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'652 286.Heric. 11. HYMENOTHECE^. Pl.ceU.aph. XLIV. 286. HERICIUM. Persoon. Spine-slool. Thallus clublike, simple or branched; prickles covering every part.— Wholesome. Hericmm coralloides. Coral-like spiiie-stool. Thallus large, much branched ; branches crowded, bent in; prickles iervumSiX, rather bundled. Hydnum coralloides, Sowerby Fungi, 232 ; Persoon Syn, 252. In woods, upon oak and other trees. Esculent. L. THELEPHORiDEiE. Tliallus leathery, rarely with a cap ; hymenium smooth, hairy or warty, expanded. XLV. 287. CRATERELLA. Persoon. Crater-stool. Stem central; cap round, umbilicated or funnelshape; centre shaggy. Cratella caryophyllea. Pink crater-stool. Thallus varying ; cap funnelshape, thin, brown then purple; edge generally cut, rather crisp. Craterella ambigua, Persoon Comment. 128. Helvella caryophyllea, Dickson Crypt. 1,20. Thelephora caryopiiyilea, Persoon Syn. 365. In fir plantations, on the ground. XLVI. 288. STEREUM. Persoon. Stereum. Cap semicircular, at length horizontal. J . Stereum laciiiiatum. Jagged stereum. Thallus tiledlike, dark brown; cap thin, jagged, crisp, beneath rough with nipples crowded together. stereum laciniatum, Persoon Obs. Myc. 1,86. Auricularia caryophyllea, Sowerby Fungi, 213? Thelephora laciniata, Persoon Syn. 567. On trees, near their roots. 2, Stei-eum ruhiginosum.' Rusty stereum. Thallus tiledlike, stiff, rusty chestnut, smooth on both faces ; nipples scattered, large. Helvella rubiginosa, Dickson Crypt. 1,20. Auricularia rubiginosa, Sowerby Fungi, 26. Thelephora rubiginosa, Persoon Syn. 567. On the mossy trunks of oak and other trees.

PLcelLaph. ll.HYMENOTHECE^. 288.Stereum. 65.3. 3. Stereum ferrugineum. Ferruginous stereum. Thallus spreading, turned back, rust-colour; cap thin, slightly woolly, smoothish ; beneath hairy. Tlielephora varieg;ata, Schrad. Germ. 185. Auricularia tabacina, Sowerby Fungi, 25. Tlielephora ferruginea, Fersuon Syti. 369. On fallen sticks, in woods. 4. Stereum hirsutiim. Shaggy stereum. TlialU in tufts, leatherlike, yellowish, shaggy; underneath bald. Auricularia reflexa, Sowerby Fungi, 27. Thelephora hirsuta, Persoon Syn. 570. On trees and palings. 5. Stereum mesenteriaim. Caivl stereum. Thallus large, leathery, gelatinous ; cap horizontal, rather thin, with impressed zones, woolly, greyish-brown ; beneath turning purple, with scattered, longitudinal folds. Helvella mesenlerica, Dickson Crypt. 1,20. Tlielephora mesenterica, Persoon Syn. 571. On trees. XLVII. 289. CORTICIUM. Persoon. Bark^ear. Thallus spread, attached by its back, nipply. Cortichim quercirium. Oak bark-ear. Thallus attached lengthways, leatherlike, wrinkly, rather fleshy; edge somewhat turned in ; beneath brown. Auricularia corticalis, Withering Arr. 4,377. Thelephora quercina, Persoon Syn. 573. On the branches of oak-trees. XLVIII. 290. MERISMA. Persoon. Branch-ear. Thallus branched, leatherlike, compressed, smooth; tip mostly hairy. 1. Merisma cristatum. Crested branch-ear. Thallus rather lying down, encrusting, pale; branches jagged, thickened, wrinkly. Clavaria laciniata, Sowerby Fungi, 158. Merisma cristatum, Persoon Syn. 583. In woods, on the ground.

'652 286.Heric. 11. HYMENOTHECE^. Pl.ceU.aph.<br />

XLIV. 286. HERICIUM. Persoon. Spine-slool.<br />

Thallus clublike, simple or branched; prickles covering<br />

every part.— Wholesome.<br />

Hericmm coralloides. Coral-like spiiie-stool.<br />

Thallus large, much branched ; branches crowded, bent<br />

in; prickles iervumSiX, rather bundled.<br />

Hydnum coralloides, Sowerby Fungi, 232 ; Persoon Syn, 252.<br />

In woods, upon oak and other trees.<br />

Esculent.<br />

L. THELEPHORiDEiE. Tliallus leathery, rarely with a<br />

cap ; hymenium smooth, hairy or warty, expanded.<br />

XLV. 287. CRATERELLA. Persoon. Crater-stool.<br />

Stem central; cap round, umbilicated or funnelshape;<br />

centre shaggy.<br />

Cratella caryophyllea. Pink crater-stool.<br />

Thallus varying ; cap funnelshape, thin, brown then<br />

purple; edge generally cut, rather crisp.<br />

Craterella ambigua, Persoon Comment. 128.<br />

Helvella caryophyllea, Dickson Crypt. 1,20.<br />

Thelephora caryopiiyilea, Persoon Syn. 365.<br />

In fir plantations, on the ground.<br />

XLVI. 288. STEREUM. Persoon. Stereum.<br />

Cap semicircular, at length horizontal.<br />

J . Stereum laciiiiatum. Jagged stereum.<br />

Thallus tiledlike, dark brown; cap thin, jagged, crisp,<br />

beneath rough with nipples crowded together.<br />

stereum laciniatum, Persoon Obs. Myc. 1,86.<br />

Auricularia caryophyllea, Sowerby Fungi, 213?<br />

Thelephora laciniata, Persoon Syn. 567.<br />

On trees, near their roots.<br />

2, Stei-eum ruhiginosum.'<br />

Rusty stereum.<br />

Thallus tiledlike, stiff, rusty chestnut, smooth on both<br />

faces ; nipples scattered, large.<br />

Helvella rubiginosa, Dickson Crypt. 1,20.<br />

Auricularia rubiginosa, Sowerby Fungi, 26.<br />

Thelephora rubiginosa, Persoon Syn. 567.<br />

On the mossy trunks of oak and other trees.

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