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Pl.cell.apk. 11. HYMENOTHECE^. 297. Helot. 661<br />

2. Helotium ceruginosimi. Brassy head-slooL<br />

Thalli in clusters, bright green ; cap concave, variously<br />

shaped, edge irregular.<br />

Helvella aeruginosa, Sowerby Fungi, 347 ;<br />

Persoon Syn. 617.<br />

On decayed wood, vi'hich it turns of a light green.<br />

3. Helotium infundibuliformis. Funnelshape head-stool.<br />

Thalluslar^e; stem thick, pale-brovi?n ; cap hemispheri-<br />

cal ; above blackish, becoming concave ; beneath pale.<br />

Helvella infundibuliformis, Scheeff. Fung, 277 ;<br />

In damp shady places.<br />

Sowerby Fungi, 133.<br />

LVI. 298. RELHANUM. Relhan.<br />

Thallus stipitate; cap conical, bellshape, edge curtainlike,<br />

beneath smooth ; sporidia on the silky upper surface<br />

of the cap.<br />

Relhanum con'icmn. Conical Relha7i.<br />

Stem cylindrical, pipey, yellowish ; cap above brown,<br />

beneath yellow.<br />

Phallu? conirus, Fl. Dan. 654.<br />

Helvella Relhani, Sowerby Fungi, 11.<br />

Leoiia? conica, Persuon Syn. 613.<br />

On chalk-hills.<br />

0. Helve LLiDE^. Thallus fleshy, long; cap mitrelike,<br />

plaited or cellular, like network ; hymenium smooth, expanded.<br />

LVH. 299. MORCHELLA. Dillenius. Moretl.<br />

Stem hollow ; cap conical, above cellular in network<br />

sporidia over the whole surface.—Wholesome, and fine<br />

flavoured.<br />

1. Morchella esculenta. Eatable morell.<br />

Thallus yellowish ; stem filled up ; cap contracted at the<br />

bottom.<br />

Fungus favaginosus, Park. 1317; Rail Syn. 11,7. -.<br />

Phallus esculentus, Lin. S. P. 1648.<br />

Helvella esculenta, Sowerby Fungi, 51, left-hand fig.<br />

Morchella esculenta, Persoon Syn. 618.<br />

White morells.<br />

In woods, especiallywhere fires have been madei spring.<br />

When dry, used to flavour soups, as also the following.

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