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'Nectar. Juices secreted by glands placed upon the organs<br />

of fructification.<br />

Glaucous bloom, Pollen glancum. Pruina. A substance<br />

like wax, upon certain leaves and fruits, to preserve them<br />

from moisture.<br />

Milk, Lac. An emulsive liquid, usually white and opake.<br />

4. Pace.<br />

Primitive, PlantcB primigenia;. Species originally created,<br />

and not formed by crossing from others.<br />

Mule, hyhides. Species not originally created, but<br />

formed by the pollen of one species being absorbed by the<br />

female organ of another species. Veronica hybrida, Primula<br />

cortusoides, Delphinium hybridum, Sorbus hybrida.<br />

5. Consistence.<br />

Spumescent, Plantcc spumescentcs. Like a scum. Spumaria<br />

Mucilago.<br />

Gelatinous, gelatinoscR. Like jelly. Tremella.<br />

YxxngowS', fungos(E. Solid, elastic, soft. Boletus igniarius.<br />

Corky, suherosce. Solid, elastic, hard. Many Fungi.<br />

Fleshy, carnosce. Thick, juicy, but firm. Tuber cibarium.<br />

Memb)'anous, memlranacece, memhranosce. In a thin<br />

flake, flexible, rather juicy. Many ulvse and fuci.<br />

Leathery,*<br />

Many fuci.<br />

coriacece. Tough, flexible, rather thick.<br />

Horny, cornefE. Dry,<br />

transparent. Many fuci.<br />

hard, compact, flexible, semi-<br />

Crustaceous, cn/stacece. Dry, hard, friable, in form of<br />

a crust. Lepraria, Variolaria.<br />

Filamentous, jilameniosce. In long, slender threads,<br />

either simple or branched. Conferva.<br />

Herbaceous, herhacece. Stem and branches do not form<br />

a solid wood, but perish after a few months' vegetation,<br />

and are covered with a bark, usually green, of the same<br />

consistence as the leaves.<br />

Woody, lignoscB. Stem and branches at first weak like<br />

herbs,<br />

years.<br />

but form a solid wood, and vegetate for several<br />

Succulent, succulenicB. Thick, juicy, with much cellular<br />

texture, and few fibres. Sedum, Sempervivum leciorum.<br />

yi\\k.y,lnctescentes. Containing a milky juice. Euphorbia,<br />

Lactuca virosa, Sonchus.

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