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634 259.Copnn, ll.HYMENOTHECE^. Pl.ccll.aph. Agaricus cylindricus, Sovscrby Fungi, 189. Agaricus porceilaneus, Schcrffer Fung. A6 & 47. Agaricus comatus, Persoon Syn. 396. In grass-ground, gardens, and on dunghills; autumn. 9. Coprinus plicatus. Plailed diwg-stool. ThalU in tufts; cap bellshape, plaited, brownish grey, scaly at the tip, edge at last turned up; gills crowded, broad, at first purplish-brown, hoary. . In Agaricus plicatus, Curtis Lontl. 101 ; Persoon Syn. 396. Agaricus fimetarius, Soicerby Fungi, 188. meadows, hedges, and near villages. 10. Coprinus picaceus. Pitchy dung-slool. Stem very long, bulbous, naked ; cap bellshape, very tender, whitish, afterwards breaking into broad scattered scales; gills becoming bare, crowded, umber-brown. Agaricus picaceus, Sowerby Fungi, 397 ; Persoon Syn. 397. Among rubbish, and heaps of rotting plants. 11. Coprinus ohlectus. Attractive dung-stool. Stem collared at the bottom ; cap whitish, woolly, vanishing; gills becoming bare, at first red. Agaricus oblectus, Bolton Fung. 142; Persoon Syn. 397. On dunghills. 12. Coprinus cinereus. Grey dung- stool. Stem long, scaly ; cap conical, furrowed, rather woolly, grey; tip smooth, livid; edge at last torn, bent in; gills linear, dotted, slightly bent. Agaricus cinereus, Schcsff. Fung. 100; Persoon Syn. 39S. In gardens and woods. &' |3. tomentosvs. Stem short, cylindrical, downy ; cap oblong, at first pyramidal, then bellshape, torn ; gills numerous, narrow, pale ; edge black. Agaricus tomentosiis, Bolt. Fung. 156. y. pullatus. Stem long, bellied, whitish; cap bellshape, plaited, black. Agaricus pullatus, Bolt. Fung. 20. In pastures and on dunghills. 1.'5. Coprinus disseminatus. Disseminated dit?ig-stool. TlialU crowded, small, ephemeral; stem generally bent; cap half-oval, streaked, plaited, ochry-yellow, growing grey; gills distinct, half-annexed, brovvnisli-white.

Pl.cell.aph. ll.IIYMENOTHECEiE. 259.Copnn. 635 Agaricus copriiius disseminatus, Persoon Syn. 403. On the trunks of willows, especially when hollow ; autumn. /3. strlatus. Thallus rather large. Agaricus striatus, Sowerhi) Fungi, 166. 14. Coprinus domest'icus. House dung'-stool. Cap bellshape, blunt, waved, furrowed, smoke-grey scales branny ; gills crowded, linear, forming a collar, greyish-red, growing blackish-brown. Agaricus coprinus doinesticus, Persoon Si/n. 404. Agaricus domesticus, JBoU. Fung, 26. In houses near moist walls. \ 5. Coprinus pidcher. ~ Handsome ditng-sfool. Thallus tender, ephemeral ; stem long, reddish-white cap umbilicated, flattish, plaited; plaits broadish, grey; gills free, distant, forming a collar. Agaricus coprinus pulcher, Persoon Syn. 404. Agaricus semistriatus, Fl. Dan, 1134. Agaricus plicatus, Curtis Land. In well-dunijed 2;ardens. 16. Coprinus radidtus. Radiated dung-stool. Thallus very minute, grey, ephemeral; stem threadlike; cap grows flattish, splitting in rays ; centre ochre-yellow j gills distant. Agaricus radiaUis, Bolt. Fung. 39 ; Persoon Syn. 40T. Agaricus ephemerus, Bull. Herb. 342. In grass-land in woods, on horsedung ; autumn. Thallus very tender, blown down by the breath. D. AsTEROPHORiDEiE. Folua ; stem centra] ; collar ; cap hemispherical, texture fibrous, beneath lamellar, above woolly, at length bursting, becoming floccular; gills bar- ren, naked; sporidia stellate, intermixed with theflocci. XVIII. 260. ASTEROPHORA. Ditmar. Starhead. Stem central, orbicular ; sporidia stellate. yisterophora lycoperdoides. Lycoperdon starhead. Stem woolly, greyish; cap woolly, fawn-colour; gills rather gelatinous, thick, slightly prominent, gyey. Agaricus lycoperdoides, Bull. Herb. 519; Persoon Syn. 325. On rotten mushrooms, especially omphalia adusta. Stem above an inch long, rather bent; cap half an inch over.

634 259.Copnn, ll.HYMENOTHECE^. Pl.ccll.aph.<br />

Agaricus cylindricus, Sovscrby Fungi, 189.<br />

Agaricus porceilaneus, Schcrffer Fung. A6 & 47.<br />

Agaricus comatus, Persoon Syn. 396.<br />

In grass-ground, gardens, and on dunghills; autumn.<br />

9. Coprinus plicatus. Plailed diwg-stool.<br />

ThalU in tufts; cap bellshape, plaited, brownish grey,<br />

scaly at the tip, edge at last turned up; gills crowded,<br />

broad, at first purplish-brown, hoary.<br />

. In<br />

Agaricus plicatus, Curtis Lontl. 101 ;<br />

Persoon Syn. 396.<br />

Agaricus fimetarius, Soicerby Fungi, 188.<br />

meadows, hedges, and near villages.<br />

10. Coprinus picaceus. Pitchy dung-slool.<br />

Stem very long, bulbous, naked ; cap bellshape, very tender,<br />

whitish, afterwards breaking into broad scattered<br />

scales; gills becoming bare, crowded, umber-brown.<br />

Agaricus picaceus, Sowerby Fungi, 397 ;<br />

Persoon Syn. 397.<br />

Among rubbish, and heaps of rotting plants.<br />

11. Coprinus ohlectus. Attractive dung-stool.<br />

Stem collared at the bottom ; cap whitish, woolly, vanishing;<br />

gills becoming bare, at first red.<br />

Agaricus oblectus, Bolton Fung. 142; Persoon Syn. 397.<br />

On dunghills.<br />

12. Coprinus cinereus. Grey dung- stool.<br />

Stem long, scaly ; cap conical, furrowed, rather woolly,<br />

grey; tip smooth, livid; edge at last torn, bent in; gills<br />

linear, dotted, slightly bent.<br />

Agaricus cinereus, Schcsff. Fung. 100; Persoon Syn. 39S.<br />

In gardens and woods.<br />

&'<br />

|3. tomentosvs. Stem short, cylindrical, downy ; cap oblong,<br />

at first pyramidal, then bellshape, torn ; gills numerous,<br />

narrow, pale ; edge black.<br />

Agaricus tomentosiis, Bolt. Fung. 156.<br />

y. pullatus. Stem long, bellied, whitish; cap bellshape,<br />

plaited, black.<br />

Agaricus pullatus, Bolt. Fung. 20.<br />

In pastures and on dunghills.<br />

1.'5. Coprinus disseminatus. Disseminated dit?ig-stool.<br />

TlialU crowded, small, ephemeral; stem generally bent;<br />

cap half-oval, streaked, plaited, ochry-yellow, growing<br />

grey; gills distinct, half-annexed, brovvnisli-white.

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