt(pvK?-.6Ka^7ro;, Rail Sijn. ed. 2 ; 41, 6.<br />

Lichen pileatuj parvus, capitulo criicis instar se expandente, BiUen in<br />

Rail Syn. US, 2.<br />

Maiciiantia cruciata, Lin. S. P. 1604.<br />

Stauropliora pulchella, Esenh. in Berl. Mag.<br />

On shady places and garden walks ; perennial ; June to<br />

October.<br />

E. JuNGERMANNiDE^. Male. Anther round, sessile, or<br />

globular, pedicelled, axillary. Female solitary : calyx tubular,<br />

single, double, sometimes 0; capsules pedicelled,<br />

4-valved, very rarely valveless and bursting irregularly;<br />

elatprs tubular ; helices single or double ; buds oblong,<br />

scattered. Thallus frondose or leafy; areoles not ending<br />

in a pore.<br />

IX. 323. RICCARDIUS. Riccardi.<br />

Male. Anthers spherical, on the upper face of<br />

the thallus, imbedded in it, or surrounded by a perithecium.<br />

Fem. from near the edge of the lower face ; calyx<br />

single, bellshape, very short; mouth expanded, lobed,

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