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614 24.7.0mphal. U.HYMENOTHECEiE. Pl.cell.aph.<br />

c. Thallus blackish^ smoke-grey, grey, livid or inclining<br />

io violet.<br />

14. Omplialia adusta. Burnt navel-stool.<br />

Thallus rather large; stem solid, shortish, grey; cap<br />

fleshy, depressed, olive-grey, afterwards black, as if burnt<br />

gills thick, palish-white.<br />

Agaricus nigricans, Bull Herb. 379.<br />

Agaricus adus!\is, Persoon Syn. 459.<br />

In woods, on the ground; autumn.<br />

In their black state taken for the remains of fires made<br />

by gypsies.<br />

jS. elephantinus. Thallus large, at first white.<br />

Agaricus elephantinus, Sowerby Fungi, 3G.<br />

15. Omplialia clixa. Sodden navel-stool.<br />

Thallus large; stem solid, rather long; cap fleshy, slightly<br />

depressed, turned back, stiff, blackish-grey ; gills pale, rather<br />

decurrent.<br />

Agaricus elixus, Sovcerbyi Fung. 172 ;<br />

In damp meadows ; autumn.<br />

Perjoon Syn. 460.<br />

16. Omphalia cyathoides. Cyathus navel-stool.<br />

Roots numerous, fibrous ; stem very long, bulbous ; cap<br />

rather thin, at first flattish, then funnelshape, umber-brown<br />

gills decurrent, whitish-brown.<br />

Agaricus cyatlioides, Bolton Fung. 145 ; Persoon Syn, 460.<br />

On an old hot-bed ; February.<br />

17. Omphalia tarda. Late vavel-stool.<br />

Thallus tough, blackish-brown ; stem conical, elastic<br />

cap funnelshape ; edge turned back, smooth.<br />

Agaricus Infundibulum, Leyser Halens.<br />

Agaricus sericeus, Plan. Erfurt. 73.<br />

Agaricus sordidus, Dickson Crypt. Brit. 1, 16,<br />

Agaricus cyathiformis, Bull. Herb. bib.<br />

Agaricus tardus, Persoon Syn. 461.<br />

In woods on the ground, or on trees ; late in autumn.<br />

18. Omphalia amethystea. Amethyst navel-stool.<br />

Thalli gregarious, rather tough, when fresh light violet,<br />

turning greyish ; stem long, fibrilled, slender ; cap umbilicated<br />

; gills distant.<br />

Agaricus amethjsteus, Persoon Syn. 46b; Sowerby Fungi, 187.<br />

On trees, or at their roots, in shady woods ; early in autumn.

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