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650 281.Hydnum. U.HYMENOTHECE^. PLcelLapL K. Hydnideje. Folva 0; collar 0', cap leatherlike or fleshy; liijmen'mm. prickly; prickles awlshape, not divided. —None are known to be poisonous. XXXIX. 281. HYDNUM. Dillenius. Prickle-stool. Stem central ; cap regular, round, fleshy, convex. Hydmim imhricatum. Tiled prickle-stool. Cap umbiiicated, umber-brown, scaly; scales thick, nearly upright, darker. Hydnura Syn. 554. imbricatum, Lin, S. P. 1647; Sowerby Fungi, 13; Persopn In fir plantations. Esculent. XL. 282. DENTINUM. Micheli. Dentino. Stem nearly central ; cap regular, round, fleshy, umbi- iicated. 1. Dejitimim repandum. Spread dentino. Tkallus pale flesh-colour ; stem tuberous, rather eccen- tric; cap wrinkled, bent, slightly lobed, bald; prickles rather thick, many, compressed. 555. Hyduuni lepanduni, Lin. S.P. 1647 ; In woods. 2. Dentinum rufesceris. Sowerby Fungi, 176; Persoon Syn. Reddish dentino. Stem rather slender, nearly cylindrical ; cap rather thin, fleshy, slightly woolly, flesh-red; prickles pointed, slightly compressed, yellowish. Hydnum rufescens, Bolton Fung, 88 ; In woods. Persoon Syn. 555. XLI. 283. AURISCALPIUM. Earpick-stool. S/e-m lateral, naked; cap leatherlike, membranaceous, nearly round. Auriscalpium vulgare. Common eai'pick-stool. Thallus hay-colour ; cop halved, leatherlike. Hydnum Auriscalpium, Lin. S. P. 1648 ; Persoon Syti. 557. On the cones of fir ; all the year.

Pl.celLaph. 1 1. HYMENOTHECE^. 284.Steccher. 651 XLII. 284. STECCHERINUM. Mich. Hedgehog-stool. Stem ; cap semicircular, horizontal. 1. Sleccherhmm ochraceiim. Ochry hedgehog-stool. Thallus spreading, turned back, j'ather tiledlike ; cap ieatherlike, thin, zoned, ochraceous ; prickles minute, yellow flesh-colour. Hvdnum Daviesii, Sowerby Fungi, 15. Hydnum ochiaceum, Persoon Si/n. 559. On fir-trees. 2. Sfecchcrinum gelat'inosum. Gelatinous hedgehog-stool. Thallus gelatinous, glaucous white; stem lateral; cap flat on both faces. Hydnum gelatinosum, Persoon Syn. 560. On the branches of firs. 3. Steccherinum quercinum. Oak hedgehog-stool. Thallus large, convex, yellowish-white, leatherlike; prickles very long, hanging down in stages. Hydnum Erinaceus, Bull. Champ. 34; Persoon Syn. 550. On old oak-trees. Esculent. XLIII. 285. ODONTIA. Persoon. Toothless-stool. Thallus spreading, attached by its back; prickles round. —Wholesome. tip. 1 Odontia ohtusa. Blunt toothless-stool. Thallus white; prickles cylindrical, blunt, villous at the Fungoides hiimile ex albido livescens, apicibiis tenuissinie crenatis, Dillen in Rail Syn. 14, 7. Hydnum obtusum, Schrader Germ. 178; Persoon Syn. 562. On felled trees. 2. Odontia diaphana. Transparent toothless-stool. Thallus paperlike, transparent; prickles awlshape, scat- tered. Hydnum diaphanum, Schrader Germ. 178; Persoon Syn. 563, On beech-trees.

650 281.Hydnum. U.HYMENOTHECE^. PLcelLapL<br />

K. Hydnideje. Folva 0; collar 0', cap leatherlike or<br />

fleshy; liijmen'mm. prickly; prickles awlshape, not divided.<br />

—None are known to be poisonous.<br />

XXXIX. 281. HYDNUM. Dillenius. Prickle-stool.<br />

Stem central ; cap regular, round, fleshy, convex.<br />

Hydmim imhricatum.<br />

Tiled prickle-stool.<br />

Cap umbiiicated, umber-brown, scaly; scales thick,<br />

nearly upright, darker.<br />

Hydnura<br />

Syn. 554.<br />

imbricatum, Lin, S. P. 1647; Sowerby Fungi, 13; Persopn<br />

In fir plantations.<br />

Esculent.<br />

XL. 282. DENTINUM. Micheli. Dentino.<br />

Stem nearly central ; cap regular, round, fleshy, umbi-<br />

iicated.<br />

1. Dejitimim repandum. Spread dentino.<br />

Tkallus pale flesh-colour ; stem tuberous, rather eccen-<br />

tric; cap wrinkled, bent, slightly lobed, bald; prickles rather<br />

thick, many, compressed.<br />

555.<br />

Hyduuni lepanduni, Lin. S.P. 1647 ;<br />

In woods.<br />

2. Dentinum rufesceris.<br />

Sowerby Fungi, 176; Persoon Syn.<br />

Reddish dentino.<br />

Stem rather slender, nearly cylindrical ; cap rather thin,<br />

fleshy, slightly woolly, flesh-red; prickles pointed, slightly<br />

compressed, yellowish.<br />

Hydnum rufescens, Bolton Fung, 88 ;<br />

In woods.<br />

Persoon Syn. 555.<br />

XLI. 283. AURISCALPIUM. Earpick-stool.<br />

S/e-m lateral, naked; cap leatherlike, membranaceous,<br />

nearly round.<br />

Auriscalpium vulgare. Common eai'pick-stool.<br />

Thallus hay-colour ; cop halved, leatherlike.<br />

Hydnum Auriscalpium, Lin. S. P. 1648 ;<br />

Persoon Syti. 557.<br />

On the cones of fir ; all the year.

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