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616 24.9.Crepid. ll.HYMENOTHECE^. Pl.cell.apk.<br />

VII. 249. CREPIDOPUS. Esenbeck. Slipper-stool.<br />

Volva 0; stem marginal or 0; collar 0; cop fleshy, depressed,<br />

semicircular, oblique; gills decurrent.<br />

1 Crepidopus ostreatus. Oyster slipper-stool.<br />

Thalli slightly stipitate, in imbricated bundles ; cap convex,<br />

grey or brownish, reverse-ovate ; gills white, decurrent,<br />

anastomosing at bottom.<br />

Agariciis ostreatus, Curtis Lond. 216; Persoon Syn. 477.<br />

On the trunks of trees.<br />

0. atro-alhus. Thalli in tufts; stem lateral, short, dirty<br />

white; cap fleshy, plano-convex, edge turned over, blackish<br />

gills decurrent, veiny, white.<br />

Agaricub nigricans, Fl. Dan, 892.<br />

Agaricus ostreatus, Suwerby Fungi, 241.<br />

2. Crepidopus mollis. -<br />

SoJ't slipper-stool.<br />

Thalli gregarious, soft; cop bald, bunched, pale; gills<br />

watery, brownish.<br />

Agaricus mollis, Dickson Crypt. 1, 17; Sowerby Fungi, 98; Persoon<br />

Syn. 480.<br />

On rotten trees; autumn.<br />

3. Crepidopus stypticus. Styptic slipper-stool.<br />

Thalli in close tufts ; stem compressed, ascending, dilated<br />

at bottom ; cap leatherlike, nicked, rather tough, somewhat<br />

powdery; gills very thin, connected by veins, cinnamoncolour.<br />

Agaricus stypticus, Bull. Herb, 140 ; Sowerby Fungi, 109; Persoon Syn.<br />

481.<br />

On dry trunks of trees ; autumn and mild winters.<br />

Taste at first nauseously sweet, afterwards styptic.<br />

4. Crepidopus variabilis. Variable slipper-stool.<br />

Thalli gregarious, stemless; cap rather woolly, white;<br />

gills whitish, afterwards rust-colour.<br />

Agaricus niveus, Dickson Crypt. 1, 17 ; Sowerby Fungi, 97.<br />

Agaricus sessilis, Bu//?ard ^er&. 152.<br />

Agaricus variabilis, Persoon Syn. 483.<br />

Agaricus pubescens. Ft. Dan. 1073.<br />

In damp woods or hedges, upon sticks.<br />

5. Crepidopus epigceus. Ground slipper-stool.<br />

Cap kidneyshape, brittle, reddish-grey ; bottom villous,<br />

whitish; gills distinct, watery, reddish, diverging.

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