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570 210. Licea. .9. GASTEROMYCEiE. PLcellaph.<br />

2. Liceafragiformis. Strawlerry hare-mould.<br />

Sporangia cylindrical, in hemispherical tufts, at first<br />

fulvous-red, afterwards pale- brown; sporidia brown.<br />

Tubifera ferruginosa, Gmelin Syst. Nat. 2, 1472.<br />

Tubulifera arachnoidea, Jacq. Miscel. 1, 144.<br />

Tubulifera Cremor, (Eder Fl. Dan. 659.<br />

Stemonitis ferruginosa, Batsch. Fung. 175.<br />

Tubulina fragiformis, Persoon Syn. 198.<br />

On rotten trunks of trees ; autumn.<br />

X. 211. DERMODIUM. Link. Flight-mould.<br />

Spora?igium irregularly formed ; peridium single^, membranaceous,<br />

very thin, vanishing; sporidia very numerous,<br />

conglomerate.<br />

1. Dermodium inquinans. Dirtying Jlight-moidd.<br />

sporidia black.<br />

Sporangium widely expanded, black j<br />

Dermodium inquinans, Link in Berl. Mag. 3.<br />

On the trunks of trees.<br />

2. Dermodium fallax. Deceiving flight-mould.<br />

Sporangium umber-brown; surface warty, cellular; spO"<br />

ridia in tufts, cylindrical, globular.<br />

Dermodium fallax, Esenbeclc Syst. 2,29.<br />

On the trunks of trees.<br />

C. PHYSARiDEiE. Peridivm thin, single or double, rei^ular,<br />

mostly pedicelled, skinny, the outer falling into an-<br />

flocci adnate to the base of the peridium, not<br />

gular pieces ;<br />

extending beyond it; sporidia collected into a ball ; columella<br />

mostly distinct.<br />

XL 212. DIDYMIUM, Schrader. Skin-mould,<br />

Sporangium nearly globose; peridia double, both mem-<br />

laranaceous, crustlike, falling to pieces ; columella distinct,<br />

nearly globular ; sporidia globular.<br />

1. Didymium candidum. WJiite skin-mould.<br />

Sporangia sessile, smooth, globular or rather hemisphe*<br />

rical, snow-white.<br />

Diderma globosum, Persoon Syn. 167.<br />

On decayed leaves; autumn.<br />

Resemble the eggs of insects.

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